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The Ethics and possible problems of Human Enhancement Technologies.

Will we still be the same we in the future?

Since the beggining, people have tried different methods in their fight against diseases and
biological obstacles. In this way, with the research, trials and experiences gained in these ways,
prosthetics started to be produced in the field of health, and later they began to be used and developed
not only in the field of health, but also in the entertainment, industry and military fields.

To give an example to this, after the invention of watches, wristwatches, which allowed people
to carry the time with them all the time, were used only as accessories by women, but later on, they
were used by soldiers due to the advantage of keeping time and acting together in wars brought to army
units. After that it has become more common among men and started to be used by the whole society.
Nowadays, with the development of technology in this field, not only mechanical wristwatches but also
smart watches and bracelets used by almost everyone are used not only to learn the time but also by
people from all segments of society such as athletes, dieticians, some patients, people interested in the
stock market for tracing the sports and fat rate, blood pressure, oxygen level, heart rate, sleep or
because they make life easier with their different features.

Thanks to VR and AR technologies Like the Apple Vision Pro, which has recently been on sale,
and dozens of similar brands and hundreds of models, prototype works that previously had to be
produced and tested in almost all industrial fields, especially in the automotive industry, at a cost of
thousands of dollars, and which had to be repeated in case of failure, are now created in virtual spaces
and with the help of realistic simulations. It can be achieved without spending a lot of money, time and
human power. In the field of entertainment, these inventions enable people to work in the environment
they want in their own virtual offices, and make content such as racing programs, movies, TV series and
games more effective and entertaining by recognizing the environment and adapting the content to the
environment, thanks to the cameras and sensors on them.

On the other side one of the human enhancement technologies in the field of health is implants.
Various implants that we encounter in daily life, such as dental implants, pacemakers and hearing aids,
have made easier or saved the lives of many patients so far. However, with the development of
technology, such implants, which were previously used only in the field of health, have begun to be
replaced by brain chips that can be used both in the field of entertainment and a more advanced
treatment method, such as the Neuralink project founded by Elon Musk. With this project, Neuralink
company plans to create interfaces that can be controlled just by thinking and to prevent various
neurological disorders. To do this, they are developing implants capable of detecting and interpreting
neural movements in the human brain.
In terms of ethics and security, how safe are these technologies, which will certainly develop
over time and become more compact and integrated into our bodies? Yes, we can now do many things
on our wrists with smart watches, but in addition to all this, it is also a fact that we give hundreds of our
data, especially data about our body, our location and the things we are interested in, into the hands of
various companies. Yes, VR and AR technologies provide us with hundreds of conveniences and good
things in the field of production and entertainment, but our private data is still in danger by the cameras
and sensors on them. Yes, maybe people will develop and have new abilities thanks to implants such as
Neuralink, but this time we will let companies come into our brains. Although all these dangers and
violations of people's private data can be used not only by companies and governments, but also by
cybercrimes and criminals, which are increasing day by day, it is a fact that human enhancement
technologies may seem nice at first, but they will create various ethical and security problems.

As a result of this research, we will have more information about the ethical and security
problems that come with such technologies and how we should proceed against this issue.

This issue is a very important issue for society because we live in a period where such
developments are developing very rapidly and it is a fact that these technologies will be extremely
widespread among people as society tends to buy the latest technology products and follow fashion.
And the fact that the health and data security of millions of people are at risk can lead to serious global
problems. For me, as a computer engineering student, this is a subject that I am interested in and follow
with curiosity.

This topic can be explored and researched in more depth by examining the development of
human enhancement technologies in various fields and the decisions taken by companies and decision
makers on this subject.

Name Surname: Asrın Kol

Student Number: 21091010120

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