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PAPER 1 & 2

NAME: ________________________________________________

Answer all the questions
1. (a) Explain the term
(i) Reactance (ii) impedance in a.c circuit [2marks]
(b) A circuit consists of a resistor 500 ohms and a capacitor of 5
UF connected in series. If an alternating voltage of 10v and
frequency 50Hz is applied across the series circuit. Calculate
(i) The reactance of the capacitor (ii) The current flowing in
the circuit (iii) The voltage across the capacitor [6marks]
(c) If the capacitor is replace with an inductor of 150mH,
calculate the impedance and voltage across the inductor [2marks]
2. (ai) Name two industrial applications of electrolysis
(ii) Calculate the time in minutes required to electroplate an
article of area 300cm2 with a layer of copper 0.06cm thick if a
constant current of 2A is maintained. Assumed that the density
of copper is 8.8gcm-3 and that one coulomb liberate 0.00033g of
a copper [3marks]
(bi) State two factors on which the colour of light from a
fluorescent tube depends [2marsk]
(ii) List three properties of cathode rays [3marks]
3. (a) What are the electromagnetic waves? [2marks]
(b) Give three similarities of electromagnetic waves
[1 ½ marks]
(c) name five uses of electromagnetic radiations [2 ½ marks]
(d) A broadcasting station is operating at a frequency of
2.0 MHz What is the wavelength of waves it send out?
(Velocity of waves = 3 × 108ms-1) [4marks]
4. (a) Explain the meaning of escape velocity [2marks]
(b) State the Newton’s law of universal gravitation [2marks]
(c) Write down the expression for gravitational forces between
two masses and explain the meaning of each term in your
5. (a) Explain what is meant by a magnetic field [2marks]
(b) Describe an experiment to show that a magnetic field exists
around a straight wire carrying a current [4marks]
(c) Draw a labeled diagram showing the pattern and direction of
the magnetic field produced around the wire (Neglect the earth’s
magnetic field) [4marks]
Answer All
6. (ai) Explain the terms: (i) Photoelectric emission (ii) threshold
(ii) Einstein’s photoelectric equation can be written as
E = hfo + kemax). What does each of the symbols sued in the
equation above represent?
(b) Calculate the frequency of the photon whose energy is
required to eject a surface electron with a kinetic energy of
1.97 × 10-16 ev if the work function of the metal is 1.33 × 10-16ev
(lev = 1.6 × 10-19); h = 6.6 × 10-34js)
(c) In a photoelectric cell, no electrons are emitted. Until the
threshold frequency of light is reached. Explained what happens
to the electrons begins to escape. State one factor that may affect
the numbers of emitted electrons
(d) Explain what is meant by the duality of matter, illustrating
your answer with observation phenomena
7. Explain the terms nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
(b) State two advantages of fusion over fission and explain
briefly why in spite of these advantages fusion is not normally
used for the generation of power
(c) 23892U is a long half life alpha emitter and decays to thorium
Th which in turn decay by beta emission with a small decay
constant to an isotope of protactinium Pa. the protactinium decay
scheme of 23892U as stated above is?
(d) State three uses of radio isotope
8. (ai) By means of a labeled diagram describe the mode of
operation of a modern X-ray tube
(ii) State the energy transformation which takes place during the 9. Suppose a rocket is fired from the earth’s surface of radius r so
operation that it just escapes from the gravitational influence of the earth
(b) Explain the terms hardness and intensity as applied to X-rays with velocity, v, then v is given as _______ (a) v =

