NAJOM 5 Nov 1995

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Contributors 3
LookingForward MikiShima 4
Jingei Pulse Diagnosis and Treatrnent Today
HiromiMatsumoto 5
Acupuncture and Treatrnent of Old Scars
KiikoMabumoto 14
Encounterswith Kr (part 5) Mark Dreu 19
Thoughbon PulseDiagnosis
DanielBensky 20
TheValue of Pulse Diagnosis
MartinFeldman 27
If You Don't Try to Fix if it Fixes Itself
KoeiKuwahara 22
ZenShiatsuforTheJetAge PamelaFergr.rson 26
Acupuncfure and Computer-Related Problerns
JunzoKokubo 27
Practical Moxibr.;stion Therapy (part 5)
JunjiMizutani 29
A Report from Ontario NanryvanderPoorten 33
A Visit by Dr. kiye to Toronto
NancyvanderPoorten 35
Introductionof NewMembers %
Bulletin Board Members 37
BookReviews Staff 38
AFinalWord StephenBrown 39
Letters to the Editor Mernbers 40
JapaneseText 47

ol.2′No.5 November1995


The purpose of the North American Journal of Oriental Medicine (\IAJOM) is to facilitate networking among practitioners of
Oriental medicine so that they mav enhance their knowledge and skills. As an intemational and multi-disciplinary publication,
NAJOM does not uphold a particular approach or viewpoint, but crtu aim is to foster the growth and refinement of Orier-rtal
medicine grounded in skilled touch. With due respect for all haditions and perspectives of Oriental medicine, NAfOM pursues
this aim by higruighting the theories and practices of traditional Japanesemedicine. This includes Japaneseacupuncture and
moibustiory kampo (herbology), shiatsu, anma, and do-in, which emphasize the vital role of touch ur heaiing.
Having developed over a thousand years, traditional japanese medicine is an amalgamation of numerous aspects,develop-
ments, and interpretations of Oriental medicine in ]apan. Oriental medicine is now practiced around the world and will con-
tinue to evolve and develop to suit the unique environment and needs o{ each region. NAJOM seeks to contribute to the
development of Oriental medicine in North America by making more information available about traditional Japanesepractices
and how they are being applied today. The primary intention behind NAJOM is to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas
which inspire ancl motivate practitioners of Oriental medicine to deepen their turderstanding and refine their art.

The North American Journalof

Junji Mizutani
Editor: Stephen Brown
The photo on the cover is a life-size copper acupunc-
Translators: Hideo Takahashi
ture figure, the ancestor of dolls often seen in Chinese
Masamichi Shibata
Lori Main herb shops and acupuncture clinics. This copper figure
Naomi Shikaze is housed in the National Museum at lJer-roin Tokyo. It
Sachiko Nakano is 160cm (5'3") in height and has small holes all over its
Proof Reading: Shurli + Betty Chan body representing the acupuncture points. The point
Motohisa Niiro narnes and meridians are notated in ink. This frgure is
Generai Manager: Koji Ichihashi assembled from eleven di-fferent parts. According to
Cover Calligraphy: DenmeiShudo
records, in China in the 11th century, the emperor
Layout: japaneseTlpesetting Sen'ice
Renzong of the Song D1'nasty ordered Wang Weiyi to
NAJOM Vol.2 No.5 7995
casttwo copper acupurcfure figures. It was created to
All rights reserved. No part of this joumal may be
reproduced without consent from the publisher. This record the exact location of acupuncture points in a
journal is published three times annually in July, No- three.dimensional figr-ue. Also, in order to test the skill
vember, and March. The ideas and opinions ex- of doctors,it is said that a large bag of mercury was put
pressed in this joumal are not necessarily those of the in^sidethe fipue and it was covered with a coat of wax.
publisher or of the editorial staff. Thus r,r'hena needle penetrated a hole, mercury would
Address: 896 West King Edward Avenue spili out. The origin of the copper figure in Ueno rs un-
clear, but it is thought to have been imported from
China in the late Ming Qmasty (17th century).
Phone: (604)874-8537
Fax: (604) 874-8635


peared on Global TV and CTV, and has been a guest speakerat

the medical deparhnent of the University of Toronto.

As an editorittlpolicy, the biogaphical infonrution of stnf members

and regularcontibutors ruill belistedirt tlrcfirst issueof eachyur and Koei Kuwahara L.Ac. studied turder the blind master Kodo otJrcrissnes. Fukushima to become a teacher of the Toyo Hari tradition. He

has been practicing acupuncture for fifteen years and has been

Daniel Bensky, L.Ac. is a graduate of the Macau Lrstitute of teaching and practicing in Boston for the last two years. hr addi-

Chinese Medicine (Oriental Medicine Diploma, 1975) and the tion to acupuncture, he teaches and practices Shin Kiko, a soft

Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine style of qigong developed in fapan. He is currently active in
(Doctor of Osteopathy, 1982). He has been acLively involved in teaching various aspectsof traditional |apanese acupuncture.

the practice, teadring, and translation of Oriental medicine for

almost twenty years. He has a specialinterest in the gafting of Kiiko Matsumoto, L.Ac. After receiving her Bachelor's de-

osteopathic palpatory skilJs onto the trunk of Oriental medicine. pgeein nr,rtrition hom Tokvo Kasei Universrty, Ms.Matsumoto

Presently, he is a director of the Seattle Institute of Oriental studied acul-rurcture at the Japan Central Acupuncture and

Medicine and a graduate student in Chinese language and lit- MoxibusLion College of Toki,o. Lr addition, she leamed classical

erature at the University of Washington. and modem Chinese and completed ccrursesin Sotai Exercise.In
this time she also worked as an editor of acupturcture textbooks

Martin Feldman, L.Ac. has been practicing acupuncture for for Ido-No-Nippon-Sha, the foremost oriental medical pub-

twelve years and specializes in ]apanese styles. He has his prac- lisher inJapan. She is widely known and respected as a teacher

tice at the JapaneseAcupturcture Center in Watertowry MA. He and practitioner of unique Japanesestyles of acupunchrre and

is the chairman of Japanese Acupuncfure Deparhnent at the has taught all over the world.

New England School of Acupuncture, and is also a founding

member of both the Bostonbranch of the Toyo HariAssociation Hiromi Matsumoto, L.Ac. ppadr-rated
from the physiotherapy

and Boston's AIDS Care Proiect. il,shuctors program at the Tokvo Education University in 1963.
He L-'egaltcaclrin* at TapanCentral Acupr-urctureCollege the

Pamela Ferguson is certified as aZen Shiatsu instmctor and Scmr€\'c.dr,;urclhe opened his current practice in Yokohama in

practitioner by the American Oriental Bodvn'ork Therap\r .{ssr} I c)69.He.n'as the chairman of the academic sectionof the Japan

ciation (AOBTA). She graduated from the Ohashi In-stitute in Acrrpurcture Assrxiation from 1989to1992. He also becamea

New York City, and has been teaching Zen Shiatsu fc'rr over part-time instructor at Tsukuba Tedrnical College in 1994.

twelve years in North America, Europe, and South Africa. Sheis

the author of seven books, and her latest, TheSelf-ShiatsuHand- Miki Shima, L.Ac is President of The |apanese-American

bookwas published by Perigee Books, New York, and in Ger- Acupunctr,te Foundation and the Institute for Traditional Acu-

man by Trias Verlag of Stuttgart, in the fall of 7995.She lives in pr-rnchre and Herbology. Through these organizations he has

New York and Dallas. She is also a breast cancer sun'ivor and taught a wide and fascinating array of topics: herbology, nutri-

activist, and president of the BreastCancer Action Group. tional testing, O-ti.g theory, homeopathy, clinical research, the
classics,and diagTrosisthrough tl-reI Ching. He is one of the lead-
ir-igteachercof Japaneseacupunchlre today and presentsturique
Junzo Kokubo,L.Ac. graduated from the Tokyo College of
Acupr,rncture and completed ten years of internship under Dr. Japaneseacupuncture and herbal techriques.
K. Ohmura, a renor.rnedJapaneseacupuncturist. He is licensed
to practice acupuncture in Japan, and has been practicing in Nancy van der Poortery CST graduated from the Shiatsu

Toronto since 1981. He is the Vice President of the Chinese School of Canada in 19BBfrom the 2200-hour diploma prograrn.

Medicine and AcupunctureAssociation of Canada, and amem- She teadres shiatsu at the school and is the school vice-principal

ber of the Canadian Holistic Medical Association. He has ap- in charge of program and course development. She is also a
shiatsu therapist at the Shiatsu CLinic.

Klワ95 -― ―――


patients at an amazing speed, and prescribes herbs and does

his Extra-meridian and Divergent meridian treatment in a
Miki Shima matter of a few minutes. I have often stopped him to ask
what transpired in his mind when he did something differ-
My sensei from Japan, Tadashi Iriye, came to seeme in San ent (honne) from what he claimed in his books (tatemae).
Francisco on July 15. He is a 70 year old master of acupunc- Often, I got that blank look and he would roll his eyes for
ture and herbal medicine from Osaka. He has written three several seconds, and then came his explanation. I must say,
books: Textbookof Diaergent, Muscle, and Ertrn-Meridicuts; in all honesty, that Iriye Senseiis the best at explaining what
Principles of Orientol Medicine; and Kanpo Herbal Medicine. he does intr-ritivelv in rational, systematic terms, and that is
Two of these he wrote in the past six years since he was diag- what makes him a great teacher. Although he personally
nosed with kidney cancer. He is five feet tall, brilliant, witty uses his famous FT (finger test), he alr,r,avstells his students
and extremely energetic in spite of his terminal illness. tonot only find a method be itpulse diagnosis,or abdominal
After his father passed away many years ago, he quit pur- palpation, or anything that helps them "tture into" the Ki of
suing his career as a statistical mathematician and became an their patients but also to become able to explain, as much as
acupuncturist in order to carry on his father's famous herb possible,how and why they do what thev do il a systematic
store with his wife, a pharmacist. For a long time, being a manner. As far as I know, Iriye Sensei shon's the least dis-
scientist,he had felt profound frustration about lack of co- crepancv between his tatemae and honne.
herent systems in traditional acupuncture and herbal medi- I have been teaching in America for the last twenty years,
cine until he joined Dr. Manaka's Topological Acupuncture and i must state that I have tried mv best to diminish the
Society some twenty years ago. He met many truly creative problem of tatemae-honne dichotomv. I holcl that it is crucial
practitioners there, and was able to fully establish his own for a teacher to be able to explain intuitive aspectsand ration-
diagnostic and treatment system. al sides of Oriental medicine in a balanced manner. If one
As taught in school, acupuncturists are supposed to per- relies only on the intuitive aspect of the healing svstem, one
form the Four Examinations and must come up with diag- is very prone to make mistakes. If one depends only on the
noses in terms of the Eight Principles, the Six Pathogenic Fac- rational differential diagnosis, one cannot r-rtilize intuition,
tors, the Five Zang-Fu Organs, the Seven Emotions, the Six which is tremendously important. When one is well bal-
Stages,etc., so that we can give proper acupuncture treat- anced between the two, one can not onlv practice but also
ment and correct herbal prescriptions, all of lvhich sounds teach good medicine.
legitimate and reasonable. hr reality, hor,vever,no lii ing pa- As far as I know, Iriye Sensei is deeplv scientific and su-
tient fits quite so nicely into these diagnostic categories. This perbly intuitive at the same time. Toward the end of our din-
is where the problem of "tatemae" (what one is supposed to ner, he told me a story: A long time ago, there was a famous
"honne" potter in Kyoto who could make vaseswl-richwere perfectly
do) and (what one actually does) arises. I have
studied many books in Chinese and Japaneseby many mas- straight and round. His son who began apprenticing under
ters, but when I went to see them work, they were not doing his father at age 14 could neither make his vases round nor
what they had claimed to do in their books. I once visited a straight no matter how hard he tried. For ten years, he toiled
very famous Nan fing style acupuncture master in Tokyo, in his workshop in vain. One day, he happened to hold his
spent two days with him in his clinic, and for:nd that he clid breath while rolling his clay, and the \rase came up perfectly
not do anything that was described in his books. When I straight and round! That night, he told his father what had
asked about this rnconsistency, he said that what he said in happened, and the father said, "Son, you are rightl You must
his book was tatemae but. as for honne. he did what he intu- hold your breath." After telling me the story, Iriye Sensei
itively felt was right, and he could not explain this to his stu- said, didn't the father tell his son that ten years be-
dents. fore?".
Iriye Sensei processesa great deal of information from his I can hardly wait to seehim again.



]ingei or Renying pulse diagnosis is also called Jingei remains important in our clinical practice.
Myakuko (Renying Maikou) diagnosis. Although |ingei pulse There are steps in tendomuscular treatrnent. In the beginning,
diagnosis is described tn Sintple Questions and Spiritunl Axis you may heat the problem by local syrnptomatic approaches.
(Sttruenand Lingshu), this pulse diagnosis is rarely performed all Once you get an understanding about the physiological dlnam-
by itself. Of course, since this method of pulse diagnosis and ics or pathophysiology, however, it becomes important to con-
treahnent can be used to balance the entire body, it can be used sider Wei Qr, Ying Blood, meridians, Zangfu, pathogenic Qi,
as the only method. It is, however, usually used as part of the and tonification and dispersion of deficiency and excess,as well
treafnent along with tendomuscular, intemal medicine, and as needlingtechniques inrelation to the meridians and constitu-
health promotion treaknents. tion (especialll, the condition of skin and fascia).
As I will discuss later after the casehistory the social condi- Tendomuscular treahnent has a very deep relationship with the
tions have changed dramatically since I first began to study acr-r svstem-sand orgal-s trsscrciatedwith maintaining homeostasis
punctwe. I once believed that everything could be treated with (Stomach, Y;u-rgming, Liver, Wei Qi, Chongmai, Daimai, Taiyin
Jingei pulse diagnosis alone, but knowledge of Western medi- and other dralnels). The treahrrent perfomred rnost often in
cine and the environment of medical care have changed so that it fapar-reseacupturcture clinics is tendomuscular. A,nd it's used for
is no longer practical to practice acupuncture using Jingei pulse the treahnent of musculo-skeletal disorders such as shoulder
diagnosis alone. Thus it is no longer possible to place the relative tension, back pairl frozen shoulder, knee pain, neck-shoulder-
weight of acupuncture treatment on |ingei pulse diagnosis arm pain and some neurological disorders.
alone. Westem medicine has made great advances today and its
treatrnents have a wider applicability. hr some cases,these have
It is r,r'ritten as follort s concerning treating slanptoms of inter-
become preferential to traditional approadres. Be that as it may,
nal medicine tn SirttltleQtrcsfiorrs: "With
Heart disorders first
this does not change the value of Jingei pulse diagnosis and its
there is carcliacprain,n.ith Lung di-sordersthere is wheezing and
treahnent. Clinically there are many advantages to leaming thi-s
cor-rghing,n'ith Liver disorders there is clizzinessand obstruc-
puise diagnosis system, but there are no drawbacks. I htgh11,
tion and fr-rllnessin the sides,with Spieendisorders there is pai.
recommend that you try it yourseJf,and I'm sure you'll be glad
and heaviness in the body, with Kidney disorders there is pain
you did.
or numbness in the lower abdomen and back."r
andtreatment The five Zang orgars in Oriental medicine can be considered
Tendomuscular treaknent is the most convenient and simple to have sirnilar {unctions and syrnptoms as the same organs in
treatment approach in Oriental medicine (acuptrncture and Westem medicine. Traditionally there existed acupuncture and
moxibustion). One can simply select reactive points and needle herbal treatment, and the concept of intemal organs evolved to
them. Such treatrnents can be repeated until there are results. suit thesetreahnent methods. The understanding of the differ-
There are no specific points for tendomuscular treatrnent. The encebehveen the therapetrticmechanisms of these two modes
point with the reaction is the pourt for treahnent. This approach of treahrrentdid not develop sufficiently, however, so the con-
can be appJied for most musculoskeletal disorders such as ten- cept of internai orgars was created to suit both treatrnent meth-
sion, pain, convulsion, paralysis and some netuological disor- ods. (Tlrus the description of the organs and their fr.rnctions is
ders. The reason acupuncture and moxibustion have been prac- somelr,'hatmetaphorical.) For example the Liver js described as
ticed and transmitted for over two thousands years is most follorvs tn Sintple Questions:"The Liver is the general, from
Iikely because such simple treahnents give remarkable results. where strategy i-ssues;the Liver is the origin of exhaustiory and
Our practice of acupunchre also begins with such treahnenb. stores Htur; the Liver stores the Qi of tendons and fascia, and (its
Even after we become experienced practitioners, this approach condition) manifests in the nails, and (its) puJseis slightly wiry"


The Liver attaches to the ninth vertebra. \fhen one lies down, exhausted from work, deaLingr,r'ith superiors, obligatory scrial-
Blood retums to the Liver. The Liver stores Biood, and (its) emo- izing, and business dinners. Thr^scan cause a depressed state,
tion is anger. The Liver is Shaoyang within Yin."' "shoulder
and leads to the complaint of tension." In Chinese
In Westem medicine, the pathologrcal condition is deter- "Yin
classics,there is the expression cleficiency stirring Fire."
mined and then the treahnent method or prognosis is decided This means that the Qi rises and various slnnptoms appear
based on pharmacology, physiotherapy, or surgical experience. when the physical body is weakened. The shoulder tension is
Oriental medicine has methods of observation and treahnent one of these sl.mptoms. Japanesepeople haye known that they
which cannot be found in Westem medicine. For example, one can overcome challenges with less difficulty by getting rid of
tends to feel lethargic when the legs and back get too cold. There shoulder tension and recovering their r.itality through acupunc-
is a loss of motivatiory and one becomes less active. Er,'entalking ture.
becomes an effort and eyesight also declines. The pulse becomes Such health promotion treahnent i,sn4rat has recently come to
thin and faint, and a person just wanls to sleep. Vitality can be be called health recovery medicine in China, and it can also be
restored in such casesby selecting points for Kidney deficienry, called diseaseprediction medicine. The objective for health pro-
and giving treatrnent to warm up the legs and back. The patient motion treahnent is to heat syrnptoms of phvsical and psycho-
will have more energy again. Treatrnents in the Orient were per- logical fatigue, poor appetite, lack of sleep or insomnia, constipa-
formed based on careful observatiory and served wonderhrlly tion and diarrhea, eye strain and so on. It i-sr.ery important to
as a practical form of medicine. This approach developed at a deal with these problems. The specific method of treahnent will
time when the modem biological approach did not yet exisf and not be explained here, but all these svmptoms with few excep-
it was the best that could be done based on that experience. tions areeasyto treatwil.h acupurrcbure.
A more recent Chinese text describes the disorders of the fir'e
Jingei pulse diagnosis and treatment
Zang organs in terms of Westem medicine as follows: "Disor-
ders of the Heart system include heart and vascular diseases. ]ingei puJsediagnosis and treatrnent is very useful. There are
certain conditions for which tendomuscular, intemal medicine
Disorders of the Liver system include Liver and gallbladder dis-
or health promotion treatrnents are not so beneficial. jingei
eases,cerebral vascular diseases,and some neurological dis-
pulse diagnosis and treatrnent is always useful for such cases. I
eases. Disorders of the Spleen system encompass a wide area,
always check the pulses but I decide whether I will perform the
induding gastrointestinal diseases,metabolic dysfunchon, and
treatment according to the Jingei pulse based on the result of
many diseasesof intemal medicine. Disorders of the Lung sys-
jingei pulse diagnosis.
tem include diseasesof the lung trachea, and throat. Disorders
The following are the conditiors under which I perform treat-
of the Kidney system include urogenital and repro-
ductive diseases."3
The approach to treatrnents of intemal medicine in
Oriental medicine (acupunctwe and moxibustion)
should become more clinically useful with this per-

Health promotion treatment

The word shoulder tension (kata kori) inJapan has
two meanings. One indicates muscle tension in the
neck and shoulders, and the other implies stress and
psychological fatigue. hr fact, when shoulder tension
gets bad, one will have ryirnptoms of autonomic dys-
function such as constipatiory diarrhea, poor appe-
tite, nausea, eye sfain, loss of concentration, and in-
somnia. So in japan, the man" becomes Figure1 carotidpulseand radialpulse


ment based on Jingei puJse diagnosis:

1. \44renJingeipulse diagnosis shows a definite abnormal-
ity (Shaoyin or Jueyin).
2. When a great abnormalitv is found during
tendomuscular treahnent. This does not mean a severe
symptom but an abnormal finding. For example, when
there is an ominous abdominal finding or pulse quality.
]ingei pulse diagnosis and lreahnent is not used for under-
standing the pathological condition, deciding the indications,
determining the prognosis, or observing the progress of the pa-
tient. \.A/henthe jingei puJse diagnosis is good, the prognosis is
also good. As a mle, when it is dilficult to decide between a
Yangming or Taiyang pulse, the Taiyang puJseis chosen. Often Figure2 pulse width
whenit jshard to di-fferentiatethepuJse,themedical diagnosisi-s
tu-rclearor the condition is lasting longer than expected. I clo not If the carotid puJsehas greater width than the radial puJse
apply the ]ingei puJse diagnosis and treatunent when selecting u4ren comparing tl-resetn'o positions, the Yang channel is the
points from the localized pathology, pain, or tender point primary, (indicated) channel and its Yin channel is the paired
(tendomuscular treahnent) and when I find nothing notewor- channel. If the radial pulse i-sa wider pulse than the carotid, the
thy with the ]ingei puJse diagnosis. Yin channel is the primary channel and its Yang charurel is the
paired channel.
Jingei pulse diagnosis - techniqueand treatment
Comparing the puLsewidth of the carotid and radial arteries,
The patient's position should be sitting or supine. The method
when Yang channels are primary, three times is Yangming,
is outLined below and, even though it is easy to
leam by seeing how it is done, it is difficult to con-
vey it in writing. Nevertheless, I believe you can
leam it on your owrl, and get good results.
The point for palpating the |ingei pulse i-sthe
place where the carotid pulse can be felt most
clearly around ST9 on foot Yangming Stomach
channel. Myakuko or the radial puJseis palpated
on the wrist at the position where the puJseis felt
most clearly.
Figure3 pulsediagnosiswith patientseated
Comparisonof pulse width
The carotid and radial pulses are compared to
decide the three Yin and three Yang. The factor
that is compared is the pulse width. As you can
see in figure 2, the width of the pulse is from one
edge to the other where the finger touches the ar-
tery. Do not confuse the width with the strength
of the pulse. Just imagine that you are gauging
the width of a river with your fingers, simply
measuring ib size from one bank to the other. The
pulse shength is used for determining deficiency
Figure4 pulsediagnosis

NA/OM― ――

師 keお Tおyal■ e al■

g/alld ol■ dah証 位艇 sお 銃 aoyc■ ■g.Ille dangerous situation. If you see a patient with this pulse, you
palred mal■.eL FOr tlle aboveおTお如 fOr Ycallttg/Shaoyh should referhim to a physiciar.
f o r Ty お
a lt■t ad l ■
m e y h l o r s。
y陥a lg■
.Wヽh e n Y h n a l l l l e L a r eByodo means every and this is when the carotid and radial
prll■ ′ d■ ree tilnesお Tatth′ hViCe占 団■aoylll′
釘ld ol■
eandhar pulse are the same width. That is, not like the Shaoyang or
血 es Lytleyil■ .Tlle palred cllttneL for ttg10r tllese areJueyin Yal■indications, but when the pulse widths are exactly the
d SllaoytalglorJlleンm・ Tlle p五―
Tも 続 ′Talyal■g kI Sllatth′ al■ same. This happens because the Shaovang and Jueyin channels
mtty or hdに
a t t d d l口ぞ
n e l w h e n d l e c t t o t i d p utLleTお
e e t ei sn ■ are affected. This indicates that the prognosis is prolonged, or
tllat of dle r a t t a l gp md ms ge ai ls ■
d Y′
ia ll地位
■■ I じo F a c t t l a l l l l e the
a ―patient will not recover as fast as one should. The same num-
低′it L a YalI軍
sttrelllel■ 側ng hdicatlon IA71■
e carotd puLels ber of poinb are selected and tonficarion and dispersion ls per-
911ul wtte征ld tl■
e radial ttte呼
お飾 wde. formed according to the pulse qualilv at the carotid and radial
Jhgeipd受 血attOSお′ll■
a d位 血 to tl■
eお ove s tl■
reeYil■ positions. The Shaoyang and Jueyin chalnels are the main ones
and three Yang categories′ there are Four lllore categories keated in this case.
Kankaku is when a comparison calnot be made between the
Figure5 comparingthe carotidand radialpulsewidths carotid and radialpulses due to the pulse being too wide inboth
pnmary positions. In this casealso, tonification and dispersion appropri-
channel: 3X wider=Yangming2X=Taiyang1.5X=Shaoyang
carotid ate to the pulse quality is required. Al1 the three Yin and three
Yang charrnels are the object treabrrent, but those associated
盟燎lel:3X Twder=
aiyin 2X=Shaoyin 1.SX=Jueyin
% e
e a with the most obvious symptoms should be the main objective.
In the clinic, the large majoritv of cases are Yangming,

Taiyang, Shaoyang, orJueyin rndications. It is very rare to come


a lfcarotiat
across the indications of Gaikaku, Naikan, Kankaku, Byodo,

Shaoyin, and Taiyin. You will probably never see the Taiyur,
Naikan or Karkaku pulse. You may find the Gaikaku pulse in
elderly patients, but there is no need for concem as long as dis-
persion can be performed. As to the Byodo pulse, you might
招陽 口 日圏 口

find one person with this indication every several years.

