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Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563

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Hydrate-based desalination (HyDesal) process employing a novel

prototype design
Ponnivalavan Babu a,⇑, Abhishek Nambiar a, Zheng Rong Chong a, Nagu Daraboina b,
Mohammad Albeirutty c,d, Omar A. Bamaga c, Praveen Linga a,⇑
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Engineering Drive 4, Singapore 117585, Singapore
Russell School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, PO Box 80204, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Center of Excellence in Desalination Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 A novel prototype of Hydrate-based

Desalination (HyDesal) process is
 Water recovery and salt rejection rate
were investigated in the prototype.
 Water recovery of 34.85% and salt
rejection of 87.5% was achieved with
3 wt% NaCl solution.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Water and energy are intricately interlinked and therefore it is imperative to develop sustainable tech-
Received 25 September 2019 nologies to strengthen water-energy nexus. One such industry where the energy – water nexus can be
Received in revised form 14 January 2020 addressed is at Liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification terminals. At the LNG regasification terminals,
Accepted 8 February 2020
LNG is converted back to natural gas by heating using seawater which gets cooled during the process.
Available online 10 February 2020
This cooled seawater is dumped back to the sea leading to wastage of cold energy. One potential technol-
ogy that can harvest and utilize this waste cold energy is the hydrate-based desalination (HyDesal) pro-
cess. HyDesal process is based on a liquid to solid phase change by employing a suitable hydrate former
Gas hydrates
for the phase change. While the HyDesal process was proposed almost 70 years ago, it was never com-
Clathrate process mercialized primarily due to slow hydrate formation, inefficient hydrate crystal separation from brine
Seawater and refrigeration. To address the above challenges, we proposed an innovative HyDesal process utilizing
Water-energy nexus LNG cold energy with enhanced water recovery based on the unusual behavior of propane. In this study,
we present the design and demonstration of a prototype for the HyDesal process. With our innovative
prototype design, we carried out water recovery experiments and salt rejection studies. Water recovery
of 34.85 (±0.35)% and salt rejection of 87.5 (±1.84)% was achieved with 3 wt% NaCl solution.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (P. Babu), (P. Linga).
0009-2509/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 P. Babu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563

