Discipline of Daily Life by Lewis Mumford MCQ

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Discipline of Daily life by Lewis Mumford


English by Rohit
1. According to the essay, how has the mental attitude of miners changed in
recent years?
A. They have become more disciplined and purposeful
B. They have become more reliant on newspapers and wireless devices
C. They have improved their physical conditions
D. They have engaged in more political activities

2. Mumford suggests that education should lead towards:

A. Intellectual pursuits only
B. Self-reliance and autonomous development
C. Complete dependence on others
D. Co-operation within the family

English by Rohit
3. According to the essay, what has happened to the physical conditions among
miners in recent years?
A. They have deteriorated
B. They have vastly improved
C. They have remained the same
D. The essay does not mention physical conditions

4. Mumford suggests that the transformation of life requires modi cation. What
does this modi cation entail?
A. Following a single formula for personal growth
B. Relying on external guidance and instructions
C. Pursuing a balanced diet and exercise routine
D. Adjusting one's life according to individual needs

English by Rohit
5. According to Mumford, what has happened to the mental attitude of miners in
recent years?
A. It has improved signi cantly
B. It has remained unchanged
C. It has deteriorated
D. It has become more disciplined

6. The essay emphasizes the importance of intellectual pursuits for which

A. Manual workers
B. Children
C. Intellectuals
D. Political leaders

English by Rohit
7. According to the essay, what is lacking in the mental attitude of present-day
A. Purpose and self-discipline
B. Political knowledge and awareness
C. Intellectual curiosity and exploration
D. Co-operation and social interaction

8. According to the essay, what is the main way of freeing ourselves from
historical claims to service?
A. Pursuing higher education
B. Engaging in political activities
C. Taking care of household chores
D. Developing self-reliance and autonomy

English by Rohit
9. Mumford mentions the habit of making one's own bed and cleaning one's own
room. Why does he consider these habits essential?
A. To reinforce traditional gender roles
B. To promote cleanliness and order
C. To avoid dependence on others
D. To showcase wealth and social status

10. What is the rst rule for autonomous development, according to the essay?
A. Achieving balance and self-direction
B. Seeking intellectual pursuits
C. Relying on others for guidance
D. Providing for one's own wants and regulating one’s own life.

English by Rohit
11. According to the essay, what is necessary for achieving balance and self-
direction in life?
A. Following a strict routine
B. Relying on others for guidance
C. Modifying one's life based on individual needs
D. Seeking external formulas for transformation

12. The essay suggests that intellectuals might bene t from:

A. Engaging in manual labor
B. Pursuing advanced degrees
C. Isolating themselves from society
D. Avoiding political responsibilities

English by Rohit
13. According to the essay, what is the main purpose of education?
A. To acquire knowledge and skills
B. To achieve balance and self-direction
C. To rely on others for guidance
D. To follow a rigid routine

14. Mumford argues that intellectual pursuits alone may not be suf cient for
achieving balance. What else might be needed?
A. Physical exercise
B. Political responsibilities
C. Financial wealth
D. Social status

English by Rohit
15. In the Victorian era, what did a worker do if they couldn't afford to buy
A. Borrow books from friends or libraries
B. Listen to book readings on the radio
C. Copy books by hand
D. Save money to purchase books later

16. Mumford argues that self-reliance is important because it:

A. Allows individuals to avoid social interaction
B. Reduces the need for intellectual pursuits
C. Frees individuals from historical patterns of servitude
D. Promotes dependency on others

English by Rohit
17. Mumford suggests that the ideal person should be schooled to self-reliance.
Why is this important?
A. To avoid intellectual pursuits
B. To focus on physical labor
C. To contribute to the general renewal of life
D. To establish dominance over others

18. What does the essay suggest as a method for the manual worker to push
themselves intellectually?
A. Engage in political activities
B. Attend seminars and workshops
C. Read books during breaks at work
D. Listen to the radio while working

English by Rohit
19. According to the essay, what are some necessary operations for the
maintenance of a household?
A. Taking care of the sick and minding children
B. Engaging in political debates
C. Pursuing intellectual hobbies
D. Seeking external help for household tasks

20. Mumford suggests that the manual worker needs to push their mind harder
by devoting themselves to ideas.
What is the reason for this?
A. To improve their physical condition
B. To advance their career prospects
C. To maintain balance in their lives
D. To compensate for the lack of manual labor

English by Rohit
21. Mumford mentions the habits of co-operation in a family.
Why does he emphasize the importance of self-reliance?
A. To discourage co-operation in a family
B. To ensure individual growth and autonomy
C. To reduce the burden on family members
D. To challenge traditional gender roles

22. What does the essay mention as a method of studying for the intellectual
worker in the Victorian era?
A. Reading books in their original language
B. Listening to lectures on the radio
C. Copying books by hand
D. Taking breaks and engaging in physical activities

English by Rohit
23. What does Mumford consider essential for the development of both sexes?
A. Active political involvement
B. Manual labor
C. Intellectual pursuits
D. Basic household skills

24. What is the main theme of the essay?

A. The decline of manual labor in modern society
B. The importance of intellectual pursuits in daily life
C. Achieving balance and self-direction in life
D. The impact of technology on mental attitudes

English by Rohit
25. What is Mumford's view on a single formula for personal transformation?
A. It is necessary for individual growth
B. It is readily available in intellectual pursuits
C. It is unattainable and varies for each individual
D. It is achievable through political involvement

26. According to the essay, what qualities are essential for personal
A. Balance and self-discipline
B. Wealth and social status
C. Co-operation and servitude
D. Intellectual pursuits only

English by Rohit
27. Mumford suggests that personal transformation and self-direction require:
A. Following a rigid routine
B. Adopting someone else's formula
C. Active engagement and modi cation of one's life
D. Avoiding physical labor and political involvement

28. Mumford mentions an anecdote about a Victorian worker copying books by

hand to emphasize the importance of:
A. Intellectual property rights
B. Cultural preservation
C. Physical labor over intellectual pursuits
D. Thorough and intensive study

English by Rohit

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