Decidingbetweenchannelsof the arms and legs

Apulse rate of over eightyperminute is called a SopuJse(Zao
Mai), and in this casethe channel of the arm is treated. \ /hen the
puJserate is less then eighty, the charurel of the leg is heated. The
(Gaikaku, Naikan, Kankaku, and Byodo) to make a total of ten
decision of whether to treat the channels on the arms or the legs
categories. Gaikaku is when the carotid pulse width is four
is based on the presence of a So pulse. The average pulse rate in
times that of the radial pulse and indicates a condition where Yin
relation to breathing is four per breath, and the average respira-
and Yang cannot interact due to the excessof Yang Qi. In clinical
tion rate is about 16 per minute. Thus pulses with over eighty
practice, this category doesn't raise much concem because it is
beats per minute was designated as the So pulse by multiplying
simply a matter of dispersing the Qi of all three Yang charrrels.
twenty breaths in a minute by four beats to a breath. This stan-
Be that as it may, within the three Yang channeJs,depending on
dard for the So puJsewas established in modem times by Ogura
which channels have more associated syirnptoms, more disper-
Doeki, the fotrrder of theJingeipulse diagnosis systeminlapm,
sion may be applied on the Taiyang or Yangmrng channels
based on his many years of clinical experience.
among all Yang chamels dispersed.
So if the pulse rate is under eighty, the channel of the arm is
Naikan is when the radial pulse is four times the width of the
treated, and if it is over eighqt, the channel of the leg is treated.
carotid pulse, and is a very dangerous situation when Yin and
The So puJse,however, is not simply a rapid pulse. The Chinese
Yang can not interact due to excessYin Q. The Taiyin indica-
character for So (Zao) implies a rough, agitated, and irregular
tion, when the radial pulse is three times as large, ls already a


puJse quality. Therefore, when the pulse quatty is moderate, Lr other words, to tonify, the needle is inserted during the exhale
sometimes the channel of the leg is treated even if the pulse rate and, to disperse, the needle is inserted with the inhale. Con-
is 84. Conversely, when the pulse has an agitated quality, the versely, the needle is withdrawn during the inhale to tonify and
channel of the arm may be selected even if the pulse rate is 76. during the exhale to disperse. Also, the point is closed after re'
Here is an example of how the channel to be treated is se. moval of the needle for toni-ficatiory whereas it is left open for
lected, based on the foregoing explanations. \A4ren the carotrd dispersion.
pulse is foturd to be three times as wide as the radial puJse,the Lr:rprinciple, when the carotid pulse is stronger than the radial
Yangming channels are indicated. If the pulse rate is 72, the pulse, the primary Yang channel is dispersed and the paired Yin
channel of the leg is selected so the Yangming Stomach channel charurel is tonified. In actual practice, however, tonification and
of the leg is the primary chalnel and the Taiym Spleen channel dispersion must be applied according to the pulse quality paL
of the leg is the paired char-rnel. pated at the carotid and radial puJse. Therefore, even if one de.
cides that the carotid puJse is three times as wide (as the radial
Comparisonof pulses and which side to compare
pulse) and the Yangming channel of the leg is to be treated, if the
The above explanation about selecting among the Three Yir-r
carotid pulse is deficient, instead of di-spersing, the Stomach
and Three Yang and choosing between the channels of the arm
chalnel i,stoniJied. The paired charmel in this caseis the Taiyin
and leg should be simple enough. The actual practice of this
(Lurg) chanr-rel,but iJ the raclial puJseis siightly excess,disper-
system in the cLinig however, is not so simple. As a rule, both
sion i-sapphed instead of tl-reusual tonification. \44renboth the
jingeipulsepositions on the carotid artery are compared and the
carotid and radial pulses are deficient,both the primary chamel
larger pulse is chosen to represent these positions. hr the same
and the paired channel are tonified.
manner, the radial arteries on both sides are compared and the
larger side represents both sides. At times, therefore, the carotid Depth of insertion and tonification-sedation
puJseon the right is compared to the radial pulse on the left (or Comparatively shallow insertions are applied for treaknents
vice versa). Also sometimes the right and left sides are com- based on Jingei pulse diagnosis. That is, for example, the depth
pared independently to come up with two different indications where the needle is left barely standing after removing the tube
for each side. Therefore it js possible to arrive at an indication for upon completion of the tapping inserlion. It should be empha-
the Yangming channel of the leg for the left side and for the sized, hon'cve.r,that the depth of insertion varies. It is deepest
Taiyang channel of the leg on the right side, and then to treat the for the Yalgmir-rg cl-rarlrel of the leg, slightly shallower for the
right and left sides separately. Tair'.rng (chanrrelof the leg), even more shallow for the
To practice Jingei pulse diagnosis, it is easiestto palpate vour Shaor.ang (channel of the 1eg),and shallowest for the Yin and
own pulses, but it is useful in the beginning to receive hands-on Yang channels of the arm. According to the 12th chapter of the
instruction to get the feel for it. Spiitrul Ar,s (Ling Shu), one must not insert the needle deeper
than 15mm for Yangming, 12.5mm for Taiyang, 10mm for
Yin-Yang and deficiency-excess
Shaoyang,7.5mm for Taiyin,Smm for Shaoyin, and 2.5mm for
Once one of the Three Yin and Three Yang channels of either
Jueyin,and fruther, nodeeperthanSmmonchannels of the arm.
the arm or legare selected and the primary and the paired chan-
This guideline for the depth of insertion is also applicable to
nel for treatrnent are decided, tonfication and dispersion must
sl.mptomatic treahnent. When the Jingei puLseindication is the
be applied in relation to the deficienry and excesspresent. Basi-
Yangmrng channel of the leg, the rnsertions for the s;rmptomatic
cally, when the carotid puJse ls larger, the Yang channel is dis-
treatrnent of shoulder stiJfnessis rather deep. Of course, in the
persed and the paired Yin channel is tonfied. hr terms of tech-
sy'rnptomatic heatrnent, the depth of the affected tissue is an
nique, bnfication is needling suited to the patient's condition at
important consideratic.rn. \A/hen the pathology is deep within
that time and dispersion js needling which is unilateral and in
the muscle tissue, the insertion must be deep enough to reach if
disregard of the state of pathogenic Qi or the patient's condition.
and when the pathology js superficial in the tendons or liga-
In general, it can be said that tonification is gentle needling and
ments, the insertion must be shallow. Also, the textwe of skin,
that dispersion is rough needling. The biggest key to tonfication
the thickness of skin, and the complexion (affected by physical
and dispersion is to needle according to the (patient's)breathing.


training) are important factors for deciding the amoturt of stimu- meridian. ln most casesthe source points, special points, front
Iation (size of needle and depth of insertion). L *y case,the Mu points, and back Shu points are used, but when these cannot
above guideline, whether inserting deep as Yangming or as be used for some reason, other primary points on the channel
shallow as Jueyin, must be taken into corsideration in the s)..rnp- (five phase points, comrecting points, cleft points, and abdomi-
tomatic treahnent. nal points) can be usecl.
I do not aim the needle in the direction of meridian flow, or I amnot too particr-rlar about whether I perform the treatment
perform tonfication and dispersion by using gold and silver based onJingei pulse diagrosrrs before or after the q..rnptomatic
needles. treatrnent, but this is a matter requiring further study.

Point selection Other aspects of Jingei pulse diagnosis

The main points used for treahnents based on Jingei pulse di- In the healthy puJse,its quaiity is in con-formity with the sea-
agnosis ale source points, special points, front Mu points, and sons (the hve Zang are in harmonv with the changes in season)
back Shu points. The ntunber of points used should be a ratio of and it is moderate (soft and resilient) and has no abnormal fea-
2 to 1 between the primary meridian and the paired meridian. tures. It must be noted about Jingei pulse diagnosis that it
To be more particular, instead of the number of points used, the doesn't mean the patient's condition gets progressively worse
2 to 1 ratio shotrld be maintained between the amount of disper- from Yangming to Taiyang to Shaoyang. Certainly Yangmrng
sion and tonification on the primary meridian and the paired indicates the presence c'rfmore Yang Q; and it implies that there



R a t eo f t h e Pulse Rate
P u l s eW i d t h ( o n e m i n u t e )
FrontMu Back Shu Source Special t,nins Front Mu Source
chrnn-i{ointt an.n-,----
ess than -es Shaovans (;rllBladder Chrnnel GB24 【lR 19 6 R40 r'h
x 1.5
nole than '7
Jrnd Sheovan" Sen Iiro Chnnnel CV7 SJ1 SJ16 H:rnil Irrevin Pericrr,lirrn Chrnnrl PC

l e s st h a n
-eg Taivans [ ]rinrrv Blatlder Cl CV1 Shrovin Kidnev Cl KI3
norc than
hnd Trirrnu Srmll lntestincClrrnncl CV.I 〔iB27 SI .1 I I r n d S h r o v i nI l e r r t C h r r vl■

css tharl -eg Yangming StomachChannel CVl ビB21 sT,1 s]'9 L e r T r i r i n S o l e c nC h r n n . ' l LIV】 S i SP3
norc than
HmJ Ymernine Lulc lnle.trnc Chmnel ST25 UB25 t_t.l IH8 H l n d T a i v i n I - r r n pC h r n I1 1 1 1110
l-cg lnre IlnLlannels
ss than d l hl'p Y.nn ah I .c Lcl Three Yrrrr Chmnel . rll ol lhc rrbure ur'inrs Three Yin ('hrnnel, all ol thc lbove points
over x zl l{and Three Yin Chmnel's
norc thJI
HrnJ Three \ rrrg t-hrrnnelr [ \e Hand l hrcc Yrr]! (lhannel's rll of tlre rbor,e poinl I Iand Three Yin Channcls rll of the rbove points



Rate of the P u l s cR a t e
P u l s eW i d t h ( o n e m l n u t e )
FrontMu Back Shu Sourcc
ch"nnlHoi'"' HC-SCa
Ctron--l-*---Mt FrontMu Source

e s st h a n I r r e v i nL i v e r C h n n n p l s I V R
x 1.-5
nore than
Hand .luevin Pericardium Chrnncls CiV 17 Dal PC1 Iand qhr^\/rno \rn Iirn ehtr 「
iV 7 sr4
ess thirn
Leg Shrol in Kitlney Channels GB2S IB23 Kll Lcg iaivang UlinarY Bladd●
rCL型 壁 「Vi2
nore thar
HandShaovinHeartChlnnels CV14 !B15
〔 -VJ
ssthan L e g I r n r n S l l e e nC h a n n c i s I Vll 〔IB20 Leg YangmingStomachChannel CV12
x 3 80
nore than
Hand Taivin I-uns Chirnnels Ltil L〔19 I,U5 ( hmn.
Irnd Ymtnring Lrpc lnre\rrne ST25
Leg I hre Yang Llrannel s
ssthan L,ecThree Y in Channcls I lse [-es Three Yin Chrnnel's ell ot' the rhove Three Yrno Chrnnrl< all ofthe above noints
over x 4 80
HandThreeYmg Chmnel's
nore than
HandThreeYin Chrnnels llse Hud Thee Yin Chmnel'sall of thcabovcpoints lland ThreeYans Channels all ofthe abovepoints

Figure6 treatmentpointsfor Jingeipulsediagnosis


i-smore Stomach Qi. Nevertheless, we need to con-sidersitua- vangQ.

tions such as the following: \ /hen the width of the carotid puJse hr this way, deciding the condition or prognosis of a patient
is 3mm and the radial puJseis 1mm, this is a yangming indica- based on the comparison of (the carotid and radial) pulses is
tion. \A/hen the width of the carotid pulse is 9mm and the radial usually not so cut and dried because so many factors come into
puJse is 3mm, this js also a Yangming rndicatron with a 3 to 1 play. The puJses are very important, but many other factors
ratio. Although both casesare Yangming, the latter is consid- must be taken into account in determining the condition and
ered to be better. The former case,is not necessarily that bad at prognosis of a patient. A comprehensive assessmentcan be
all, especially if the puJse quality at the carotid and radial posi- made only after taking into account many things including the
tions is good, it corresponds to the changes in the seasons,and puJsewidth and quality, bone structure and physique, condition
there is luster in the patient's complexion. It is problemalic, on of the skin such as ils color and luster, tone of voice or manner of
the other hand, if the patient has a weak and depleted body, but speech,and the smoothness of movement.
the pulse is abnormallv strong or large. There is a lack of balance Even thoughJingei pulse diagnosis does take up a large por-
here. The most important thurg is an appropriate balance. tion of the meastring stick in terms of the overall assessment,
How then does a Yangming indication with a 3mm carotid one must remember that it is dangerous to consider Jingei puJse
pulse and 1mm radial puJse compare to a Taiyang indication diagnosis to be everything. Be that as it may, flrere are many
with a 6mm carotid puJseand 3mm radial pulse? The (condition caseswhere it seems best to decide the Three Yin Three yang
of the) arteries is thought to be the same as the channels, and a indication based only on the puJses,without taking other infor-
wide pulse indicates a larger flow of Qi and Blood. In the above mation into consideration.
cases,although the Taiyang indication is considered to have Iess One must be sure to remember that the Taiyin and Naikan
Stomadr Qi than the Yangmrng indication, from the standpoint indications are \rerv dangerous. Many patients have died
of the quantity of Qi and Blood fiowrng, the Taiyang hdication sl-iortlt.afterpresenting a Taiyin pulse indication. It is true, how-
with the wider puJse is more fr-rll of energy. On the other hand, ever, that u'hen a patient dies thev don't always present an omi-
the Yangming indication is a puJsecondition inwhich yanghas nous indication. Sometimes the Jingei pulse indication changes
reached its highest position. Thus it can be said that a stable as the keatrnent is berng performed. It would stand to reason
position has been reached, or that the physical condition (of the that with treahnent a Shaoyang indication would change to
patient) will not be easily upset. The latter Taiyang indication Taiyang and then to Yangming. There are times, however,
indicates that the position of Yang repletion has not been when a Yangrning indication turns to Taiyang or Shaoyang. It is
reached, and that Yang has not risen as high as it can. This likely in such casesthat the patient who was originally Taiyang
means that the (patient's) physical condition is susceptible to or Shaovang presented a false Yangming indication because of
change. Comparing the above two casesfrom this perspective, an excessof Yang pathogenic ir-rfluence.h. *y case,as heat-
the former has relatively more beneficial elements. rnenls are contirrued,usuaily the indication gradually improves
Lr situations where there is some doubt as to whether the to Taivang or Yangmng.
puJsesare a Yangmingor Taiyang indicatiory usually itis bestto
give treatrnent by choosing in favor of Taiyang which i-slolt'er Symptomsof Three Yin and Three Yang

on the scale. Whenever the pulses are unclear or di_fficultto com- \Mren a person is diagnosed as Taiyang with lingei pulse di-

pare, this is a sign that the diseaseis not a simple one. The syrnp- agnosis (whether healthy or ill), Taiyang syanptoms tend to be

toms in such cases cannot be relied upon. For example, in present. How do we regard the sy'rnptoms of Three Yin and

Yangming indicatiors with a tense or floating pulse, sometimes Three Yang in relation to Jingei pulse diagnosis? As ways of

there are also Shaoyang sl.rnptoms, and at other times there is r..iewing the sl,rnptoms, there is captwing slzrnptoms from the

chronic pathology of the intemal organs, which is unrelated to quantity (balance)of Yin and Yang, associating ryanptoms to (in-

Yangming. Does this then mean that the pulse indication and dicated) channels of the same narne, associating syrnptoms to

the synnptoms are completely unrelated? We cannot say this is the organs related to the same Three Yin Three Yang category,

the caseeither. With Yangming indications, for instance, there is matching slanptoms listed (for these categories) in the SlangHan

usually some syrnptom or feature associated with repletion of Lun. As for myself, as a rough way to understand the symptoms

NA/OArl___― ―― ――

in relation to the jingei puJsediagnosis, I find it srmplest to inter- Symptoms of Shaoyang

pretthe symptoms and (affected)areasby the quantitv (balance) Poor completon which tends to be bluish, tender-rry b f-eel
of Yin and Yang. V\4ren it comes to a detailed r-rnderstanding of cold (especially the legs and feet), history of chronic illnesses,
the spnptoms, it seems that the Three Yin Three Yang s1.rnp- bittemess in mouth, dry throat, dizziness, pain in chest and
toms listed in the S/nn.qHarr Ltut are very simple and easy to sides, feeble legs and difficr-rlty standing, loss of hearing, pain
apply. A word of caution conceming syrnptoms is that it is safer along the Shaoyang channel and visible changes (loss of tone) in
not to tum things around and guess the Jingei puJse indication muscles.
from the synnptoms. When the Jingei puJse indication is de- There is not much Stomach Qi and (it indicates) iingering
duced from the sy'rnptoms, occasionally it leads to some confu- syrnptoms from a heaw illness, mental or physical overwork, or
sion and mistakes. lack of sleep continuing over some time. (Such as a woman un-
der heavy slressbv having to care for her father and,/or mother
Symptomology of Three Yin and Three Yang
in law, or havir-rg an tur{aithful husband or a cnsis.) VVhen a
The q..rnptomology of Three Yin and Three Yang listed below
personwith thi-sindication is overweight, they are susceptibleto
are from the notes I took when I was a student studying with
stress,and they lack exercise,so it is necessary to improve their
Ogura Doeki. They are still applicable and useful today. Among
exercise and nutrition. When they have a deficient pulse, they
the spnptoms presented, one comes across s)'mptoms of the
become extremelv fatigued over minor things.
Three Yang indications quite oftery but those of the Three Yin
Symptoms of Jueyin
indications are less common. This list of sr.nnptoms is sufficient
Thirst, lack of luster in complexion as if face is dirty, lumbar
for cLinical practice when the sy'rnptomology from the Siang
pain with difficulty in flexion and extensiory conhaction of scro-
Han Lun is added.
tum, irritabilig and fr-rllness(in chest), women have edema in
Symptoms of Yangming
lower abdomen, drzziness, changes in urination, incontinence,
Chills and shivering, yawning, dislike of fire and company of
oLigLrria,pain in both sides extending to smali intestines, wither-
others; becomes surprlsed and very upset when hearing the
ing of flesh and inability to stay standing for long.
sound of wood striking wood, closes doors and windows and
Symptoms of Shaoyin
prefers to be alone; feeling cold, lack of sleep, tendency to get
Ashen complexion like lacquered lvood, \'\rorry about hr.rnger
insuJficient nutrition and exercise.
but inabfity to eat, phlegm with blood, tendencv to sit and dis-
There is ample Stomach Qi and, when this indication is
Like standing up, oLiguria, lumbar pain, heat in the mouth, dry-
found, whether fat or thin, a person Lsable to endure all concli-
ness of tc'rngue,dilficulty swallowing, swelling in throat, cardiac
tions well. The outcome of treatment is good er,enfor conclitions
pain, pain in spine and medial legs, preference to lie down, pain
diagnosed as being very serious ar-rdit even surprises those u'ho
or dranges in muscies along the courre of the Shaoyin channel.
know about their condition.
Symptoms of Taiyin
Symptoms of Taiyang
Vomiting when trying to eat, pdn in the stomach (CV72), dts-
Penetrating headache, eye pain, pain in occiput, neck, and
tension of abdomen, much burping, feeling of relief after passing
upper back, lumbar pain, nasal discharge, oLiguria, cystitis, diz-
stoolsor gas,heavinessover whole body, borborygmus.
ziness, epilepsy (mental disease), difficulty walking many ab-
normalities along the course of the Taiyang channel. Case study of Jingei pulse diagnosis and treatment
They have a whitish complexion and soft flesh. Manv are 30 year old woman: chronic fatigue after chj-ldbirth
over weight and, although they appear healthy, they easilv catdr This was the first patient I heated almost exclusively with
colds. They fatigue easily and tire sooner than others when jingei pulse diagnosis and treatrnent. It was four months after
walking short distances. There is pain and swelling around their she gave birth and she had lost all motivation and spent the
irrner and outer malleollls. There is drastic change in their physi- whole day in a daze. She had little appetite and had difficulty
cal condition and temperament within just one day. \A/hen they getting sieep. Her bowel movements were very irregular, and
are overweight and have soft flesh, they often have a sickly con- even with laxatives, they came only about once a week. This
stitution. woman barely spoke and couldn't take care of her baby. \A/hen

12 1995

she did speak, she didn't make any sense. So I had to question to normal. I therefore instructed her to come for treaknent occa-
her husband about her condition. According to her physician, sionaliy according to her condition. Now and then this patient
there were no major problems except fatigue. She didn't drink retums for treahnent, and her complaints are mostly shoulder
or smoke, and she had lived a normal life before childbirth, al- tensionor upper backpain.
though she did have a quiet temperament. Shehad no notewor-
Itis tobe expectedthatI wouldhighlight the superior features
Examination: Her pulse was deficient and thin, and the |ingei
of |ingei pulse diagnosis and treaknent since I am introducurg
puJse indication was Shaoyang of the leg. Her skin was very
jingei pulse diagrosis. Certainly the value of jingei pulse diag-
pale, of a very fine texture and almost transparent. She looked
nosis and treatmenthas not diminished even iltheenvirorunent
emaciated with little flesh on her face and front and back of her
in which we provide medical care is changing. \Alhen a patient
hands. AJso they were cold. The veins in the palm of her hands
first comes for treahnent, I always perform an Oriental medical
were abnormally large and blue. Her palate was red and swol-
len and her tonsils also seemedsomer,r'hatenlarged. Her vision examination including |ingei pujse diagnosis and abdominal
palpahon. Nevertheless,when I judge that there is no major ab-
was poor. Her abdomen was weak and soft all over and it felt
normalitv in the patient's physical condition during the first
cold. No breathing movements could be detected in the abdc>
vi,sit,I c1onot adherc b Jingei pulse diagnosis and treahnent for
men. Her voice was very weak and her speechharcl to make
those rvho don't need it. Of cotuse, in caseswhere it is better to
out. The skin temperature of her legs and feet were also very low
givc Lreatmerrtbascclon Jingei pr-rlsediagnosis, I do employ it.
compared to women of the same age.
This is the actual situatior-rof mv appJicationof JingeipuJsediag-
Treatmenl I decided to go rvith only the Jingei pulse diagno-
nosis and tueahnent. Such a flexible attitude toward the applica-
sis and treahnent protocol for this woman. Ffust in the supine
tion of ]ingei pulse diagnosis can be seen in many places in the
position, I inserted 40mm No. 2 needles in LV14, GB24, and
classics(Sttruen,Lingshu,lioyi l ing, etc.).
CV12 to a depth of 7mm to 1cm. I in-sertedneedles in GB10 and
When a patient presents with low back pain and I suspecta
LV3 to a depth of 5 to 7mm, and retained the needles for seven
intervertebral lesion, or when a patient presents with shoulder
minutes. To keep her abdomen from becoming d-Lilled, I ap-
stiJfnessand I suspect thoracic outlet slmdrome, and in either
plied in{rared lamp. Next in the prone position, using 40mm
casethe patier-rti,sl-realthv,I applv my knowledge of orthopedics
No. 2 needlesagain, I placed needlesin GB20 to a depth of 1cm,
as an e.rterLsiorr
of terrdomrscular treahrrent (describedin chap-
SI15,BL18 and 19 to a depth of 2 to 2.5mm, and SP6about Snl-n,
ter I3 of Li rigs/iir).For elderlv or depletedpatients,however, it
and retained them for ten minutes. During this time, I flickeil
becomes very impc.rrtantto regulate tireir physical condition
each of the needles once.
(with Jingei pulse diagnosis and treaknent). AJso Jingei pulse
Comments: Among the points used, CV12 in the supine posi-
diagnosis and treahnent gives absolutely arnazitg results for
lion and SI15 and SP6in the prone position were poinls that did
patients who have recently had a major operation. Lr such cases
not fit within the framework of Jingei puJsediagrosis and treat-
I perform onlv the treahnent based onJingei puLsediagnosls. In
ment. I provided similar tueatunentsonce every other day for the
anv case,|ingei pulse diagnosis gives objective and reproducible
first three weeks, and twice a week from the fourth week on-
findings, so it is very reliable. Although not enough studies have
ward. The Jingei pulse indication went back and forth between
been donc concerning its clinical efficary, based on extensive ex-
Taiyang and Shaoyang, but I continued treatment for the
perience,it can be regarded as a method of diagnosis and treat-
Shaoyang indication. kr less than a month the patient began to
ment with a high level of efficary.
talk clearly. From the third month onward I changed the fre-
quency of treatrnent to once a week. I provided similar treat- Notes
ments for six months and the patient improved considerably. (1) Huangdil'leijing- StLzoen (SinryleQuestiotts),Chapter 65.
From the seventh month onward I changed the frequency of (2) Huangdi I'leijing - Sruuen(SinrpleQuestions),Chapter 8.
treaknent to once every other week. Cradually the patients ab- (3) Yang Li, DiseasePrognosticationin ChineseMedicine,
domen became more firrn and her general condition continued Beijing Science and Technology Publishing Co.,7991.,
to improve. After ten months the patient was more or lessback p . 2 7 3- 2 9 7


By Kiiko Matsumoto
Thisarticleonginllly appeared (lounnl o.flnpanese
irr theNouentber1989issueo.f ldo utt Ni1t1tort ActtpwrcfurectndMoxibtrstion)andhnsbetn
trsnslstednnd rEnnted ruitlt specinlpernissiou.

