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NPTEL Week-8 assignment-2023

Psychology of Learning

1) Which of the following is not a pedagogical approach in teaching?

a. Collaborative approach
b. Inquiry-based approach
c. Constructivist approach
d. Refractive approach
e. Integrative approach
Ans.= d
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.06-10) for better

2) Constructivism with respect to learning suggests that ___

a. the role of learners is passive
b. learners are the makers of meaning and knowledge
c. facilitators are the makers of meaning and knowledge
d. internet is the maker of meaning and knowledge
e. none of the above
Ans.= b
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.06-10) for better

3) Which of the following is false about pedagogy in education and learning?

a. Effective pedagogies are an amalgamation of various teaching techniques
b. Pedagogy is based on a facilitator-centered approach
c. Pedagogy allows teachers to evaluate individual students’ performance regularly
d. Pedagogy allows students to meet like-minded people and learn from their peers
e. None of the above
Ans.= b
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.10-15) for better

4) Which of the following is not a major component of the experiential learning process?
a. Generalizing
b. Experiencing
c. Analyzing
d. Sharing
e. Overthinking
f. Applying
Ans.= e

Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.15-18) for better

5) David Kolb's experiential learning style theory typically suggests ___ number of stages in the
experiential learning cycle.
a. Four
b. Nine
c. Fifteen
d. Seven
e. None of the above
Ans.= a
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.19-22) for better

6) The stages of the experiential learning cycle given by Kolb are dissected by two continuums
relating to perception and ___.
a. emotion
b. motivation
c. processing
d. perseveration
e. none of the above
Ans.= c
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.20-25) for better

7) The ___ learning style as given by Kolb suggests that these individuals prefer technical tasks
and like to be left alone to solve them.
a. Assimilating
b. Accommodating
c. Diverging
d. Converging
Ans.= d
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.22-25) for better

8) The model of multimedia learning is based upon some primary assumptions as given by
Mayer that are mentioned below. Which of the following is false?
a. Visual and auditory experiences/information are processed through separate and
distinct information processing ‘channels’
b. Each information processing channel is limited in its ability to process

c. Processing experience/information in channels is an active cognitive process designed to
construct coherent mental representations
d. None of the above
Ans.= d
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.38-42) for better

9) The ___ principle of multimedia learning suggests that students learn better when
corresponding words and pictures are presented simultaneously rather than successively
a. temporal contiguity
b. spatial contiguity
c. modality
d. coherence
e. redundancy
Ans.= a
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.40-45) for better

10) Mezirow(1978) identified ___ number of steps that are required for transformative learning
to occur.
a. Four
b. Five
c. Seven
d. Ten
e. Thirteen
Ans.= d
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-8 (slide no.54-60) for better


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