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• Commuter aircraft certificated under 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 23 are required to have, at
a minimum, a one-shot fire extinguishing system.
• When we say commuter aircraft, these are the aircraft that weighs less than 19,000 lbs. These are the
business aircraft, most commonly seen in general aviation.
• All transport category aircraft certificated under 14 CFR part 25 are required to have two discharges (exit
ports), each of which produces adequate agent concentration.
• Transport Category Aircraft includes B777, A320, and B737.


• The containers of the fire extinguishing systems are typically at the rear part of the engine.
• This is an ideal design. Each engine manufacturer has a different configuration of the extinguishing system.
Although they have the same concept where the fire bottles distribute extinguishing agents to the
designated areas in the engines and APU.
• For each engine of the A320, it has two fire bottles or fire containers.
• The APU of the A320 consist of one fire bottle.


• The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has categorized fires and identified those extinguishing
agents most effective on each class.
o Class A – a fire with solid combustible material such as paper, plastic, and rubber. o
Class B – a fire that has a combustible liquid such as gasoline, fuel, alcohol, and
paint. o Class C – a fire which involves energized electrical equipment such as a
short circuit. o Class D – A fire in which a metal such as magnesium burn.

We determine the classifications of fire because there are specific extinguishing agents that are used to
eliminate these classifications of fire.
• The most basic extinguishing agent that we know of is water, but water is only applicable to Class A fire. It
is not applicable to Class B, Class C, and Class D fires.
• Fore example, in Class B fires, petroleum/oil and water are not compatible. It does not matter however we
mix the two liquid materials, it will simply not mix. As such, it is useless to use water to extinguish Class B
• There are other forms of extinguishing agents that are more effective in Class B fires. The same goes with
other classifications.
• Water will energize electrical current. As such, it is not advisable to use the water extinguishing agent for
Class C fires.
• Also, water will have a chemical reaction with the metal burning. As such, it will energize the fire.


• Fire is a chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen.

• The most effective for aircraft fires is the application of a chemical compound that combines with the
oxygen to prevent it from reacting in fuel.
• The fixed fire extinguisher systems used in most engine fire protection systems are designed to dilute the
atmosphere with an inert agent that does not support combustion. It eliminates or stops the reaction to
• The types of fire extinguishing system installed in aircraft engines are the CO2 systems and high-
ratedischarge (HRD) systems.
• The CO2 systems are used in older aircraft, while the high-rate-discharge (HRD) system is used in modern


• The fire extinguishing agents are stored in fire containers or fire bottles.
• Fire extinguisher containers (HRD bottles) store a liquid halogenated extinguishing agent and pressurized
gas (typically nitrogen) normally manufactured from stainless steel.
• Halogenated extinguishing agents are liquified gas that is used to extinguish by chemically reacting with
the combustion chain reaction. These are gas in original state but it becomes liquified.
• Containers are also available in a wide range of capacities and re-produced under Department of
Transportation (DOT) specifications or exemptions.
• It is most
commonly constructed in a
spherical shape to reduce
weight. It is lighter.
• Since it is installed in the
aircraft, weight is a big factor.
If the fire containers weigh a
lot, it will
affect the performance of the aircraft.

• As such, as much as possible, the fire containers must be lightweight.
• It has the following parts: o Discharge outlet - It is the port where the extinguishing agent will go
out in case of fire.
Accessories installed in fire extinguisher containers are:
o Discharge valves o
Pressure indication
o Two-way check


• Discharge valves are installed on the containers.

• A cartridge (squib) and frangible disk type valve are installed in the outlet of the discharge valve assembly.
• It regulates the flow of the extinguishing agent. In case of fire, it opens in order for the extinguishing agent
to travel to the specific fire zones.
• Two types of cartridge disk-release techniques are used:
o Standard release type
▪ it uses a slug driven by explosive energy to rupture a segmented closure disk.
▪ It is mechanically driven.
▪ Slug driven means that there is a mechanism inside the cartridge that snaps the cartridge
in order to break the closure disk (disk that restricts the flow of the extinguishing agent).
o Direct explosive impact type
▪ It does not snap the cartridge.
▪ It destroys the cartridge by means of explosion.
▪ It directly destroys or ruptures the cartridge in the discharge valve.
▪ This is most commonly used in hermetically sealed units which applies fragmentation
impact to rupture a prestressed corrosion resistant steel diaphragm.
• Most containers use conventional metallic gasket seals that facilitate refurbishment following discharge.