1. Introduction HyDesal process depend primarily on guest gas/ liquid component

employed. Research has primarily been focused on identifying suit-
Energy and water are key resources for sustainable and smart able hydrate formers to mitigate challenges of salt removal, slow
nation development. Water is required to produce energy and kinetics and guest recovery (Barduhn et al., 1962; Cai et al.,
energy is required to pump and transport water. Hence, water 2014; Corak et al., 2011; Fakharian et al., 2017; Mekala et al.,
and energy are intricately interlinked and energy-water nexus 2014; Simmons et al., 2009). A comprehensive review of works
examines the interaction between these two interlinked sectors. and prior art on HyDesal has been presented elsewhere (Babu
Global energy demand is expected to increase by about 27% from et al., 2018; Englezos, 1993).
2017 to 2040 and a great amount of water is required for energy In our previous work, we proposed a conceptual hydrate based
supply (Chen and Chen, 2016; Hightower and Pierce, 2008). How- desalination (ColdEn-HyDesal) process utilizing waste LNG cold
ever, one of the biggest challenges facing mankind today is the lack energy (Babu et al., 2014b). We reported that the specific energy
of availability of potable water. The existing technologies to pro- consumption can be lowered from 65.13 kWh/m3 of potable water
duce water through desalination are energy intensive (Raluy to 0.84 kWh/m3 by utilizing waste LNG cold energy (He et al.,
et al., 2005; Subramani and Jacangelo, 2015). Therefore, there is a 2018). Our approach is based on the unusual behavior of hydrate
need to address these challenges in a holistic way and develop formation in silica sand bed in the presence of propane as co-
state of the art innovative technologies to address water-energy guest (Babu et al., 2014b). Propane as a co-guest can draw dis-
nexus (Dai et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2018). persed water present between the interstitial pore spaces between
One such industry where the energy-water nexus can be the sand particles towards the gas phase to form hydrates and
addressed is at Liquefied natural gas regasification terminals. Nat- enhance the rate of hydrate formation. We evaluated different
ural Gas is the cleanest fossil fuel available on Earth and is widely gas mixtures consisting of propane which can enhance the kinetics
regarded as the fuel for the future. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is of hydrate formation and water recovery in a flatbed configuration.
the preferred mode of transport of natural gas (Kumar et al., We reported that 10% propane in carbon dioxide gas mixture is
2011). To produce LNG, natural gas needs to be purified and then suitable for the HyDesal process resulting in a water recovery of
liquefied through an energy intensive operation where NG is con- about 42% (Nambiar et al., 2019). However, the water quality and
verted to liquid at 162 °C. The LNG is then transported as a liquid challenges of separation of hydrate crystal from the brine and scal-
by maintaining the temperature at 162 °C to the receiving termi- ability were not addressed. In this study, we present the design and
nals. At the receiving terminals, LNG is converted back to the gas demonstration of a prototype for HyDesal process.
phase through a process called re-gasification. At the LNG terminal,
the cold energy is removed through heating the LNG to 25 °C by 2. Experimental
employing seawater. This seawater which gets cooled during
regasification is dumped backed to the sea. To re-gasify one 2.1. Materials
tonne/h of LNG, about 40 tonnes/h of seawater is required. One
tonne of LNG requires the removal of 214 kWh of cold energy The C3H8/CO2 (10/90%) gas mixture employed in this study was
(He et al., 2019). This huge cold energy is currently not being har- supplied by Soxal Private Ltd. Sodium chloride (CAS 7647-14-5) of
vested and utilized. Therefore, there is a need to develop an inno- purity 99% and Silica sand of particle size 0.21–0.29 mm were sup-
vative technology that can harvest and utilize the waste LNG cold plied by Sigma Aldrich. The sand used in this study was similar to
energy effectively for energy conservation. the sand used in our previous works (Babu et al., 2013a,b; Yang
One potential technology that can utilize the waste cold energy et al., 2016). Deionized and distilled water were used to prepare
and produce water is clathrate hydrate based desalination (HyDe- the NaCl solution. Sodium chloride is the dominant salt in seawater
sal) (Babu et al., 2018; Englezos, 1993; He et al., 2019; Kang et al., and hence it is used in this study.
2014; Park et al., 2011). In the HyDesal process, water molecules
form cages around a guest gas/liquid component, effectively sepa- 2.2. Flatbed reactor setup and procedure
rating itself from the brine solution at temperatures higher than
the normal freezing temperature of the water (Sloan Jr and Koh, The detailed description of materials, apparatus, and
2007). Hydrates have the inherent ability to reject salts and impu- procedure employed is given elsewhere (Nambiar et al., 2019;
rities present in seawater (Kang et al., 2017). In other words, one Zheng et al., 2016).
cubic meter of hydrate consists of 85–94% water and 6–15% guest The procedure to calculate water recovery and the rate of hydrate
gas which signifies the high potential of producing relatively pure formation is given in our previous study (Nambiar et al., 2019).
water from this process. Other applications of hydrate based tech- Briefly,
nology are gas separation, CO2 sequestration, natural gas storage
Volume of water converted to hydrate  Fh
and transport, cold storage and refrigeration (Babu et al., 2014a; Water recovery % ¼  100
Volume of feed solution
Babu et al., 2015; Babu et al., 2016; Chong et al., 2016; Englezos, ð3Þ
1993; Eslamimanesh et al., 2012; Ogawa et al., 2006; Sum et al.,
2009; Veluswamy et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). where Fh is the fraction of hydrate formed that is recoverable at the
Hydrate based desalination (HyDesal) process was proposed hydrate crystal separation step from the brine. Since in our study
since the 1940s as a potential technology for desalination with flatbed configuration, the hydrate crystals were not separated
(Parker, 1942). Although research in both academics and industrial from the brine, Fh of 1 was used in the above equation.
scale has been made since then, this process has not been success- The rate of water recovery (R20) is calculated by fitting the
fully commercialized. The major challenges that impede the water recovery growth versus time for the first 20 min from the
deployment of the HyDesal process are slow kinetics of hydrate nucleation point using the least-squares method.
formation, crystal separation from concentrated brine and the cold
energy required for the process (Babu et al., 2018; Englezos, 1993). 3. Challenges of flatbed reactor design
Efforts have been focused to mitigate these challenges to develop a
process that can desalinate seawater/ brackish water in energy- In our previous study, we reported that 1.5 cm silica sand bed
efficient and cost-effective manner. Operating conditions for the height is optimum for the HyDesal process employing a fixed bed
P. Babu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563 3

