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Denis Dougherty

(215)-285-2228 | | 237 Berkeley Road, Glenside, PA, 19038


The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA

College of Health and Human Development Class of 2026
Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Management GPA: 3.27
Minors in Sustainability and Leadership & Sports Studies


Lucky Dogz Wyndmoor, PA

Doggy Caretaker July 2020 – January 2022

• Trained 3+ new employees in policies and procedures of the facility

• Managed roles and responsibilities for employees each day or in the moment
• Organized dog groups to maximize effectiveness and minimize any problems that could occur
• Resolved issues that were unexpected due to the versatile temperament of the dogs

TreVi Pizza Pasta BYOB Glenside, PA

Food delivery driver February 2022 – August 2022

• Efficiently delivered bulks of multiple orders or deliveries

• Trained 3 new delivery drivers on facility procedures and how to manage time most effectively
• Established friendly relationships with regulars

K9 Resorts Horsham Horsham, PA

Doggy Caretaker May 2023 – January 2024

• Managed unpredictable temperament of dogs

• Overlooked various employees per shift to keep everyone on task
• Cleaned stations, dog sections, and customer areas regularly
• Created and maintained several relationships with regular customers


Philanthropic Fantasy Sports Club University Park, PA

Vice President August 2022 – Present

• Brainstorm ideas on how to distribute donations

• Attend weekly meetings for the semester
• Help come up with ideas of what to do at meetings during the football off-season
BiSci3 Training Teacher’s Assistant University Park, PA
Training TA January 2024 – Present

• Mastering course content extensively

• Learning various ways to lead unpredictable and unknown lab group for next semester
• Connecting mind to itself, to others, and the Earth

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