(ci) State three uses of X-rays r
(ii) State one hazard of over-exposure to X-rays in a radio logical √ 2 gr (b) v – gr (c) g/r (d)
laboratory indicating two safety precautions 10. If F is the force of gravity on any object of mass m, the
gravitational field strength g is given by the following equation
(Answer All)
1. Which of the following types of radiation has the highest (a) g = f/m (b) g = 2 (c) g = f√ m (d) g = mf
frequency? (a) infrared rays (b) visible light (c) radio m
waves (d) x-rays 11. The force with which the earth pulls any object is the (a) gravity
2. What type of electromagnetic radiation can be used to take of the object (b) density of the object (c) mass of the object
photographs in the haze? (a) ultraviolet rays (b) visible light (d) weight of the object
(c) infrared rays (d) radio waves 12. If the mass of an object on the face of the earth is M, the mass of
the earth is M, and the radius of the earth is R, the force of
3. Which of the electromagnetic radiation passes through a thin
Mm Mm
sheet of lead? (a) infrared rays (b) gamma-rays (c) radio gravity on the object is ______ (a) 2 (b) 2 (c)
waves (d) ultraviolet rays
MmG Mm
4. The wavelength of x-ray is longer than the wavelength of (a) 2 (d)
Y-rays (b) radio waves (c) light waves (d) infrared waves
13. A battery consists of 6 accumulators in series each having an
5. The frequency of infrared waves is more than the frequency of e.m.f of 2v, the e.m.f of the battery is _______ (a) 8v (b) 4v
________? (a) Y-rays (b) light waves (c) x-rays (d) (c) 6v (d) 12v
radio waves 2E
14. The current, I flowing through the circuit below is (a)
6. Which of the following is not an electromagnetic radiation?(a) R
sunlight (b) x-ray (c) radio waves (d) sound waves 3E 4E 6E
(b) (c) (d)
7. In which of the following groups are the radiation arranged in the R R R
increasing order of their wavelength? (a) x-rays, gamma rays,
radio waves (b) radio waves, gamma rays, x-rays (c)
gamma rays, x-rays, radio waves (d) x-rays, radio waves,
gamma rays A
8. Which of the following statements is not correct? (a) gamma
rays travels in a straight lines (b) gamma rays are less
penetrating than x-rays (c) x-rays, have a smaller wavelength 15. In the diagram below, the power developed in the 12Ω resistor is
than ultraviolet rays (d) infrared rays can be detected by their 6w. the power developed in 8Ω resistor is _______ (a) 6W (b)
heating effect 2W (c) 9W (d) 16W

16. In the diagram below, a current of 2.8A flows towards the bridge Calculate the value of R in the circuit diagram above (a) 6.0 Ω
circuit flows in the galvanometer, G. calculate the current (b) 4.0 Ω (c) 3.0 Ω (d) 2.0 Ω
flowing in the 4Ω resistor 21.

