Share Market-Buy

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VST Industries Ltd
Share India Securities Ltd
Infosys Ltd
Supreme Petrochem Ltd
Coromandel International Ltd

IPCALAb- 1and 2 feb 5 min

Granuel 9 and 12 feb 5 min

Infosys-15 min buyer reach to asthetic resistance and then create resistance then sell as Range 25
sept 15 min

Ashokleyland- seller stop and buyer comes and create resistance now buyer touch aesthetic
resistance and make lowe low now on 5 min sell.Mastering true S/R 15 sept

India cement ,muthoot finance biocon. Lic housing fin.

Divislab 4 to 20 december-15 min. mpa 2.0 sell.grasim.

Abbot,zeel,escort- true suppport and resistance.

Range- breakout-hit resistance R- and then sell and then buyer again approach R and break R and
now this R become support.

Check BT first.on 1 hr. and also look for lower low on 1 hr only. then on 5 minute chart look for sell
candle on day when market open. That is 1

2 is when buyer comes and make like sell still makes no lower low. That means 2 is weak now when 3
buyer reach to 2 area sell happen but it is weak and buy happen here.
When sell stop is 1) then on 3 minute look for higher high (itcould be same on 15 minute)

Then sell happen from there and wait till sell stop that is count buyer coming from 2(generally
trending) as in uptrend and then suddenly lowerlow happen now here read as MPA 2.o

Also on 1 hr in uptrend check for discount and after that no lower lo means 2 and then on 5 minute
buyer start as uptren and discount then MPA2.0
PI-Check price shoot up or increase and at same level seller cut through and now PIA means on 3
minute buyer should reach that area

Price making high or higher high .same place lower low and then mpa 2.o becomes.
Check out range after buyer comes hot.1 and seller coming hard 3 and then AR and RR.
Ultratech,canara and britania.SS-seller stop,DES- look for desparation and then discount.sell if you
see buyer coming.

Then look for H and HH higher high,EB expect buy and ES expect sell. If buyer goes above ES then
look for dis discount here it is look for sell till it get digested completely and can come any form and
discount only comes after S/R break.and WFD100% wait for 100% digestionthen on sell do BR-rubber
band man.
3 min.we see lower low and then MPA 2.0

S/R break will come down to nearesr of buyer and high of S/R should be higher than earlier high
1 is not NLL- not 2 also. 3 is NLL as pull back and after that 100% digestion SMS-seller meet seller of

TOD- trade on D as there we see seller comes as lower low and alsofor weekly looks like trendline
SL1 on 15 min. Sl2 on 3 min. then rubberband man.

Type- 1: Here on 15 minute you should see desperation and discount.Now on discount we know
most of retailer participate at end of sell and there stop loss we can imagine now on same 15 minute
there SL is hit and buyer came and again sell happen SS/R here read as rubberband man on 5 or 3
minute chart
1 got Sl at 2 ad from 2 read again sell you will see HBH here buy again.

First check DES- first see desparation then look for discount as lower low and now see at 1 till 4 there
no sell meaning people do not get feel like now market is selling at 4 with 3 red cndle market feel
like now it is sell now here you count rubberband man or MPA it is buy. Or look for double top or
transition. Check where to see desparation.

At 1 seems like no stoploss at 4 it look like all stop loss hit.

Check sell firsr like disc and thenlook left see des level is there and now check on 3 min.

1)CID then check for s/r voilated then look for buy.
First check Des- desparation- Buyer then see seller got SL-stop loss now this Stop loss is also broken
and now on selll check MPA 2.0

P-Power candle.
First M-memory then Look for LLMR- Lower low making resistance,BCCR buyer came and create
resistance R1-R2-R3 B1 and b2 buying opportinity.

5 min- CM create memory again thenCM get challenge is buy.

M- Memory,PB pull back Memory M happen after challenging LH-last.
L- is Low,Dis-discount,CID-change in direction,CO- cash out- before buy sell shrink.


Sell seen on left side,buyer came and make V and then dash of devil-DOD after that look for LL-LH
and then sell. On V- check last chance of buyer and then sell.
D- R is resistance,1 is from where first time he sells but not happy so he break 1 and buyer came as 2
now sell happen it may come down below 1 or not. Now 4 came and hit main resistance of 2 and sell
happen as 5 monitor 5 on 3 hours chart

3 hrs chart for 5

BBDB-buyer break do not buy.SH let sell happen strong green candle is buy.
First buyer to come to form TIV -this is V 2 buyer came 4 buyer hit main resistance of 2 5 is monitor
on 3 minute
CID- change in direction-PB is pull back R is range and b is break BP is book profit.
BS- break support,after R1 \ is no LL and buyer comes.after that check entire move in 5 min.LFBT-
loook for Buyer territory.

