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What is more important questions or answers?

(400-500 words)

In comic “A day at the park”, a one-eyed alien creature embarks on a philosophically-

oriented debate with another bulkier and older one. While sharing a park bench,
One-Eye admits that he collects questions, whereas the second creature is a
collector of answers. One-Eye argues that questioning is fundamental and does not
lose value.In contrast, answers tend to not correspond to the reality with the passage
of time. The answer collector states that it is undeniable the fact that questions
dictate answers. By extension, we can argue that it is in human consciousness and
innate process to raise questions with the aim to be gradually answered. As a result,
we can approach the absurd concept of truth and therefore gain knowledge.
Inevitably, One-Eye admits that he, in fact, collects answers because they do mate
with questions. However, he elaborates further his initial view regarding the
significance of questions over answers. He purports that nothing can improve an
invalid answer, whereas a misplaced question can result in more critical reasoning
and therefore to a plausible question. Furthermore, One-Eye alleges that questions
cause genuine inquiry into big ideas and generally produce more content. When a
question is answered, we come to a conclusion –failed or meaningful– that inevitably
stops the inquiry and the learning process.
We can examine briefly why questions seem to be more significant than answers.
Questions foster our opened mindedness as we move beyond our instincts and thus
spark a deeper level of thinking. Answers, on the other hand, are responses that can
be weakened over time. As our perception of things evolves, subsequently our
arguments and values with which our answers have been built do not remain
unchanged. To make it more comprehendible, we will not get the same answer if we
asked a middle-aged person and an adolescent. Answers are influenced by our
surroundings, social standards and norms, and other factors that have a great effect
on how we approach the world. Even our genes and biological features determine
the way we interpret things. Also, we live in a world full of bias and dozens of stimuli,
each having some impact on our perception. We deduce that answers rely upon
individual traits and other conditions, we come to live in. Thus, it is a challenge to
come up with an objective answer as we do not conceive things identically. In fact,
an answer can sometimes defy basic human logic. On the other hand, questions are
usually products of the curiosity any human being who wants to explore in depth the
human nature and critically question it. A mankind not driven by curiosity to doubt its
surroundings is prone to fail and stagnate. When we question, we reevaluate our
overall corpus of knowledge. Whereas, the endeavor for finding an answer derives
from the innate human desire for certainty. To conclude, on a superficial level we
suppose that in order to approach truth, we have to find an answer, however, that
answer usually does not endure over time, becomes obsolete and dilutes. Thus, we
diverge from the concept of truth instead of approaching it.

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