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NPTEL Week-2 assignment- July 2023

Psychology of Learning

1) ___ established the first psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig in

a. Sigmund Freud
b. Albert Einstein
c. Wilhelm Wundt
d. Aristotle
e. Carl Jung
Ans.= c
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.01) for better

2) ___ is a theory of learning that uses mind as an information processor, like a

a. Behaviorism
b. Information Technology
c. Psychoanalysis
d. Cognitivism
e. Motivation
Ans.= d
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.03) for better

3) According to Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, ___ intelligence is about self-

knowledge and the ability to act adaptively on the basis of that knowledge
a. Interpersonal
b. Spatial
c. Intrapersonal
d. Linguistic
e. Musical
Ans.= c
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.15) for better

4) In the PASS theory of intelligence, PASS stands for ___

a. Practice, Attention, Selection, Sensation
b. Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous and Successive

c. Processing, Arousal, Simultaneous Selection
d. Problem solving, Attention, Sensation, Substitution
e. Perception, Attention, Selection, Sensation
Ans.= b
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.24) for better

5) Pre-assessment, group based initial instruction, regular formative assessments,

corrective instruction, and parallel formative assessments are all components of ___
a. Mastery learning
b. Structure of Intellect
c. Instructional learning
d. Positive learning
e. Intelligence
Ans.= a
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.51-55) for better

6) Which of the following is an approach to learning which suggests that reality is

determined by the experiences of the learner?
a. Constructivism
b. Cognitivism
c. Conceptualism
d. Instructionism
e. Conceptualization
Ans.= a
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.59) for better

7) ___ constructivism is based on the work of Lev Vygotsky.

a. Cognitive
b. Behavioral
c. Motivational
d. Positive
e. Social
Ans.= e
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.64) for better

8) Which of the following is not a stage of development as given by Piaget?
a. Preoperational
b. Formal operational
c. Sensory-motor
d. Post operational
e. Concrete operational
Ans.= d
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.67) for better

9) According to Vygotsky, ___ is the gap between what a learner can do independently
and what they can do with the help of a more knowledgeable other.
a. knowledge gap
b. zone of proximal development
c. zone of intelligence
d. intelligence gap
e. zone of knowledge
Ans.= b
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.73 & 76) for better

10) ___ teaching involves an interactive dialogue between a teacher and a small group
of students.
a. Reciprocal
b. Instructional
c. Reinforcing
d. Corrective
e. Restricted
Ans.= a
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-2 (slide no.77) for better


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