reactor (Babu et al., 2014b). The gas mixture employed in that 1.5 cm bed height is the optimum. The amount of water used for
study was CO2/H2/C3H8 (38.1/59.4/2.5%) gas mixture. Recently, 1.5 and 5.0 cm bed height was 52.51 and 148.34 ml respectively.
we reported that the suitable gas mixture for the HyDesal process The amount of water recovered for the two bed heights were
is C3H8/CO2 (10/90%). To determine the optimum bed height with 21.9 (±3.5), and 20.2 (±0.35) ml for 1.5 and 5.0 cm bed heights
C3H8/CO2 (10/90%) gas mixture, experiments were carried out at respectively. This suggests that water deep inside the bed is not
different bed heights in a flatbed reactor with silica sand of particle participating in hydrate formation and remains occluded in the
size 0.21–0.297 mm as porous media. sand. Irrespective of the gas mixture employed, the optimum bed
The effect of bed height on water recovery at 2.6 MPa and height was found to be 1.5 cm. However, scaling up the flatbed
274.2 K in the presence of CO2/C3H8 (90/10%) gas mixture with reactor with a 1.5 cm silica sand bed is a challenge. The hydrate
3 wt% NaCl solution is shown in Fig. 1. The data for 1.5 cm bed crystals formed above the silica sand bed also needs to be recov-
height is from our previous study (Nambiar et al., 2019). Water ered to produce water. Therefore, an innovative reactor that can
recovery of 41.4 (±7.4) and 13.61 (±0.23) % was achieved in 1 h address the above challenges needs to be designed and
after hydrate nucleation for 1.5 and 5.0 cm bed height respectively. demonstrated.
Experiments with 1.5 cm bed height resulted in higher water
recovery than experiments with 5.0 cm bed height and hence 4. Design of innovative reactor

To overcome the challenge of scalability, we designed two dif-

ferent reactors namely cylindrical core bed and cylindrical annular
bed reactor. The apparatus used is the same as a flatbed reactor.
The innovation is the configuration of the silica sand bed inside
the reactor at the annular or core region of the reactor. Fig. 2 shows
the two innovative reactor configurations along with flatbed con-
figuration. A cylindrical mesh (size 80) of length 12 cm holds the
silica sand particles in the innovative reactor configurations. The
size of the mesh is smaller than the sand particle size to prevent
sand from coming out of the cylindrical mesh. The diameter of
the cylindrical mesh can be varied to adjust the thickness of the
bed. Experiments were carried out at 2.6 MPa and 274.2 K with
3 wt% NaCl solution with different bed thickness in cylindrical core
bed and cylindrical annular bed.
The summary of experimental results such as induction time,
water recovery and rate of hydrate formation is given in Table 1.
For comparison of the performance of the cylindrical core bed reac-
tor and annular bed reactor, a bed thickness of 2.55 cm was chosen
Fig. 1. Effect of different bed height on water recovery at 2.6 MPa and 274.2 K in since the surface area of the sand-mesh-gas interface will be the
presence of CO2/C3H8 (90/10%) gas mixture with 3 wt% NaCl solution. same for both the reactor configurations. The water recovery

Fig. 2. Innovative reactor designs.

4 P. Babu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563

Table 1
Summary of results with CO2/ C3H8 (90 mol% /10 mol%) gas mixtures and 3 wt% NaCl
solution at 2.6 MPa and 274.2 K.