lntroduction complair-rtis relate.dto the scar,the primary complaint improves

The first time I became intrigued by the notion of treating old just secondsafter needLing. Moreover, by treating the scar,the
scarswas about thirteen years ago. At that time I was studying main complaint of tl-rcpaticnt oftcn disappears before intemal
acupunchrre from teachers of meridian therapy. I remember adhesion of the scariLselfirsresolved. It is especiallycommon to
being skongly impressed and inspired by my teacher'sability to see the mdn complaint disappear r,r,ith the treahnent of a distal
change the puJse instantaneously with just a small amotu-rt of scar. If the intemal adhesion of the scar is completely resolved,
stimulation from non-insertive techniques. The mendian style the patient'smdn complaint rvill not retum. On the other hand,
of acupuncture I leamed from my teacher gave clear evidence not all the scarsform intemal adhesion. In mv experience,the
that Ki flows very close to the surface of the skin. following types of scars indicate the presencc c'rfinternal adhe-
If this is so,what about the scarswe come acrossin ourclinical s10ns.
practice, such as those from C-sections, appendectomies, and I. scarsthat present different colors along tl-reinci-sion line
operations for inguinal hernias? Don't they pose a significant (Theremay be reddened parts and clark red parLs.)
factor in obstructing meridians and the flow of Ki? \A/hen I ex- II. scarcthat show unevennesson their surfhce
amine my patients, I always conduct abdominal palpahon for III. scarsthat have formecl keloid tjssue that spreadsout
diagnosing the eight extraordinary vesselsand the five phases. fV. observe both ends of scars (Intemal adhesions form more
Every timel would do this (beforediscoveringscartreahnent), I easily on the ends than in the middle.)
wondered this scar from an appendectomy affecting any- One should palpate scars without fail. Scarsr'r'ithor-rtadhe-
thing?" or is this huge scar with keloid tjssue from the sions do not have any pain, abnormal sensations, or pulsation
hemia operation affecting the abdomen?" when pressed. The scarsthat run through or over meridians or
The direct motive for me to start treating scars,, acupuncture pcrints tend to cause problerns rnore often than
came from one patient who complained of persistent sti-ffnessin those that do not. Even when a scar appears to be sr-rperficial,it
her shor-rlders. I treated her with every possible kind of treat- canhave deep trauma dependingon the degree of shcxk experi-
ment I could think of, to no avail. Then one day, I noticed that enced by the patient at the time of injury. Just as psychologrcal
her old scar from an appendectomy she had fifteen years earlier trauma can leave a deep scar in one's psyche, an r.rnexpected
was slightly reddened. Being cunous, I decided to treat the scar accident or the shcrk associated with an injurir can leave deep-
itself. As I made a shallow insertion with a needle, her shoul- rooted damage in the connective tissue.
ders which were as hard as a rock (especially her right shoulder,
which was abnormally stiffl softened instantly. The patient said
The toeatment for scarsconsjsts of needling the most sensitive
her shoulder stiffiress began about the same time she had her
point on the scar from the outside of the scar tissue toward the
appendectomy. The fact that the intemal adhesion of an old
middle of the scar at an angle of about ten degrees. (I do not feel
scar in a seemingly totally unrelated lcxation caused sti-ffshoul-
there is a need for dispersion when treating scars.)I use a 1.3ctrn
ders was indeed fascinating to me. From then on, I would ask
or 40rnm needle of a No. 1 or 2 thicleess. (Frgure 1)
all my nen' patients, without fail, whether they had scarsor had
had surgeries, because I now understood that the presence of
old scars hinders other treahnents. I make it a rule to ask my Figure1
patients about scarsbecause occasionally, there are people who
Scarsabovethe eye
have scarsin placeswhich are hard to detect.
People who sustain wounds above their eyes from motor-
The reward in treating old scarsis that, if the patient's primary
cycle/auto accidentsor fights, sometimes suJfervarious health


problems later in their Lives,long after their injuries are healed. and she told me that for the fint time in 35 yearq she was able to
In many cases,these people complain of headachesand strJf smile at her brother.
necks around BL10 or along the Bladder meridian line. If the hr the caseof another female pahcnt (a 41 year old ), a Dober-
patient has a wor-rnd (or wounds) near the bladder meridian man scratched her with its front par,r,n'hen she was four years
Line,development of adhesion urder the scar tissue can be ob- old, resulting in a cut on her evebror,r, for r,r'hich she received most cases. These scars are normally shallow, and four stitches. I treated her with m1, usuai olcl scar tueahnent
therefore they usually heal swiftlv. (Figure 2) method, and after five heahnents, she claimed that she was no
longer afraid of dogs.

Case 2
42year old male; carpenter
Symptoms: Back pain. The patient sustainedan injury above
the inner canthus of one of his eyes in an accident when he was
15 vears old. The motorcycle he was riding rolled over and the
Case 1
patient hit iris face on a stone with jagged edges. I observed a
46year old female; musician (viola player)
stiffening aroturd the area of BL23. Usuallv, hardening of this
Symptoms: Autonomic dysfunction, stiff shoulders and
area would cause back pain. The patient told me that he has
neck, cold body, aversion to the cold, and mental depression.
always thought that his back was weak. When I applied pres-
\A4renthe patient was 11 years old, she had a fight with her elder
sure on the scar above his eye, he told me that that hurt. The
brother. During the fight, one of her brother's sardals hit her in
patient was puzzled to find out that such an old wound still hurt.
the area near the lateral comer of her left eyebrow, and she bled
Treatment: After three treatments, the adhesions of the
from the resulting wound. Though the wound itself was shal-
patient's old worlnd completely disappeared. The hardened
low, the patient has not been on good terms with her brother to
area around Bl23 softened as well. His back felt lighter com-
this day since the incident.
pared to what it was at the time of his first tueahnent, and the
Treatment: Ffst, I attempted to treat the patient's stiff neck
hardening was reduced b,v50 percent.
with my usual method of keating old scars. As I lightly pen-
For other patients rvith sirnilar old scam,in just two or three
ehated the skin with a No.1,4&nmneedle, the patientsuddenlir
treahnents I have successfullytreated their parietal headaches
began to tremble and her eves welled up with tears. I immedi-
and neck pains. I also once treated a verv sfubbom caseof sci-
ately asked her if she would like me to remove the needle. Then,
aticabv administeringmy old scartreahrrentandhad very good
she told me that in the exact moment the needle broke the skin,
results. Perhaps because these wounds were shallow, they
shesaw the image of herbrother's sandalsthatinjuredherwhen
healed much faster than the s;rmptoms that are involved with
she was 11. She suddenly relived the terror of that horrible ex-
ctu-r'afureof the nasal septum.
perience. Though I left the needle in the point, I removed it after
one or two minutes, for the patient's trembling did not stop. Scars on the Neck
Even so,the patient said that her pain was reduced to 50 percent. Patients who have had surgeries to treat goiter, cancer of the
Three days later, during the second treahnent, the patient told thl,roid gland, or have had an injury involving a broken clavicle
me that the night she had had the first treahnenf she had a tend to present many sy'rnptorns of autcmon-ricdvs{unction such
dream of the fight she had with her brother 11 years ago. She as palpitations, shortress of breath, and irritabfity. Perhapsit is
askedme to giveherthe same treahnent, solin-sertedaneedle in becatrsethe incisions made on their stemocleidomastoid (SCM)
the same point of her old scar. This time she did not experience muscle during surgery damaged their autonomic nerves. They
shakes,and to this day, she has nothad shakes. With a combina- also tend to have additional sr.n-rptornssuch asconstipatiory ten-
tion of a nose treatrnent (treatunentof crooked nasal septum) and dency to accumulate intestinal gas, or difficulties in releasing
an old scar treatrnent on her eyebrow, the patient's sti-ff neck, gas,stagnation of urdigested food in the stomach, and pyrosis. I
depression and her fear towards her brother disappeared. After suspect that these syanptoms are due to the post-operative de'
the 3rd treahnent, the patient had a chance to vjsit her family, \.elopment of abnormal tension in the vagus nerve that run un-

Nolerr.ber1995 l,<

demeath the SCM muscle. Treatment Though no extemal scar could be observed, the
Another conunon problem which may result from incisions right clavicle appeared swollen. Accordinglv, as I palpated the
made on the scalenus anterior and scalenus medius during sur- right clavicle, the patient reported pressure paln on the clavicle
gery is thoracic outlet s;mdrome (painful shoulders, pain in the just below ST12. As I massaged this area aroturd ST12 on the
posterior side of the neck, pain in elbows or hands, occipital right, I also pressed his SCM muscle on the right and he told me
headache,absent-mindedness, etc.) that is maniJested in the area that he felt no pain at all. So I inserted a needle verv shallowly
supplied by the subclavian arteries. into the point on the clavicle so the needle bareiv penetrated the
skin. After the first treatrnent, his pain was reduced by 70 per-
Case 1
I I cent. His sl.rnptomcompletelydisappearedafter the second
53 year old female; housewiJe Fiqure
' 3I I
I t keahnent.
Symptoms: The patient has been / \
x--"-3.'a \
suffering intense pain and stifiress in --" Case3
the shoulders and the neck for four 11 year old female; violinist
years which she describes as beng someone put a hat on Symptoms: Playing violin for two hours lr,ould result i. pui.
my head and keeps pushing me down." Shehad surgery on the in the arms, shoulders and neck.
thyroid gland 10 years ago, in which a tumor was removed. Treatment: I palpated the patient's neck, and foturd a callosity
Usually, she would suffer a throbbing headache first, and then turder her chin-a result of her regr-rlarviolin praclice. As I ap-
afterwards, she would be unable to think clearly, and become pLiedpressureto the callosity, the patient reporled that the pain-
absent-minded, as if were no oKygen in my brain." \A4ren ful points on her shoulders and neck were reLieved. AJter three
she stated this to her doctor, she was almost sent to a psychiatist. heatments, in which I used intradermal needles as rveil as regu-
TreatmenL \z\4renI palpated the scar tissue on her neck, the lar needles, the patient recovered to the extent that she can now
scalemrsanterior, and a point about one centimeter above ST 1Z play the violin for four hours. However, since the callosity has
she said that she felt a radiati.rg pui.. As I massaged these areas, not disappeared completely, I am currently treating her twice a
I applied pressure on the stiff spots in her neck and shoulders, month to soften the callous. By using the same treatment
and she responded that she felt no pain. From this examinatiory method, I have been able to relieve the insomnia and neck pains
I diagnosed that her old scar developed intemal adhesions of other vioLinists(using inhadermal needles).
which put pressure on the subclavian arteries and the cervical
Scars on Abdomen
plexus, thus reducing the supply of oxygen to the problem areas.
(i) Treatment of scarsfrom Caesareansections and
I wed a shallow insertion of needles just below the scar, and
retained them. Fifteen minutes later, I palpated her neck and
These are the most commonly obsen'ed scars in the United
shoulders and found that the stiJfiresshad disappeared. She
"The States. The ovariectomy, in particular, is performed more fre-
stated pressureon my head seemsto har.ebeen reduced bv
quentlv in the U.S. than any other country in the world. By heat-
half." Shecompletely recovered after four additional treahnents.
ing the scar restrlting from ovariectomy alone, I have success-
Case 2 ful1v treated many slanptoms such as sciatica, back pain, dis-
Male 24 year old; guitarist comJorts related to the bladder, the discharge of urine srmulta-
Symptoms: The patient developed an abnormal pain on his neously with sneezing, distended pain in the abdomen from gas
left SCM. He became unable to tum his neck. After ten minutes accr-rmulation,constipation after stugery and abdominal pains
of playing the guitar, he would experience an intense pain. His of unknown causes. Perhaps becatne the incisions made on the
dcrctor prescribed a muscle relaxant, but it did not improve his lower abdomen during surgery weaken the abdominal
condition.Then his doctor told him not to piay guitar for a muscles, complaints of back pain are heard of very often. A sig-
month. He came to my clinic, saying "I'll be fired if I don't play nificantly conunon problem that is caused by the kind of scar
guitar for a month." Five years ago, he broke his right clavicle in illustrated in figure 48, with the scar extending above the pubis,
a car accident. His doctor told him that he had "recovered com- is s1...rnptoms
related to the bladder.
pletelv." For treatrnent, if incisions are made over the sarne scar more


than 3 times (a very common practice for women who have had After receiving about ten treatrnents, flre second patient can-
children by C-section more than once ), the adhesion of the scar celed his surgery as well for his condition improved steadily
becomes as tough as a rope. h this case,a No. 1 needle is not with acupuncture treahnents. The surprised doctor of the sec-
adequate to penehate the scar tissue and a No.3 or thickerneedle ond patient called me one day to inqurre about the method of
must be used. if the adhesions are too tough to be treated by keatrnent I used on his patient. Regrettably, I was unable to
superficial needling alone, I normally use Spoints bypass cords explain the relationship between the jnjury in the cervical verte-
and a sparks (i.e. tfuee point bypass ion pumping cord, and a brae and the scar left
sparker - what Ms. Matsumoto calis "Pachi Pachi"). "o 'orr
uyv .ln
1\__/ -
, , ' , , \ "\_-/
./t h a n i n g u i nh ae lm i a
For instance, in the casesof scars Like the one shown in figr.rre
| l\_/ I
l l l l o p e r a t i o n .
4A', I find three tender points over flre scar, place the black clip / l l t
/ \
i . r o l \\
on the mid-point the green cJip on the most painful poin! and | \ ,/
t \ l / \
the red clip on the secondmostpainfulpoint, and thenapply the l \ r l i l i
sparks. For extreme adhesion, treatment by acupuncture (Figures
needles alone takes too much time. Adhesions from incision-s Scarson theFoot
that were made around the umbficus especially seem to be (i) Scar from wound for applying traction to treat a
deeply related to lower back pain and sciaticneuralgia. fractured femur

(ii) Treatment of appendectomy scars Traction is applied by inserting a rod from area aroturd ST 36
through to the area between SI)9 and LV8.
S;.rnptoms which may result from appendectomy scars are
persistent stiff shoulders, spasm of ileocecal valve (pain on the Case 1
lower right abdomen, caused by accumulated gas), and back 26vear old male; electricalengineer.
pain. hr one remarkable case,a patient who had been experienc- Symptoms: The patient sustained a compoturd fracture on
ing palpitations for five years made a complete recovery after his femr.u from an accident two years earlier and was hospital-
only one treaknent on her appendectomy scar. ized for two months. Two scars were observed in the areas

(iii) Treatment of scars from surgery on inguinal hemias arouncl 5T36 and LVS. The patient complained that, at times, he
would feel either pain or r,r,eakness
in the cn-ual area (lower leg
Typical syrnptoms after inguinal hernia surgery are Iower
belor,r'the knee ) follon'ing the accident. The patient derribed
backpain, which runs throughthe femoral region and fatigue in
l-riscondition hvo r,'earsearLier,saving that hi-slower leg wotrld
lower limbs. In this sectiory I will discuss casesof two patients
hr-ut after plaving soccer,but the following day it would feel
who came to my clinic for the injuries they sustained on their
rveak instead of painful. Pressingthe scar causedpain.
cervical vertebrae. Both patients visited me a month before their
Treahnent: To treat the scars, I used 4omm No.1 stairdess
surgeries. \44rat was significant was that in both cases,the pa-
needles, retained them in the points for 20 minutes, and then
tients made complete recoveries with acupunchre treatrnents
placed intoadermalneedles in the same points. A-fter two treat-
on their scars alone. They both canceled their surgeries.
ments, both the pain and feeling of wealcress disappeared. Be-
When it comes to surgery on cervical vertebrae, medical doc-
fore the treahrrent, I observed a thick vein which rose to the sur-
tors cannot guarantee that it is 100 percent safe. UrLlessthe pa-
face of the popJiteal crease,but to my surprise, after a week it
tient signs a waiver so the doctors are not liable, they will not
almost completely disappeared. He now plays soccerregr-rlarly
perform the operation. Although the patients would have liked
without any fr,uther problems.
to have their condition treated, they were very much concemed
about the risks asscriated with surgery. The aforementioned (ii) Intemal wounds without scars caused by repeated
patients were both men in their 30s. These men had received sprains
operations for inguinal hemias before the age of ten. They had I leamed this method from my shiatsu teacher Mr. Naoichi
been havingneck problems respectively for a few months and a Kuzome of Shikoku Island. If you sustain repeated sprains in
few years before coming to my clinic. one area,pressurepainwill develop onthe SpleenMeridian line
The first patient recovered completely after three treatrnents. on the same side of the abdomen. You can always find sensitive

7995 I7

spots if you apply pressu-reon the Spleen line at 45 degrees to- about 20 degreesfrom horizontal, rrr the clirection of the flow of
wards the midline. This pain is felt between the iliacus and the the meridian. This is very effectir-e.,incl it r-s orre cif mv favorite
Iarge intestine and is likely to be associated u,'ith other s;.nnp- techniques.
torns such as constipatiory back pain, difficulty in relieving gas,
and other intestinal problems. If you find swollen, painful spots
Or:rceI startedpaying attention to the heahrrent of scars,Ihave
arotrnd GBIO or GBl1, insert needlesthere. Theseare not scars
becomedeJightedevery time I find scarson mv patients. Every-
from stugery but might be ligament injuries caused by sprairx.
day in my clinic, I paipate my patients' old scars to look for inter-
If these are not properly heated and allowed to heaf the patient
nal adhesion. As the adhesions disappear rt'ith the treatrnent, it
will develop ailments which are associatedwith the Gallbladder
is ftur to ponder how they may have been related to the patients'
meridian, such as temporal headaches,loosenessof the ingumal
syirnptoms. One of my objectives these days i-sto cc'rmeup with
ligaments, etc. This problem can be found frequently among
the fastestand most efficient way to treat adhesions.
athletes and dancers.
Many pahents cannot immediately arls\\rer n'hen asked,
(iii) Chronic ligament injury without scarsfrom inversion you have any scars?".It is easyfor them to forget about the scars
or eversion of feet they received when they were yotu-rg childrerr. Sometime after
This is a frequently-observed problem for women who wear the third or fourth treahnent, a patient might sar', for instance;
high-heeled shoes. The patient who develops this problem will "Since
you brought it up, my mother told me that I 1-Lit my head
suffer endless syirnptoms such as sciatica, distortion of the "I
when I was two years old and got ten stitches,"or broke my
sacrum, tendemess in the sacroiliac joints, spasm of the gastuoc- tailbone twenty years ago in a skiing accident. Do vour think it
nemius, and various knee ailments. Additionally, if the patient could be related to my syrnptom?". This kind of forgetfr-rJnessis
develops inversion or eversion of the feet during childhood, the not only corrrrnon, but understandable. Yet one.can't help but
curvature of the spine becomesdistorted or exaggerated. "\t\4ry
think, couldn't they have told me that sooner?". If the scar
is located within a head of hair or at the coccyx, voti could easily
Treatment First, have the pa-
miss it turless your patient tells you about it. Furthermore, one is
tient sit on a chair and correct the
dealing in manv caseswith surgical scars received manv years
eversion or inversion with his
earLier,but the patients have begr.rn to present sl.mptoms only
hands. Press on KI6 as he holds
within the past few weeks or months. Not onlv patients, even
his feet rn a straight position (usu-
acupuncfurists do not understand the correlation between
ally the patient feels pain). Press
(Figure5) present ryrmptoms and old scars,and don'tbeLieve the effective-
atthe sametime asthe patienthas
ness of this scar tueahnentrmtil they actually seemy demonstra-
straightened his feet.
lion in seminars. They only beLieveafter I demonstrate the scar
A patient with sciatica, for example, has tender points along
treahnent publicly and seeit is actual practice tr,^,'oor three times.
the piriformis. So therefore confirm the existence of these tender
Subsequently, those who attend my seminars happily try out
points before straightening the feet, and then shaighten the feet
this scar treahnent on their patients, and report good results. The
and press KI6. Maintain pressure on KI6 and check the tender
dramatic and instantaneous cures I have mentioned. however.
points on the piriformis to seeif there is a change in the degree of
are Limited to the following types of patients:
parn on tire piriformis. If the pain is reduced by at least 50 per-
(1) patients without various endocrine diss14"o
cent, it can be considered a positive reaction.
(2) patients with little or no autonomic dysfunction
Then insert a needle in I{6 with the patient still sitting on the
(3) patients who are not overly medicated
chair and holding his feet straight. Next look for tender points
(4) patients with less than five scars
around BL23 and 63. If there are tender points, press the
(The most I have ever seen was a sixty year old woman with
piriformis again while also pressing the tender points on the feet.
thirty scars.).
If the pressure pain on the piriformis is further reduced, then
insert needles in Bl23 or 63. The insertion should be obLiaue. Trsnslcrtul hr Mcrsmruki H amazoki

Klヮ 95

Part 5
Mark Dreu
hr this issue,I would Liketo share a turique method of reading StepI
the puJse. It is unique in the sensethat it is performed with only TheKiko-jinkei (K) positionsarelocatedslightly distal to the
the index fingers of each har-rd. With this two finger approach, styloid processof the radius on both wrists. Another way of
known as Kikolinkei in Japanese,we can assessquickly with locating the KikcrJinkei positions is to place index fingers be-
uncanny precision the eight puJsequalities. They are excessand tweentheLtrngandSpleenpulsepositions of therighthandand
deficient, slow and fast, floating and sinking, and slippery and the Heart and positionsof the left hand.
.hoppy. Any practitioner already using puJse diagnosis in his
practice will notice immediate results by adding the two finger
method as the first step. The restrlls will be reflected in the clarity tl\
of pulse findings, culminating in a more focused treahnent and,
thus, increasing the overall effectiveness of the treahrrent.
Before I get into the nuts and bolts of how to do it, let's look at
the origin and development of this approach. The two finger のヽ く ko
method (Kiko-Jinkei) was first mentioned briefly in the third SP.
cenhrry PulseClassic(Mni Jing)byWang Shu-he. It gave the loca-
tion for finger placements and a few vague explanatiors of the
pulse ftrdings. How to use this information in a cLinical situa- Step ll
tion was not revealed or, perhaps, that explanation \\'as simplr Ct''mpare the pulse strerrgtl-rof ieft and right hand positions,
part of the oral tradition. According to mv teadrer, Kikdinkei ;rncl decic-lenhich is skonger. If, for example, the right hand
was the methodology of pulse diagnosis for acupturctwists frrr 1-rositimris stror-rge.r,
indicate thi,sr,r,ithK> or, otherwise,with <Jif
over a millennium in both Chma and fapan. It rvas emplor-ed the left hzurr-1position i-sstronger.
right up to the time of Li Shi-zhen,l at which point hi-s28 pulse
quality diagnosis replaced the two finger system. Li Shi-zhen's Step lll
Using the middle level puJse position2 for reference, check to
pulse quality diagnosis is best suited to Chinese herbal medi-
cine. Besidesbeing very complicated, it offers little in-formation seeif the puJseis floating or sinking. For example, if the patient's

of practical use to acupunchrrists. To this end, the eight puJse right hand feels like it is floatrng, indicate this with a bar under K.

quality diagnosis was developed in japan, with an applicatron or if the Jinkei position of the left hand feels like it is sinking, then

for acupr-rncfurein mind. draw a bar over the top ofJ.

