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Argument Why do you think that this argument will be

effective in convincing readers of your position?

EXAMPLE Not sure if I need to fill in this box.

1. The federal government has a
responsibility to protect its citizens
from foreign threats
2. Tik Tok is owned by China, which is
the US’ top geopolitical rival
3. TikTok steals personal data from its

Conclusion: Therefore, the US should pass a

federal law banning TikTok.

Premises: These arguments help me to effectively

convince my readers that my position is
1. The US economy flourishes because of correct because they allow me to view this
how well the business industry does. stance from three different perspectives to be
2. Business performance can impact a able to choose the one that has more evidence
nation’s economy. backing up that claim which all combined
3. Business power in the US is big helps me to make a clear argument on the
enough to impact not only their topic.
performance but other nation’s
performance worldwide.

Conclusion: Therefore, business CEOs have

too much influence over the US economy.

Premises: These arguments help me to effectively

convince my readers that my position is
1. Many generations since childhood correct because they are very similar to each
have grown up watching movies and other so I could choose one and still get to the
TV shows that influenced their same conclusion. This allows me to have
interests and even career choices. options and by being a common topic among
2. Music is so popular it connects people society it will be easy or not easy but there will
from all places creating communities. be plenty of information out there to back up
3. Much real information used in movies my argument and gaining trust from readers.
has taught interesting skills and
knowledge to their fans.
Conclusion: Therefore, the entertainment
industry has a great impact on modern

Premises: These arguments help me to effectively

convince my readers that my position is
1. Many schools around the nation have correct because it is a very important issue
been victims of gun violence. regarding the safety of the nation and the
2. There have been so many accidents in young generations which will immediately
schools, such as the Uvalde shooting, grab attention and even if readers agree or
where kids and school staff lost their disagree with me it is still an important issue
lives or were injured. to be talking about.
3. Not regulating the use of guns can be
very dangerous to the nation, more
especially to the younger generations
falling victim to it.

Conclusion: Therefore, the US should pass a

federal law banning guns.
Premises: These arguments help me to effectively
convince my readers that my position is
1. Product quality is based on supply and correct because even if this is not as popular as
demand and improves because of music it is a very important matter to the
competition between companies. economy of the nation that could be
2. When a big company buys a smaller disregarder by the government not caring
company, it decreases the competition about competition which affects consumers
as well as the need to keep improving and the whole nation. (Gov. is the one who
their products. allows business to buy eachother). This
3. Prices have been increasing over the arguments help me to convince thi is a real
years, and this is not the same for matter that needs to be talked about now that
quality, by companies having no inflation is a problem to the people which will
competition there is not a need to keep be interested to learn about it.
fighting for consumers, thus no quality
Conclusion: Therefore, competition between
companies should be the economy focus.

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