BELMONTE Gen Math Q2 Multi-Dimensional-Test-Questions

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Name: School: Grade Level: 11 Subject: General Mathematics


Quarter: 2 Week: 1 No. of Days/Hours: 3

MELC No. 1 -3
MELC: 1. Illustrates simple and compound interests
2. Distinguishes simple and compound interests
3. Computes interests, maturity value, future value, and present value
Skills/Thinking Skills: Basic numeracy, analysis
Context: Saving money
No. of % of Domain and Dimensions in the RBT
Items Items
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

12. 5% (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding)

3 (Item No. 1) (Item No. 2) (Item No. 3)

Factual/ Procedural Metacognitive
Test Question 1:

In saving and investing, one of the things savers and investors consider is the interest rate with respect to time. Among the statements
below, which is true about interest?
I. Interest rate affects the principal amount
II. On the same rate and time, simple interest earns greater than compound interest
III. Interest is the amount earned or paid for the use of money
IV. Interest is the amount added to the principal to get the future value or maturity value


Pre-Structural Uni-structural Multi-Structural Relational

(0 point)/Not Mastered (1 point)/Least Mastered (2 points)/Nearly Mastered (3 points)/Mastered

A. I and II B. I and III D. III and IV

C. II and IV Both are correct

Both are incorrect Only 1 is correct

Test Question 2:
Since the covid-19 pandemic you noticed a sudden increase in the prices of some products like foods and school supplies. With this, you
realized that you could be of help to your parents’ finances in the future by saving. You learned that when you save in a bank, your money will
grow after a certain time. Supposed you want to transfer the money you saved in your piggy bank which is 2,250 pesos to a bank that gives 2%
simple interest annually, how much money in peso will be added in your principal amount after a year?


Pre-Structural Uni-structural Multi-Structural Relational

(0 point)/Not Mastered (1 point)/Least Mastered (2 points)/Nearly Mastered (3 points)/Mastered

E. 2250 F. 2% of the principal G. 2% of 2250 pesos will be H. 45 pesos will be added in

amount will be added added after a year the principal after a year

This is correct but lacking on certain Correct, the student If the student arrived at
knowledge about determining could determine the 45, the student is more
specifically the concept of principal, principal and how to likely skilled in
and how to compute the interest compute the interest but computing the interest
no evidence of skill in applying the concepts of
computing the interest principal and interest.
including conversion of And understood fully
% to decimal what is being asked
Test Question 3:

In your area, there are different banks that encourage students to open savings account with them. Given a chance to save for future
financial purposes, from which bank will you save your 5,000 pesos to earn more interest in 3 years?


Pre-Structural Uni-structural Multi-Structural Relational

(0 point)/Not Mastered (1 point)/Least Mastered (2 points)/Nearly Mastered (3 points)/Mastered

A. Any bank will be fine B. In a bank that offers 5% C. In a bank that offers 5% D. In a bank that offers 5%
compounded interest simple interest compound interest with
that requires at least with 500 pesos 5000 pesos minimum
10,000 pesos principal minimum principal principal amount.
The student has understood that the
bigger interest rate, the bigger It is correct. The student understood The situation that would
amount will be earned but failed to the possibility of saving with 5000 give the highest interest,
analyze that it would an impossible pesos at hand but fail to analyze if its with the possibility to
choice since there is minimum interest is the biggest start with 5000 amount
starting amount that is bigger from at hand
the principal in the given situation.
Name: School: Grade Level: 11 Subject: General Mathematics
Quarter: 2 Week: 2 No. of Days/Hours: 2

MELC No. 4
MELC: 1. Solve problems involving simple and compound interests

Skills/Thinking Skills: Computational, Critical thinking

Context: Borrowing Amount of Money
No. of % of Domain and Dimensions in the RBT
Items Items
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

12. 5% (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding) (Level of Understanding)

2 (Item No. 4)

(Item No. 5)
Test Question 4:

With the inflation and economic setbacks, many Filipinos felt its effects on their finances. Your family is about to borrow money for your
sister’s tuition fee amounting 15,000 pesos in a lending institution that offers 6% simple interest rate for 3 years. You tried computing how much
total interest will be paid in addition to the borrowed amount. Which solution computed the interest correctly?


Pre-Structural Uni-structural Multi-Structural Relational

(0 point)/Not Mastered (1 point)/Least Mastered (2 points)/Nearly Mastered (3 points)/Mastered

A. I = F - 15,000 B. I = 5000 (6%) (3) C. I = 5000 (6%) (3) D. I = 5000 (6%) (3)
= (5000) (0.6) (3) = (5000)(0.06) (3) = (5000) (0.06) (3)
= 3000 = 3000 = 9000

Incorrect formula Correct Formula. Able to determine Correct Formula. Able to determine Correct Formula. Able to determine
the value of the variables, unable to the value of the variables, knows the value of the variables, knows
convert 6% to decimal correctly, conversion, but poor computational conversion, evident computational
poor computational skills skills skills
Test Question 5:

A lending institution near you are distributing flyers about their services and offerings. As printed on the flyers, it offers 3.5% annual
interest rate compounded annually. You want to compare if their interest is lower compared to another lending institution thus your tried
computing the interest if you borrowed 5,000 to be paid in 2 years. Which solution computed the interest correctly?


Pre-Structural Uni-structural Multi-Structural Relational

(0 point)/Not Mastered (1 point)/Least Mastered (2 points)/Nearly Mastered (3 points)/Mastered

A. I = 5000 (3.5) (2) B. F = 5000 (1 + (0.35)¿2 C. F = 5000 (1 + (0.035)¿2 A. F = 5000 (1 + (0.035)¿2

= 5000 (1.35¿2 = 5000 (1.035¿2 = 5000 (1.035¿2
= 5000 (2.07) = 5000 (2.07) = 5000 (1.07)
= 10, 350 = 10, 350 = 5, 350
Incorrect formula
Incomplete formula, able to I = 10,350- 5000 I = 5,350- 5000
determine the values of variables = 5,350 = 350
unable to convert % to decimal complete formula, able to
correctly, poor computational skills determine the values of variables Correct Formula. Able to
able to convert % to decimal determine the value of
correctly, but has problem on the variables, knows
exponents which affect conversion, evident
computational skills computational skills

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