Inthe past,critics of meridiantherapyhavepointed at the root

I recommend keeping a written record of the pulse findings,
treahnent points selections as being too simpListic. To employ
since putting it donm on paper adds another level of perception
the same tonilication and dispersion points for variotrs s),r11p-
and it helps one turderstand the tactile interpretations. The re.
toms and complaints while other command points go unused
sultant notes might look something like this: K>J, K>J or K>f .
sets limitations on effective employrnent of points. For some
Since the KikoJinkei system of pulse diagnosis is a very de'
time now, various meridian therapy groups in japan have been
tailed way of reading the puJse and is beyond the scope of this
aware of this problem and have been vigorously researching
introductory article, I will only briefly outline the basic concepts
ways in which to expand beyond the basic formr-rla plan, as it
was developed by the founders. With this dilemma in mind,
Kiko is the right hand puJseposition. It indicates Ki level of
Mr. Masabumi Inoue, son of the legendary healer and a found-
the body. r indicates a Yang Ki deficiency, and K reflecb a Yin Ki
ing member of meridian therapy, Keiri hroue, developed the
depletion. jinkei is the left hand pulse position. The extemal
Kko-jinkei system of puJsediagnosis.
pathogenic influences are reflected in thls position. For example,

N打 OAl________

if thispulse jsfloating t|, theupperpartof thebody, i.e.theYang

areasare affected. Thus, the EPIs or wind, cold, heaf fire, damp-
ness, and dqmess are read in this position. DanielBensky
I-et's look at some examples of deficient and slow puJse find-
ings, since they can be seen in about 70% of patienb. K>J in Pulse diagnosis is something that I continr,reto shuggle with. I
combination with a deficient and slow pulse indicates a Yin Ki find it to be extremely difficulf but usuallv reu'arding. With the
deficienry allowing the EPI of wind to enter the upper parts of dearth of information available to us as practilic-rnersof Oriental
the body. Syrnptoms of common cold such as sLightheadache, medicine, it is necessaryto get something that n'e can use out of
feeiing chilled, Light fever or cough are usually seen with this every paft of the examination. My personal approach to the
type of puJse. pulse is to do a sequenceof pulse interpretatictnsand use the
f>1 with the above pulse qualities means an EPI was able to one(s) that tum out to give me helpfr-rl inJon-uation. I check the
enter due to Yang Ki deficienry. Problems of Lung Ki deficiency three positions of the radial pulse on eacir l'rist (corresponding
are usually associated with this puJset1pe. to the Yin Organs with the right proximal beurg the Kidney
K>Jwith the above qualities is due to Yin Ki deficiency and the Yang and the left proximal being the Kidnev r''ur); six positions
EPI of damp was able to enter, affectingthe lower @ parts of the on each wrist at the deep and superficial levels (corresponding
body. Since this js a problem of Yin Ki deficiency, it is often seen to the twelve channels);six positions on eachrvnst arrangeulnar
affecting the Liver and Kidney meridians and functions. Sy-p- to radial (rnoving the fingers horizontallr. irr-steaclof vertically,
toms of lower back pain, rystitis, GYN, or arthritic conditions of also corresponding to the twelve chamrels);and one position on
a damp type are often encoturtered in clinical practice. each wrist (the right reflecting the Qi and the left the Blood).
x>J with the above qualities, indicates Yang Ki deficiency Doing it this way, there are very few patients f or x4rom the puJse
which has led to an accumr,rlation of damp. This is usually seen is unhelpful, if not in diagnosis, at least in monitoring the effects
in obesepatients. of fueaknent.
Once we have the image of imbalance, be it Yin or Yang defi- I am also a devotee of recurrsiveleaming. Tirat is, using what
cienry, intemal or extemaf then, as a next step, we can employ you lcrow to teachyou about what you do not knolv. In terms of
the six-position puJse diagnosis to determine which mendian is the puJse, this means paying extremely close rrttention to the
most impacted. Pleaseremember that the interpretations of the puJsesof patients whom you can diagnose n'ithout the puJse.
pulse pattems given above are for deficient and slow pulses For example, if someone has exfuemelv clear Liver consfuainf
only. In additiory there are three other pulse groupings repre- thev can teach you what a wiry pulse r-sLike.
senting very different puJse findings. These are: fast and defi- An open mind is also helpful in pulse c'liagrosis. A few years
cient pulse, excessand slow p 'lse, and excessand fast pulse. ago, I r.t'astaken aback when noticing that the middle left pulse
Complexity is compor.nded by the addition of sLipperv and in one of my patients appeared to be flolving backwards! That
.hoppy quali ty d iagnosis. is, I felt the puJse wave on the distal side of my finger before
As with every new thing to really understand and appreciate feeLingit on the proximal side. It felt as if the puJsewas originat-
its usefulnesswe need to become intimately familiar with it. Lr the ing in the pe$on's hand instead of their heart. Using recursive
ca,seof pulse diagnosls, this is achieved with constant practice. learning, I noted that this person had a r.'eryclear Liver,/Stomach
di-sharmony and that there was rebellion (ni) of the Liver Qi.
Si,ncethat time, I have noted this tlpe of puJse often in patients
1. A legendary healer of almost saintly stature and a heroic
n.ith rebellion of the Liver, Stomach, or other Organs. Each time
figure in Chinese folklore. He lived from 1518 to 1593.
"The thi-sreverse flow is palpable only over the pulse position in ques-
2. depth or level where the pulse can be felt most
tion. This puJseis therefore called the reverse puJse. This type of
clearly in all finger positions is called the middle level.
process can be helphrl for all of us. It is one way to expand our
The depth of the middle level thus varies from person "vision"
of the oulse.
to person." fuorn Introdttction to Meridian Therapy by
Shudo Denmei.


to hy a couae of treatrnenb to see if acupuncfure would affect

theseblood counts. After each course,his T-cell cor._rnt
MartinFeldman Ore day tiris patient came to me with the unusual complaint of
waking up at 4 a.m. for the previous three weeks. It didn,t matter
I never do a treatrnent without taking the puJseinto account. I
when he went to bed and he could not retum to sleep afterwards.
thought it would be very easv to come up with a ca,sethat illus-
This, of course, is Lung time according to the Chinese clock and
hated how puJse diagnosis affects the tueatment and outcome.
conesponds to his usual Lurg deficient pu1se.\44rat was different
But as I was considerrng which caseto chcpse,I realized the djffi-
about his puJsewas an apparent excessin the Bladder meridian.
culty of taking the roots alvay from the kee. That is, I always u-se
Upon palpating the abdomen, I discovercd that both his Lung
the puJseas a main or root part of my diagnosis, which then deter-
and Bladder Mu poinb were very sensitive. I also found that his
mines what mv treahnent will be. \A/hatwould the treahnents be
gashocnemius muscle was reactive in the corresponding Ltng/
without the puLse? Horv do I larow if they would be effective? I
Bladderr area. Sincethi-sindicated a Chinese dock polar relation-
can't ar-swer these qtiestions directly, but I can illushate some of
ship, I decided to use the Manaka treaknent for it. This involved
what I krort, pulse diagnosjscan do.
usilrg ion pumping cords on the toni,fication and dispersion
I remember a caseten years ago that taught me a lesson. I was
points. The treahnent is done tu-Lilaterally,and in this caseI used
heating a \\'oman who had duonic bronchitjs. Over and over I
left LU9 and 5, and also left P,165and67. One cord connected the
lvcruld trv to help her by trsing points to treat her iungs. Finally I
red clip to LU9 and the black clip to LUS; another cord connected
realized that I was only lcrcxking my head (or needles) against a
red to BL67 and black to 8165.2
wall unless I treated what was apparent in her puJseall along a
Something, however, stillbothered me about this man's condi-
weak Liver meridian. When I did this, her bronchitis promptly
tion. I turderstcnd the Lung part of his diagnosis, in that it was his
resolved. Igtorirlg the puJse was something I would never do
usual wealmess and he was waking at the Lung time. \ /hat I
wanted to turderstand was how the Bladder related to his condi-
Since that time, my work has evolved into the exclusive trse of
tion. There was too much happerling in his Bladder puJse,Mu
the heahnent shategies of Yoshio Manaka and the five phases
poinls, and gastrooremius for it not to have some significance. I
style as taughtby Kodo Fukushima and Denmei Shudo. The five
started questioning this patient about anything that might be re-
phasessystem of meridian therapy dependsheavily on the puJse
lated to his Bladder meridian and discovered that he hadn,t told
diagnosis, and I use the puJse to help me with the Manaka ap-
me about his urine that had been brown for a couple of weeks.
proach as well. hr my practice and study groups I have seen the
This led me to suspect an turdiagnosed bladder or kidney prob-
difference that a proper puJse diagnosis can make, and the way
lem, and I impressed upon him the importance of seeing his
that it cian give immediate feedback during the treahnent. The
medical dcrtor, and asked him to keep me informed. It tumed
study groups in particular have been invaluable in that subjects
out that the acupuncfure tueahnent completely solved both hi-s
can tell you how the correct or incorrect treahnent a,ffectsthem as
sleep and urinary problems. By the time he saw his doctor three
you feel what is happening in the pulse. I have repeatediy seen
days later, there were no syrnptoms and his urine tested normal.
how a single poinf chosen by puJsediagnosi-s,can make a huge
That was three and a half months ago. I will probably seehim
difference in someone'spu1se,and consequently, in how they feel.
again soon requesting treahnents for his cold s1'rnptoms.
A cur:rent caseilluskates the unique way that puJsediagnosi-s
These examples show some of what I have leamed about the
along with a Manaka+tyle diagnosls helped a patient. I have a
u-seof puJsediagrosis. I hope these casesand my observations
patient with HIV in_fection. He has been asyrnptomatic and
lead some of you to a greater appreciation of what the puJsecan
choosesto trse acupuncture only when he has a specific problem.
tellus, and some of themany wavs itcan be u-sefulinclinicalsitu-
He trsuallycomes several times a year for reLieffrom the conunon
cold and sinus problems. This patient always shows a Lung defi-
cient pattem in terms of five phases,and he responds to the corre. Notes
sponding heahnent very well. On two occasions,he was con- 1. Manaka, Itaya & Birch, Cfutsingtlrc Dragons Tail, para-
cemed about decreasesin his T-cell court. Both hmes he decided digm Publications, 7995,p.739.
2. lbid.,p.162-765.

Noyeorkex1995 -

Koei Kuwahara

One of the words of advice I received from my teacher Kodo needles, they don't get better. Don't insert needles and they will
Fukushima while I was apprenticing with him was, get better."
you try so hard to cure them, they don't getbetter. Stop trying to I have been in practice more than ten years since that time, but
ctue them and they will get better." He also stated, I still feel like Ihaven't been able to arrive at a good arswer to this
you insert needles, they don't get better. Don't insert needies challenge. It may shll take more time, but I am slovr.lybegrnning
and they will get better." to realize some things in my daily practice. What I think my
\A4ratis this supposed to mean? I am an acupunchrrist. I try to teacher was saying was that when we provide jwt the amount
cure disease by putting needles in patients. How much time of treatrnent the patient needs, they will get better. Even iJ we
have I spent in this pursuit, going through acupunctr-ue school "the
say right amount of tueahnentforeachpatient", however, it
and everything? That was my reason for existence. Yet I was is no simple rnatter to gasp what the right amcrturt is. This is
told not to insertneedles, not to cure. So what was I to do? Liter- probablv an issue that all practitioners struggle with clay zurd
ally there was nothing for me to do. night. Books like Tlre One NeedleTechnique,by Sorei Yanagrya
Nevertheless, everyday almost 100 patients crowded into the seem to speak to the desire of acupunctwists to cure their pa-
cLinic where we were working and they climbed up on treat- tients with just one needle.
ment tables one after another with their complaints. I was re- Those of us in the Toyo Hari Association are developing a
sponsible for over twenty of thesepatients. There was no time to treatment system known as Meridian Therapy, which ad-
think about what to do. It was all I could do to mirnic my dressesnot only special syrnptoms, but all the pathological con-
teacher. The teaching philosophy of my teacher was that "leam- ditions of a patient. The central tool for this development is a
ingwasmimicking." feedback method usug puJsediagrosis, known as the Kosato
The treatrnent time for one patient was usually between method. h this method, during the treahnent, a third person
twenty and thirty minutes, so there wasn't enough time for my reports and advises the person giving the treahnent moment by
mistakes to show up. But sometimes things slowed down a bit, moment on the appropriateness of pourt selection, needle tech-
even in ourbusy schedr.rle.Problems always surfaced when we nique, and so forth. The purpose is to study and leam what is
had extra time. Yes, it would happen when we loosened up. necessary and what is turnecessary for each patient. Over one
\ /hen I had extra time, I also tended to become ambitious. This thousand members of our asscrciationhave studied this method
brought unnecessary tension into my shoulders and fingertips. I for almost 35 years. As a result, much that is unnecessary has
would do this and by recalling how a certain point worked be. been dlscarded in our present treatment system so that it has
fore. Naturally the number of needles would increase. The pa- become very simple to grasp and the amount of treaknent has
tient would be gratefulbecause I was takingmore time and nee. been reduced considerably. \\4-ren the above is ap-
dling them more. As much as I made an effort, however, they pJied, even a begirurer can advance rapidly to the level of an
didn't seem to get better at all. Not only that, but they became expert.
fatigued and sometimes would even get worse. In situations There does seem to be a drawback to this system, however.
like this, patients did not improve and just their pulse- floating, Becauseit is so simple and so Little treatrnent is required, many
dispersed and rapid-gave indication of over treatonent. There beginners tend to become doubtful. Do they think, as I once did,
was no way my teacher would miss this, and he spoke those that we must stick needles in and get a reaction out of patients,
famous lines I first mentioned. and that the ted-rniques we leamed in school are everything?
treahnent is kindness taken too far. If you were mop- Here I would like to refer to the classics,and then address the
ping the hallway, it may get clearer the more you mop, but treat- origrnai topic from my recent clinical work with a couple of
ments don't work that way. They won't get better no matter memorable cases. hr the fourth chapter of the Str Wen,which is
how many ineffective needles you insert. Because you insert often considered as the Bible of acupuncture, the following pas-

CK 1995
N村 OAl― ――

sage is SVen as a golden rule for those who practice acupunc- Listening: weak voice which is thin, low and unclear; Metal or
"If (there
ture: is) no belief, do not give (knowledge). If (they are) Water tone.
not a human being, do not teach." Palpation: skin is fine texture
Also there is a passage stating: "V\4ren needLing, have no abdomen: weak and soft overall, especially lower abdomen,
thought, no mind. Do it with the awareness of emptiness." Kidney and Spleen areas deficient.
We have already received knowledge about acupuncture as puJse:quali[z -+Jightly submerged and deficient, slightly rapid,
bengs." And I believe we received this knowledge as thin, and soggy; hardness in middle pulse.
people who are walkmg our path toward the future as genuine six positions -Kidney most deficient, followed by Spleen; defi-
human beings. It seems that we need to continue developing cient pathogenic Qi in Stomach and Small hrtestine.
our heart and mind even more so as to master the deep secretsof Diagnosis: Putting the above examinations together, I decided
acupuncfure. on Kidney and Spleen Deficienry in Sokoku (mutuai control
cycle) and to tonify both meridians.
Case 1
Treatment: Palpating kyoro (localZed edema or soft nodule)
32year old male with no experience of acupuncture
just beneath the skin at TW17 and SI19 on the left, I inserted
(referred by an M.D.)
40mm #1 stainlesssteelneedles 1 to 2mm, and retained them for
Questioning: coughing and wheezing for three days, low grade
about seven minutes while I did the root treahnent.
fever, and blood discharge from ear. The M.D. diagnosed him
root treatrnenl I applied tonification technique on KITand LU5
as having acute otitis and (R) lower lobe broncho-pneumonia.
on the right and onSP3 on the leftusing4omm#2 silverneedles.
The left ear was worse with 50% loss in hearing and tinnitis. The
AJter this Inoted improvement in the Krdney, Lung, and Spleen
discharge from the ear was so bad that the M.D. suggested sur-
positions. Also in terms of the pulse quality, the thin pulse filled
gery to insert a tube.
out, and the hear,y feeling of the soggy pulse became lighter.
Looking: medium build, height about 5'6", appearswell nour-
Then I felt the deficient pathogenic Qi in the Stomach and Small
ished, somewhat black compleion, very worried expression.
hrtestine. So I used a 40mm #2 stainless needle and applied

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NA/OA/1________― ――― ―

dispersion within tonification (Ken technique) and removed the Listening: voice was low and unclear; Metal tone.
pathogenic Qi. After applying the above dispersion, the puJses Palpation:
became balanced in the Yin and Yang levels and the quality be- pulse: quality-elightly floating and weak, slight roughness, defi-
came moderate. cient pathogenic Qt in all the Yang meridians, also hardness in
sgnptomatic treatnent First I removed the retained needles middle pulse.
and had the patient Lieface down. I then finished up by applying six positton-s-Kidney most deficient, follon'ed by Lturg deficient
tonifying contact needling (sanshin) on points of the back which pathogeruc Qi in Liver.
were deficient. I put brass press pellets on the points which I had abdomen: weak and bloated overal, surfaceof the skin was dry.
retained needles. meridian palpation: pain and hardness in musculature along the
Triple Warmer, Large hrtestine, and Lr-urgmeridians of the left
Second Treatment (5 days later)
shoulder, along with drymessin skin.
The first thing the man said when he walked in was amusing.
Diagnosis: From the above examination^s,I decicled on Lung
He asked me what I had done the last time he was there. I was
deficient Liver excess"pattem of deficieno"' from the 75th chap-
worried for a moment, but repLied, "I did acupr.rncture. \A/hat
ter of the Nanjiflg.Notn
happened?". He said he had gotten better. \,Vhen I asked him
Treatmenl Before the root keatment, I appiied tonifving contact
how much better, he told me that the discharge from the ear
needling on CV72,CV4, and ST25.
stopped completely in 36 hours, the loss of hearing was more
root keatmenl I applied tonification technique on KI7 and LU5
than 80% better, and the tinrritis was gone. It also came out that
on the right and applied dispersion within tonification (Ken
the pneumonia-like cold had also been cured. I gave him similar
technique) on LV3 on the left. Checking the pulse again,I con-
treatrnents twice after that and he was completely cured.
firmed that the Yin meridians were balanced ancl the pathogenic
Observations: It seems that this patient didn't believe in acu-
Qi in the Liver was gone. I then applied di^spersionwithin
punctwe. AJso, I was extuemely busy during hls first visit and I
tonification (Ko technique) on ST40, LI6,SI7, and TW5 on the
finished his treatment including the examination in about
left. The hardness in the middle level disappeared and the
twenty minutes. The technique I used was primarily contact
pulses became balanced in the Yin and Yang levels.
needling except for two needles which were retained at a very
sy'rnptomatic treatrnent: I carefully applied tonifying contact
shallow depth. Except for the change in the pulse, there was no
needling (sanshin) on deficient points on the lateral neck (naso),
improvement in the synnptoms after the first treahnen! so natu-
shotrlder, and upper arrn on the left. I stopped as soon as the
rally the patient had no idea of what was going on. That is why
luster and tone of the skin in that area improved. I then had the
he was so surprised.
patient sit up and checked her progress. The arm which she
This casewas very irstructive for me. I had hardly any time at
could not initially raise above horizontal could now be raised 45
all, and I didn't think about curing thjs patrent. I think the posi-
degrees above horizontal with no pain. Normally, I would then
tive results came from my being very careful not to make any
have treatedthe excessand deficientpoints on thebackafter this,
mistakes with each insertion. This taught me what wonderful

but decided to leave well enough alone, and ended the heat-
results come from a good combination of diagnosis and heat-
ment as well as fcrus. n e w fr o m s p a n d a
Case 2 MagiNeedles
47 year old female ' Japan
Questioning: Patient had had a frozen shoulder on the left side ;
for two years. She was unable to raise her arm above horaontal;
+direct mox;
there was pain with movement and during the night, for which -+boOks-over 100titles
she was taking pain medication. -+herbal medicines & teas
Looking: overweight, white complexion which also appeared

Nθにoと欲 1995

tion, and trained over 3000 meridian therapists. I can,t help but
As she was leaving the patient asked me, "It feels like a miracle
feel enormous gratitude for this as well as a sense of exaspera-
that I've gotten so much better. Is the effect of this treatonent
tion at how far I have yet to go.
temporary or will it last?". I answered, "Yes. Of course. It is
I have written about the words of my teacher and the things I
neither a miracle or magic. It got getter becauseit was supposed
ammindful of rnmy practice of acupuncture as well as my goal,
to, so of course the effect wiil last.". I didn't feel so confident
and given a few caseswhich were instructive in this regard. I
myself, but my answer just came out that way.
hope this will be of some benefit. I am pleased that I am able in
this way to study and walk further on this path of acupunctr,re
Second Treatment (2 days later)
As soonas shecame in, thepatientraisedher armandshowed
mehow she could still raiseitwithoutpain asshehad done aJter
For more detail on the needling techniques used, refer to "Ba-
the previous tueahnent. She was also very pleased that the pain sic Needling Techniques" by Koryo Nakada in the last issue of
at night had ceased. I repeated the same heahnent as before. NAJOM ft/ol.2,No.4)
After the toeatrnent she could rajse her arn further, to 80 degrees
above horizontal. She could tilt her head toward the raised arm EDITOR'SNOTE:Thepattemsdescribedin the75thchapterof the
and almost touch her ear to it. And there was no nain. Nnnjingare generallyconsideredto be excesspattems. In the Toyo
Hari Association,
Third Treatment (4 days later) havebeenidentifiecl.
The patient could raise her arrn so that it touched the ear, and
the pain at night was completely gone. I repeated the same treat-
ment as before. The shoulder was still somewhat hard, but I
decided to just have her exercise it gently, and discontinued
North American Journal of
heahnents. A year later this patient c€uneup to me in a restau-
rant and told me that the "miracle" was still continuing. Odental Medicine
Observations: This is a casewhere things wentverywe[butin
any case, the keatment was extremely light. All the needling
techniques were non-insertive, and the number of points used,
apafi from the contact needling (sanshin) on the shoulder, were
NAJOM r,r'asfounded for the promotion and develop-
few. Treahnent time was only about ten seconds for each point. ment of the Japaneseapproaches to Oriental medicine in
It really doesn't feel like I cured this patient, but that she just got North America. k-r addition to joining as a member, with
better on her own. Also I remember a mysterious feeling as I special requirements and benefits, the category of general
was treating her. Usually I think, at least a Jittle, about how I subscription has been established for those who simply
might cure the patient. In this case,however, I remember not wish to purchase and read copies of this joumal. The cost
thinking anything at a[ and even feeLingthat it was fine i,f she of general subscription is as follows:

didn't get better. It almost seems like I was a heartless practitio-

US. Cal■ ada Other
ner. Neither was there much senseof having given a treahnent.
It felt iike I really didn't make any contact. Maybe that is what
1 issue $7.00 $8.50CND $9.00
In conclusion, I recall these words of my teacher, "Have the 3 issues$18.00 $21.00CND$24.00
courage to send the patients away without having done any- (1 year)
thing". I think these are words of wjsdom from a teacher who
lived through a period when a person could barely make a liv- For subscriptionswrite, phone,or fax: NAJOM,
ing as an acupuncturist no matter how hard one worked (who 896West King Edward Avenue
up to recent$ treated 100 people a day), organized an associa-
Vancouver,B.C.V1Z2E1 Canada
Phone:(604)874-8537 Fax:(604)874-8635

1995 25


Today the number of computers in the workplace and at ing total healing, not j ust temporary svmptomatic relief . hr treat-
home is increasing at a hemendous rate every year. Wittr the inga patient afflicted with a computer-related illness,the pointis
proMeration of computer use in our society, an increasing num- to focus not only on the affected kxal parLs but to take into ac-
ber of people are afflicted with various kinds of computer-re. count the condition of the whole bodr,. In my treahnenf I use
lated ailments. These repetitive shain injr.ries (RSI) such as car- the following tsubo or acupunctr-ue pourts as a set for every pa-
pal tunnel slmdrome and other musculo-skeletal disorders of tient with computer-related problems:
the hand and arm have become a serious social health issue of (1) Chief complaint carpal hmnel svndrome and neck/shoul-
the day. Stahstics show that in the U9 repetitive strain injuries der/armpain
(RSI)alone have increasedby77}"kntenyears and the compen- G821,TH75, SI1O,SI11,L176,L115,LI11, LI1O,L$,L14,TW9,
sation paid out annually for all these injuries (RSI) has reached TW5, TW4, PC4,PC7.
$2 billion. h-r fact this trend is well reflected in the increase in (2) Chief complainl Headache and r.isual problems
patents who seek acupuncture and moxibustion fueatn:rentfor CV20, BL10,GB20,GB3,TW20, BL43,BL17,8L18. hr addition
health problems caused by extensive use of computers on a to these points, B.L23,24,25,5T36, and SP6 are used fairly fre-
dailybasis. quently. (a0rnm #2 Japaneseneedles ancl haif-grain size direct
Common injuries (RSI) are tendonihs of the fingers, injury to moxa are used.)
the median nerve in the wrist called carpal hrnnel s;mdrome Although the patient's chief complaints may be RSI , usually
which can cause severe wrist pain, numbness or tingLing of the headache and vjsual problems also exist. It is necessary there-
fingers, and severe stifft'ress or pdn in the neck and shoulders. fore, to use each of thesepoints for maximum effect and to avoid
As a preventative measure against RSI, attention seems to be o.,'er-tueahnent.(Usually I complete eachsessionin about thir$
focused on the correct postwe to maintain at the computer as minutes.) Tendonitis of the forearm and carpal tunnel syr-
well as the precise positioning of the arms and wrists in relation drome are mostcommonly manifested along the mediannerve
to the keyboard. However, these ailments are not the only and radial nerve, so it is very effective to retain Akabane intrad-
symptoms that many computer workers are afflicted with. ermalneedles in LI-5, LI-10, PC-4,and TW-4. In addition to acu-
Other health problems such as eyestrain, blood shot eyes,visual pturcture and moxibustion fueatrnent, I also give instruction on
disorders (e.g. double vision, blurred vision and seeing colorecl posture, proper positioning of arrns and wrjsts for comfortable
fringes or spots) and headaches due to prolonged overexposure typrn& and show shetching and shiatsu techniques to do once
to the computer screenare also very cofiunon complaints. every hour while working at the computer.
There is no doubt that keeping a proper posture and adjusting Thanks to the incredible advancement in computer technol-
the position of the body in relation to the computer is crucial for ogy, the world is becorning a real in-formation society in whidr
the prevention of RSI. However, once RSI develops, it is very computers will be indispersable in our daily lives. This means
difficult to toeat them successfully with modem medical treat- that a great deal of time willbe spent typingatthe keyboard and
ments such as pain ki-llers,anti-inflamatory pills, cortisone shots glued to the computer screen every day, and so it is likely that
into the afflicted areas or the application of a strap or splint. more and more people will become victims of computer-related
Many patients end up su-ffering from these injuries for an r._urnec- ailments. It is my beJiefthat acupunctr,ue and moxibustion treat-
essarily long period with little relief. hr addition to this, other ments will come to be recognized and accepted by the public as
syanptorns such as sti-ff neck and shoulders, eye or visual prob- one of the best solutions in treating these health problems, i_fwe
lems andheadachesare regarded asminor disorders and donot can better in{orm and educate them.
receive serious attention or treahnent as the primary ailment.
Forhrnately, acupturcture and moxibustion treahnents are
very effective in treating these problems in the senseof promot-



