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Worksheet for Monitoring Your Relationship with Your Boss


By taking the initiative to build a strong working relationship with your boss, you improve the odds of boosting
your own and your boss’s effectiveness. Complete this worksheet every few months to monitor the strengths
and weaknesses of your relationship with your manager and to think about how you might improve it. If you
have multiple bosses, fill out this worksheet for each one.


1. Am I aware of my manager’s specific

and general expectations of me? What
are they?

2. Do I think these expectations are fair

and/or realistic? If not, why do I think
they are not fair and/or realistic?

3. Is my manager aware of what I expect in

return and what resources I might
need? Specifically, what are my
expectations and my resource needs?

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4. How much does my manager know
about what I have been doing for the
past few months? If my boss is unaware
of some of my activities and
achievements, how might I correct that

5. How well do we get along on a daily

basis? Are there conflicts or problems
that need to be addressed? How might I
address them?

6. Is our relationship built on trust and

reliability? Have I been a trustworthy
partner? Do I fulfill commitments? Am I
supportive of my manager when talking
to others? What changes might I need
to make?

7. Have I been proactive and taken

responsibility for managing this
relationship? If not, what specific steps
can I take to improve my performance in
this area?

8. What could I do differently to more

effectively support my manager?

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© 2016 Harvard Business School Publishing. All rights reserved. Harvard Business School Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School

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