Look for sale on 5 min from R2 to BS

SDW- wait for seller to slow down-TS is target for sale.FD-further digestion.BS-buyer struggle.wait for
break beyond NHH/BS and then MPA 2.0.

Once sell reach to TS it can convert to buy also.

DTS- downtrend stop. Sell till dts because DTs is support area
BC- buyer challenge area where sell happen or buyer got wrong footed.

SA_ sell again. Sad- Sell again is digested and any pullback or range is buy.

sAd- generally hit mainresistance of BC area.come out as HH and HL-buy

MPA here is buyer hold.second time buyer comes is hold and later seller are struggling.
100% digestion-buyer hit RH rela resistance also come as H-HH and L-HL.
DS- discount start- sell happen once buyer comes,sell happen and after that look for structure
change as buyer hit aesthetic resistane A and then hit real R resistance R. buy.
PA then discount come and then MPA 2.0 which hit resistance create range.any pull back is buy.
PNOK-price not ok.TPHR1-this price hit R1 in any state-just check HH and HL in 1 hr and use same on
15 min for intraday trade.

Market in uptrend-D-discount started-then go to 3 hrs chart to read 1 2 and 3

Lood- DS -discount start,sell happen before HD-huge discount-then buyer come to level and DS-
discount shrink,buyer comes and no discount is buy.
B-buyer,MB-more buyer-SP-sell present-BB-big boy,CO cash out then look for V

CO is support /buyer comes stronger/,it is fake,extra/ resistance,see V and sell will go below CO.
SCR- buyer scared,WFB wait fr buyer,DOE-dash of evil,SS-Solid sell or sell slip so got buyer again AR
and RR again DOE and sell.
BT- buyer territory.PDLB-previous day low break,wait for buyer go to 5 min.
PODC-Day chart premium ,__,_ are previous day high brok and previouday low break-BNP byuer look
for these prices and then range occurred after that it is buy.

Premium is buyer territory-PRM,R-resistance is also hold.-DC-discount continue,bntp-buyer need this

Rest then WFBS wait for buyer to stop out 1 2 or 3 then again there is rest and buyer comes monitor
on 5 minute.
On 15 min look for sell and then buyer as discount,then seller bounce from area and sell from those
area now draw horizantal line when buyer reach to area as aesthetical and real resistance then sell-
MPA 2.0
Same right hand check on 5 minute and find buyer to sell.
WFSS- wait for strong seller who will cover uyer more than 50 %.

Then go to 5 minute.RB-resistance break (vertical line) which will become SUP-support later. Then 1is
again asthetic resistance,2 break that resistance and get into real resistance,3 seller comes 4 is pull
back as sell
Seller rest more time than 1 seller- RMt1RSLFV- rest stop and look for V, TIV-this is V-in between this
is sell opprtunity.2- Seller stop loss 3 buyer comes and support/range 4 buyer comes then 5 sell
range.RE- Rest-seller rest then look for RR (it is V)-resistance buyer break resistance and seller break
is simultaneously and afterthat BS buyer struggle to make higher high or buyer came as struggling
and thenline youcould see is range which is sell.RR/2 break buyer buyer and then by seller,now look
for struggling buyer making no higher high fr sell.
LS-LS-PB is like panic move or higher high or buyer PB is probe area and there buyer
will come again.MS is like more seller/big discount ,people feel support but it breach with panic
move and market become buyer come and sell happen with nll and then look for higher
low which S/R does not work.or countrubber band man after panic move-nll and 100%digested
check now S/R does not work/probe. Before IFB is buyer territory LS is IFBis astheticalorhitting real
resistance, higher high/panic move/kind of buyer territory ugam sthan of buyer.seller wrong footed.

PB-PB comes below PS.range and breakout is support.

Nll- is sell is not ready to go dwn again buyer comes and hit resistance will see like sell in lower time
frame but buyer comes.(this is after LS to PM)

5 Minute.After PS we see buyer-sell-stop loss and PB happen.After PB sell comes to nearest area of
PS that NLL and buyer comes and give discount after that MPA 2.0 or buyer comes and range
PS- is seller comes like Lower Low/panic move after that buyer and no lower low and break
resistance hard.Example first LS break resistance.

AGBP-Aesthetic or real resistance.-against seller book buyer got wrong footed after seller
comes,nll-R-buyer hit resistance and then sup/higher low-support and buy.
LCOB-last chance of buyer,after that sell happen,Last seller WF by strong green candle is presence of
BP- big played and when sell comes near BP area it is buy.

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