SHIATSUAND COMPUTERS TJM to pass on to their patients who do computer work. A few
With the proliferation of laptops, cellular phones, pagers and simple Ki shetchesand exercisesfor pre.and-post computer work
other electuonic gadgeb, is it any wonder that EMI (electromag- are very helpful, as are Qi Gong or Tai Chi exercises" To protect
netic interference) can disrupt pacemakers, and cause power- my electuomagneticbalance, I visualize myself within a circle of
driven wheelchairs to whiz about alone as if driven by a ghost? Ki and draw another Ki circle around my laptop and printer
My studenb inMonheal told me recently aboutmechanized ga- (nicknamed Thelma and t"ouise).
rage doors mysteriously opening and closing, and TVs channel Lr addition to my daily exercises [oga, Kt, weight lifting, or
surfing on their own in homes close to one of the metro lines. The hiking), I find it helpfLrl to press GB2Q GB21,BL10, GB1, BL1 and
cause?Newly installed ulka sensitive doors on the trains. 2. In order to prevent back pain, I use 8123, BL35, KI3, and 8L60.
If EMI can do such visible mischiet what is it doing to our me- I also make a point of rotating, raising and dropping my shoul-
ridian svstems, our Ki? Anyone who has spent too many hours ders at Irequent inten'als. To prevent wrist tensiory I flei; braid,
facing a computer screen will know what I mean. Along with re ancl stretch mv fingers, and roll my wrists one over the other like a
petitive stuessinjuries, back pain, headaches and neck tension water wheel. I have ftur creating shadow dances on the wall. The
come feeLinp of disorientation, vagueness,pre-migraine-like vi- key here is to enjoy the exercisesand be as playful as possible, or
sual distortiory and nausea.All s;.nnptorrs of our Ki gone awry. you can do them to musrc.
As a professional writer and joumalisf I lcrow what it's like to SinceI encouragemy patienb to take pencil to paper to "draw"
suffer from luptop overload. I have also experienced weird reac- their aches and pains, I followed my own advice and created a
tions frommy luptop when Ihavebecome over stressedorhave cartoon strip to showhow my eyesfeel after too manyhours atthe
neglected my daily Ki exercises.The screenstarts rolling, the light computer. I completed the cartoon with advice about eye exer-
goes out, and material vanishes from trrder my fingertips. As a cisesand u,sefrrltsubo.
Zen Shiatsu therapist and irstructor, I am now acuteiy aware of In short, I have leamed a lot about applying and streamlining
the motrnting difficulties experienced by people who sit at com- my shiatsu l,eron'ledge to help me maximize other areas of my
puter screensdaily. workand Me.Iknow itmeans a lottomy str,rdentsandpatientsin
Computer-related hand and arm injuries account for some 407o different countries when I can share my own hands-on experi-
of all workerc'compersation clairrs in the USA. hr Germany, an encesand solutions. Vy'hich brings me to my next topic-jet lag.
estimated 50% of all computer workers suffer from computer-re-
lated problems, according to a member of the health insurance
I travel a lot. Mv entire Life I have straddled three continents
industry who attended one of my shiatsu classesin Berlin. Oph-
(North America, Etuope, South Africa) and these days my teach-
thalmologists I have interviewed in Europe and the USA all re-
ing shunts me from one city to the next. I trsed to suffer from jet
port increasinp;casesof computer-related eyestrain, and advise
lag, r.mtil I started my shiabu training and began experimenting
patients to glance away from the screen as often as possible. Un-
with some techniques in the air. My longest flight lasts some 24
der German labor laws, computer workers are reqr.ured to take
hours, from New York to Cape Town. Becauseof the seasonal
ten-minute breaks eachhour, and similar precautions are taken in
differencesI depaft in rnidrt'inter and arrive in midsummer, lcne a
|apan. Unless the IBMs and Apples of this world redesigr their
.ight'r sleep and jump several hotus ahead. Initially, I found an
screens and keyboards to be more "user friendly" for the mass
hourly meditation of five to ten minutes a great help during the
markef we're in for big trouble. Today's problems will become
flight. I would visualize the seasonsshifting, fast forwarding my
tomorrow's disabilities.
thoughs through spring and into suruner so I would be well
My ov'n laptop experiences prompted me to develop a set of
prepared when I steppd into brilliant sunshine. A similar tech-
exercisesfor computer workers, or for practitioners of TCM or
nique is u-sefulwhen you gain or lose hours. Simply meditate on


the hands of a dock advancing or retreating to the time of your Vy'henyou arrive, expose vorrrself to the light and exercise as
destination. Again, you will arrive well primed. soon as you can (even if this i-sjr-r-sta brisk rvalk aroturd the block
\A4rile in the air, in those momerb when you feel claustropho prior to a businessmeeting). Light and exercisewill help you ad-
bic and cramped, remernber the spaceabove yourhead. Reachup just yoru biological clock. And, iJ vou arrir.e at breakfast time, go
and stuetch.Then squeeze the back of your ne& and acrossyour through the ritual of breakfast (even if you ju-stnibble some fruit
shoulders, applying pressure to GB20, 27, and BL10. Knuckle and sip a cup of tea).Again, this helps vou adju-stto the new time
down either side of your spine. Stretch and flex hands and feef zone.
fingers and toes. Remove your shoes,place one foot on the other If you are bumped off a flight or miss votu cc'rnnectionor find
lflee and laluckle arotrrd your sole. yourself airport bound during an electric storm, r,r,a.lkand stuetch
Make good use of 5T36 to energize your legs. Work along the asmuch asyou can.You'llbe amazed at hon, enerp;izedyou'll feel.
Triple Warmer meridian in your arms, and (if you know Again, I talk from experience. Fellovr' passengers (on the
Masunaga's meridiars), work dorl,n this meridian on your legs as ground or in the air) become intrigued when ther. seeme stretch-
well. i find Triple Warmer meridian invaluable. It prepares me for ing or applying some seJ-f-shiatsu,
and often ask me to teachthem.
changes in time zones, climates, and altitudes. It also boosb my I helped one guy overcome a chronic fear of flvi r-rgbv holding PC6
immune system, a buffer against the shessesof tuaveLing. and 8 simultaneously, and teachinghimhoi,r' to clo this forhirnself
Maximize those moments when you are waiting in line for the on future flights. PC6 and 8 also help to easetravel nau-sea.But iJ
rest room, to stretch your afins and your legs. Avoid becoming you need to throw up and can't press ST25.It r,vorksinstantly.
dehydrated when you tuavelby drinking a lot of bottle water and Of course we shouldn't just apply self shiatsu tedrniques when
applying a mojsturizer to yourhands and face. we are cross-eyedfrom computer work or jet lag. Jr-stas we tell
British Airways offers travelers a relaxation and meditation our patients and students, we should integrate a handful of tech-
channef and a usefulbooklet of exerci-ses.
It's surprisingmor€ air- niques into our daily Livesto keep our Ki humrning.
lines don't offer the same services.

Your sourcefor quality instructionand treatment.
Diplomaprogram(2200hoursover 18months)with Student
hrtem Clinic and Certificateprogram (100hours).

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Phone:(416)323-1818,Toll― freel l-800-263-1703

と欲 1995

Part 5
Junii MiZutani
on indirectmoxibustion punctwe point. This increasescirculatiory softens hardened tis-
Almost all the moibusfion I practice is direct moxibustion. sues, and reduces inflammation. In the case of direct
The reason is because direct mofbustion (dm) is so simple and moxibustiory theeffectof bumingthe skin (histotoxins)is added
effective that I only use indirect moxibustion (im), which takes so it can be said to have an even greater effect. Of course, as I
more time and effort, in special cases. This is why I only employ have explained before, in addition to these general effects of
indirect moxibtution for those patients who are in an extremely moxibustiory it goeswithout saying that there is the special effect
cold or depleted conditiory or otherwise are adverse to having which comes from the acupunchrre point stimulated.
their skin bumed. The ntunbers of such patients are far fewer
thanthose patients of mine who receive directmoibustion, and Effective indirect moxibustion

thus my methods of indirect moxibustion are limited. kr China The definihon orobjective of indirectmoxibustionls to "apply

today, however, indirect moxibustion js the primary method of heat without buming the skin". There are, of course, countless

mofbustion, and I hear many stories from people about the variations to indirect moxibustion and, amongthe methods that

good results obtained from indirect moxibustion. Therefore in use some insulatingmateriaf those using ginger, garLic,miso, or

this issue I will discuss my approach to im. salt are popular. Such insulating material is most often of a Yang
nahre, and the essence of things like grnger and garLic must
The ditference between direct and indirect moxibustion harre some benefit. Yet, no matter what insulating material is
As I have explained in previous issues,the therapeutic mecha- used, there is no pourt to doing moibustion turless the heat of
nism of direct moxibustion is primarily the two factors of heat the bunring moxa penetrates cleeply into the acupr-rnchre point.
stimulation and the special effect of buming the skin. If heat Recently practitioners have started using ointrnents such as
stimulation were the only effec! moxibustion would be no dif- mentholatum and shiunko (seePaft 1 n NAJOM #1) as insulat-
ferent than in{rared lamps or hot compresses. But the penetra- ing material. Mitsuki Kikkawa of Toronto has been using
tion of heat rays from buming moxa is far superior to other methoiatum for insulation in applying moxa since about 1984;
methods. To demorstrate this, Sorei Yanagiya is said to have Kaztrnobu Kamiya also of Toronto has been using shiunko since
bumed 300 cones of moxa on a watermelon. \A/hen he cut the around 7987. The oinhnent is applied thickly on the skin and
watermelon in half right at the point bumed, the red pulp of the then moxa cones are placed on top and bumed. The base is oint-
melon had changed and there was a yellow line reaching all the ment so the cone stands up easily anparhere on the body. The
way to the other side. V\4ren he bumed watermelorx with 300 ointrnent is also very usefuf itis good forprotecting the skin and
cones made of other material such as cotton and wheat straw, it serves as insulation for a small number of cones. But when it
only the surface of the melon was bumed and there was no yel- comes to burning many cones, the heat builds up and tends to
Iow line going all the way through. raise the heat of the oils in the ointrnent which can then cause an
As suggested by thir experiment, the heat which comes from oil bum. In this respecf no matter what kind of insulation is
buming moxa is a heat ray of a special wave length. It is my used, when it comes to thoroughly heating a point, like buming
guess that the source of this special heat ray is the ash which is multiple cones, it will cause a low temperature bum. So essen-
left after buming moxa. The ash of good quality moxa is pure tially indirect moxibustion and multiple cone moxibustion are
black carbon. \A4ren other material is bumed, either gray or not compatible.
white ash is produced. The penehating heat ray of moxibustion This is jtnt an idea buf as another kind of irsulation materiaf
probably comes from reheating the ash or carbon which is left on it might be interesting to gather the ashes from bumed moxa
the point. and press it into a round flat piece the size of a nickel and apply
Even inthe caseof indirectmoibustion, as longas good qual- moxa over this base. This would heat the carbon to produce a
ity moxa is used, the heat rays penetrate deeply into the acu- heat ray with greater penehating power. It would probably

1995 -

have the same effect as applying multiple cones of dm one after

another without removing the ash of the previous cones. This is
merely conjecture at this poinf but I would Like to do some ex-
perimenting with this someday.
As for actual practice, the indirect mofbustion I use is the
kamaya mini (weak), which i purchased in Japan. It is a simple
device consisting of a small cardboard tube (9mm diameter and
12mm length), which is filled with coarsemoxa. One end of the
tube has adhesive material which makes it stick to the skin. A

small stick is used to push the moxa halfway up the tube so that


there is a 6 to 7mm spacebetween the skin and moxa; thus, pre-
venting the skin from being bumed. A corsiderable amor.rnt of
heat is produced becauseof the relatively large quantity of moxa
material used. There are drawbacks to this method. It is compara-
exercise. She has a neryow disposition and constantly com-
trvely expensive and produces a lot of smoke. If I had my way, I
plains about personal problems.
Normallylwould perform a whole body treahnent (retaining
needles for 10 minutes each in abdominal and back points,
simple insertion in arm and leg points) and then apply
moxibustion (5 cones of 1/2 rice grain size) to those points of
shoulder tension (kori) which are the worst. If the tension were
still present after this, I would bleed a couple of points between
the shoulder blades. Typically the problem would clear up after
three or four treatments and relief would last for about six

圏 ‐
On this occasion I provided the same treatrnent, but the pa-
tient got no relief after two or three treahnents. I therefore in-
structed her to continue applying moxa at home using kamaya
wor-rld have them use better quality moxa so that it would pro
mini. She had her husband apply the moxa on about twenty
vide a better heat which would be more comfortable. (Figure 1)
Ahshi points on her shor-rlders,interscapular area, and arrns. I
Another method I use is salt moxibustion using a paper frame.
also prescribed Kami Shoyo San (|iawei Xiaoyao San:
I make a box out of handmade Japanesepaper (thicker and
bupleurum and peony powder). Her subjective s1'rnptoms
coarser) about 5cm square and with 1cm sides. I pile in salt with
markedly dimini-shed after two weeks as did her complaints.
a spoon. Then I roll a piece of green coarsemoxa about 1.5crnin
diameter and place it on the center and Light it. The saltheab up PressMoxibustion
with successivecones and gets quite hot. The advantage of this Stick moxa figures prominently in modem Chinese acupunc-
method is that, when the patientbegins to feel that it js getting twe texts. In this method the skin is warmed with radiant heat,
too hot, the whole contoaption can be moved. (Figure 2) but the heat from stick moxa tends to disperse over the surfact
seeming to make it hard to penetrate the body through a specilic
Case 1 Kamayamini for neck and shoulder tension
acupuncture point. Also the way in which the body receives the
50 year old woman: stiff neck and shoulders with meno-
heat from a constant heat source like stick moxa seems to be dil-
pause June-July1995
ferent than that from dm which goes through the stages of igni-
This patient had sporadic neck and shoulder pain which ex-
tion, combustion, and extinguishing. Furthermore, Chinese
tended down her arms starting about two years earlier. Sheis of
stick moxa containspoor quaLitymoxa and possibly other herbs
sturdy build, has a pale complexion who doesn't get enough
as well becausethe smoke and odor is strong enough to cause a


headache. I make my own stick moxa. I pack in good quality his fatherhadn'thad abowelmovement in two weeks, so I paid
moxa so that there is not very much smoke or odor. It lasts for them a house call. The patient's overall physical condition was
abouttwohours. poor. He seemed like he could reach a critical stage at any mG,
I leamed my techrLiquefor using stick moxa from Fukushima ment so I explained to my friend that he was beyond my help
Sensei,my teacher in acupuncture school. It is called oshi kyu, or and that he shor-rld corsult a doctor. Two weeks later having
press moxibustion. hr this technique first a piece of cotton cloth completely forgotten about this patient, I got another call from
is laid on the skin and two layers of newspaper are placed over my friend. He told me that the doctor had prescribed laxatives
this. Then the lit end of the moxa stick is pressed down on the and enemas, but that his father still had not had a bowel move.
newspaper directly over the acupunctwe point. The same point ment. He was afraid that his father would really die if this went
is pressed three times consecutively. By the third time, however, on, ancl he asked me if I knew of some method. He came to pick
the heat can become quite urtense so the pressure can be some- me up saying, 'Just try anything, acupuncture or moxibustiory"
r.r'hatreduced on the last press. The heat sensation is pretty so I was compelled to seethis patient again.
sirarp, so the pressure should be lighter for those who are new to I thought I was really in a bind but, when I examined the pa-
this tectrnique. Chinese moxa sticks can also be used, so I recom- tient again,it crccwredtome thathis constipation was causedby
mend that you give this method a try. Press dor.trr the Bladder an extreme case of cold stagnation from the decline in his me.
meridian on the back from top to bottom: it warms up the back tabolism after having spent so many years in bed. I decided to
and feels very good. One might even call this a "heat massage." dispel this cold pattem with press moxibustion. I was convinced
that such a chronic caseof cold stagnation wouldn't budge with
Case 2 Press Moxibustionfor constipation
any normal amount of heat stimulation, so I applied press
65 year old male: constipation for about a month
moxibustion on all the Namikoshi shiatsu points. I pressed from
A friend's father who used to be a police officer was afflicted
his abdomen to his arnrs and legs, and then his back. On his
with Alzheimer's disease about three years previously and had
arms and legs, and Bladder meridian on his back, I errlisted my
been bed ridden ever since. He was unable to speak and so dis-
friend's help and we used two moxa sticks to press down both
abled that he could not sign a check. Only his appetite was
sides simultaneously. The treahnent took approximately forty
good; he could eat practically anything. My friend told me that

North American Joumal of Oriental Medicine

Address (home) phone
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鉾 当
話摺 コ BoⅢ
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Place of Oriental Medical Education

Name of lnstibr-rtion

Years in Practice
I enclose $40 ($50 Canadian) for membership.

Signature Date

No(rllttcK 1 995

minutes. The heat of the press moxibustion caused his skin to removed from three points, one right after another, so
tum pink all over, and it was clear that his circulation had picked your movements must be swift or else the patient will
up. be burned.
The following day my friend reported that his father passed 4. After burning three cones in a row in the above manner
some watery stools. I decided we had a chanceso we repeated on three different lines so that all ptri1115
the same treatment. The day after the second treatrnent my treated, dry your fingers off with the towel.
friend reported that for the first time in a month his father had 5. Repeatthe above procedure again to apply a total of titir
had a bowel movement and evacuated a large quantity of stools. rounds. Then do the same thing for two rounds on the
The press moxibustion all over his body had gotten his body in between points (+ mark rn Figpre 3).
fluids moving, warmed up his intestines which were beset with
cold, and gotten them moving again. This was a case where The moxa is removed .rt-
press moibustion worked decisively to push out the cold. After ter it is about 807obumed, so
that I gave this patient a press mofbustion treahnent once a there i-sno bum and no scar-
+ + rurg. Wiren this treatment
week for three months, and then discontinued treatrnents. His
constipation was greatly improved and in the remaining three w o r k s , t h e t e n d e r n e s sd i -
years of his life he never had a big episode of constipation again. minishes and spontaneous
pain is redtrced. lf there is
Chinetsu kyu still some tendemess left at
hr Osaka there i,sa famous moxibustion technique lcrown as some points, the same
the health promotion moxa of Sayama. Sukeharu Fukrurishi is Figure3 point locationpattern moibustion technique can
the leader of this style of moxibustion. It is also known as for chinetsukyu be applied again on those
chinetsu kyu (sensing heat moxibustion) and Liessomewhere points. Mr. Fukunishi states
behveen direct and indirect moibustion. hr chinetsu kyu a cone that, when tendemess still remains, the same teclrnique can be
of moxa the size of an azuki bean is bumed on the skin. The applied the following day, moving the poir-rt lcration slightly.
moment a patient feels the heat, he gives a signal, and the bum- Most of the pain will be alleviated in this way.
ing cone is removed immediately. The patient feels just a brief The drawback of this method is that many points are used and
heat sersation and does not get a bum. This method is said to be a lot of moxa is consumed. It also takes time to get the hang of
very effective for pain in the joints such as the knees. The reason removing the buming cones in a timely manner. Yet I am in
I mention chinetsu ky-u here is because,while it is somewhat like favor of such intensive approaches to mofbustion. It js my be-
indirect moxibustion, it seems to give results like direct "not
lief that moxibustion is something that works, but some-
moxibustion. I will explain Ivk. Fuktrnishi's method of applyrng thing that we make work." I encourage our readers in North
chinetsu kyu below. It seems like this method would be appre' America to try this method.
ciated by patients in North America who can't get used to the As for myself, indirect moxibustion still seemsa little Likebeat-
idea of having their skin bumed. ing around the bush, but of course it is effective. And when it's
1. First locate nine tender points around the affected area applied skillfully, it doesn't cause any pain to the patient and
and mark them with a felt tipped pen (* mark in figure produces no scar. So by aI means it should be u,sed on those
3). The point location can be confirmed by using a patients who can't take direct moxibustion. The key point irr
smail but bh-rnt object like the cap of a pen. "hor,r' get
applying indirect moibustion simply boils down to to
2. Have a bowl of water and a wash cloth ready. Wet three the heat to penetrate."
points in a row and place a moxa cone on each one.
Then light them one after another.
3. Keep your thumb and index finger wet. As soon as the
patient indicates that he feels heat, remove the burning
moxa without a moments delay. The moxa has to be


Nancy van der Poorten(Toronto)

SHIATSUSITUATION Alumni Guild that provides a newsletter, referrals, seminars,

Shialsu has an enviable reputation in Ontario, largely due to the post-graduate Lraining and health and disabfity insurance for its
enor:rnousefforts of the pioneers of shiabu in the province and to own graduates. The Shiatsu Academy of Tokyo has established
the excellset kaining available. Shiatsu therapists are not licensed the Shiatsu Diffr,r-sionSociety. Acceptance as a member depends
in Ontarieanyone can practice. Shiatsu was first introduced into on one's shiatsu educatiory an interview, and a skills assessment.
Toronto in 1971by Tetsuro (ted) Saito,a graduate of Namikoshi's This group produces a newsletter, sponsors workshops, and
Nippon Shiabu School in ]apan. Other therapists soon followed hopes to provide Jiability insurance in the fuhre.
and, withmanylonghows of worl9 many free heahnents, and a Someinsurance companies cover shiatsu keatrnents, but many
fair amount of publicity (this was just as acupuncture was becom- of these require that they be done by a regjstered massagethera-
ing well-lcrown after the Nixon trip to China), the profession prst (RMI). Some cc.rmpanieswill cover shiatsu heahnents on an
grew. Practitioners started to teach shiabu classes;seminars were ad ftocbasis when done by a CSI or when specially requested by
organized with Namikoshi and Masunaga. a client with an MD prescription especially in accident claims.
hr 1981,Mitsuki Kikkawa estabUshedthe Kikkawa College asa Both the STAO and the schools are lobbying the insurance com-
private vocational school with an S0Ghour shiatsu therapy di- panies to have shiatsu therapisb covered in their own right.
ploma program. By 79Kt, the program was expanded to 2200 Sinceshiatsu is not regulated, and anyone can practice, there are
hotus to keep pace with developmenb inmassage therapy hain- many people practising as therapjsts with lessthan the 220Ghour
ing. Also 1nI9%, a second private vocational school, the Shiatsu training. The provincial govemment has stipulated that those
School of Canada, was established by Kaz Kamiya and began of- with the 110Ghotu program can only call themselves practitio
fering a 2200-hour shiabu therapy diploma program. To date, ners. There are many people teaching shiatsu coursesof 50 hours
over 200 therapisb have graduated from this 220Ghor-r diploma to 350 houn. The private vcrational schools with the regrstered
program. The 220Ghour progam compares favorably with the programs are highly regulated by govemment, while the other
Japanesestandards (2550hours) and surpassesthe Japanesepro schools are not regr.rlatedi. *y way. Consequently, there are
gram in that it has a strong clinical component (272hours). An- professional shiatsu therapists with anywhere from 50 to 2200
other private vocational school, the Shiatsu Academy of Tokyo hours of training. Thi-shas created some confusion and difficul-
run by Kensen Saito,was established in 1990and it offers an 110G ties; Or:rtario has its share of political wrangling. However, the
hour diploma prcgrarn. Graduates from these programs have high standards in Ontario are enviable. Generally shiabu has a
spread acrossCanada, the United Statesand the rest of the world. very good reputation and is recogrized as a valid, effective
There are a number of associationsserving shiabu therapists. therapy and not just as a body rub. You are usually greeted with
The Shiabu Therapy Association of Ontario (STAO) accepts as great interest when you inkoduce yourself as a shiabu therapist.
active members tl-roseholding the 2200-hour diploma or its
ShiatsuTraining Curriculum -2200-hourdiplomaprogram(2 years)
equivalent (usually Japanese-toarned and licensed therapists).
Anatomy 200hours
One of the objectives of the STAO is to see shiatsu therapisls li-
Physiology 200houn
censed.To this end, it has instituted entuanceexaminations, com- Pathology 250houn
plaint and disciplines procedureg and professional liabiJity irsur- Shiatsu Theory 150hours
ance for its active members. It holds the trademark registration ShiatsuPractice 413hours
which stands for Certified Shiabu Therapist (CST). Only STAO Shiatsu Treatrnent 220hours
active memberc may u-sethe CST designation in Canada. The Shiatsu Clinic 272hours
EastemMedicalTheory 150hours
STAO js in dose contact with govemment and insurance compa-
Commr-rnications 75hours
ries to promote professional standards, licensing and acceptance
Nutrition 20hours
of insurance claims. The StLiatsuSchool of Canada has an active Business

欲 1ワワ5

Public Health 25hours Shiatsu therapisls and acupunctr-uetherapists are not regr.rlated
Au-xiliary Modalities 150hours under the act.Therapists may not do anv of the contuolled acts(the
Ethics and Jurjsprudence 15hours
govemment does not seem to consider in-sertionof acuptrrcture
SdJ{are 30hotus
needles as tissue penetratiory but thev mav heat diseases.Under
ShiatsuTraining Curriculum-11Ghour diplomaprogram(2 years) the act though, even unregulated pracfitioneri are responsible to
Anatomy 183 hotlrs ther patients. They are responsible to rro harm comes
Physiology 92 hours to them, and may be liable if they advise someonc anri reasonablv
Pathology,ProfessionalEthics,Business 183 hou馬
foreseepossible physically harm{ul resulb; or il ther rrr.rut h' Letcr
ShiatsuTed-rnique,ShiatsuTheory 276 hous
a client to the proper regulated practitioner when it r-src..r-'r,r'
Shiabu Clinic, Shiatsu Practice,StressManagement366 hours
wananted). The act dc'pstake note of the specialcase\r'hert, t,u,,
ShiatsuTraining Curriculum in Japanfor licensure (34 years) fueatsa member of one'shou^sehold-thenormal rules don't ncct:-
Cultural Science 60 hours sarily apply rn this case.
SocialScience 60hours Shiatsu therapists, even though tuuegulated, arc also legally
Nahral Science 60 hours
bound by the legislation to report suspccted sexual abuse by a
Health & Physical Education 60 hotus
regr-rlatedpractitioner iJ they are the operator of a facility in whidr
Forergn Language Studies 60
Intuoduction to Medical Care 45 hours a regulated practitioner is working.
Hygiene &PublicHealth 90hours
Medical Law 45 hours
Anatomy 210hours The situation for acupunctr-re in Ontario is similar in some
Physiology 165hours ways but not as well organized as shiatsLl.Acupunctr-te thera-
hrtuoducfion to Pathology 75 hotus pists are not licensed and can practice freely, There is no compre
lnhoduction to Clinical Medicine 90 hotus hensive govemment-approved training prog'ram such as there is
Detail of Clinical Medicine 150hours
for shiatsu but there are a number of practitioners teaching
Clinical Rehabfitation 75 hours
courses and many asscriations supporting professional stan-
Eastem Medical Theory 90 hours
Anma, Shiatsu, Massage Theory dards. Both the Chinese and Japanesecommunities are active,
60 hours
Clinical Eastem Medical Theory 75 hours and there is a skong lobby worktrg to get acupunctr-re licer-rsed.
Anma, Shiatsu, Massage Practice 510 hours The training available ranges from 100 hour point lcxation and
Optional 570hor-rs hdication coursesthrough to 350hours or more flom those teadr-
I otal 2550hoLus ing Oriental medical theory, acupuncture and herbs. The

In 1994, the Ortario legislatLre passed the Regr-rlatedHealth Naturopathic College teachescours€s in TCN4 and acupr.uctr-re

ProfessionsAct after ten yean of consultation and review. The act as part of their four-year naturopathic medicine diploma prc>

defines thirteen controlled acb and who can perform these acts, gram. The Shiatsu School of Canada is planning a 35Ghour post-

and it defines which professions are regulated. The thirteen acb graduate program with a teaching clinic.
There are a number of associations,most of which serve a se'
were chosen becauseof the risk of harm if urtrained people per-
form them. The thirteen acts are as follows: diagnosis, tissue pen- lected membership, usually the graduates of a school. The medi-

ehation, setting of bones or joints, spinal manipulatiory adminis- cal community has an acupunctr,ueassociatiorl the Acupuncfure

tering injections, orifice penetuation,administering radiatiory pre- For.urdationof Canada. Many chiropractors and veterinarian-sarc
also involved in the study and practice of acupuncture.
scribing of drugs, prescribing or dispensing eyeglasses,hearing
aids and dental devices, managing childbirth, and allergy provo- Someinstuance companies cover acupuncfure treahnenls, .urr1

cation testing. There are 21 regulated professions which include some acupunctwe therapists have professionai Liabilitv irr-sur-

physicians, dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, ar-rdmas- ance. Many physicians and other mainstream n-redical workers
are referring patients to acupunctr-rre,and there are some prG
sagetherapists. Physicians are licensed to perform all thirteen of
the conholled acts.Massagetherapists,even though Licensed,can- grarns in the hospitaLstsing acupunctute to heat addictions.

notperform any of the thirteen acts.