17. The diagram below illustrate the conversion of a milliammeter of

resistance 2Ω to an ammeter of 10a. the milliammeter gives a Which of the following is/are correct of the arrangement of
full scale deflection (Fsd) for a current of 10mA. Calculate the resistors in the circuit above? (i) The current in R1 = 6A
value of R (a) 2.0 × 10-Ω (b) 2.0 × 10-1Ω (c) 2.0 × 10-2Ω (ii) The resistance R1 is greater than that of R2 (iii) A voltmeter
(d) 2.0 × 102Ω connected across R1 will give the same reading as one connected
across R2 (a) i only (b) ii only (c) iii only (d) i and iii
22. A battery of e.m.f of 10v and internal resistance of 2v is
connected to an external resistance of 6Ω. Calculate p.d across
the terminals. (a) 1.25v (b) 2.5N (c) 5.00v (d) 7.50v
23. A cell of e.m.f of r 5v and internal resistance of 2Ω is connected
in series with an ammeter of resistance, 1Ω and resistor of
resistance 7 Ω. Calculate the current in the circuit (a) 6.60A
18. A wire length 100cm and cross sectional area of 2.0 × 103cm2 (b) 3.00A (c) 2.10A (d) 0.15A
with electrical conductivity 5.0 × 105 (Ωm)-1. Calculate the 24. Calculate the terminal potential difference across a 20V resistor
resistance of the wire. (a) 100Ω (b) 5.0Ω (c) 10Ω (d) 0.10Ω connected to a battery of e.m.f 15v and internal resistance 5 Ω.
19. A cell of e.m.f 1.5v is connected in series with a resistor of (a) 0.5v (b) 6.3v (c) 12.0 (d) 15.0v
resistance 3Ω. A high resistance voltmeter connected across the 25. The balance length of a potentiometer wire for a cell of e.m.f
cell resistors has only 0.9v. calculate the internal resistance of the 1.50v is 90.00cm. if the cell is replaced by a Daniel cell of e.m.f
cell. (a) 5.0 Ω (b) 4.5 Ω (c) 2.4 Ω (d) 2.0 Ω
1.80v. calculate its new balance length. (a) 84.32cm (b)
73.24cm (c) 64.80cm (d) 56.54cm (a) 11 (b) 36 (c) 60 (d) 120
26. A potentiometer wire carrying a steady current of 100cm long 34.
when a standard cell e.m.f 1.1v is connected to balance length of
44.0cm was obtained. Calculate the e.m.f of a cell that give a
balance length of 68.0cm (a) 2.2v (b) 1.7v (c) 1.5v
(d) 0.7v
27. Which of the following instruments is most accurate for
comparing the e.m.f of two cells (a) voltmeter (b) ammeter The internal resistance of each of the cells E1 and E2 shown in
(c) meter bridge (d) metro rule the figure above is 2Ω. Calculate the total current in the circuit
28. Which of the following is/are ohmic conductors? (i) CuSO4 (a) 0.80A (b) 0.50A (c) 0.40A (d) 0.004A
(ii) Constantan (iii) Thermistoriv silicon (a) i only (b) ii 35. A cell of internal resistance 2 ohms supplies current to a 6 ohms
only (c) iii only (d) i and ii only resistor. The efficiency of the cells. (a) 12.0% (b) 25.0%
29. To convert a galvanometer to a voltmeter (a) A high resistance (c) 33.3% (d) 75.0%
is connected is series (b) A low resistance is connected in 36. When a resistance R is across a cell, the voltage across the
parallel (c) A low resistance is connected in series (d) A terminals of the cell is reduced to two-thirds of its normal value.
high resistance is connected in parallel The internal resistance of the cells. (a) 1/3 R (b) ½R (c)
30. Which of the following instruments is not suitable for measuring 2
/3R (d) D.R
current (a) ammeter (b) voltmeter (c) milliameter 37. Which of the following is a vector quantity? (a) magnetic fields
(d) micrometer (b) magnetic flux (c) flux density (d) magnetic element
31. In a meter bridge circuit, it is found that zero deflection is 38. The magnitude of the magnetic force F on a charge of moving in
obtained in the galvanometer when the sliding contact is at a magnetic field B with a velocity v parallel to the field is given
50.0cm mark. When a 6Ω resistor is connected in series with the by ______ (a) F = q v B (b) F = O (c) F = B/qv (d) F =
resistor in the left gap, the balance point moves to 75.0cm mark. q/Bv
Calculate the value of the resistance originally in the bridge 39. Which of the following materials is most suitable for use in the
circuit (a) 1.5Ω (b) 3.0Ω (c) 4.5Ω (d) 6.0Ω construction of an electromagnet? (a) copper (b) steel
32. What length of resistance wire of diameter 0.6mm and resistivity (c) iron (d) brass
1.1 × 10-6Ω would be cut in order to make a 44 Ω resistor? 40. The force on a charge moving in a magnitude filed for minimum
(a) 11.3m (b) 8.1m (c) 7.5m (d) 6.4m when the charge is moving _______ (a) perpendicular to the
33. Calculate the value of R when G shows no deflection in the field (b) at 45o to the field (c) parallel to the field (d) at
circuit illustrated below. 30o to the field
41. Which of the following is not a magnetic element? (a) vertical
component of the earth’s magnetic field (b) angle of
declination (c) horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic
field (d) angle of dip
42. The direction of the magnetic force on a charge moving in a
magnetic field is ______ (a) perpendicular to the plane
containing v and B (b) parallel to the plane containing v and
B (c) normal to the plane containing and B (d) in the (ii) using soft iron core (iii) using coils of thin wire (a) i only
direction of the field B (b) ii only (c) i and ii only (d) i, ii and iii
43. Why will one coulomb of electricity not liberate the same masses
of different substances in an electrolytic process because ______
(a) the mass of a substance liberated is related to the quantity of
electricity which passes (b) the mass of a substance liberated is
proportional to the concentration of the electrolytes (c) the
electrochemical equivalents of different substance are different
(d) the mass of substance liberated is inversely proportional to
the chemical equivalent
44. In an electrolysis experiment, a cathode of mass 5g is found to
weigh 5.01g after a current of 5A flows for 50 seconds. What is
the electrochemical equivalent of the deposited substances?
(a) 0.0004gc-1 (b) 0.0002gc-1 (c) 0.02500gc-1
(d) 0.05000gc
45. The electrochemical equivalent of platinum is 5 × 10-7kgCs-1. To
plate out 1.0kg of platinum, a current of 100a must be passed
through an appropriate vessels for _______ (a) 5.6 hours
(b) 56 hours (c) 1.4 × 104 hours (d) 2.0 × 104 hours
46. The electrochemical equivalent of a metal is 0.126 × 10-6 kgC-1.
The mass of the metal that a current of 5A will deposit from a
suitable bath in 1hour is _______ (a) 0.0378 × 10-3 kg
(b) 0.227 × 10-3 kg (c) 2.268 × 10-3 kg (d) 0.595 × 10-3 kg
47. When a metal is heated to a high temperature, electrons are
emitted from its surface. This process is known as ________
(a) thermionic emission (b) artificial radio activity (c) field
emission (d) secondary emission
48. Which of the following is not true of a discharge table? (a) the
pressure of gas must be very low (b) the glass tube must have
two electrodes at the end (c) the gas in the tube must be carbon
(iv) oxide (d) air is gradually pumped out of the tube
49. Which of the options A – D is suitable for converting a.c
generator to a.d.c generator? (a) by replacing the armature with
a commutator or splitting (b) by replacing the slip-ring
communicator (c) by placing the slip ring with brushes (d) by
replacing the brushes with spilt rings commutator
50. Transformers are constructed so that energy losses are reduced to
a minimum. This is achieved by (i) laminating the core

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