• A wide range of diagnostics are utilized to verify the fire extinguisher agent charge status.
• A simple visually indicated gauge is available, typically a vibration-resistant helical bourdon-type indicator.
• The purpose of the pressure indicator is to check if the amount of pressure inside the fire bottle is correct.
• This pressure is needed in times of fire in order for the extinguishing agent to flow.
• Once the trigger is pressed in a typical fire extinguisher, the extinguishing agent immediately releases. This
is due to the pressure contained inside.
• A combination gauge switch visually indicates actual container pressure and also provides an electrical
signal if container pressure is lost, precluding the need for discharge indicators.
• This pressure indicator is monitored by the flight crew by means of electrical signals.
• The pressure indicator will send signals to the flight deck if the pressure is correct or lost.



• A complete line of two-way check valves is available, manufactured from either lightweight aluminum or


Discharge indicators provide immediate visual evidence of container discharge on fire extinguishing systems.
• Two kinds of indicators can be furnished:
o Thermal
o Discharge

Both types are designed for aircraft and skin mounting.


• The thermal discharge indicator is connected to the fire container relief fitting and ejects a red disk to
show when container contents have dumped overboard due to excessive heat.
• The agent discharges through the opening created when the disk blows out.
• This indication gives information to flight crew and maintenance crew that the fire extinguisher should be
replaced before the next flight.


• If the flight crew activates the fire extinguisher system, a yellow disk is ejected from the skin of the aircraft
• This is usually used in testing equipment.
• This indication informs the maintenance crew that the fire extinguishing system had been activated by the
flight crew.
• In a real scenario, the flight crew is inside the cockpit while the maintenance crew, most of the time, is
outside. When the maintenance crew are monitoring the fire extinguishing system, they use this as an
• Every time the fire extinguishing bottle/container is used, it should be replaced before the next flight. This
will allow for its function to be in the correct state (extinguishing agent pressure and amount) for the next


• This is used to activate the fire extinguishing system.

• Fire switches are typically installed on the center.
• When the fire switch is activated, the following happens: the engine stops because the fuel control shuts
off, the engine is isolated from the aircraft systems, and the fire extinguishing system is armed.
• The types of switch used in a fire switch are pull switch, pull and turn switch, and push-type switch.
• The following are the fire switch positions:
o Center o Open o Closed
• The following are the fire switch parts:
o Engine Fire Override Switch o Push-pull Contacts o
Rotary Contacts
o Electrical Connector – It allows the flight crew to activate the
fire extinguishing system through electrical signals.
o Engine Fire Warning Light
• If the switch is released electrically form the lock position, the solenoid will be energized.
• If the switch is released manually from the lock position, engine fire override switch is pushed down.
If the switch is pulled, it will go back to the lock position.
• The flight crew will press on the fire switch when the warning system activates.



• Visible (warning lights) and audible (fire alarm) warning systems are installed in the cockpit to alert the
flight crew.
• The indications automatically stop when the fire is extinguished or eliminated.


• Before a fire extinguishing system is operated, the engine must be stopped to reduce the discharge of
flammable fluids and air into the fire area.
• It automatically shuts down because the fuel supply is cut off.
• After a fire has been extinguished, no attempt must be made to start the engine again as this would
probably re-establish the fluid leak and the ignition source that were the original causes of the fire.
• Engine fire may begin again if the engine is turned back on after extinguishing the fire, probably due to fuel
leak and faulty systems.
• When the fire is eliminated, remain engine shut off so that the investigators and maintenance crew can
find the source of fire.


• A complete fire protection system incorporates both the detection and the extinguishing systems.
• In transport category aircraft, detection system alone or extinguishing system alone is not enough.
• Detection System alone - there is no means to eliminate the fire.
Extinguishing System alone - it cannot eliminate fire without alarming or warning the crew.