Nancyvan der Poorten

Onlune 2{ I99l,Dr.Iiyepresented a workshop at the Shiabu questioning. Finally, he diagnoses the Extra-meridians, and
School of Canada, which was attended by about forly people. Ted
Tendomuscular meridians, and then usessotrnd. He choosesone
Saito of the Shiatsu Centuehad been corresponding wittr Dr. kiye
or twomeridians and treatsoneor twopoints oneach.The dm of
for a ntunber of years, and when he for.rndthat Dr. Iriye would be
his heahnentis tobalancekyo and jitsu;he said onecanusemany
in Toronto on vacatiory he quickly organized the workshop.
methods to do so.
Dr. Iriye received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Kyoto Univer-
Dr. Iriye explained thaf by r.rsingthe thumb and index finger,
srty. He taught for a while but then quit to help his wife nrn the
one can diagnose which side of the bilateral meridian is kyo and
family pharmary business. He became interested in acupurcture
which side is jitsu. To do this, trsurg your right hand, put the index
and retumed to school to get his license. He has been in practice
finger at the north end, and your thumb at the south end along the
for 30 years. Over the years he developed the kiye Finger Test
meridian. Do the GRing or finger test. If the finger is sticky, or if
based on the well-lcror.r,n GRing test. kr the GRing tesf the sub-
the ring opens easily, then the energy is flowing north, and, de.
ject holds his thumb and forefinger together to make an 'O'. Then
pending on the meridian being tested, will indicate too much en-
the subject touches a part of his body, or holds an objecf to test it. If
ergy or too Jittle.
the area is strong, or if the substanceis favourable to the body, the
Dr. Iriye also usessound diagnosjs. He marntains that there is a
testerwill be unable to pull apart the subject's thumb and forefin-
special sound associatedwith each cervical and lumbar vertebra.
ger. If the area is weak or iJ the substanceis unfavourable for the
The patrent makes the sound as you touch the corresponding
body, the tester will be easily able to pull apart the thumb and
area,and you do the GRing or finger test.C1 is a Ji sound; L1 (Pa);
finger. This test is used to test for wealaressesin the body, for the
12 (Su); 13 (l\4eh); IA (Za); 15 (I.Ia); sacrurn (Ku); tailbone (Tzu)
efficary of drugs, or for the effecLsof foods. Dr. kiye has modfied
and SI joint (Bo).
this tecluriqueso thatitcanbe done with onehand. Ashe touches
Dr. Iriye demonshated his tedrniques on three individuals.
an area of the subject'sbody,herubs togetherhis thumb and fore.
The first patient, james, suffered from fibromyalgia. It first began
finger. If the area is strong and balanced, the motion will be
with pain and wealcress in the tops of his legs and buttocks; then
smooth. If the area is unbalanced, the motion will be sticky. He
the problems appeared in his back; in the past six months the
usesthis finger test to d i aSrose the body's condition and to test the
problem has been in his neck, shoulders and upper arms. Dr. Iriye
efficary of herbal medicines.
diagnosed that his right side was the problem in the upper and
Dr. Iriye explained that meridians exist only in a living body.
lower bumers; that the Bladder meridian on the left side was flow-
When a person dies, the meridians disappear. hr a healthy person,
ing in the wrongdirection; that the rightsidewas jitsu and theleft
the energy ts "quiet," and there is not much kyo (deficiency) or
side kyo. He treated two points rn the upper back and tr,voin the
jitsu (excess).\44ren a person gels sick, kyo and jibu appear as the
lower back, wing press pins. His tonification technique was to
meridians "release inflammation" through djfferent parLsof the
insert the press pin directly into the skin. His sedation technique
was to in-sertthe pinthrough a piece of tape thathadbeen applied
Dr. kiye starts by diagnosing the whole body, to see whether
first to the skin. Within minutes, Jamesfelt that his arm movement
there is a problem or not. He then diagnoseswhether the problem
was easier but he had a new pain in this left arm. Dr. Iriye then
is in the right or left side; whether it is in the upper, middle or
diagnosed the fingers of bothhands, and sedated the jibu merid-
lower bumer, r.rsingthe palms. He tesb the right and left palms.
ians and tonified the kyo meridians. For this treahnent, he used
Then he tests the upper bumer (the finger area), the middle
yakiha4 a steel rod that is heated to a tolerable temperature, and
burner (mid-palm), and the lower bumer (heel of palm) on the
ran it lightly along the meridian (in the direction of the flow to
problem palm. He also diagnoses the meridians using the finger
toni-$, and against the direction of the flow to sedate).Jamesfelt
test on the abdomen and the back, and also tr-sesobsen'ation and great!


The second patient, Omar, had a similar diagnosis of

fibromyalgia with predominately chest pain and weal,cress.Dr.
Iriye diagnosed his problem through the palms as being on the
JoelBernstein Hill,MA)
right side in the lower bumer. He said that the chest area had no
problem. \ /hen he checked the back he fourd the primary tueat-
MaryBoulding Creek,
ment area tobeI2,3 and 5, and the secondary area to be T5. The
She graduated from the Shiatsu School of Canada in May
Govemor Vessel and the Bladder meridian on the left side was
1990. She lives in a small town between the Pacific Ocean
jitsu. He heated only the lower back with two sets of press pirs
and the coastal mountains of British Colombia. where she
and the yakihari. Ornar said, with a smile, thathis pectorals felt
has her shiatsu practice.
looser although the interscapr.riararea was still tight. He had not
complained about lowerback pri..
Kathleen Byrnes (Tokyo)
Finally Ted Saito got a special diagnosls. He said that he was
She graduated from the.\\iaseda College of Medical Arts
developing a cataract in his left eye. With his finger test Dr. Iriye
and Scienceand passedthe Jtrpanesenational eram to r-rttair.r
diagnosed the Liver meridian on the right side as the problem.
acupuncture and moxibustion licenses.Shehas been in f.r.ri-
His tueatrnent was to sedate the Liver meridian on the right leg
tice for about five vears ancl is currently apprerrtrcurg rr rth
and to tonif it on the left. He also used the finger test to determine
Misao Taker-rouchi.She alsc'r;rracticesloquat leaf therapr,.
rvhich herbs were appropriate. He had four packages of herbs,
which he placed one by one in Ted's hand. The finger test that
Laurel Colpitts (Missoula,MT)
came up 'smooth' indicated the appropriate herb.
She is a graduate of NESA (Nen' England School of Acu-
We were all entuancedby Dr. Iriye's energy and the efficary of
pr.rncture)and studied under Kiiko Matsumoto and Stephen
hrs treahnenb. He emphasized that there is truth to the theories of
Birch. She has been in practice since 1993 and she combines
Oriental medicine, and that one onlyneed diagnose kyo and jitsu;
acupunctureand Reiki.
then tonify and sedateusing one of many methods available. Dr.
Iriye also had the chance to experience a shiatsu heahnentbefore
Shinjiro Kanazawa(San Diego)
the workshop. He had never had one before and was qrute im-
He is a student of thc.Oric.ntiil Nlectcine Master Course at
the PacificCollegerrf Orier.rt.rl
We are gratehr-lto Ted Saito for organizing this most interesfurg
D o u g l a sC K i e h l( C a r l i s l eP, A )
He str-rcliecl
Oriental medicine at Dongeui Oriental Medical
School il Korea and the Okazaki School in Cali-fornia. He
Acupuncture Societyof New York has been in practice since 1969and does acupuncture, body-
28 \X/ildey Street, Tarrytown, NY I059I work, and herbal therapy.
VOICE or FAX: (914)332-4576
Hiromi Matsumoto(Yokohama,Japan)
publishes TheMeridian Times newsletter He graduated from the physiotherapy instructors pro-
and the gram at the Tokyo Education University in 1963. He began
Joumal of the Acupuncture Societyof New York te.rching at Japan Central Acupuncture College the same
and sponsors
\ ccrr,clld openeclhis current practice in Yokohama tn 1969.
Toyo Hari classesand seminarswith Koei
He u'.,rsthe chainlan of the academic section of the Japan
Kuaharafor the NY branch of the JapanHari
Acuprurctr-rreAssociation from 1989toL992. He also became
Medical Association
a part-time instructor at Tsukuba Technical College in 1994.

Pleasecontact us for an information packet.


Tsukasa Miyaji (Saitama,Japan)

She is a shiatsu and acupr-rncturepractitioner trained at Ja-
pan Central Acupuncture College (the alma mater of Kiiko
Tltis spaceisfor useby all NAIOM members.Any nnnounce-
Matsumoto, J. Mizutani, and S. Brown). There she met and
rnentrelotedto OrientalMedicineis ruelconte,
but pleaselimit vour
became good friends with Mr. Watase, a NAIOM member.
tofifty iuords.
She had an interest in medical anthropology before entering
acupturcture school, ancl received a masters degree in it from One-day seminar with Ted Kaptchuk: Th e author of TheWeb
Komazawa University. She is now a special graduate stu- Thnt Has l,,lo Weaaerwill be presenting a one-day seminar at the
dent at Taisho Universitv. Shiatsu School of Canada, on Sunday, Nov ember 77,7996 on the
l,adders of the Soul. For inJormation, contact Shiatsu School of
Didi Pershouse (Thatford, VT) Canada,547 College St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6G 1A9.
She received her B.A. rn Oriental studies from Columbia Phone (476)32T7818;1-8ffi-263-1703;Fax(476)323-7687.
University in 1986 and then studied five element shiatsu
with Robbee Fian rn New York. She studied at the North- Acupuncture in the 21st Century: New Direction in Diagnos-

west Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine for two tics and Therapeutics

years and went to NESA for two more years. Recently she Workshop with Takayoshi Ogawa, board member of Japan

completeci the one-vear Toyo Hari program taught by Koei Meridian Therapy Association and instructor at Tokyo Eisei

Kuwahara. She currently practices herbal medicine, acu- Gakuen. April 13 & 74,7996 attteNew England Scfrool of Acu-
puncture, and shiatsu. puncture. Cail,(677) 92G7788ext.114 for more information.

Toyo Hari Workshops: Series of workshops by Koei

Miki Shima (San Francisco)
Kuwahara being offerecl at the New England School of Acu-
He is the President of The Japanese-American Acupunc-
punctrue this winter and spring.
ture Foundation and the Institute for Traditional Acupunc-
November 4 &5,1995 Bloodletting
ture and Herbology. Through these organizations he has
January 27 &28,7996 Naso & Muno Treatment
taught a wide and fascinating array of topics including
February25,1996 MusdeMeridiarx&theFireNeedle
herbology, nutritional testing, O-ring theory, homeopathy,
March 23 &24, 1996 Extravessel & Shigo Treatment
clinical research, the classics, and diagnosis through the I
4pr1128,7996 Application of Pulse Diagnosis
Ching. He is one of the leading teachers of Japanese acu-
Call Cathy Richmondat NESA 67n 926-778for regishation
puncfure today and presents unique Japaneseacupurcfure
and information.
;urd herbal techniques.
A specialthanks
to DenmeiShudoufor his donation.
Martin Slater(W. Chicago,lL)
He studied acupuncture at the Midwest Center and in
Nanjing, P.R.C. He has been practicing for ten years. January1Oth,1996is thedeadlinefor manuscripts
issueof NAJOM.We welcome of papersfromour
members including
maintopicof thenextissuewillbe Indurations
so paperson thissubjectespecially


Chasingthe Dragon'sTail by Manaka,ltaya,and Birch Furthermore manv casesfudies are presented in over fiJty pages
ParadigmPublications,1995 with detailed data, which makes it a useful reference for clinical
A long awaited book is here practice. The researchof Dr. Manaka and Ms. Itaya is presented
at last! I waited many years for rn the appendix, and here the I-Ching and mathematics are
this book, with the feeling of {.}rasingtEle drawn upon to explain the world of acupurcttue. This book is
endlessly chasing after the tail Llmg*rib'[uil not merely a manual for acupuncfure and moxibustiory but a
of some mythical beast, as ex- r,lirliiii i,i,,"i,;i;,i.rtlr "treasure
trove" which gives tribute to the genius of Dr.
pressedby its title. It must have Manaka. The only question that remains is hor,r' w.ecan put this
been the summer of 1986when book to use, or better, how we rnight be brought to our larees in
I first met Stephen Birch at the the attempt. Either way, I'm sure that Dr. Manaka will be look-
Manaka Hospital in Odawara. ing on through his spiritual channels. This book n-rakesme say,
My guess is that he started col- "Dr.
Manaka's spirit will live forever". I r,vant to express my
laborating with Dr. Manaka heartfelt thanks to Dr. Manaka, Ms. Itaya, and Stephen Birch, as
and Ms. Itaya from aroturd this well as Bob Felt for bringing such a wonder{ul book into the
time to publish all of Dr. world.(J.M.)
Manaka's research in English;
By staying with Dr. Manaka (at The Self-Shiatsu
Handbook by Pamela Ferguson
his house) Stephen started to ur-rdertakethe monumental task of PerigeeBooks,1995
compiling his work. I had the chance to meet Dr. Manaka a few This latest handbook of self-shiatsu written by Pamela
times before he passed away in November 1989,.And each time Ferguson is a welcome addition to anyone/s self-help library. It
I saw him, the topic of this book came up. Shortly before his is forthe laypersory and explains theconceptsand tedmiques in
deattr, he even asked me to let him know when it would be pub- a very simple and convincing manner. It covers up-tadate is-
Iished. About this time it seems that Stephen Birch and the per- suessuch ashow to deal with techno-stoessand jet lag (for a taste
son responsible for publishi.g thir book, Bob Felt, were ex- of this, see Pam's article in this issue) as well as how to provide
tremely busy and bogged down with the burdensome task of simple tueaknenb for family members and the elderly. It is fril
editing and reediting. \A/hen I contacted Stephen to ask when of illustrations and photographs, which make the techniques
the book would come out I kept getting the same reply - "Soon". very clear. Aside from shiatsu, a great deal of helpful advice is
Dr. Manaka passed away without seeing this book. offered to improve one's lifestyle and well-being. And it is all the
\A4ren this book was fi.ully published tttis ltly, I was deeply more compelling becatne it comes directly from the author's
moved. As to its contents, it can be called a compendium of the wealth of experience as a shiatsu irstructor all over the world. It
geruus of Dr. Manaka. It covers in thorough detail the unique would be a good book to recommend to yor.u clients, and it is
and interestingmedicalideas of Manaka includingthe famous x also instructive to the practitioner as an exalnple of how to talk trr
signal system, the cxtahedral model, channels and collaterals, the average person about lifestyle modi-ficatio*. 1fij5 fcrok
five phases,ion pumping, aswell as Manaka abdominal diagno- standsout amongmanyacupressurebooks as one which Lseasr.
sis, Hirata zones, the gastrocnemius diagnostic areas of Honda, to follow and put into practice. Mary people buy selt-helpr
the Gring test, the Sayoshi factor, and the holographic para- books these days which they never read. This book is not or-Llv
digm. The Yin-Yang Balancing Treahnent" featured one which will get read, but used. Put a copy in your waihng
in previous issuesof this joumal is explained in great detail using room, and get your patient's involved in their own healing.
many tables and figures. This alone makes it worth reading. (s.8.)



This sunrmer I was given yet another opportunity to visit of |inkei pulse diagnosis, and it is altogether different from
ot'rdto seemy teacherDr. Shudo, as well as many other
Ta1.,.r1.' Jingei pulse diagnosis even though it sounds practically
te.rchersand friends. The occasion r,r'asthe tenth anniversary identical. Mark Dreu's article points to how the classical acu-
of Dr. Shudo's practitioner str-rdvgroup, Gensai Jyuku. Ai- pr-rncturists of Japan, led by the meridian therapy school, is
most 100 people gathered in Beppu, a famous hot springs constantly striving to update and improve on their system.
resort in South Japan, to celebrate the successful completion This is a process we all must engage in individually as well as
of ten years of study and professional development with Dr. collectively. It is most practical to view the classical ap-
Shudo and his associates.Gensai ]yuku started srmply as a proaches,whether or not we can be certain of what was acfu-
monthly gathering of local acupuncturists, but word spread ally practiced, as a foundation which must be constantly re-
and non'practitioners seeking Dr. Shudo's company travel examined and reinforced with new knowledge.
Iong tlistancesto prarticipate.It was very inspiring to seethe Times change and the application of Oriental medicine
canlararlerieand the enthusiasm they exhibited in furthering will inevitably be molded by our culture and our environ-
their }<lon leclge and skill as acupuncturists. This kind of ment. It is therefore encouraging to see our members ac-
prrofessional comrnunity is exactly what rve are striving to tively seeking new and creative applications of Oriental
create il our own way in North America. medicine to current problems. "Zen Shiatsu for the jet Age"
It was interesting that one of the speakers in the above "Acupuncture
and for Computer-related Ailments" are ar-
gathering was Masakazu Ikeda, a prolific author and teacher ticles that address a current problem which will only in-
of meridian therapy, who gave a talk on pulse diagnosis. In- crease with time. It is appropriate also that through these
terestilg because it just so happens that this was the theme articles we are able to consider this problem from the self-
for this issue. Ikeda Sensei discussed the problem of pulse help perspective using shiatsu and exercise, as well as from
cliargnosisand how it is constantly evolving. There have been the therapeutic perspective of acupuncture and
many approaches to pulse palpation throughout history, moxibustion. This is in line with the tradition in Orientai
and the forms in use today are by no means complete. Yet medicine of continuity between self-help and therapeutic in-
these methods offer accessto information about physiology tervention. It is obvious how such a holistic approach is su-
and pathology which is unique and valuable. This tradition perior to conventional solutions to problems such as RSI and
of Oriental medicine needs to be viewed from a broad per- "techno-stress."
Yet the awareness of the general public
spective and integrated within the context of our current un- about the advantages of Oriental medicine is still lagging.
derstanding and experrence. We must do more to educate the public, in our own practices
The article on Jingei pulse diagnosis, probably the first of and as a profession.
its kind ur English, is very useful in this regard. The rational This issue features articles from Kiiko Matsumoto and
and pra-rgmaticattitude of Hiromi Matsumoto toward pulse Miki Shima, who each have contributed enormously to the
diagnosis and its application is laudable. In addition, we advancement of Japaneseacupuncfure and greater diversity
have several articles with an emphasis on pulse diagnosis. within the Oriental medicine community of North America.
Of special interest is our regular feature, "Encounters with I believe that diversity is crucial for the healthy growth of
Ki," in lvhich Mark Dreu has been relating his experiences of Oriental medicine in North America, but diversity by itself
studying in Japan. He chose, in this issue, to introduce a can lead to fragmentation. I am pleased that leaders in Japa-
pulse diagnosis technique. I myself have never heard nese acupuncfure are meeting, at least on paper, to express


their ideas and ideals. Just as we each develop our unique is not available anywhere else, but also as a communication
position and role within the Oriental medical community of link. You can let us know about any event related to Japa-
North America, we need to explore and develop new av- nese acupuncture in your locality, even when you are not
enues of exchange and mufual cooperation . directly involved. Future events will be posted on the "Bul-
\A4rile in ]apan, I learned much to my regret that the inter- letin Board" for all readers to see,and this way we can keep
national symposium of the Japan Acupuncture and everyone informed and up to date. In addition to your opin-
Moxibustion Skills Foundation (]AMSF) scheduled rn Octo- ions and papers, we would like to see more reports about
ber was canceled. The rise of the Yen against the Dollar workshops after the fact. Your participation is the key to get-
made the cost too expensive for those wishing to attend from ting the most out of our communication network.
outside of ]apan, and there were not enough registrants.
Leading practitioners representing different styles were
slated to teach and give treatments over a one-week period
so that participants could experience each of the styles for
Lettersto the Editor
themselves. It is a shame that such a promising venture had Thank you NAIOM. I want to say this becausc.
to be canceled, for nothing like this has been attempted - at NAJOM is the best joumal of acupuncture I have
least not in japanese acupuncfure. The cost factor has ac- seen. I've been a practitioner of acupuncture,
counted for the relative scarcity of foreigners who study acu- moxibustiory and anma for four years in Japan. Since I
puncture in japan, and it remains less expensive and more couldn't understand the classical method in mv student
practical to have teachers come over here. It is a matter of days, I haven't liked it. So I have practiced only my own
timing and organization to bring leading |apanese acupunc- style. But reading NAJOM, I have become interested in it

turists to North America so that people here are able to at- now. In fact, I didn't lcrow about the abdominal diagno-

tend workshops and benefit from them. I enjoyed an sis of the Mubtrr school in Japan. And I'm glad to find
that there are some similarities between the Edo period
evening discussing this and other issues with Edward
(Gosei school vs. Koho school) and today (Oriental medi-
Obaidy, the driving force behind JAMSF. We parted promis-
cine vs. Westem medicine) in acupuncture. The attempt
ing to work together in the future to make the next Japanese
to introduce Japaneseacupuncture with the logicalness
acupuncfure sy'mposium a reality.
of the English language offers me the chance to study our
I have noticed a definite increase in interest among Japa-
acupuncfure from a new angle.
nese acupuncturists about the prospect of teaching and prac-
ticing abroad. The Japanese Meridian Therapy Association
for example, is beginning to study the situation of acupunc- I am not specifically an acupuncturist, however, I have
ture practice in the United States with the aim of increasing foturd the articles in your joumal to be worthwhile for me
their exposure abroad. So there seems to be a growing readi- in my practiceof Shiatsu. Also, here's a suggestion. Since
ness to tackle the task of teaching abroad. The other end of I do not read Japanese,I really do not need to receivethat
this equation is the receptiveness of acupuncturists in North part of yotr joumal. If the volume warrents if it might be
America. There is interest, without a doubt, but can it be better to send the joumal out in the requested language.

translated into enough participation to warrant the huge ef- NAJOM could save some dollars in printing and paper,

fort and expense of organizing such workshops? The suc- as well as postage.
jo Ann Reinhardt
cessof such ventures depends on the timely dissemination of
information, and this is where NA]OM seeksto serve an im-
portant role. Your participation in this networking process is
significant not only in terms of receiving information which



