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Women , the backbone of every society. The basic necessity of any man to
make progress in life, because without her , he is nothing .A woman is a very
emotional being, but plays a major role in every society, she can be the reason
of the progress and prosperity in a country , yet the same woman can also be the
downfall and destruction of entire nations. Nowadays women have secured very
high reputation and made excellent progress in all aspects of life . From being a
house wife to an entrepreneur and working even from their homes , women
have acquired a great deal of success in all areas while working along side
men .But there are a lot of downsides to this as well such as work harassment,
over work , night shifts , rape and abuse in every way ; physical and mental.
The abuse of women and girls is the most pervasive and unaddressed human
right violation in the entire world.
“ Eve wasn't made from Adam's head, neither was she made from his feet,
she was made from his ribs to stand beside, not above, not below, right
beside him.”
In a world where women continue to confront myriad challenges, the specter
of violence looms as one of the most pervasive and devastating realities. From
intimate partner abuse to systemic gender-based violence, women across the
globe face threats to their safety and well-being simply because of their gender.
This insidious issue not only inflicts immediate harm but also perpetuates cycles
of fear, trauma, and inequality.. It encompasses a spectrum of harmful
behaviors, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse,
perpetrated against individuals simply because of their gender. This form of
violence manifests in various settings, from intimate relationships to public
spaces, workplaces, and institutions. Women from all walks of life experience
violence, with marginalized communities facing heightened risks due to
intersecting forms of discrimination based on factors such as race, ethnicity,
class, sexual orientation, and disability. Despite significant strides in awareness
and advocacy, violence against women persists as a deeply entrenched societal
problem, underscoring the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address
its root causes and ensure the safety, dignity, and rights of all individuals. One
of the most prevalent form of abuse is domestic abuse which women have to
face at the hands of their own spouses or other family members , both mentally
and physically. And they are taught to endure it without saying a single word to
defend themselves. Whereas , those who go through sexual harassment are told
to keep silent about it as it will bring great dishonor to the family name . Honor
killing is also wide spread in the world , especially in Pakistan .Honor killings,
where women are murdered by family members for allegedly bringing dishonor
upon the family. In our current times as well , a great deal of violation of
women rights is being carried out in Gaza as the women , who survived all the
torture, told the press and media that how the Israelis are kidnapping their
women and children and entire families . A very recent case in which a woman
said that the Israeli men , harassed her right in front of her husband and
children after first beating her severely . And hundreds of women in Gaza are
going through all this and much worse. It's important to note that the situation in
Gaza is highly complex, shaped by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, political
dynamics, and socio-cultural factors. Addressing abuse against women requires
multifaceted approaches that consider both the immediate needs of survivors
and the broader context in which they live. Efforts to address these issues
include advocacy for legal reforms, awareness campaigns, support services for
survivors, and initiatives aimed at empowering women economically and
socially. However, progress remains slow, and addressing entrenched cultural
norms and attitudes is essential for meaningful change.


“ Femenism is not about making women stronger , they are already strong,
rather it’s about changing the way how the world perceives that strength.”

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