• Fire Extinguisher Containers, also known as HRD bottles, store a liquid halogenated extinguishing agent
and pressurized gas (typically nitrogen) normally manufactured from stainless steel.
• Most aircraft containers are spherical in design, which provides the lightest weight possible.
• The following are the parts of a fire extinguisher container: o Nameplate – Labels each of the fire bottles.
o Fill Fitting – The opening where the fire bottle is filled with an extinguishing agent.
o Discharge Outlet – The opening where the extinguishing agent will pass through once the fire
bottle has been operated.
o Cartridge – A reversible disc that the squib will puncture to expel the extinguishing agent. In other
designs, it will explode to allow the extinguishing agent to disperse. o Caution Tag – A hazard
warning label.
o Mounting Lug – The assembly attachment brackets of the fire bottle.
o Data Plate – It contains all of the information about the fire bottle. Including the pressure and
content of the bottle.
o Pressure Device – It is the Pressure Switch and Gauge Guard of the bottle. o Weldment – The
unit itself, both the lower hemisphere and upper hemisphere of the bottle. o Caution Plate – It
contains the material hazard warning of the bottle. FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM

• In this situation, all of the fire procedures have been done on the flight deck.
• As indicated on the overhead panel, the fire pb switch has been pushed and the squib discharge pb is now
• The flight crew will now proceed on the discharging of the fire bottle.


• Once the squib discharge pb has been pushed, it will send out a signal to the squib to power and puncture
the bursting disc.
• It will allow the extinguishing agent to flow out through the piping into the engine.
• Note: As the extinguishing agent goes into the engine, the pressure inside the fire bottle decreases and it
will send out a signal to the overhead panel, informing the flight crew that the bottle has discharged.
• Once the extinguishing agent has flowed to the piping leading to the engine, it will remove the yellow disc
in the process.
• It will leave a visible indication on the skin of the aircraft. This external indication will warn the ground
technicians that the fire bottle has been used and needs replacement before the next flight.





• Fire protection consists of the fire detection system and the extinguishing system.
• The Boeing B777 has two engine fire detection loops: loop 1 and loop 2. This means that each engine has
two detection loops.
• The fire detection loop will detect overheat or fire in the designated fire zone of the aircraft’s engine.
• A fire detection card in the system card file monitors the loops for fires, overheat conditions, and faults.
• The fire detection card monitors the temperature of the loops when in an event of fire, overheat
condition, or faults.
• There is a fire detection card for each engine. This simply means that each engine has an individual fire
detection card or the Fire Detection Control Unit.


• When the fire detection loops detect an overheat condition, the fire detection card sends signal to
the Airplane Information Management System (AIMS) and to the warning electronics unit.
• AIMS – The brain of the Boeing 777 aircraft. It is an avionics system and an integrated modular
avionics system providing the Boeing 777 full cockpit integration
• The AIMS integrates and provides several functions of several systems just like the cockpits display
system, flight management system, thrust management system (Autothrottle), aircraft condition
monitoring system, data communication management (Datalink), flight deck communication, Central
Maintenance System (CMS), and Flight Data Acquisition System.
• All the data of the aforementioned systems will go to the AIMS, including fire or overheating
conditions under the aircraft condition monitoring system.
• The following indication occur in flight deck in the event of overheat detection:
1) The master caution lights come on
2) The caution aural operates
3) An engine overheat caution message shows
• The message will show in the display monitor.
• In the event of fire, we have two conditions:
1) Overheat condition
2) Occurrence of fire
• If an engine fire occurs, fire detection card sends a signal to the AIMS and to the warning electronics
unit, and a warning message illuminates.
• The following indication occurs in the flight deck:
1) The master warning lights come on
2) The fire warning aural operates
3) An engine fire warning light comes on
4) The fuel controls switch fire warning light comes on
• The fire detection card measures the average temperature of the loops.

