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War II
Christopher González, David Ruiz, and Miranda
Europe: Major events in Europe include the Battle of
Britain, the invasion of the Soviet Union, the Normandy
landings, and the Battle of Berlin.
Pacific: The attack on Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Midway,
and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Africa: The Battle of El Alamein and the North African
Middle East: Major events in the Middle East include the
British invasion of Iraq and the Iran campaign.
Asia: Began with Japan's invasion of China and other parts
of Southeast Asia in 1938-1941 and continued until Japan's
surrender in August 1945.
America: United States along with Brazil, played a major
role in the Allied victory.
The places where World War II occurred were diverse in terms of
geography and culture. Europe, the main battleground, consisted
of varied landscapes from the vast Russian steppes to the densely
populated cities of Western Europe. The Pacific Islands were
characterized by tropical climates and dense jungles. North Africa's
deserts posed unique challenges, while Asia's mountainous
terrains influenced military strategies. The cultural diversity of
these places also played a significant role in shaping the war, with
different societies and ideologies clashing on a global scale.
During WWII, human-environment interaction was
evident in various ways. Military strategies were
often dictated by the geographical features of the
battlegrounds. For example, the harsh Russian
winter played a crucial role in slowing down the
German advance on the Eastern Front. Additionally,
environmental resources were exploited to sustain
war efforts, leading to significant environmental
degradation. The war also forced millions of people
to migrate, leading to profound social and cultural
changes in different regions.
The movement of troops, equipment, and supplies was
essential to the outcome of WWII. The war saw significant
advancements in transportation technologies, such as aircraft
and naval vessels, allowing for faster movement of military
forces across vast distances. The war also led to the mass
movement of civilians, both voluntarily and forcibly, as people
sought refuge from conflict zones. The movement of ideas and
ideologies, such as fascism, communism, and democracy,
further connected different parts of the world and influenced
the course of the war.
World War II created distinct regions based on the intensity of
conflict, economic development, and cultural changes. War-
torn regions, such as Western Europe and parts of Asia,
experienced similar challenges related to reconstruction and
recovery. The post-war period also led to the division of
Germany and the emergence of the Cold War, creating distinct
political and ideological regions in Europe. Additionally, regions
were defined by the level of resistance against Axis occupation,
with some areas becoming symbols of resilience and heroism.
Hughes, T. A., & Royde-Smith, J. G. (2023). World War II. En Encyclopedia Britannica.
Peter Chen, C. (s/f). Where Did WW2 Take Place? Recuperado el 20 de octubre de 2023,
Johnston, M. (2023). How economic conditions contributed to World War II. Investopedia.
Team, G. (2019). The world that World War II built. Geopolitical Futures.
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