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UWC Costa Rica

Physics year 1 HL

1. A ball of density 3500 kg m-3 and radius 6.0 mm is released from rest in a liquid of
density 920 kg m-3 and viscosity 0.70 Pa s.
a. What is the terminal speed of the ball as it falls through the liquid? Ignore the
buoyant force.
b. How do you expect the answer to a to change if the liquid temperature is
c. Repeat a taking the buoyant force into account.

2. A wooden cube with a density of 880 kg m-3 is floaOng on water (density 1000 kg m-3). If
the sides of the cube are 5.5 cm long and the cube is floaOng with a surface parallel to
the water´s surface, show that the depth of wood below the surface is 4.8 cm.

3. It is commonly said that about 10% of an iceberg is above the surface of the sea. Use the
figure below to esOmate a value for the density od sea ice. Assume the density of sea
water is 1025 kgm-3.

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