• This data goes to AIMS through the system’s ARINC 629 buses (data bus) and is recorded by the
aircraft condition monitoring function
• ARINC stands for Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated which is a company that makes data buses.
• Data bus – It is used to transfer data; from mechanical data to computer data of the aircraft.
• Information is recorded by the Aircraft Condition Monitoring System.
• Every fire occurrence in an aircraft engine will be recorded in the Aircraft Condition Monitoring
• The fire detection cards do not only monitor overheat conditions, temperature changes, or fires in
the detection loops. It also monitors faults.
• The fire detection card monitors the two loops and their wiring for defects.
• In normal loops (dual loop operation), both loops must have a fire or overheat condition to cause
flight deck indications.
• In case of failure in the detection loop:
1) The fire detection card will send data to the AIMS.
2) A status message will show in the cockpit display.
3) The system will change into a single-loop operation.
• In a single-loop operation mode, fire or overheat condition occurs when one loop is defective and the
other has a fire or overheat condition.
• The reason why an engine has two loops is that in case a loop fails, there will still be a remaining loop
that functions.
• The fire detection card monitors the loop for faults.
• In normal operation, both loops must have a fire or overheat condition to cause the flight deck
• In normal operation, the detection loops will send a signal for overheating conditions or fire in case of
a change in temperature on the fire zone.
• If one detection loop is faulty, the fire detection card will send data to the AIMS and show a status
• In case both loops fail, an advisory message and status message is displayed. The fire protection
system of the B777 can no longer detect fires and indications are not available.
• For example, when both loops of Engine 1 are not functioning, there is no detection system in the
Engine 1 fire zone.
• Therefore, these loops must be checked for functionality.
• Built-in test equipment (BITE) performs a test of the engine fire detection system for these
1) When the system first
gets power
2) After a power
3) Every 5 minutes of

• The purpose of this is to check the integrity and functionality of the fire protection
system, including detection and extinguishing system.
• [Figure 1] The
B777 Fire Detection
System has the
following components:
1) Engine Fire Detectors
2) Detection Loops (1 &
4) ARINC 629 Buses
5) Fire Detection Card
6) Fuel Control (Run and
7) Engine
Discharge Bottle /Fire
Container switches
8) Fire/Overheat Test
9) Pressure Switch Cargo Fire/Engine Control Panel
• [Figure 2] The circuit diagram of the fire detection system. The electronics is represented as a
circuit diagram.
• Also called the fire bottles.
• The B777 airplane has two fire extinguishing bottles that contains Halon fire extinguishing agent
pressurized with nitrogen.
• The engine fire switches in the flight deck are pulled and rotated to release the extinguishing agent
• The extinguishing agent (Halon) from each bottle can be discharged to the right or left engine.
• Engine indicating crew alerting system (EICAS) message, status messages, and indicator lights show
when the bottle pressure is low.
• EICAS is the display system in cockpit. It is only used for Boeing aircraft.
• Airbus aircraft has a different display system which is the Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor
• The advisory messages, status messages, and maintenance messages will appear in the EICAS.
• [Figure 3] The fire bottles located in the B777. The fire bottles are located behind the right side
walllining of the forward cargo compartment, aft of the cargo door.
• There are two fire bottles. Furthermore, there are two fire switches. One for each engine.
• In the upper part of the Engine Fire Switch is an indicator. It will light up to indicate if the discharge
bottles or one of the discharge bottles/containers is discharging an extinguishing agent.

• Discharge Manifold – It
allows the extinguishing agent to
flow going to the discharge nozzle in the
designated fire zone of the engine.
• The two engine fire extinguishing bottles
are identical. Each bottle
following components are:
1) A safety relief and fill port – It
opens if the pressure inside the
container is too high in order to
prevent the explosion of the container.
2) A handle for removal and installation
3) A pressure switch
▪ It gives flight deck indications when the
bottle pressure decreases.
▪ The pressure switch is used by the crew to
monitor the pressure of the extinguishing
container in the flight deck.
▪ The switch monitors the pressure inside
the extinguishing bottle and is normally open.
▪ When the pressure decreases because of a leak or bottle discharge, the switch
closes an indicating circuit.
4) Two discharge assemblies
▪ Extinguishing agent goes out in this area when the squib is removed or destroyed.
▪ It contains the following:
a. Squib
• The squib is installed in the discharge assembly at the bottom of the
fire container.
• A fire container has two squibs, one for each engine because there
are two discharge assemblies.
• In order to rapture the squib or cartridge, it is an electrically
operated explosive device.
• By exploding the squib it fires a slug through the breakable disk, and
nitrogen pressure inside the bottle pushes the Halon through the
discharge port.
• If the squib raptures or breaks, the pressure of the nitrogen allows
the extinguishing agent to discharge at the discharge port.
• The squib is used only to hold the extinguishing agent of the fire
containers. Once it is broken, it allows the extinguishing agent to
travel out to the designated fire zone.
• The squib fires when the fire switch is pulled and turned to the
DISCH 1 or DISCH 2 position.
b. Discharge Port

5) An identification plate
6) Four mounting lugs – It is the mounting of the extinguishing container to the airframe of the
• [Figure 5] A closer diagram to the fire extinguishing containers.
• There are several manifolds.
• The bottle 1 is connected to the left and right engine, as well as the bottle 2.
• It doesn’t mean that the bottle 1 is only for the left engine, as well as the bottle 2.
• The extinguishing agent of the bottles can transfer to the engine with fire.
• Pulling the engine fire switch arms the appropriate discharge squib on each engine fire bottle.

