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Performance Rubric for ASL Interpreting

Reviewed work sample here

CATEGORY Sign Grammar Use of Space Affect Pacing and
production & Pausing
Excellent High level of ASL syntax Signing space is High level of Smooth and fluid
control equivalence between successfully conveys a appropriate; clear equivalence between production; few to no
SL and TL; produces wide range of establishment and use source text and target hesitations; pausing
signs accurately, both grammatical structures of referents; excellent text where appropriate
structurally and (T/C, conditionals, use of spatial aspects
conceptually; wide RHQs, etc.); ability to of expansion features
range of well-chosen use complete and
vocab complex sentences
Good control Produces most signs ASL syntax conveys a Clear establishment Mostly successful Production is relatively
accurately, both range of grammatical and use of referents representation of smooth but contains
structurally and structures (T/C, with few errors; source text affect some hesitation and
conceptually; good conditional, RHQs, limited command of unevenness.
range of vocabulary etc.); mostly complete spatial aspects of
sentences that are expansion features
complex, with few
Adequate Produces signs Source text rendered Establishment and use Offers fair Production is
control inaccurately, faithfully with of referents are not representation of frequently hesitant and
structurally and/or occasional lapses and clear, but meaning of source text jerky
conceptually; limited elisions source text is
range of vocabulary; retrievable
source text is
Weak (or no) Structural and/or Limited range of Establishment and use Affect is largely absent Production is slow and
control conceptual clarity of grammatical of referents are not choppy; excessive
signs is lacking; structures; incomplete clear and rendered pauses make
limited sentences that obscure message is not comprehension of the
vocabulary…rendering meaning retrievable source text difficult
the source text

In this sample, the message is equivalent and concepts are conveyed effectively. Notes for improvement include
maintaining a “top-down” approach to grammar. Listing from the most general (scripture) to the most specific (the
Sermon on the Mount) will make the ASL grammar the most clear. Another suggestion relating to use of space was
shared. Rather than shifting from side to side to depict different people in the story, I could try using eye gaze to look up
and down. This is a more simple way to convey Jesus (an authority figure in this context) talking to the people by
interpreting the people’s comments as looking up at Him. Last, though production is clear, cohesion/coherence could be
improved by adding short pauses for utterance boundaries.

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