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OOP Mid Term Syllabus

1) Why we use java language in oop?

2) Importance of oop and uses.
3) What is class and what is object
4) Pillars of oop
5) What is encapsulation and implementation?
6) What is polymorphism and its implementation?
7) What is abstraction and its implementation?
8) What is inheritance and its implementation?
9) Types of inheritance and its implementation?
10) What is constructor and its types?
11) what is Overloading and overriding?
12) Why we use this and supper keyword?
13) What is static data member and static method?
14) what is final data member and final class?
15) What is abstract class and abstract method?
16) Difference between early and late binding
17) What is D-constructor and why we use it?
18) What is pure virtual function and virtual function and
why we use it?
19) How we can use array, loops, if, else, if, switch
statement, while and do while in java?
20) How can we create a java class in sperate file?
21) Why we use constants in oop?

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