• For example, when the flight crew pulls and turns the left engine fire switch to the “1” position, the
Bottle 1 will discharge a fire extinguishing agent to the left engine.
• If the fire is still there and the extinguishing agent in Bottle 1 is consumed, the Bottle 2 can be used.
• The crew can identify the presence of fire through the indicating systems inside the cockpit.
• [Figure 6] A closer look in the discharge assembly. This is where the extinguishing agent will go out to
the designated fire zones.

• The electrical connector will snap out the squib in order for the extinguishing agent to go out.
• The diaphragm is the connection between the discharge assembly and extinguishing container.
• The discharge port is where the extinguishing agent exits.


• It is located on the Captain’s side.
• In older models, it is located somewhere in the center pedestal of the cockpit.
• It is composed of the:
1) Engine bottle discharge light
2) Engine fire warning light
3) Engine fire override switch
4) Engine fire switch
5) Electrical connector 6) Quick release fastener
• The functions of engine switches:
1) Gives an indication of an engine fire
2) Stops the engine
3) Isolates the engine from the airplane systems
4) Controls the engine fire extinguishing system
• The fire switch assembly incorporates a solenoid that locks the fire switch so that the flight crew
cannot pull it accidently.
• If an engine has a fire, the fire warning light comes on and the solenoid energizes to release the
• When the solenoid is energized, the fire switch can be pulled.
• When the fire detection system malfunctions or the solenoid is defective, we can override the switch
by manually pushing the override switch (red).
• When the fire switch is pulled, the switch isolates the following aircraft systems:
1) Closes the fuel spar valve
2) De-energizes the fuel metering unit cutoff solenoid – It basically cuts of the fuel supply
3) Closes the engine hydraulic pump shutoff valve
4) Depressurizes the engine driven hydraulic pump valve
5) Closes the pressure regulator and shutoff valve
6) Removes power from thrust reverses isolation valve
7) Trips the generator field
8) Trips the back-up generator field
• Note: If the engine still has a running fuel supply in the event of fire, the extinguishing system is
useless because fuel is one of the components in creating fire.
• It cuts off electrical supply because electricity is also a contributing factor to fire.
• Air contains oxygen and oxygen is the component in creating fire. As such its supply is cut off.
• When the fire switch is engaged, all of these are cutoff to give way to the extinguishing system.


• A turbofan engine has only one power control lever by adjusting the lever to sets up a thrust condition for
which the fuel control meters fuel to the engine.
• The power control lever is used to set up a thrust condition by metering the amount of fuel that enters
the engine.

• In a multi-engine aircraft, each of the engine has an independent power control lever or throttle control
lever of the aircraft.
• Engines equipped with thrust reversers go into reverse thrust at throttle positions below idle.
• Most of the transport aircraft nowadays are equipped with thrust reversers.
• A separate fuel shutoff lever is usually provided on engines equipped with thrust reversers.
• Prior to start, particular attention should be paid to the engine air inlet, visual condition and free
movement of the compressor and turbine assembly, and the parking ramp are fore and aft of the aircraft.
• The engine is started by using an external air power source, APU, or an already operating engine.
• On multi-engine aircraft, engines are usually started by an onboard APU that supplies air pressure for a
pneumatic starter on each engine.
• Air bled from the APU is used as a source of power for starting the engines.
• Modern turbine engine is equipped with air turbine starters or air starters that needs to be energized by
high pressure air.
• The high-pressure air comes from the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU).
• During the start, it is necessary to monitor the tachometer, the oil pressure, and the exhaust gas
• The normal starting sequence is:
1. Rotate the compressor with the starter
2. Turn the ignition on
3. Open the engine fuel valve, either by moving the throttle idle or by moving the fuel shutoff lever
or turning a switch
• A successful start is noted first by a rise in exhaust gas temperature. This is an indication that it is within
the normal EGT range.
• If the EGT exceeds the normal range, there is a problem with the engine starting.
• If the engine does not light up, meaning that fuel starts to burn inside of the engine within a prescribed
period of time, or if the exhaust gas starting temperature limit is exceeded, a hot start, the starting
procedure should be aborted.
• Two abnormal conditions during engine start:
▪ When hot start occur, abort the starting procedure to avoid excessive temperature by
observing the EGT constantly during start. The engine temperature is too high.
▪ When necessary, the engine is cleared of trapped fuel or gases by continuing to rotate
the compressor with the starter, but with the ignition and fuel turned off.
▪ If there is a hot start, continuously crank the engine by using the start but the ignition
and fuel should be cut off. When the ignition system is shut off, fuel supply is also cut
▪ If the engine did not light off during start after the allotted time, about 10 seconds
although this time varies from engine to engine, the fuel must be shut off as the engine
is being filled with unburned fuel.
▪ A hung start is when the engine lights off, but the engine will not accelerate to idle rpm.
▪ Therefore, the engine will start but it will not reach the idle rpm.


