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LANDSLIDE: Downward slide or movement of land

AVALANCHE: Downward slide or movement of snow
EARTHQUAKE/TREMOR: The shaking of the surface of the Earth
SINKHOLE: When the ground becomes too weak to support the elements on it, it can collapse
VOLCANIC ERUPTION: An expulsion of lava, ash, gases, smoke and rocks from a magma chamber


FLOOD: an overflow of water that submerges land

TSUNAMI: A giant wave or a series of destructive waves
LIMNIC ERUPTION: The eruption of a gas (usually CO2) from deep lake water


TYPHOON/HURRICANE/CYCLONE: a cyclonic and heavy storm system that forms over the ocean
BLIZZARD: A severe winter storm characterized by heavy snow and strong winds
HAILSTORM: Precipitation in the form of ice (it does not melt before hitting the ground)
COLD WAVES: A rapid and sudden decrease in temperature
HEAT WAVE: A rapid and sudden increase in temperature
DROUGHT: Unusual dryness of soil caused by levels of rainfall below average over a long period
THUNDERSTORM: A storm with several lightnings that hit the floor and other structures (trees…)
TORNADOES: A violent and dangerous rotating column of air in contact with the Earth and a cloud


WILDFIRES: A large fire started in a wildland area, usually caused by droughts and/or lightnings

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