目 次
北米東洋医学誌 主旨 編集局 41
投稿者紹介 編集局 42
巻頭言 島幹昌 43
今日の人迎脈診とその治療 松本弘巳 44
古傷の癒着と鍼灸 松本岐子 51
気との遭遇 その5 マーク・ドリュウ 54
脉診について ダニエル・ベンスキー 55
脉診の価値 マーティン・フェルドマン 56
治そう治そうとするから治らない。治さなきゃ治る。 桑原浩栄 57
最先端技術時代の指圧 パメラ・ファーガソン 59
コンピュター作業に起因する諸疾患と鍼灸治療 小窪潤蔵 62
実際的灸療法 その5 水谷潤治 63
オンタリオ州における指圧と鍼 ナンシー・バンダーポーテン 66
入江先生トロントを訪問する ナンシー・バンダーポーテン 68
掲示板 編集局 69
編集後記 スティーブン・ブラウン 69
新入会員紹介 編集局 71

July 1995 41


(編集部員およびレギュラー投稿者の紹介は、各年度の 桑原浩栄,L.Ac.
最初の巻にのみ掲載します。) 東洋はりの教師になるため福島弘道氏に師事。開業し
ダニエル・ベンスキー,L.Ac. はりの普及・教育に活躍。鍼に加えて、真気功(医療気
1975年、マカオ中国医学学院にて、中国医学の学 功)も実践、指導する。現在、伝統的日本式鍼灸の普及・
位を取得して同校を卒業する。 教育に精力的に活躍。
で、オステオパシー医学博士号を取得、卒業する。東洋医 松本岐子,L.Ac.
学の開業と教授、さらには文献の翻訳に、20年の経験を 東京家政大学栄養学科を卒業後、日本鍼灸理療専門学
持つ。近年は、オステオパシー医学の、触診手技を東洋医 校にて鍼灸を学ぶ。それらに加えて古典や現代の中国語を
学理論及び治療法に融合させる試みを研究中。 現在、 学び、操体法のコースを終了する。これらの時期に、日本
シアトル東医学院(Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine) において随一の東洋医学の出版者である医道の日本社にお
を運営する他、ワシントン大学大学院に席をおき、古代中 いて、鍼灸関係の本の編集に携わる。現在ユニークな日本
国語と中国文学を研究中。 式鍼灸治療の教師・実践者として広く海外に知られ、尊敬
鍼灸を開業して12年、日本式治療を専門とする。マサ 松本弘巳,L.Ac.
チューセッツ、ウオータータウンにてJapanese Acupunc- 1963年、東京教育大学理療科教員養成部卒業。日本鍼
ture Centerを主宰し、また、The New England School of 灸理療専門学校にて教鞭をとった後、1969年横浜市にて
Acupunctureにて日本学部の部長を勤める。東洋はり協会 開業。1989年から1992年にわたり、(社)日本鍼灸師会
ボストン支部及びボストン・エイズ・ケア・プロジェクト 学術部長を歴任し、1994年から筑波技術短期大学鍼灸学
の創立メンバー。 科非常勤講師を務める。

パメラ・ファーガソ 島幹昌,L.Ac.
American Oriental Bodywork Therapy Association Japanese-American Acupuncture Foundation の会長お
(AOBTA) 認定の、Zen Shiatsu のインストラクタ よびInsutitute for Traditional Acupuncture and Herbology
ー・治療家。ニューヨークのOhashi Institute を卒業し、 の校長を務める。これらの教育機関を通じて広く興味深い
北アメリカ・ヨーロッパ・南アフリカ等で12年にわたり 内容を教えている。その内容は薬草学、栄養学の試験法、
Zen Shiatsu を教えている。7冊の著作があり、最新の Oーリング理論、ホメオパシー、臨床研究、古典、易学を
「The Self-Shiatsu Handbook」 はニューヨークとドイツ 使った診断法などである。現代の日本鍼灸の先覚者的教師
で1995年秋に出版されている。ニューヨークとダラスに の一人であり、ユニークな日本鍼灸・薬草治療を展開して
住み、乳ガンの生存者としてBreast Cancer Action Group いる。
小窪潤蔵,L.Ac. 1988年、Shiatsu School of Canada で2200時間のコー
東京高等鍼灸学校卒業。千葉県船橋市の鍼灸師、大村 スを終了、卒業する。同校で教鞭を取るとともに、副校長
清孝氏に師事し、十年間の研修後、1981年渡加、トロ として教育プログラムや、履修課程の作成に携わる。指圧
ントで開業、現在に至る。カナダ中医薬鍼灸協会の文化委 クリニックでも治療者として活躍する。
員、副会長を歴任。Canadian Holistic Medical Association

42 July 1995

巻 頭 言 けると先生は暫く考えに耽けるように天井を眺められた
鍼灸と漢方の達人で、また有名な「経別・経筋・奇経治 式FT(Finger Test) を使用なさるか、弟子には自分に合っ
療」、「東洋医学原論」及び「漢方医学」の著者でもあら た診断法を開発する事をいつも推薦されている。脉診であ
れる。先生は6年前に腎臓癌と診断された後、一心不乱で れ腹診であれ患者の「気」を直感的に感得する事ができる
「原論」と「漢方」を執筆された強靭な意志の持ち主であ だけでなく、診断と治療の説明もできる限り理路整然とで
る。それでいて、5フィートちょっとの先生は癌患者であ きるような人間になることを強調されるのも先生である。
られるにもかかわらず、到って頭脳明晰、矍鑠としておら こんな理由で、入江先生には、ホンネもタテマエも不必要
れる。 なのである。
先生は元来統計学者で、御尊父が逝去されてから鍼灸師 小生も1975年にミシガン大学で東洋医学原論を教えて以
になられた。またお父上の有名な漢方薬局を継承されるべ 来、のべ200回の臨床講演会を主催してきたが、この20年
く、薬剤師であられる奥様と結婚され、鍼灸院と漢方薬局 間自分なりに「タテマエ」と「ホンネ」のない診断法と治
の両刀使いを永い間こなして来られたベテランでもあられ 療法を教えることに最善の努力をして来たつもりである。
る。元々科学者である先生は鍼灸漢方の不整合性に大いに 小生が最も大切だと思うのは、東洋医学の教育に当たって
不満を抱かれ、20数年前に間中先生のトポロジー学武会に は、理論的な面と直感的な面をバランスの取れたやり方で
巡り会うまで、孤独の闘いを続けられた。先生の回想によ 教育していくということである。直感力や第六感ばかりに
ると、学武会で漸く多くの「奇人」、「才人」に遭遇さ 頼ると、入江先生の言われる「ムード鍼灸」と「ムード漢
れ、そうした人々に助けられて先生独自の統合的な診断と 方」になってしまうし、誤診をまぬがれない。又、弁証理
治療のシステムを確立されたそうである。 論一点張りで押そうとすると直感を働かせる余地がない。
御存知のように、鍼灸学校では東洋医学の治療家は四診 これではせっかくの東洋医学が台無しだ。良い教師という
に基ずいて、八綱弁証、六淫弁証、臓腑弁証、七情弁証、 ものは直感と理論の両刀を、タテマエとホンネの矛盾撞着
六経弁証を確立し、その上で正しい鍼灸漢方治療をするの なしに使いこなせる人間である。
が立て前になっている。理論としては何ともスジが通って 小生の今日までの経験によると、入江先生の科学的造詣
いるのだが、実際の患者に当たってみるとなかなかそうキ は深遠にして、先生の直感力は卓抜である。まさに最高の
ッチリと行くものでかない。そこで例の「タテマエ」と 両刀使いの先生である。
「ホンネ」の問題がでてくる。小生は永い間、中国人や日 先生は晩餐の終り近く、こんな話をして下さった。「ず
本人の名人の著作を研究し、実際に彼等の診療所を訪問し いぶん前のことですが、京都に大変有名な陶芸師がいまし
てみたが、「タテマエ」と「ホンネ」が余りにも違うので てね。花瓶作りの名人でした。どの花瓶も彼のこしらえた
しばしば閉口してしまった。ある時、小生は東京で有名な ものは完璧で少しもゆがんでいない。ところが十四才から
経絡治療の大先生を訪問し、2日間鍼治療を見学させて戴 修行に入った息子は、いくら頑張ってもみんなゆがんでし
いた事があったが、この先生は著書に書かれた事は一切な まう。十年間修行してもダメだったんですが、ある日たま
さらず、体中に鍼を100本近くも打っておられた。小生が たま息を止めてやったら完璧な花瓶ができたんですね!そ
色々と質問すると、先生は「まあ、本はタテマエで、ホン こで、その晩息子は名人の父親にその話をしたところ『そ
ネとして実際にやるのは要するに第六感でして、説明でき の通り!息を止めるのがコツなんだよ。』と父親は言いま
ませんな」という事であった! した。」
これに比べて入江先生は患者の容態を、信じられない程 入江先生はここで一息つかれた。「ところでこのお父さ
迅速に弁証され、奇経、経別を高速度で治療されるのであ ん、何でそのことを息子に十年前に言って上げなかったん
るが、小生が先生が著書で説明されたことと違うことをさ でしょうね?」
れたのを質問すると、先生には「タテマエ」と「ホンネ」 また入江先生に御目にかかれる日が待ち遠しい。

July 1995 43


人迎脈診は人迎脈口診ともいわれます。人迎脈診は素 肺の病は喘咳す‥‥肝の病は頭目眩き、脇支満す‥‥脾病
問・霊枢に書かれていますが、この脈診法だけが独立して は身痛み体重し‥‥腎病は少腹や腰脊が痛み、しびれる
行なわれるわけではありません。この脈診法とその治療は (素問65)」。
全身を整えるために用いられますから、もちろんこの方法 という記載があります。東洋医学(鍼灸)の五臓は、西
だけでも良いのですが、たいていは経筋治療や内科治療や 洋医学の同名内臓と似た機能と症状をもっていたと考えら
養生治療などと併用しつつ、この脈診法と治療を施しま れます。鍼灸・薬物などの治療手段があって、この治療法
す。 に合わせた内臓観を樹立することが要請されましたが、鍼
後で治療例の所で書きますが、私共が鍼灸を習い始め 灸と漢方薬の治効理論の違いの理解が十分には進まず、そ
た頃と現在とでは社会状況がかなり違います。人迎脈診で のため両方の治療法に合う形で内臓観が落ち着いたのでし
すべて治療はできると思っていましたが、西洋医学の知識 ょう。そのため、「肝は将軍の官、謀慮出ず、肝は罷極の
や医療環境が変り今日では人迎脈診だけでは鍼灸臨床は間 本、魂を臓す、肝は筋膜の気を臓する、その華は爪にあ
に合いません。その分だけ相対的に人迎脈診だけに比重を る、脈は微弦の状、肝は背の9椎に付く、臥すときは血は
かけることはできなくなりました。例えば鍼灸治療の適応 肝に帰る、肝は血を臓する、志は怒となす、肝は陰中の少
について考えると、今日では西洋医学が進みもっと適応す 陽(素問8)」などという記載が生まれたのでしょう。
る治療法が出現したので、そちらを優先するという状況に 西洋医学の場合には病態を調べ、これに薬理学や物理療
なってきています。しかし、人迎脈診とその臨床の大切さ 法の方法論や外科的な経験を適応し、治療法や予後の推定
は変化はありません。臨床上この脈診法を覚えて得するこ を検討します。
とが多くありはすれ、損なことは全く有りません。是非試 東洋医学においては西洋医学にはない病人の観察法と治
してください。きっと「よかった」と喜ばれることと思い 療法があります。例えば、足腰が冷えるとなんとなく元気
ます。 がなくなり、気力が落ち、活動性がなくなり、話すのも嫌
○ 経筋とその治療 になり、視力も落ち、脈が微細となり、ただ眠たいなどと
経筋の治療は、東洋医学(鍼灸)の中で一番手近に行え いうことになります。このような時に腎虚として配穴し、
る気楽な治療法です。反応部位を選び、そこへ鍼を施して 治療し、足腰を温めると再び元気が戻ってきます。このよ
効果が出るまで何回でも治療を行うものです。経筋には独 うな形で治療法と結び付けて観察したとすると、これは素
自の穴が在りません。こり、痛み、痙攣、マヒなど運動器 晴らしい実践的な医学だったわけです。現代生物学的な観
疾患の大半および一部の神経疾患に応用できます。 察が突っ込んで行われなかった時代の成果ですから仕方の
鍼灸が2000年以上にわたり実施され、伝えられた理由は ないぎりぎりの経験だったのです。
案外この様な単純な治療法でありながら、大きな効果を上 五臓の疾病が西洋医学の何を指しているのかについ
げることができたからではないかと考えられます。治療の て、最近の中国の成書にも次のような表現を見ることがで
初歩もここからはじまります。かなり熟練しても臨床の実 き、大変示唆に富んでいます。
際ではこの方法は大切です。 「心系の病は各種の心臓および血管疾患を包括する‥
経筋治療の方法には段階があります。始めはこのような ‥。
局所症状の方法で良いのですが、少し生理学、病態生理学 肝系の病は肝胆疾患および脳血管、神経系統疾患の一部
などの理解が進むと衛気、栄血、経絡、臓腑、邪気の状 を包括する‥‥。
況、虚実補瀉、経刺、体質(特に皮肉の状況)などを考慮 脾系の病の範囲はすこぶる広く、消化系統疾病を包括
した方法が大切になってきます。経筋は胃・陽明・肝・衝 し、また代謝方面の疾患、同様に内科でおおく発病する病
脈・帯脈・諸経脈・太陰など、恒常性を保つ場と考えられ 気‥‥。
ていた組織・器官と大変深く関わっています。鍼灸院で多 肺系の病は肺部の各種・気管咽喉の疾患を包括する‥
く扱われる肩こり、腰痛、五十肩、膝関節痛、頸肩腕痛な ‥。
ど運動器疾患と一部の神経疾患はこの経筋治療です。 腎系の病は泌尿系、生殖系疾患を含む‥‥」(楊力
○ 内科疾患の治療 著:『中医疾病予測学』.P231∼297.北京科学技術出版
内科疾患の症状について、「心の病は先ず心痛す‥‥ 社.1991.)。

44 July 1995

このように考えると、東洋医学(鍼灸)の内科治療は従 ○ 人迎脈診の実際と治療
来よりもっと臨床に使いやすくなるでしょう。 患者の体位は通常、坐位か仰臥位をとらせます。具体的
○ 養生治療(保健治療) な方法を以下のように、順に箇条書きにまとめます。脈診
「肩こり」という便利な言葉は2つの意味をもっていま の実際を見ながら覚えると簡単なのに、文章で表現すると
す。1つは頸や肩の周囲の筋肉のこりを指し、もう1つは ややこしいですが、ぜひ独習して試してください。きっと
精神的な疲れも含めて、肩こりという名のもとに処理をし 良い結果をもたらしてくれると思います。
ていたと思われます。事実、肩こりがひどいと便秘、下 足の陽明胃経の人迎穴部を中心にその周囲で一番脈がは
痢、食欲の低下、吐き気、眼精疲労などの自律神経症状や っきり判るところを人迎部とします。脈口部は手首の寸関
集中力がなくなったり、不眠になることがあります。そこ 尺(寸口部・気口部・脈口部ともいう)といわれる部位で
で、「会社人間」が仕事に、上司に、つき合いに、会食に 脈が判りやすいところを脈口部とします。
いて、みな鍼灸で改善されやすい症状ばかりです。 図ー1 人迎部と脈口部
○ 人迎脈診とその治療法
人迎脈診とその治療法は大いに役立っています。経筋治 ・人迎部と脈口部とを比較する
療にしても、内科治療にしても、養生治療にしても、それ 人迎部と脈口部を比較して、三陰三陽を決めますが、両
ぞれに調子の良くない体調があります。このような時、い 脈部を比較する尺度は「脈巾」です。図にある通り、指で
つでも人迎脈診とその治療は役立ちます。そこで、いつで 触れる脈の端から端までの「巾」をいいます。太さといえ
も患者の脈は診ますが、人迎脈にしたがった治療を施す ば脈の強さも含まれてしまいますが、そうではなく、脈状
か・施さないかは人迎脈診の結果によるということになり 診の時に用いられる大脈・小脈という時のような、脈を川
ます。 の巾にたとえれば、こちらの岸からあちらの岸までの巾を
次ぎのような条件の時に人迎脈診とその治療を施しま 指で観察していると考えてください。脈の強さは虚実を診
す。 るときに用います。
陰脈が検出されたときなどの意味。 ・主経と対経
2.経筋治療の際に、ひどい異常がある時。→症状の強 図ー2 脈巾を診る 人迎部と脈口部を比
さではなく、体勢が崩れているとき、例えば腹診所見が悪 較して、人迎部の方が
い、脈状が悪いなど。 脈口部より脈巾が大き
病態把握、適応、予後の推定、経過の観察などには用い ければ、陽経が主経
ない。しかし、人迎脈診が良い時は予後も経過も良いこと で、陰経は対経となり
を経験しています。反対に、陽明脈か太陽脈か判断に困る ます。脈口部が人迎部
脈巾の時は一段下げて太陽と診ますが、この様な時は病院 より脈巾が大きければ
でも診断を付け兼ねていたり、思ったより経過が長引いた 陰経が主経で、陽経が
りすることが多いように感じられます。局所の病態、疼 対経となります。
痛、圧痛から取穴を行なう場合、人迎脈診を行なって悪さ 人迎・脈口両部位の
が目立たない時は人迎脈診とその治療を施しません。 脈巾の比較により、陽

July 1995 45

経の主経で3倍は陽明、2倍は太陽、1.5倍は少陽とい 外格は、人迎部が脈口部より4倍の脈巾のときで、陽
います。対経はそれぞれ陽明に対しては太陰、太陽に対し 気が多すぎて陰陽の交流ができない状態とされます。臨床
ては少陰、少陽に対しては厥陰です。陰経の主経の時は3 上ではこの脈はあまり心配しません。三陽の気を全部瀉せ
倍は太陰、2倍は少陰、1.5は厥陰といいます。対経は ば良いからです。とはいっても三陽の中のどんな症状が多
図ー3 坐位の人迎脈診
図ー4 臥位の人迎脈診 の特にどれが多いかによってその内の三陰三陽
太陰に対しては陽明、少陰に対しては太陽、厥陰に対して の経脈を主な対象にしてください。
は少陽といいます。人迎部が脈口部より3倍の脈巾のとき 日常の臨床では通常上記の10タイプの内、陽明、太
は陽明としますが、数値的にいえば人迎が9mmの脈巾で 陽、少陽、厥陰が多く、外格、内関、関格、平等、少陰、
脈口が3mmの脈巾であれば3倍です。 太陰の脈を診ることは稀です。太陰、内関、関格を診るこ
人迎脈診ではこの三陰三陽の6つのタイプ以外に、外 とはまず無いでしょう。外格は高齢者に診ることがありま
格、内関、関格、平等の4つを加え、合計10の類型に分 すが、瀉法が出来れば心配ありません。平等脈も数年に一
類します。 人でしょう。
図ー5 脈巾の比較
主経:人迎部が 3倍陽明
zセ 2{セz@
1.5{ュz @2
1.5{ュz .5
セz@ 1倍少陽
少陽 拍動以下は足の経脈に配します。手足の経に分ける基準は
対経: 〃 太陰 〃 少陰 〃 厥陰 躁脈か躁脈ではないかにあります。1呼吸に4拍動するこ
←人迎部 すが、上限を取り、20呼吸したとして80拍動にしまし
(陽経主経) た。躁脈を80拍動以上に決めたのは近代における人迎脈診
← 脈口部 れば足の経に配当することもあります。反対に76拍動で
(陰経対経) もあわただしさがあれば手の経に決めます。

46 July 1995

今まで述べたことをまとめると、人迎脈口診で人迎が脈 ない、といわれます。
口部より3倍の脈巾であれば、主経は陽明で、対経は太陰 対症療法を加えるときにもこの考え方は活きています。
となります。脈の数が72拍動であれば足の経になります 足の陽明主経の脈のときには、肩こりでもやや深めの刺鍼
から、足の陽明主経となります。対経は足の太陰経です。 を施します。もっとも対症治療では、病んでいる組織の深
・比較の実際 さが大切です。深い筋肉の病気のときには深く刺します
三陰三陽の脈、手足の経に分けるところまでは以上の説 が、表層の腱や靱帯のときにはごく浅く刺します。このほ
明で良いでしょう。しかし、臨床の実際はそれほど簡単で か、刺鍼の深さや太さなどの刺激量を決める因子として、
はありません。人迎脈診の実際は、人迎部の左右の脈巾 皮膚のキメの粗い人や視診で見た皮膚の厚さ、肉体を鍛え
(大・小脈)を比較して、大脈の方を部位の代表とし、同 た皮膚の色の時も重要です。これと同じレベルで人迎脈診
じく脈口部の左右の脈巾(大小脈)を比較して大脈の方を も刺鍼深度を決める因子になります。陽明ほど深く、厥陰
部位の代表とします。したがって時には右人迎部と左脈口 ほど浅く刺鍼する、という要素を対症治療でも考慮しま
部とを比較することもあるし、左右半身を別々に診察し す。
て、左は足の陽明、右は足の太陽というように診断しこれ 刺鍼方向について、経脈の走行に合わせる、合わせない
にもとずいて左右別々に治療を加えることもあります。 ということは考えません。金銀を使い分けて補瀉を加える
人迎・脈口の比較の練習は自分の脈で行なうのが分かり などということもありません。
よいです。でも始めは要領をつかむために、指導してもら ・取穴
うのが判りよいでしょう。 取穴は原穴、盛絡穴、募穴、背兪穴を主に用います。取
・陰陽虚実 穴数は、主経と対経の割合を2対1にします。うるさいこ
三陰三陽、手足の経、主経と対経まで判れば、次ぎに虚 とを言えば、穴数で決めるより瀉法の程度、補法の程度が
実に対する補瀉を加えなければなりません。人迎主経のと 主経と対経で2対1となることの方が大切です。たいてい
きは陽経を瀉し、対経に補法を加えることを基本としま は原穴、募穴、盛絡穴、背兪穴を用いることが多いです。
す。技術的には補法は患者のその時の状況にあった刺し方 どうしても仕方のない場合にはその経脈上の要穴(五兪
をいい、瀉法は邪気にかまわずこちらから一方的に刺鍼す 穴、絡穴、げき穴などや腹部でその経脈上に)を用いると
る方法です。一般的には補法はおとなしい刺し方である いうこともあります。末梢の原穴では寸3−1∼2番が多
し、瀉法は荒い刺し方ともいえます。補瀉法の一番の鍵は く用いられます。
呼吸に合わせることです。つまり、瀉法は吸気時に、補法 人迎脈診にもとずく治療を、対症治療の前に施すか後に
は呼気時に刺入します。退鍼や抜鍼はこれとは反対に瀉法 施すかはあまり意識してはいませんが、これからの検討課
は呼気時に行ない、補法は吸気時に行ないます。また、抜 題です。
鍼後の鍼あとを按ずるのは補法、後按をしないのは瀉法で ・人迎脈診についてのいろいろな注意事項
す。 四季の脈状がその季節と釣り合っていること(五臓脈が
たてまえとしては、人迎主経のときは陽経を瀉し、対経 四季の変化と合っている)。脈状診で異常がなく緩脈(お
に補法を施すことになっていますが、実際には人迎部・脈 だやかな、ゆったりとした脈状の意味)を呈している、と
口部のそれぞれの脈状に従った補瀉を施さなくてはいけま いうのが標準的な脈です。さらに人迎脈診で、陽明より太
せん。ですから人迎3倍の足の陽明経と決めても、人迎部 陽、太陽より少陽というように順に悪くなるわけではあり
の脈状が虚脈であれば、胃経に瀉法を施さず補法を加えま ません。もちろん陽明の方が陽気があり胃気も多いと考え
す。対経は太陰になりますが、脈口部はやや実脈だと、本 られるということです。ここで、次ぎのような場合を考え
来なら補法を行なうところですが、この場合には瀉法を施 てください。人迎が3mmの脈巾で脈口が1mmの脈巾の
します。人迎部も脈口部も虚脈であれば主経にも対経にも 比率は陽明です、しかし、人迎が9mmの脈巾で脈口が3
ともに補法を施します。 mmの脈巾でも3対1で陽明です。この場合は後者の方が
・補瀉と刺鍼の深さ 同じ陽明でも内容が良いと考えられます。また、前者で
人迎脈診に基ずく治療は比較的浅く刺鍼します。例えば も、人迎部と脈口部の脈状がよく、五臓脈が四季の変化に
切皮して鍼が立つ程度の深さにです。しかし、足の陽明は 合っていて、顔色にも艶があれば決して悪い状態ではあり
深く、太陽はその次ぎに深く、少陽はもっと浅く、手の陰 ません。それに虚弱な体つきなのに脈だけが異常にかけ離
陽経は浅く刺入することを大切にしています。霊枢 経水 れていては反ってバランスが取れません。適当なバランス
篇 第十二によれば、陽明は15mm、太陽は12.5m が大切です。
m、少陽は10mm、太陰は7.5mm、少陰は5mm、 また、人迎部が3mmの脈巾で脈口部が1mmの脈巾の
厥陰は2.5mm、手の経脈は5mm以上に刺してはいけ 陽明よりも、人迎部が6mmの脈巾で脈口部が3mmの脈