• It does not only occur during flight. In some cases, it occurs during ground.
• If there is an engine fire on ground, move the fuel shutoff lever to the off position if an engine fire occurs,
or if the fire warning light is illuminated during the star ting cycle.
• Continue cranking or motoring the engine until the fire has been expelled from the engine. This is done
without fuel supply.
• If the fire persists, the extinguishing agent can be discharged into the inlet duct while it is being cranked.
• If the fire cannot be extinguished, secure all switches and leave the aircraft.
• If the fire is on the ground under the engine overboard drain, discharge the extinguishing agent on the
ground rather than on the engine.


• Checking turbofan engines for proper operation consists primarily of simply reading the engine
instruments and then comparing the observed values with those known to be corrected for any given
engine operating condition.
• After the engine has started, idle rpm has been attained, and the instrument readings have stabilized, the
engine should be checked for satisfactory operation at idling speed.
• The oil pressure indicator, tachometer, and the exhaust gas temperature readings should be compared
with the allowable ranges.


• During takeoff, the engine is set to maximum power.

• Takeoff thrust is checked by adjusting the throttle to obtain a single, predicted reading on the engine
pressure ratio indicator in the aircraft.
• The Engine Pressure Ration (EPR) measures and determines the amount of thrust produced by the gas
turbine engine.
• The value for engine pressure ratio, which represents takeoff thrust for the prevailing ambient
atmospheric conditions, is calculated from a takeoff thrust setting curve or, on newer aircraft, is a function
of the onboard computer.
• The takeoff setting curve is a reference for calculating takeoff thrust. This is commonly used for the older
• For modern aircraft, there is an onboard computer.
• Appropriate manuals should be consulted for the charts for a specific make and model engine.
• For all precise thrust checking, the aircraft should be stationary, and stable engine operation should be
established. If it is needed for calculating the thrust during an engine trim check, turbine discharge
pressure is needed.
o The conditions of the environment.
o The sensitivity of GTE to compressor inlet air temperature and pressure necessitates that
considerable care be taken to obtain correct values for the prevailing ambient air conditions
when computing takeoff thrust.
o Some things to remember are:

1. The engine senses the air temperature and pressure at the compressor inlet.
• This is the actual air temperature just above the runway surface.
• When the aircraft is stationary, the pressure at the compressor inlet is the
static field or true barometric pressure, and not the barometric pressure
corrected to sea level that is normally reported by airport control towers as the
altimeter setting.
• On FADEC engines, the computer reads this information and sends it to the
engine controls.
2. Temperature sensed is the TAT (total air temperature) that is used by several onboard
• The engine controls set the engine computers according to the TAT.
3. Relative humidity, which affects reciprocating engine power appreciably, has a negligible
effect of turbine engine thrust, fuel flow, and rpm.
• As air enters the gas turbine engine, it is converted even if it has low density.
This is done by converting the pressure of air entering the engine through the
several stages of the compressor blade.
• It converts air from low to high pressure that is used in combustion.
• As such, even in cold weathers where air pressure is small, it will not affect the
engine’s thrust.
• In piston engines or reciprocating engines, this is not possible. The engine
thrust will be affected by the less dense air.
• Therefore, relative humidity is not usually considered when computing thrust
for takeoff or determining fuel flow and rpm for routine operation.