System Exp. Bed Induction Water recovery R20

No Thickness Time (IT) at 60 min from
(cm) (min) IT (%) (cm3/min)
Cylindrical Core C1 1.50 24.33 38.02 0.9439
Bed C2 1.50 9.00 31.12 0.8120
C3 2.55 0.33 28.68 0.5890
C4 2.55 0.67 24.76 0.7028
Cylindrical A1 1.00 4.67 19.27 1.0506
Annular Bed A2 1.00 3.67 19.08 0.9872
A3 1.50 0.33 29.53 1.3504
A4 1.50 0.33 29.47 1.3579
A5 1.90 0.33 31.18 1.0102
A6 1.90 2.67 31.24 1.2650
A7 2.55 0.33 19.46 0.7785
A8 2.55 0.33 24.08 0.7535

Fig. 3. Effect of annular bed thickness on water recovery at 2.6 MPa, 274.2 K with
MS2 sand bed, CO2/C3H8 (90/10%) gas mixture and 3 wt% NaCl solution.
achieved was 26.72 (±2.77) and 21.77 (±3.27) % respectively for
core bed and annular bed reactor configuration. It has to be noted
that the water recovery is the % water recovered with respect to is 1.5 cm. Although the mechanism of hydrate formation is same
feed water. The actual amount of water recovered for the core (movement of dispersed water towards the gas phase), the
bed reactor and the annular bed reactor were 18.85 (±1.96) and direction of water movement is towards the sides (horizontal) in
46.79 (±7.02) ml. The cylindrical core bed reactor performed better annular bed and upwards (vertical) in the flatbed reactor. The dif-
than the cylindrical annular bed reactor in terms of water recovery. ference in optimum thickness for annular bed reactor is maybe due
However, in terms of the rate of hydrate formation, the cylindrical to direction of gravity.
annular bed reactor performed better than the cylindrical core bed A uniform layer of hydrate crystals formed around the mesh
reactor. The rate of hydrate formation for core bed and annular bed and these hydrate crystals need to be separated to recover water
reactor achieved was 0.65 (±0.09) and 0.77 (±0.02) cm3/min from it. Fig. 4 shows the hydrate crystals formed around the mesh
respectively. in the innovative annular bed reactor design. To remove the
For a given bed thickness, a cylindrical annular bed reactor can hydrate crystals, we designed an innovative scraper attached to a
process more feed water compared to other reactor configurations. magnetic drive. The scrapper can be operated at a fixed interval
The desalination capacity increases 3 times for an annular bed of time to remove the hydrates thereby renewing the gas-liquid
reactor compared to the core bed reactor for a given bed thickness contact. Fig. 5 shows the innovative scraper design employed to
of 2.55 cm. The cooling jacket is in contact with the saturated sand remove the hydrate crystals from the mesh.
bed in cylindrical annular bed. In cylindrical core bed, the cooling Based on the above design to overcome the challenges of scala-
jacket is in contact with the gas phase. The thermal conductivity bility and hydrate separation from brine, we have built a prototype
of saturated sand (around 2–4 W/mK) is higher than the gas. to demonstrate the hydrate based desalination (Linga et al., 2018).
Hence, efficient cooling can be achieved in the annular bed design A cross-sectional view of a novel annular bed reactor design along
compared to cylindrical core design and the hence annular bed is with the scrapper is shown in Fig. 6. The prototype consists of the
most desirable. It has to be noted that with our reactor with a cool- seawater treatment zone, separator valve and desalinated water
ing jacket, the core bed reactor configuration took nearly double recovery zone. The seawater treatment zone consists of an annular
the time to cool down the bed to the experimental temperature bed reactor made up of 316 stainless steel. The internal diameter of
than the annular reactor configuration.
As we reported previously, with propane as co-guest in the
hydrate forming gas mixture, hydrate formation occurs at the
sand-gas-mesh interface and the hydrate grows above the sand
layer towards the gas phase. Water dispersed in the interstitial
pore space of sand particles moves towards the hydrate growth
front for further hydrate formation due to capillary movement.
Apart from the capillary force, the extent of water participating
in hydrate formation depends on the surface area of the cylindrical
mesh (sand-gas-mesh interface). The surface area of the interface
depends on the thickness of the bed. Therefore, the annular bed
thickness needs to be optimized to achieve maximum water recov-
ery and hydrate formation. Experiments with different annular bed
thicknesses of 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 2.55 cm were carried out at 2.6 MPa,
274.2 K, MS2 sand and 3 wt% NaCl solution to optimize the bed
thickness. Fig. 3 shows the effect of bed thickness on water recov-
ery. The annular bed thickness of 1.9 cm was found to yield higher
water recovery amongst various thicknesses experimented. Water
recovery achieved in 1 hr was 19.2 (±0.1), 29.5 (±0.1), 32.0 (±1.1)
and 21.8 (±3.3) % for annular bed thickness of 1, 1.5, 1.9 and
2.55 cm respectively. It has to be noted that the optimum bed Fig. 4. Hydrate formation around the mesh in the annular bed reactor
thickness for annular bed reactor is 1.9 cm while for flatbed reactor configurations.
P. Babu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563 5

