Chapter III

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This chapter will be discussing the methods and strategies that will be used in

gathering the data based on the study of “The Efficiency of Tabasco Pepper (CAPSICUM

FRUTESCEN) as a Pesticide”. It will cover all the aspects such as the research design,

research locale, respondents of the study, data gathering instrument, data gathering

procedure, data analysis, and ethical consideration.

Research Design

Every worthwhile study starts with a framework of methodology and techniques that

will be applied throughout the study. A distinct and proper study design is required for the

type of research being presented. McCombes, stated that a research design is a strategy for

answering your research questionnaire using empirical data. As a result, the research strategy

may differ depending on the topic chosen. Furthermore, this study employs a descriptive case

study that is evaluated using scientific and experimental approaches. In a case study, a real-

time phenomenon is investigated in its natural setting, with the assumption that context will

make a difference (Kaarbo & Beasley, 1999).

This study aims to fully understand and reveal the perspective, as well as to determine

the potential effects of tabasco pepper as a material to be used to kill insects and other species

that are harmful to farmed plants and animals. This research will rely on an explanatory case

study since it focuses on explaining efficacy of the product.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are selected qualified member in community especially

the farmers, specifically in Municipality of Oras and in Borongan City. As utilized in

descriptive research, purposive sampling involves an iterative process of selecting research

subjects rather than starting with a predetermined sampling frame. The selection process

involves identifying themes, concepts, and indicators through observation and reflection

(Schutt, 2006: 348). The grounds for choosing purposive sampling as the sampling method

are as follows: It allows researchers to extract a lot of information from the data they've

gathered, allows them to describe the major impact their findings have on the population, and

selecting participants who are useful and appropriate for the study's objectives. The criteria

for selecting study participants is clear and simple. This study's participants will be given the

option of participating or not participating in the survey. The survey will be carried out using

Google Forms and the Internet. The information gathered will be used solely for research

purposes and will be kept private.

Data Gathering Instrument

The survey was created in Google Forms and will be conducted online by the

researcher. As the researcher investigates the efficacy of tabasco pepper as a pesticide, the

survey questionnaire will be used to collect data that will allow respondents to reply based on

their own experiences. The researchers devised a survey questionnaire with a 10-point Likert

scale to test the two factors and their association in order to present and gather as much

information as possible. The adoption of the Likert Scale survey questionnaire is based on

numerous study assumptions, including less pressure for immediate responses, less time to

consume, and a higher sense of anonymity for respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

A consent form was supplied to the participants before the researchers began

collecting data, as authorization is crucial. The participants were given an interview guide

that included the instructions on how the interview will proceed, the Likert Scale
Questionnaire, and other information that should be supplied to them on Google forms. In

order to have a smooth process of responses, it is necessary to build a good rapport with the

respondents, which aids them in communicating freely and willingly (Stacy A. Jacob & S.

Paige Furgerson, 2012), inadvertently creating a feeling of trust between the interviewer and

the interviewees.

There will be at least 10 selected respondents who will be interviewed with their own

will. After giving the questionnaires, Respondents will complete and submit survey

questionnaire to assess on the efficacy of “The Efficiency of Tabasco Pepper (CAPSICUM

FRUTESCEN) as a pesticide. The researcher will then collect data and graphically analyze to

determine the relationship between the two variables.

Research Questionnaire

Very Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very

Unsatisfied Satisfied









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