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The first question to answer is “ how religious are British people? “ The UK is governed by
the monarchy that is connected to Church. Chritianity is the common religion, but many
people do not believe in God, A quarter of Britions belives in God, but a further one in six
belive a spiritual power, not in God. It shows that most Britons are not religious even if the
country is governed by the monarchy.
Secondly, is religiousness important in Britain? A quarter of religious people say that is very
important while further third say it is somewhat important, but people who belong a certain
religion say that different religious don’t bother them or affect their lives. In addition, among
British Christians also say that religion is not a big concern or does not create any problem in
their lives. They care about a person’s personality and how a person acts in the Uk society .
They do not care about your religion or country.
The other subject is practising your faith in the UK. It is easy to practise your faith because
the country has multi- faith society since the past. Thus, everyone is welcomed nicely and
feels comfortable in providing that a person does not create a security problem in country. As
The UK provide the security of its own, people can live together in peace.
What faiths are represented in the UK?
Even though the UK official religion is Christianity, the Church of all dominations can be
found throughout the UK such as Catholic, Protestant, Baptist and Methodist. There are also
other religions like Islam, Hinduism and Buddihism.
Can I wear religious items in the UK?
Any people wear their items like turbans or hijabs and they are free to observe their religious
day like Christmas, Hanukkah or Ramadan.
Finally, there are some organisations to help students live in peace and to make them
comfortable in society: National Hindu Students’ Forum UK, Network of Buddhist
Organisations, The Union of Jewish Students.
Is Christianity still important in the Uk?
According to recent dataS , which is taken in 2021, 46.2% of the English and Welsh
population say they are Christian, but there is a decline of 13.1 percentage points since the last
census in 2011. “No religion” was the second most common response, increasing by 12
percentage points to 37.2% since 2011.
Christianty was emerged in during the Roman age. The Anglo- Saxons started to embrace
Christianity in the end of the sixth century. Some Anglo – Saxons devoted their life to God
and lived from away the land lonely. During the Anglo-Saxon period, parts of the Bible were
translated into English. During the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain in the 5th and 6th
centuries, paganism was re-established; Christianity was again brought to Great Britain by
Catholic Church and Irish-Scottish missionaries in the course of the 7th century.
The Catholic and Protestant churches are important to understand the religion. The Roman
Catholic Church is the largest Christian sect in the world with over one billion followers.
While the many Protestant churches combine to make up around 900 million people.

Presbyterians, Baptists and Independents were developed in 16th century by Puritanism. In

the centuries before the Reformation, the English church experienced periods of progress and
of decline. In the 11th century the Norman Conquest united England significantly with the
culture of Latin Europe. Thus, The English church was reformed according to Roman
ideas.The various forms of Christianity, Romano-British religions, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon
paganism made up the religion the UK.
Society of Friends (Quakers) is a puritanical group founded by George Fox in 1647 and they
belived that all people were equal, they were object to violence including armed service.
They were colonised by William Penn thgrough Pennsylvania.


Saint Patrick: He is known as the "Apostle of Ireland". He is recognized bringing Christianity
to Ireland, converting a pagan society.
Thomas Becket: He was an English nobleman who served as Lord Chancellor from 1155 to
1162. He was killed by followers of the king in Canterbury Cathedral.
John Wesley: was an English cleric, theologian, and evangelist and he supported the
movemenet of Methodism. Thanks to Wesley's direction, Methodists played active role in
many social issues of the day, including slavery and prison reform.
Thomas Wolsey : He was an English statesman and Catholic bishop. The highest political
position Wolsey attained was Lord Chancellor, the king's chief adviser.

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