Fig. 5. Innovative scraper design.

Fig. 6. Novel cylindrical annular bed reactor design along with the scrapper.
6 P. Babu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563

the annular bed reactor is 10.2 cm. A metallic mesh holds the silica attached to the outside of the cylindrical mesh at a regular interval
sand in the annular region. The diameter of the cylindrical mesh of time. The scrapped hydrates are collected at the bottom of the
can be varied to adjust the thickness of the bed. The temperature annular bed reactor. Once hydrates are collected at the bottom of
of the crystallizer is controlled by the cooling jacket connected to the reactor, separator valve V1 is opened to collect hydrates in
an external refrigerated circulator. A multipoint thermocouple the desalinated water recovery zone which is maintained at the
(Omega copper-constantan T-type, ±0.1 K) is used to measure tem- same pressure as the seawater treatment zone. Once the hydrates
peratures at different locations of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 cm from the bot- fall into the desalinated water recovery zone, separator valve V1 is
tom of the sand bed. A gas reservoir is connected to the reactor to closed. Hydrates are dissociated by thermal stimulation and
supply gas. A separator valve V1 connects the seawater treatment depressurization with the help of a heating jacket in the desali-
zone to the desalinated water recovery zone. The internal diameter nated water recovery zone. Once hydrates are dissociated, valve
of the separator valve is 6.4 cm. The desalinated water recovery V2 is opened and recovered water is allowed to flow downwards
zone consists of a dissociation reactor of volume 165.8 cm3. The to the collection tank and gas is recycled. The seawater treatment
internal diameter and height of the dissociation reactor are 6.5 zone is depressurized and the sand bed is washed to remove the
and 5 cm respectively. A cooling jacket around the dissociation brine. Brine is collected via the discharge ports present at the bot-
reactor connected to an external refrigerated circulator helps to tom of the sand bed. Each modular prototype unit can operate in
maintain the temperature of the dissociation reactor. A valve V2 series/parallel to produce water continuously.
is present at the bottom of the dissociation reactor to collect the
recovered water at the end of dissociation. Three Rosemount smart
pressure transducer (model 3051S, ±20 kPa) measures the pressure 5. Prototype demonstration
of the reservoir, annular bed reactor and dissociation reactor. The
pressure and temperature data were recorded using a National A schematic of the prototype to demonstrate hydrate based
Instruments CompactRIO data acquisition system and LabView desalination is shown in Fig. 7. Experiments were carried out at
software. 2.6 MPa and 274.2 K with 3 wt% NaCl solution and C3H8/CO2
The feed seawater enters at the top of the annular bed via mul- (10/90%) gas mixture. The thickness of the bed used for experi-
tiple the feed ports. The reactor is pressurized with the gas mixture ments were 1.5 and 1.9 cm. Hydrates were allowed to form for
consisting of propane as one of the constituents. Hydrate crystals 30/60 mins after nucleation. The formed hydrate crystals were
nucleate at the sand-mesh-gas interface and grow on the surface scrapped from the mesh at the end of hydrate formation and then
of the mesh towards the gas phase. The formed hydrate crystals collected in the dissociation chamber and dissociated. At the end of
stick to the outside of the cylindrical mesh. When the novel scrap- the dissociation, the recovered water was collected and weighed to
per attached to a magdrive rotates, it scrapes/removes the hydrates measure the water recovery. The recovered water is tested using

Fig. 7. Schematic of the Prototype to demonstrate the HyDesal process.

