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A classification of body movements is called

a) Emblems (b) non-verbal (c) Displays (d) Kinesics
2.Intrapersonal communication helps one
a) Learn about oneself (b) To know what others are thinking (c) communicate with the
general public (d) To become an effective public speaker.
3. A disruption in the communication process is called
a) Transgression (b) Feedback (c) Interaction (d) Noise
4.A speaker using complex terms is an example of
a) Physiological noise (b) Psychological noise (c)Semantic noise (d) Physical noise
5. Which of the following is not true about the grapevine communication
a) It is faster than formal communication network
(b) It is less accurate than formal network
(c) It is found in almost all organization
(d) It is preferred over formal communication
6. Informal transmission of information or filtered information is called
a) Gossip (b) Grapevine (c) Vertical Communication (d) Horizontal Communication
7. Eye contact is
(A) Verbal communication (B) Non verbal communication (C) visual communication
8. A semantic barrier is
(A) Cultural barrier (B) Physical Barrier (C) Psychological barrier (D) Language barrier.
9. Feedback is a very important part in which type of communication
A) Verbal B) Nonverbal C) Written D) None.
10. A person is dumb. What type of barrier he will face?
A) Organizational barrier B) Cultural barrier C) Physical barrier D) Semantic barrier
11. Facial Expression is an example of
A) Verbal communication B) Formal Communication C) Non-verbal Communication
D) None
12. Day to day language is an example of
A) Formal Communication B) Informal communication C) Interpersonal communication
D) Intrapersonal Communication
13. A face to face conversation is
A) Spoken communication B) Written Communication C) Non-verbal communication D)
14. Which is not the part of social communication?
A) Greeting B) Requesting C) Informing D) Body language
15. What is the component of business communication?
A) Coordination between body and language B) Following certain rules C) Use of non-
verbal expression D) None

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