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Tusuxanee Lew LAW 534 ty shuuones _combariut t hoy Jo” J 6 an unastolin_, yf pool Hat ae dann. .0 peat ad vandas thuwancs outa large me typ, or fination ($124 & Sins of Conback ast) Trsurancy. is @ contract bebwsen kaso Parti _sohualy © [ont pasty aguas to undudake Lie xisk af onathes O din exehange for considuation known as | and fyeriua Jo poy a frzed seun_ef ren) ks the other pasty on halpening 9 led P death) ov afta the Shins ain period scl il | faly a Seip _s} on _uncsatoin sunt incon = ——| | Gensal grurafcn __LIFE INsuRANceE GENERAL INSURANCE Jo Sha is nok a contrat of | thon w ements on Loder o wnt 4} inden Ue ae rongement of Lodemn jo Beuye b yo dit feast Tt is euy fe arnrtoun waxutain, tin! financial | tp, exoname valu of acre ved of human anret « te fe Intintign. ray be Wisk coun Tntention x only ho 7 sawing, © APU KOR 9 AY Sty Afedime cpribiort PL ye senbark 4 a al Mabyeck tp wnwoh Aum aru» pk the Hans _6|_tnbey a Pum ws raleulald vith pefeance ko root fable With sepanea Lo 2 i Pani ix solesbotsl | at past Inner, probable _ | isk Pachou nok foxift plans: She peoxing Shes nen ar ‘Tnauret os She q oe , ouuuien Aurel Boy fa Whew bk os xsuued (u enor os ingured. ea eo | Risk The conesph novel es | An dsfined at ses! | ecourtner Of Sov ralotich to van unurtainiy + Rok wnesrtosnidiy rulotrd $2 See foduc be in emunbiall fool yu ee de. atest the purses ve si rel ofa without sai obetadl- as ¢ ng daones- ° ol. Toe outith ershain — Mole adclect ut | faadiwis 9) Tyyusanee ss E i in ») ek. Thin not igual, Tae Be ae ¥ nncn bank account gdh Linksd with arvssanee, company Lo : prawt ciduct monty duivtly from account D | footing of nish principle 3) | Principle of apuading the xivk Benefits of Thrusance 2 Thi one of the fechniquis of Risk Management foocers e 2 [Bt adic he fear aneivby im She mind of an_indiirduval ond ale a unin anit +bi E a, zeropenratony wn natwe MM utara the insivtool an @ |iihun a probedy [foun ‘u fmught Lhe umbislle riunance ceuned, ik addi de the udit worthiney + Petnebly of Trruxane a. GENERAL PRINCIPLES 2 | Ofte, - Tryusoree afford ix mostly offuud in Lhe shape of a hop. for saliciy ¢ + |Aeablana- A‘ per the jrouisiom 9 the Srawance Ack 1938, The oustborer ‘a subisch bo -paryrunt a _prumium o | See consent — mu ponunt ir mot wulfciaat foram wnmrance_| pertbsok muon thal the _-pewon dp _whone ef war -mads hor undiatood thak full eawvust disor of all waleriat fact fa Ef doken ‘ sour made bo nin ane then he has. ____dapsivowy 42th the alfen = ech ay eae In Seam of Conviduation — Gnsidlrafion moms ‘emaitug fon Juba. ___ dn semble words ) something, pau —— G fam = fauna “2s paid ty the inured’ fo the sinus + dn a radon the anus 9 She promise de combuuate — Hs uyund at the Aapping of gom sunt. 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Proximate dou not mion ‘meant in time? the Sime Hthat etarbur teluumn coun andl xsub « on shost» Rul wil not effect tye cau ond effect. Du couse tohich ut proximate ‘iu that 4ahich «4 sprerim aks in_dkcie tx nok fhe Soleil but oluseck - dominant and gprrativencmd ehink cause: A Fixx Trwssance and Proximal. Came ~ Jn fas sinuanes te vim a Liable to indemnify for Ahw foll lover — falling of ool of building dus 10 fire in the purl _— oy building by te fiucbrigade ex tueeia we tom building de serie dhe fine th. bor dito Apinklifg 44 wate for pebling out foe Main Tnumane and Proximal. 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