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The Diary of a CEO E110: Molly Mae: How She Became Creative Director of PLT at 22

I chose this as an example of exploring a subject in podcast form. I felt this could be beneficial for the
future as interviewing guests on a podcast is something I would like to be involved in and I knew this
would inspire ideas within my own work.

The Diary of a CEO E110: Molly Mae: How She Became Creative Director of PLT at 22 explores the rising
fame of the reality tv star turned entrepreneur through an interview style podcast. The narrator chose
to speak to Molly Mae as she has been “thrust to the number one spot in terms of influence, become a
multi-millionaire overnight and is only 22”. Molly Mae is plastered over the news headlines, is relevant
in the modern world while always causing controversy and divided public opinions.

The podcast begins with a message of gratitude and advertisement for his live show, this is slightly dull
and underwhelming as part of the introduction to the podcast. In my own work I would use a more
enticing introduction audio. Yet, this is followed by a podcast teaser presenting a compilation of
comments spoken in the interview by Molly Mae to immediately engage the listener following the
advertisement. The narrator introduces the guest by addressing Molly Mae’s metamorphic rise and
summarising the dominant achievements of the Instagram influencer. The narrator uses the phrase “I
hope no one is listening but if you’re then please keep this to yourself.” This is an effective way to
introduce a guest and I would consider using this in my own work as the first-person narration restores
credibility and builds a rapport with the listeners by sharing this personal story directly with them
therefore forming a close bond with the listener.

It is interesting that the use of audio is restricted to speech with extremely low volume suspense audio,
this effectively conveys the seriousness and style of the podcast as it addresses true life stories. The
narrator discusses the troubles of social media, how our perception of reality is manipulated by social
media by exposing the real person behind the edited photos. This subject matter is important as we are
consumed by social media thus the listener relates to this topic and is comforted by the response. The
podcast is powerful, offers advice and provokes a change of attitude in the listener due to the insightful
set of topics addressed. The narrator approached the heartbreaking incident whereby Molly Mae’s
house was burgled with empathy and expressed his sadness for the situation she was forced into.
In addition, the podcast effectively entices the listener to delve deep into the life stories of interesting
individuals providing an informative and engaging experience for the listener alongside insightful life

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