• On a turbine engine that does not have a thrust reverser, retarding the aircraft throttle to idle or power
lever to OFF cuts the fuel supply to the engine and shits it down.
• On engines equipped with thrust reversers, this is accomplished by means of a separate fuel shutoff
switch or lever.
• When an engine has been operated at high power levels for extended periods of time, a cool down time
should be allowed before shutdown.
• It is recommended the engine be operated at below a low power setting, preferably at idle for a period of
5 minutes to prevent possible seizure of the rotors.
o This is part of taking care of the turbine engine rotors.
o This applies, in particular, to prolonged operation at high rpm on the ground, such as during
engine trimming.
• To ensure that fuel remains in the lines and that the engine driven pumps are not starved for fuel that
lubricates the pumps, the aircraft fuel boost pump must be turned off after, not before the throttle or the
fuel shutoff lever is placed in the OFF position.
• Generally, an engine should not be shut down by the fuel shutoff lever until after the aircraft throttle has
been retarded to idle. Because the fuel shutoff valve is located on the fuel control discharge, a shutdown
from high thrust settings results in high fuel pressures within the control that can harm the fuel system
o As such, to shut the engine down, it must be set to idle first then cutoff.

• When accurate reading of the oil level in the oil tank is needed following an engine shutdown, the engine
should be operated and shutdown with the oil check taking place within not more than 30 minutes after
o In this procedure, always check the engine manuals for specific procedure.



• FADEC - Full Authority Digital Engine Control

• N1 - is the speed of the low-pressure spool and serves as the primary power setting.
• N2 - is the speed of the high-pressure spool which indicates if aircraft systems have sufficient power.
• EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature
• PTU - Power Transfer Unit


• Before proceeding, a review of the functions of the mode selector switch on the engine master panel is
• When the switch is moved to the IGN/START position, four things happen:
1. The FADECs are repowered. FADECs are powered for five (5) minutes then go to sleep.
2. The engine master levers and the manual start switches are armed. 3. The engine system
page automatically appears on the lower ECAM.
4. The air conditioning flow control valves automatically close.


• The normal sequence for automatic engine start is ENG 1 first then ENG 2.
• FADEC manages the entire operation.
• For this illustration, we will use APU bleed air. Notice that all indications on the upper ECAM related to the
engines are displayed in amber.
• To start the engines, the engine mode selector must first be switch to IGN/START position. Switch the
engine mode selector to IGN/START.
• The FADECs are now energized and engine parameters are displayed on the engine warning display.
• The N1 and N2 gauges remain amber as long as their respective value remains below 3.5%.
• Note that the ECAM engine page has automatically replaced the DOOR/OXYGEN page.
• On the engine system display page, bleed pressure is displayed in green. Minimum recommended
pressure for start is green while the starter is rotating.
• The next step is to switch on the ENG 1 master lever. Switch on ENG 1.
• When the number 1 start valve opens, the indication changes from green crossline to green inline.
• At this time, the low pressure fuel valve opens. The fuel used counter is reset to zero. • On the upper
ECAM, N2 increases. It is displayed on a gray background above 3.5%
• On the ECAM engine page, the oil pressure increases.
• In order to provide a more uniform cooling for an already hot engine, FADEC will motor the engine for 30
• At that point, an igniter is powered. The active igniter is indicated by its letter, A or B, on the ECAM engine
• The high pressure fuel valve also opens. This is indicated on the upper ECAM by the indication of fuel flow.
• Above 3.5%, N1 indication changes from crossed amber to green.
• There must be N1 indication by 34% N2.

• Within 20 seconds of fuel flow, the EGT and N1 increase.

• When N2 reaches 43%, the start valve closes and the ignition stops.
• On the ECAM engine page, the start valve shows closed and the igniter indication disappears.
• N2 continues increasing, it should stabilize at about 58% and the gray background should disappear,
indicating that the start sequence is finished.
• ENG 2 is started using the same procedure. However, during the second engine start, the hydraulic power
transfer unit is tested.
• When ENG 2 is running, the mode selector switch is returned to NORM and the engine page is replaced by
the wheel page. Also, notice that the aircraft gross weight is now displayed in the lower right hand corner
of the system display.

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