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Worksheet for Managing Multiple Bosses *


Working with multiple managers can present certain challenges, such as overload, conflicting agendas, and
competing demands for your loyalty. Complete this worksheet every few months to help you manage the
complexities of reporting to more than one boss.


1. Who is my ultimate boss? Who

contributes to my reviews, and who is
responsible for completing them? Who
makes decisions about my
compensation, promotions, etc.?

2. How do I communicate with my bosses

about my workload? Do all of them
know what I am working on? If not, how
might I share information about my
projects and tasks with them?

3. If I have a problem, such as conflicting

priorities, do my bosses communicate
directly to resolve it? If not, how might I
enlist them in shared problem solving?

* Amy Gallo. “Learning to Manage Multiple Bosses.” HBR Digital Article, August 18, 2011; Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback, Breakthrough Leadership.
Module 3: Manage Your Network. “Strategies for Multiple Supervisors.” Harvard Business Publishing, 2012.

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4. Am I able to set boundaries with my
bosses? If not, can I set times when I
can work without interruption? Are
there other ways that I can limit
disruptions when needed?

5. Do I understand how politics or

competing agendas influence the ways
in which my bosses interact with each
other and with me? How might I
preemptively identify conflicts and push
to resolve them?

6. Are there benefits to having multiple

bosses? For example, do I have more
autonomy than if I worked for just one

7. Do I treat all of my bosses equally? If

not, what steps can I take to avoid
favoring certain managers over others?

8. Are any of my bosses in a different

location? Do I make a point of staying
connected with them? If not, how might
I keep them up-to-date on my projects
and build relationships with them?

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