P. Babu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563 7

Table 2
Summary of water recovery and salt rejection experiments in prototype with CO2/ C3H8 (90 mol% /10 mol%) gas mixtures and 3 wt% NaCl solution at 2.6 MPa and 274.2 K.

Exp. No Bed Thickness Hydrate formation time Water recovery (%) Salt rejection rate
(cm) (mins) Na (%) Cl (%)
P1 1.50 60.00 38.8 75.3 72.5
P2 60.00 36.9 80.8 78.2
P3 30.00 37.8 88.1 83.3
P4 30.00 34.1 86.7 82.1
P5 30.00 39.7 86.5 85.3
P6 30.00 33.8 86.4 85.4
P7 1.90 30.00 35.1 86.2 83.9
P8 30.00 34.6 88.8 84.4

ICP and IC to determine the salt rejection rate. The salt rejection The water recovery achieved for different bed thicknesses of 1.5
rate is calculated using the following formula and 1.9 cm was 36.35 (±2.88) and 34.85 (±0.35) % respectively for

Concentration in the feed seawater - Concentration in produced water

Salt rejection % ¼  100
Concentration in the feed seawater

hydrate formation time of 30 mins. As can be seen from the figure,

Rejection % of each individual ion can be calculated from the ion the change in water recovery is not significant with an increase in
concentration in the feed seawater and the produced water after annular bed thickness. However, an increase in bed thickness
dissociation of the hydrate. The higher the rejection, the better is increases the desalination capacity.
the system performance. Fig. 9 shows the effect of annular bed thickness and hydrate for-
Table 2 presents the summary of results such as water recovery, mation time on the salt rejection at 2.6 MPa, 274.2 K with
salt rejection rate in the prototype. It must be noted the water CO2/C3H8 (90/10%) gas mixture and 3 wt% NaCl solution. For exper-
recovery presented in Table 2 is the amount of water collected iments with 1.5 cm bed thickness, 30 mins hydrate formation time,
after hydrate dissociation. the salt rejection rate for Na+ and Cl ion were 86.93 (±0.79) and
Fig. 8 presents the effect of annular bed thickness and hydrate 84.03 (1.61) % respectively. For experiments with 1.5 cm bed thick-
formation time on water recovery at 2.6 MPa, 274.2 K with ness, 60 mins hydrate formation time, the salt rejection rate for Na+
CO2/C3H8 (90/10%) gas mixture and 3 wt% NaCl solution. Hydrate and Cl ion were 78.05 (±3.89) and 75.35 (±4.03)% respectively. As
formation time was varied to study its effect on water recovery. can be seen from Fig. 9, the increase in hydrate formation time
For annular bed thickness of 1.5 cm, the hydrate formation time decreased the salt rejection rate for both Na+ and Cl ion. This
of 30 and 60 mins were used. As can be seen from the figure, can be attributed to the increase in the concentration of salt in
increased hydrate formation time had minimal effect on the water the unreacted water as time progresses during hydrate formation
recovery. Similarly, an increase in bed thickness has a minimal and increased hydrate formation.
effect on water recovery. The water recovery achieved for 1.5 cm For experiments with 1.9 cm bed thickness, 30 mins hydrate
bed thickness was 36.35 (±2.88) and 37.85 (±1.34) % respectively formation time, the salt rejection rate for Na+ and Cl ion were
for hydrate formation time of 30 and 60 mins respectively.

Fig. 8. Effect of annular bed thickness and hydrate formation time on water Fig. 9. Effect of annular bed thickness and hydrate formation time on salt rejection
recovery at 2.6 MPa, 274.2 K with CO2/C3H8 (90/10%) gas mixture and 3 wt% NaCl at 2.6 MPa, 274.2 K with CO2/C3H8 (90/10%) gas mixture and 3 wt% NaCl solution in
solution in the HyDesal prototype. the HyDesal prototype.
8 P. Babu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563

Fig. 10. Transformation of lab scale fixed bed reactor to a scalable and modular prototype.

