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1. Complete the following paragraph by writing the most appropriate words given below.

(different, written, wisdom, times, culture, friend, recommended, genres, uplift, authors)

Books are known to be a man’s best …………………. They are a powerhouse of knowledge
and …………………. Books have so much to give us and do not ask anything in return. A good
book can …………………. our mood instantly and leave a deep impact on us. It is thus highly
………………… to read different kinds of books to grow wiser.
Millions of books have been ………………… and published since centuries. Man began
writing from the ancient ………………… and this is one practice he hasn’t given up even in
today’s modern era.
Numerous learned and experienced ………………… have penned down several books on
different topics. Both fictional and non-fictional books have been written on various
………………… including science, astrology, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, history,
…………………, philosophy and technology.

2. Complete the following paragraph by writing the most appropriate words given in the

surrounding, forests, purposes, agriculture, climate, birds, satisfy, factories,

end, cities

Deforestation means cutting down the 1.…………………that are home to the large chunks
of oxygen giving trees, plants and numerous wild animals and2.…………………Human beings
are cutting down forests around the world for various 3.…………………One of the main
purposes of cutting vast forest areas is to use the land for4.………………… With the growing
population there is a need to grow more crops to 5.…………………the demands of the people.
This can only be done if they have enough land for agriculture. In an attempt to expand the
agriculture sector and meet the demands of the people, humans are cutting the forests. Forests are
also being cut to build towns and 6.…………………to accommodate people and for setting up
offices and7.…………………
To be precise, human beings are damaging the beautiful natural 8.…………………and
turning it into a concrete jungle. Causing harm to the natural surroundings means disrupting the
natural processes such as water cycle, carbon cycle and eco system. Deforestation is mainly
impacting our 9.…………………and biodiversity. A large number of species of plants and
animals are getting extinct because of deforestation as their habitats are getting destroyed. It is
time we must mull over the harmful impacts of deforestation on our environment and put an
10.…………………to it.

3. Fill in the blanks using the words given below and complete the paragraph on pollution.
First one is done for you.

(pollution, harmful, air, animals, breathe, factories, nature, global, fauna, species, gases)

Our environment is affecting day by day due to 1)..pollution... There are various types of
pollution like water pollution, soil pollution, 2)……………… pollution, land pollution, etc.
Pollution is destroying 3)………………. Some are man-made pollution while others are natural
pollution. The smoke that is emitted from the chimneys of the 4)………………, from vehicles is
the mixture of poisonous 5)………………. Due to environmental pollution, the worst sufferers
are the plants and 6)………………. They are extinct every day. No flora and 7)………………
are safe here. Some animals are already in the list of endangered 8)………………. Due to water
pollution, the Marine species are also dying.

The temperature is increasing and 9)……………… warming is also increasing. The only
way to eradicate environmental pollution is to plant many trees. By planting trees, we can get rid
of many 10)……………… poisonous gases. If the earth becomes green again, then pollution can
be reduced and we will 11)……………… the fresh air.

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