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The Book Speak

Malinda navigates silence and voice throughout the novel by asking herself why she’s
like this, and slowly understanding why she doesn't want to talk by coming to the conclusion she
needs to tell people she got rapped by a character called Andy Evins. In the novel "Speak," the
protagonist Melinda's journey from silence to finding her voice is a powerful exploration of
trauma, self-discovery, and the healing power of speaking out.

Malinda Sordino, a freshman in high school is an outcast or becomes one after calling the
police at one of her friend's summer parties. Turns out Malinda was sexually assaulted by a
senior named Andy Evans. At the beginning of the book, Malinda enters her freshman year of
high school with some heavy trauma. The trauma of being sexually assaulted at a summer party.
This trauma makes her very insecure, tired, timid, and very quiet. Malinda's silence leaves her
very lonely in high school and her trying to navigate through her school while being judged and
bullied at her school. In the middle of the book she meets a new girl named Holly who starts off
being friends with Malinda then slowly realizes Malinda has something wrong with her. I think
was somewhat a big part of her journey because she told Malinda that she was weird and quit
and that she needed mental help, I believe this made Malinda come to the realization that she was

Malinda finds a way to cope with her trauma by finding it safe and comforting in the art
room allowing her to get away from the trauma. On page 127, Malinda goes through high school
with this trauma she spends more of her energy focusing on how to cope and asking herself what
is wrong with herself than focusing on making new friends and getting her academics up. When
her grades drop from having all A’s and B's in middle school to F’s and D’s she goes to the
principal's office where she talks with her parents and principal about why her grades are so bad,
and she almost confesses about her trauma. Going into the end of the book she slowly regains
her voice through art by using it as a way of communication.

In conclusion, Malindas Sordininos journey in the book shows how powerful
self-discovery and confidence are. Ultimately Malinda's aspect of her character is her gradual
transformation from being quiet to gaining back herself. By finding the courage to confront her
past trauma she becomes more unique than ever before. In my opinion, this book is perfect for
anyone having suffered from sexual assault and who can relate to Malinda Jouney. People who
have suffered are inspired to speak out against sexual assault. This book also shows the power of
how using art can be a source of empowerment and healing. Malinda's story show serves as a
reminder that healing is possible if you’ve ever been sexually assaulted.

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