87.50 (±1.84) and 84.15 (0.35) % respectively. As can be seen from formation. The physical scrapper separates formed hydrate crystals
the figure, the increase in annular bed thickness had minimal effect from brine. With our innovative prototype, we achieved a water
on the salt rejection rate. Although salts do not participate in recovery of 34.85 (±0.35) % and salt rejection of 87.5 (±1.84) % with
hydrate formation, it may get adsorbed on to the formed hydrate 3 wt% NaCl solution at optimized conditions. Further studies with
crystals resulting in presence of salts in recovered water. These actual seawater will be carried out to study the effect of various
salts can be removed with secondary treatment steps like washing, salts present in seawater on water recovery and salt rejection rate.
centrifuging etc. after hydrate formation and before dissociation. The water distribution system will be automated and two modular
However, these secondary steps affect the process efficiency and units operating in parallel/series mode will be demonstrated for
economics. continuous HyDesal process.
Fig. 10 shows the transformation of our lab-scale fixed bed reac-
tor configuration to scalable and modular prototype design. The CRediT authorship contribution statement
optimum bed height found in the flatbed reactor configuration
was 1.5 cm. Scaling of flatbed reactor configuration will be a chal- Ponnivalavan Babu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investi-
lenge owing to less feed water processing capacity and a number of gation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Project
such reactors and areas required to process on a commercial scale. administration. Abhishek Nambiar: Conceptualization, Methodol-
Our novel annular bed design configuration addresses the above ogy, Investigation. Zheng Rong Chong: Methodology, Investiga-
challenges of scalability and separation of hydrate crystals from tion. Nagu Daraboina: Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
brine. The annular bed reactor configuration can process nearly Mohammad Albeirutty: Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
3 times more feed water compared to the flatbed reactor configu- Omar A. Bamaga: Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
ration. The modular prototype can be operated in series and paral- Praveen Linga: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review
lel to produce water continuously. The innovative scrapper & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Project administration.
effectively and efficiently separates the hydrate crystals from the
brine. The novel prototype can be integrated with LNG regasifica- Declaration of Competing Interest
tion to utilize and harvest the waste LNG cold energy thereby
addressing the challenge of refrigeration. The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
6. Conclusions to influence the work reported in this paper.

While the HyDesal process was proposed almost 70 years ago, it Acknowledgments
was never commercialized primarily due to the high energy
requirement for low-temperature operation, slow hydrate forma- The work was funded in part under the Energy Innovation
tion kinetics and inefficient hydrate crystal separation from brine. Research Programme (EIRP, Award No. NRF2014EWTEIRP003-006),
To address the above challenges, we have designed a novel proto- administrated by the Energy Market Authority (EMA). The EIRP is
type and demonstrated the HyDesal process. The novel prototype a competitive grant call initiative driven by the Energy Innovation
consists of a cylindrical annular bed reactor and a physical scrap- Programme Office, and funded by the National Research Foundation,
per. The annular cylindrical bed reactor configuration aids in effi- Singapore (NRF). The authors would like to acknowledge funding
cient gas-liquid contact and hence resulting in enhanced hydrate support from our industry collaborator, Shell Energy Singapore.
P. Babu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 218 (2020) 115563 9

MA and OAB would like to acknowledge the support by NSTIP strate- He, T., Nair, S.K., Babu, P., Linga, P., Karimi, I.A., 2018. A novel conceptual design of
hydrate based desalination (hydesal) process by utilizing LNG cold energy. Appl.
gic technologies program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project No
Energy 222, 13–24.
(11-WAT2007-03) and Science and Technology Unit at King AbdulA- Hightower, M., Pierce, S.A., 2008. The energy challenge. Nature 452, 285.
ziz University, Saudi Arabia. Kang, K.C., Hong, S.Y., Cho, S.J., Kim, D.H., Lee, J.D., 2017. Evaluation of desalination
by nanostructured hydrate formation and pellet production process. J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 17, 4059–4062.
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