Rozdział 3 - Szkoła - MiniMatura (Grupa B)

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Rozdział 3 Imię i nazwisko:

Grupa B Klasa: Wynik /50


SŁOWNICTWO 4 Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami czasowników

w ramce.
1 Dopasuj słowa do właściwych kategorii. W ramce
podano pięć dodatkowych słów, które nie pasują do wipe not make do revise not go have
żadnej kategorii.
0 We 're doing PE in the gym today because it’s raining.
fail deadline gifted exercises vocational 1 The teachers a weekly meeting after
lab set essays staff Chemistry academic
school on Fridays.
standards strict
2 I to any extra lessons after school.
3 You very good progress this
A place in school: 0 lab
year, are you?
A subject / Subjects: 1
4 Why you the board? It’s Jack’s
A person / People: 2
turn today.
Something teachers do: 3
5 My brother never for his exams.
A type of school: 4
Something students shouldn’t do: 5 /5

/5 5 Uzupełnij luki poprawnymi formami czasowników

w czasie Past Simple lub Past Continuous.
2 Zakreśl właściwe słowo.
I 0 was having (have) a break, when my mum
0 It’s dinner time. Quick, let’s get to the gym / lab / 1
(come) in.
canteen early before the queue gets too long.
1 Let’s have a game of football on the sports gym / room / The two boys 2 (bully) some
field. younger students when the deputy head
2 At the end of the lesson, the teacher always asks 3
(catch) them.
someone to clean the mistakes / board / desk.
3 Do you go to a high school or a middle / mixed / public Jane’s parents 4 (get) her exam
school? results while she 5 (travel) around
4 I like it when we read maps in Geography / Science / Europe.
Physics. /5
5 You’ll have to revise / fail / retake your exams if you
don’t pass them. ŚRODKI JĘZYKOWE
6 Z podanych odpowiedzi A–C wybierz wyraz, który
3 Uzupełnij słowa. Każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze. poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach każdej pary.

I had a talk with your 0 f o r m teacher today. He said that 0 You look tired. You should have a .
Let’s go to the shops during the lunch .
you are never prepared for lessons. You often forget your
_ x _ _ c _ _ _ books and that you make too many A break B time C hour
_ _ s _ _ k _ _ in your work. You don’t always 1 We often experiments in Chemistry.
_ _ _ t _ c _ _ _ t _ in lessons and you may not 4 _ a _ _ your Just your best.
exams at the end of the year. I asked him to be more A make B do C have
_ t _ _ c _ with you and he told me I should be too. 2 I’ve got a place university.
Open your books and look page 17.
/5 A for B to C at
3 Our teachers always us an essay for homework.
This year’s books are Jane Eyre and 1984.
A set B grade C pass
4 Our teacher always our tests very quickly.
My this year have been very poor.
A sets B marks C studies
5 I’d like you to exercise 1.
I always badly in exams.
A learn B study C do

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy
MiniMatura Rozdział 3 Grupa B

school on that day, please complete and sign the form

CZYTANIE below. We need to know exact numbers so that we can
ensure we have enough members of staff on duty.
7 Przeczytaj cztery teksty związane z tematyką szkolną. 4 On the 23rd of May
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
A not all teachers will have lessons at school.
z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
B all students will have exams.
Tekst 1.
C children will have to stay at home.
As you know, the school uniform was changed last year
without any consultation. We complained before the /4
change took place but our headmaster didn’t listen to
us. We now have a uniform which is less popular, more SŁUCHANIE
expensive and less comfortable. Students and parents
are unhappy and some people are refusing to wear the
uniform. That’s why I want you to support me in my 8 TRACK 04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć wypowiedzi
efforts to reverse this decision. If more of us complain, it's związanych ze szkołą. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–6)
more likely that we'll be able to do something about this. dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–G). Wpisz
1 The author of the text is rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
A encouraging students to break school rules.
B persuading other students to help her change the Speaker: 1 2 3 4 5 6
school’s rules.
C arguing that parents and teachers are wrong.
A The speaker is breaking a school rule.
Tekst 2.
B You can hear this in a science laboratory.
Dear Parent, C The speaker no longer has to follow a rule that younger
As you may remember, at the end of the last school year,
it was decided that the school should become an Eco- students have to.
school. The campaign was led by Mr Davies, who is sadly D The speaker has recently finished his/her school studies.
no longer with us. Mr Davies’ replacement hasn’t arrived E The speaker is a school student talking to another
yet so Mrs Baker has agreed to take over temporarily. As student.
an Eco-school, we shall have a number of Green Days F The speaker is in the wrong classroom.
during the year, the first of which will take place on
October 4th. This will be a non-uniform day as students G This is a talk to parents of students at a school.
may be carrying out activities which would be better /6
done in comfortable, older clothes.
2 The text
A informs parents about a change in teacher.
B encourages parents to get involved with the Green Day.
9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
C tells parents about how a future event will affect their
Właśnie zdawałeś egzamin, podczas którego dwóch
uczniów zostało złapanych na ściąganiu. Napisz e-mail do
Tekst 3.
przyjaciółki z innej szkoły.
Following inspection which took place in March this year,
• Opisz, jak uczniowie siedzieli na sali podczas egzaminu.
we are making the following recommendations :
• More consultations with parents are needed, especially • Powiedz, jak ta dwójka uczniów ściągała.
regarding behaviour problems. • Wyjaśnij, co się stało, gdy zostali przyłapani.
• The setting up of a student council would be helpful • Zapytaj przyjaciółkę o egzaminy w jej szkole.
so that students have a way to communicate with Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
teachers on an organised basis. Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
• The school would benefit from a reduction in formal
testing with younger age groups.
• There should be a variety of activities in all lessons.
Hi Emily,
This would keep students interested and motivated
even at the end of a busy day. We had an interesting History exam today!
3 The text has been written by
A the head teacher.
B a parents’ group.
C education standards inspectors.
Tekst 4.
Dear Parents,
I am writing to let you know that there will be no lessons Hope you’re well and not working too hard.
in the school on May 23rd as Year 13 will be taking their All the best,
final, end-of-year exams that day and several classrooms XYZ
will be needed. The canteen and common room will
be open as usual and children will be supervised by
members of staff. If you would like to send your child to /10

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy

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