July 1995 47

図ー6 人迎脈診治療の取穴 性質から、未だ陽の位を得ていない、

一 一 まり体調に変化が起きやすい、ともい
五 五 えます。このような考えから前者と後
巾の太陽との比較の場合はどうなるでしょうか。脈は経脈 めた方が良さそうなことが多くあります。
と同じことと考えられていて、脈巾が大きいということは 太陰の脈、内関の脈は大変危険であるということは是非
気血の流れの量が多いと考えられます。したがってこの場 覚えてください。太陰の脈で間もなく死亡した患者はけっ
合は陽明よりも太陽の方が胃気が少ないとはいえ、流れて こういます。しかし、だからといって人が死ぬときに必ず
いる気血の量という点から考えると太陽脈をしている後者 悪い脈になって死ぬわけではないことも確かです。
の方が旺盛だということになります。ただし、前者の陽明 治療をしているうちに人迎脈が変ることがあります。普
脈は陽が一番多い状態、陽の位(くらい)を得た脈の状態 通の考えならば、治療により、少陽脈が太陽脈に、そして
ということで、安定した位を得ている、つまり体調はガタ 陽明脈に変化すると考えますが、時には陽明脈が太陽脈に
ガタしない、ともいえます。後者の太陽脈は、太陽という なったり、少陽になることがあります。おそらく陽邪が多

48 July 1995

いために元来少陽だった人が仮の陽明になっていたのでし 気があったり、大きなショックがあったときなど)、肥満
ょう。このような場合でも続けて治療していると再び太陽 型でこの脈を得れば神経を使いやすく、運動不足なので運
になり、そして陽明になるのが普通です。 動と栄養の調整が必要。虚脈の場合は少しのことで非常に
・三陰三陽の症状 疲労感が強い。
人迎脈診で太陽脈と診断された人(病人でも健康者で ○ 厥陰の症状:
も)は、太陽脈の症状を表出しやすい傾向があります。で のど乾き、顔垢がついたようで艶がない、腰痛み屈伸
は、人迎脈診による三陰三陽の症状をどのように考えたら 難、陰嚢収縮、煩満、女子は少腹が腫れる、頭眩、遺弱、
良いでしょうか。くわしくは陰陽量から症状を把握する、 尿閉、両脇下痛んで小腸に引く、筋が萎えて久しく立てな
同名経脈の症状、同じ三陰三陽に属する内臓の症状、傷寒 い、小便の変化が多い、寝返りが困難。
論等から見た症状などがあります。私にとっては、人迎脈 ○ 少陰の症状:
診の症状の大まかなとらえ方としては陰陽量による症状と 顔色が漆の木のように薄黒い、飢えが気になるが食べら
部位の理解がしやすいです。そして具体的な症状の理解に れない、咳唾して血がまじる、座して立つことを嫌う、尿
は特に傷寒論の三陰三陽の症状が大変手軽に便利に活用で 閉、腰が痛む、嚥下難、咽腫、心痛、口熱、舌乾く、脊股
きるように考えられます。しかし、一言ことわるとした 内が痛む、臥すことを好む、少陰経にあたって痛みや筋肉
ら、症状から逆に人迎脈診を推定するようなことはしない の変化がある。
方が安全だということです。症状から人迎脈診を推定する ○ 太陰の症状:
と、間違えたり、迷うことが間々あります。 食すれば嘔し、胃の中完が痛む、腹脹、よく噫す、大便
以下に書く三陰三陽の症状は、私が学生の時に故小椋道 と放屁がでると気分が良い、全身が重い、腹中鳴る。
つ内容です。これらのうち、三陽は常に遭遇しますが、三 治療の実例
陰は少なくなります。またこれらの症状に傷寒論の症状を 30才 主婦 出産後の体力回復
加えれば、日常臨床ではほぼ間に合うでしょう。 本人から話しを聞けないので、代わりにその亭主から様
○ 陽明の症状: 子を聞く。
ぞくぞく寒い、欠伸、人の気と火気を嫌う、木の撃ち合 出産後4ヵ月目である。何もやる気がなく、一日中ボ−
う音を聞くとおどろいて心気が動揺する。戸や窓を閉めて ッと過ごしている。食欲も少なく、睡眠もろくに取れな
独居を欲する。冷え、睡眠不足、栄養、運動不足に弱い。 い。便通がひどく悪く薬物を用いても1週間に一度有るか
消化力は亢進と減退がある。 無いかである。本人はほとんど話さない。赤ん坊の面倒も
胃之気が多い脈で、この脈を得る時はその肥痩にかか みることができない。医師による説明では体調が戻れば何
わらず総ての条件に強く耐える。相当の重症と診断された ともないということである。タバコや酒は嗜ない。出産直
病状でも治療の結果がよく、病状を知る人達を驚かせる。 前まではごく普通の暮らしぶりであった。もともと性格は
○ 太陽の症状: おとなしい方であった。既往歴は特記すべきものはない。
頭を衝くような痛み、眼の痛み、頭項背痛、腰痛、鼻 人迎脈診は足の少陽脈、脈状は虚細脈。皮膚は透けて見
水、尿閉、膀胱炎、眩仆、癲疾(精神病)、歩行難、太陽 えるような白さで肌理が細かい。顔の肉も少なく、手背も
経の分布部に異常を多く認める。 手掌も肉付きが悪く少なく痩せている。そして冷たい。母
色白で、肉はやわらかく、肥満型が多く、一見健康そう 指球から手掌にかけて静脈が怒張して青く見える。口蓋弓
だけれど風邪に侵されやすく、疲労感が強く、少し歩けば は赤く腫れ口蓋扁桃もやや腫脹している。目は弱い(眼力
人より先に疲れて足の内外顆の周囲が腫れ痛む。1日の中 が無い)。腹部はどこも軟弱で皮膚温は低く、冷たい感じ
でも体調・気分の変化がはげしい。肥満して肉がやわらか が有る。呼吸に合わせた下腹部の動きは認められない。声
ければ、病弱の体質のものが多い。 量は弱くとても聞き取りにくい。足・下腿の皮膚温も同年
○ 少陽の症状: 代の婦人に比べかなり低い。
皮膚の色が悪く、青く、冷え症(足の冷え)、慢性病持 ともかくこの女性には人迎脈に従った治療だけで対処し
ち、口が苦い、咽喉が乾く、目眩、胸肋部に痛み、足が萎 てみることにした。亭主には1年くらい辛抱するよう。き
えて立てない、耳聾する。少陽経にあたって痛み、筋肉の っと回復する旨の説明をして治療を施した。
変化などが特に目立つ。 仰臥位:寸3−2号鍼で期門、日月、中完へは約7mm
胃之気が少なく、重病の後遺症、心身過労、睡眠不足が ∼1cm、丘墟、太衝へは約5∼7mm刺入して7分間置
続いたとき(嫁が舅や姑につかえて神経を使い、主人の浮 鍼した。この間、腹部が冷えないように赤外線を照射し

July 1995 49

た。 腹診その他の東洋医学にもとずく診察を行ないます。しか
次ぎに伏臥位:寸3−2号鍼を用いて風池へは約1c し、初診の時点で病人の体勢に大きな異常はないと判断で
m、肩外兪、肝兪、胆兪へは約2∼2.5mm、三陰交へは きれば、次からはこれに関わらなくて良いものは人迎脈診
約5mm刺入してこのまま10分間置鍼を加えた。置鍼中 に執着しません。もちろん人迎脈診に基づく対処を加えた
に1回弾爪を加えた。 方が良い場合にはこれを行ないます。このような状況で人
強いて言えば仰臥位では中完、伏臥位では肩外兪、三陰 迎脈診が用いられているのが実情です。このような人迎脈
交が人迎脈診の治療原則にあわない取穴である。 診に対する柔軟な態度は中国の古典(素問・霊枢、甲乙
このような治療をはじめの3週間は一日おきに行ない、 経、千金方‥‥)にもすでに随所に見ることができます。
4週目から週2回に変更した。人迎脉診は太陽と少陽の間 腰痛の患者が来院して、椎間関節性の腰痛が推定される
を言ったり来たりしたが少陽として治療を継続した。1ヵ とき、あるいは肩こりの患者が来院して胸郭出口症候群が
月もしないうちに本人がぼつぼつ話し始めた。3ヵ月目か 推定されるとき、いずれも健康な場合には、これらは運動
ら週一回の治療に変更した。同様の治療を続けて6ヵ月の 器疾患との関わりが強いものですから、経筋(霊枢の経筋
間にかなり回復した。7ヵ月目から2週に一回の治療に変 篇に記述されているものを指す)の治療の延長として整形
更した。徐々に患者の腹力が充実し全身状態も良くなって 外科の知識を活用しています。しかし高齢者や虚弱な患者
きた。そして、10ヵ月でほぼ完治したので、今後は様子 では体勢の調節が大切になります。また、侵襲の大きな手
を見ながら時々治療に来るよう指示した。その後、時折来 術を受けた患者では人迎脈診とその治療は絶対的な威力を
院しているがその都度、肩こり、背痛などを訴えている。 発揮します。このような時には人迎脈診に基づく治療しか
○ 結語 行ないません。
人迎脈診を紹介しているのだから人迎脈診の優越性を紹 いずれにしても人迎脈診は客観性も再現性もありますか
介することが期待されると思います。確かに臨床の中で人 ら、それなりの信頼性があります。有用性についての検討
迎脈診の大切さは医療環境が変化しても変るものではあり は充分に加えられてはいないものの過去の経験からは有用
ません。このようなわけで初診のときには必ず人迎脈診、 性の高い診察法であり治療法であると考えられています。



住所 自宅 Tel

治療所 Tel

治療内容 1) 針灸 2) 指圧 3) あんま 4) 湯液


同人年会費 $50 CND ($40 USD)

50 July 1995



(この原稿は松本岐子氏・「医道の日本」編集部の許可 4.傷と傷との交差部位、傷のはじめと終わりの部位に
を得て、「医道の日本」第48巻・第10号p35∼p36及び 癒着が起きやすい。
第11号p27∼p31より転載しました。) 傷に必ずさわってみる。癒着のない傷は圧痛、違和感、
はじめに また脈上様感覚はない。又傷がちょうど経穴上にあると問
古傷の治療に関心をもったのは、経絡治療の講習を受け 題を起こすことが多い。
た頃からであるから、もう13年も前になる。あれだけの接 傷は一見浅くても、その傷を受けた時のショックの度合
触刺激のみで気を動かせ、脈を立ち所に変えられる経絡治 いで、問題を起こす。例えば、思いがけない事故やショッ
療の先生方を見て強く感激した。先生方は気がかなり皮膚 クの程度で心の傷と同様、結合組織にも根深い傷を残す。
しからば臨床上、よく見かける帝王切開、盲腸の手術 治療
痕、鼠径ヘルニアの傷跡など、これらの傷あとは、完全に 治療は、最も敏感なところへ10度の角度位で傷の外から
経絡、気の流れを阻害する大きな因子になるのではない 傷の中に刺す(図1)。流注にそって刺鍼(瀉す必要はな
か? 私は必ず腹診で奇経八脈、五行の診断をするが、腹 いと思っているので)。鍼は寸3の1番、または2番を使用
診のたびに「この盲腸の傷は、何の影響もないのかし している。
ら」、またケロイド状の大きなヘルニアの傷を見るたび、 図ー1
直接の動機となったのは、頑固な肩凝りの患者を診てか 目の上の傷(図2)
らだ。この患者にありとあらゆる治療を施しても効果がな オートバイや自動車事故、ケンカなど、目の上の傷もト
かった。ふと見ると盲腸の傷(15年前のものだが)がうっ ラブルメーカーである。多くは頭痛、首のコリ(天柱あた
すら赤くなっていたので、ためしに軽く切皮したところ、 り)などの膀胱経上に沿った症状を訴えて来る。このあた
石のような肩がみるみるうちに柔らかくなっていった。そ りに傷がある場合、必ずといってよいほど傷に癒着があ
ういえば右肩の方が異常に凝っていたのだが。彼女は「肩 る。傷はふつう深くないが、ほとんどが事故による傷や、
凝りも同じくらいの時期から始まった」と言った。古傷の 思いがけない傷のためか、治りも早い。
診患者には、何が主訴であろうと「外傷はありますか?」 図ー2
「手術の経験は?」と必ず聞くことにしている。なぜなら 治験例1
これがあると、他の治療の邪魔になるからである。時た 患者:女性。46才。
ま、肉眼では発見できないところに古傷をもっている人が ビオラをひく音楽家。
いるから、必ず聞くことにしている。 症状:自律神経失調
古傷治療の楽しさは、その主訴が古傷と関係あると刺鍼 症。首、肩のコリ、冷
後1秒で主訴が変化したり、また古傷の癒着が完治する前 え症。鬱病。11才の時、兄とケンカ。ケンカのはずみで兄
に、主訴は消失する点にある。思いがけない主訴、特に痛 のサンダルで左の眉のはしにあたり出血した。傷は浅かっ
みが全くかけ離れた古傷治療で消失する。古傷の癒着が完 たが、以後今日に至るまで兄とはあまりいい関係ではな
全にとれると、主訴は戻ってこない。 い。
すべての古傷が癒着を起こしているとは限らないが、私 治療:私はいつものように古傷治療で首のコリを消失し
の経験上、 ようと寸3の一番鍼を軽く切皮するや、彼女は突然震えだ
1.傷の色が場所によって違う。赤いところ、赤黒いと し涙をこぼしたので「鍼を取りましょうか」と言うと彼女
ころがある。 は「11才の時のサンダルがふわっと見え、その時のサンダ
2.傷あとがきれいでなく、凸凹がある。 ルの恐怖が突然よみがえった」と言う。1∼2分置鍼した
3.傷全体がひろがって、ケロイド状を呈している。 が、震えが止まらないので抜鍼する。それでも首のコリは

July 1995 51

半減していた。3日後、2回目の治療の時に、彼女は「あの がないのではないか」という感じ。このことを主治医(ホ
夜、ケンカしたときの夢を見た」と言う。同様の治療をし ームドクター)に言ったら、精神科医にまわされそうにな
てくれと言うので、また同じ古傷に刺鍼。この時以来、震 ったとのこと。
えは起きなかった。鼻治療とこのサンダル古傷治療で、首 治療:首の傷、前斜角筋、欠盆穴の1センチくらい上を
のコリ、鬱病、兄への恐怖がとれた。3回治療して、家族 押すと、ひびくように痛いと言う。これを軽くマッサージ
に会いに行った彼女は、兄の顔を見て35年ぶりに微笑むこ しながら、首や肩のかたいところを押すと痛くないと言
とが出来たそうだ。 う。古傷が癒着を起こし、鎖骨下動脈と腕神経叢圧迫によ
同様の治療例で、4才の時、ドーベルマン犬に前足で同 り、酸欠を起こしたのではないかと診断した。傷の下に軽
じような場所を引っかかれて4針縫った女性(現在41才) く置鍼。15分後、肩や首をさわってみるとかたくない。
を治療したが、古傷治療5回で「もう犬を見ても恐くな 「頭の圧迫感が半減したような感じ」と言った。その後4
い」と言っていた。 回の治療にて完治。

治験例2 治験例2
患者:男性。42才、大工。 患者:男性。24才。ギターリスト。
症状:腰痛。オートバイ事故で目頭上に傷あり。15才の 症状:左の胸鎖乳突筋に異常な痛み。首が回らない。ギ
時、オートバイが転がって、とがった石でケガをした。腎 ターをひくと10分で激痛。医者より筋肉弛緩剤と痛み止め
兪あたりにかたい硬結あり。これがかたくなると腰痛を起 をもらうが変化なし。「ギターを1カ月ひかないと、クビ
こす。腰が弱いといつも思っていたと言う。傷を押すと痛 になる。何とかならないか」と来院。
いという。「こんな昔の傷がまだ押すと痛いなんて」と言 5年前、右の鎖骨を自動車事故にて骨折。「完全治癒し
って不思議がる。 た」と医者は言った。
治療:三回の治療で癒着消失。腎兪の硬結も消失。1回 治療:外傷はないが右の鎖骨が腫れているように見えた
目より腰が軽くなり、硬結は半減してしまった。 ので、右鎖骨を触診すると右穴盆下鎖骨上に圧痛あり。こ
同様の傷で、頭頂部の頭痛、首の痛みなど、2∼3回で完 こを軽くマッサージしながら、左胸鎖乳突筋を押してみる
治している。また頑固な坐骨神経痛もこの古傷治療で治し と、まったく痛みなし、と言う。切皮程度に刺鍼。1回目
たこともある。傷が浅いためか、鼻中隔彎曲よりもずっと で70%痛み消失。2回目で完治。
首の傷(図3 ) 症状:バイオリンを2時間ひくと、肩、首、腕が痛くなる。
甲状腺腫、甲状腺癌、または鎖骨の骨折等による外傷。 治療:首を診ると、顎の下にタコ(バイオリンダコ)が
胸鎖乳突筋を切るためか、自律神経失調症等の訴えが多 ある。ここを押すと肩、首の圧痛点がゆるむ。3回の治療
い。例えば、動悸、息切れ、怒りっぽい等。この下を走る (皮内針も使用)。現在4時間ひいても大丈夫。しかしタ
迷走神経が緊張を起こすのか、手術後、便秘、ガスがたま コが完全にとれたわけではないので、1カ月に2回、タコを
りやすい。またガスがでない、胃がもたれやすい、呑酸が ゆるめる鍼をすることに決めた。同様のタコ治療で他のバ
でやすくなったなどの主訴を聞く。 イオリニストの不眠症、首の痛みを取った(皮内針は入っ
前中斜角筋を切ったためか、 たままであるが)。
図ー3 斜角筋症候群(肩の痛み、首、
特に後ろ、肘や手の痛み、後頭 お腹の傷(図4)
部の頭痛、頭がボンヤリといっ (1)帝王切開、卵巣摘出、手術痕治療
た鎖骨下動脈支配下の部位)に これはアメリカで最もよくみる傷の一つである。卵巣摘
症状が出現する。 出は、世界で最も多い国だそうである。この腹の傷治療の
治験例1 しゃみと同時にでてくる、腹にガスがたまって苦しい、手
患者:女性。53才。主婦。 術後の便秘、原因不明の腹痛等の多くの症状を治してい
症状:4年前から、強度の肩、首のコリで頭に帽子をか る。腹筋を弱くするためか、腰痛はとても多い。特に膀胱
ぶされた上、圧迫される感じ。甲状腺手術は10年前、腫瘍 の症状に共通していえるのは、図4Bの傷痕で、恥骨の上
をとったとのこと。頭が締めつけられるような後は思考力 まで傷がある場合、必ずと言ってよいほど、患者から訴え
がにぶり、何も考えられずボーッとしている。「脳に酸素 を聞く。

52 July 1995

図ー4 た。足三里と曲泉あたりに牽引のための傷痕あり。これ以
A B 降、下腿の部分は痛い、若しくは弱いのどちらかで、趣味
また同じ場所を3回ぐらい切る(帝王切開で3人の子を生 カーに明け暮れている。驚いたことに、足の膝下陰維に浮
んだ等)と、癒着がかたくロープのようで1番鍼ではたち き出ていた静脈が1週間でほとんど消えてしまった。
とれないと3点バイパスコードとスパークでゆるめるよう (2)手術痕はないが、数回くり返すことによる古傷
にしている。たとえば、図4Aの場合、圧痛点を3点傷上 これは指圧の恩師、四国の久染直一氏に習ったことであ
より捜し、まんなかに黒クリップ、もっと痛い部位に緑ク るが、捻挫をくり返すと同側のお腹の脾経上に圧痛ができ
リップ、次に痛い部位に赤クリップでスパークををかけ る。脾経上45度の角度で正中線に向けて押すと、必ず圧痛
る。ロープのような癒着は、鍼のみでは時間がかかりすぎ がある。この圧痛は腸骨筋と大腸の堺であり、腰痛や腸の
る。ヘソのまわりの傷の癒着は特に坐骨神経痛、腰痛と関 問題、便秘しやすい、ガスがでにくい等の症状を起こす。
係が深く思われる。 胆経上の丘墟、臨泣あたりに腫れた圧痛があったら、ここ
(2)虫垂炎の治療 損傷と思われる。これを治さないと胆経に沿った疾患があ
これは頑固な肩コリ、回盲弁のスパズム(ガスがたまる らわれる。例えば、側頭痛、鼠径靭帯の弛みなどである。
と、右下腹痛が起こること)、腰痛、また1例だったが、 スポーツマン、ダンサー等に多い。
間の心悸亢進がピタリと止まったことがある。 (3)手術痕ではないが、足内反と外反による長期慢性
(3)鼠径ヘルニアの手術痕 ハイヒールをはく女性に多い。これがあると、坐骨神経
腰痛、大腿部に走る痛み、下肢のだるさが主。ここで、 痛、仙骨の歪み、仙腸関節の圧痛、腓腹筋の痙攣、膝の問
頚椎の損傷で来た患者を2例あげる。2人共、手術の1ケ月 題などきりがない。また幼児期よりこのように内反、外反
くらい前にやって来て、ヘルニアの刺鍼のみで完治。二人 を持っていると脊椎の彎曲を悪化させる。
首の頚椎の手術は、100%安全とは医者は言わず「何が 治療:先ずいすに座ら
起きても手術後の責任は一切おわない」といった類のペー 図ー5 せて、内反または外反を
パーにサインをしなければ医者も手術を行わない。「治し 手でまっすぐに矯正す
たいのはやまやまだが、危険を伴うので」と患者。わらを る。矯正したときに、こ
もつかむ気持ちで、来院した。共に30代の男で、ヘルニア のままの姿勢で照海を圧
の手術の話は、10才以前のこと。首の症状が起きたのは、 迫(普通痛がる)する。
ここ数カ月∼数年前である。一人は3回で完治。一人は10 足をまっすぐにした時点
回ぐらい治療したが、日増しに治っていくのでキャンセル で圧迫する。例えば、坐
をした。患者の医者が驚いて電話してきたが、私には鼠径 骨神経痛の患者だと利状筋に圧痛があるので矯正前に圧痛
ヘルニアの手術痕となぜ直接頚椎の損傷と関係があるの を調べてから矯正して、照海を圧迫した時点で利状筋の圧
か、残念ながら答えられなかった。 痛を再確認させる。圧痛が50%軽くなっていたら陽性とみ
足の傷 に刺鍼。次に申脈、金門など圧痛を捜し、もう一度利状筋
(1)大腿骨折の時、牽引のために開けた傷 を押させる。もっと圧痛が減る。この時点で申脈もしくは
足の三里あたりより陰陵泉、曲泉あたりに棒を入れて牽 金門に刺鍼する。角度は流中に沿って20度くらいの斜刺で
引する。 ある。これもよく効く。私の十八番治療である。
治療例1 結語
患者:男性。26才。電気技師。 以上、傷を見つけると楽しくなって、日夜古傷を押して

July 1995 53

は癒着を捜し、癒着がとれると、他のどの症状と関連があ 数週間のことである。患者のみならず鍼灸師ですら、私が
るのかと考えると楽しくなってしまう毎日である。癒着を セミナーでデモンストレーションするまで信じてくれな
いかに早く治すかが、今後の私のテーマである。 い。公衆の面前で2∼3回、臨床を実際に見せて初めて信じ
「古傷ありますか?」と聞いても即答できない人が多い てくれる。セミナーにでた人は喜んで追試して、いい結果
こと。特に幼児の時の古傷など、まったく忘れてしまっ をだしてくれている。ただし驚くような即効みられるの
て、3∼4回の治療後に「そういえば母が言っていたが、私 は、内分泌疾患の無い人(甲状腺ホルモンの異常、低血
が2才の時頭をぶつけ、10針縫ったそうだ」とか「20年前 糖、糖尿など)、自律神経失調症の症状が少ない人、薬づ
スキーで尾骨を折ったが、関係あるか」とか、「なぜもっ けでない人、古傷の数が5つ以下(私は最高30カ所の手術
と早く言ってくれなかったのか」と思うことがたびたびで 痕のある60才の婦人を治療したがこれが今までで最高)の
ある。頭髪のなかとか、尾骨とかは、本人が言ってくれな 人に限られる。
いと見過ごしてしまうことがある。 翻訳:浜崎雅行

気との遭遇 PART V
本稿では特殊な脉診法について触れてみたい。これは両 を使用せずにいることは効果ある選穴法を制限しているこ
手の示指のみで脉を診ると言う点がユニークで、日本では とになる。しばらく前から日本の経絡治療の複数の流派が
気口人迎の脉診として知られ、この法を用いれば神秘的な この問題に気がつき、その流派の開祖が作った基本形式を
までの正確さをもって八祖脉を素早く決定することが出来 乗り越え改善する方法を何とか探し出そうとした。この窮
る。八祖脉とは即ち実と虚、遅と数、浮と沈、滑と嗇であ 地にあって、井上雅文氏(偉大な治療家で経絡治療の創設
る。治療家諸氏の中で、脉診を治療形態の中に既に組み込 メンバーの一人でもある井上恵理氏の子息)が、気口人迎
んでいる方であれば誰もが、この示指のみを使う脉診法を の脉診法を開発した。
第一段階として加えることで即診断の役に立つことに気付 第一段階
くであろう。どう役に立つかと言えば、脉診から得た所見 部位:気口人迎(K J)の脉の診所は両腕関節の橈骨茎状
を明瞭に分析する事ができるし、もっと的を得た治療をし 突起よりやや遠位のところにある。別の方法で説明すれば
ていくこともでき、総じて治療効果を高めることになる。 六部定位脉診の右手の肺と脾の診所の間と左手の心と肝の
この方法についての詳細にはいる前に、まずその起源と 診所の間のところにとる。図1
その後の展開について見ておきたい。両示指の脉診即ち気 第二段階
口人迎の脉診の最初の記載は三世紀ごろにでた脉診の古 右手と左手
典、王叔和による『脉経』に少し出てくる。脉をとる手指 の診所に出る
の当てるところと脉診所見が大まかに述べてあるだけで、 脉の強さを比
臨床上この所見を如何に活かすかについては何も判ってい 較しどちらが
ず、たぶんただ単に口伝とされていたのかも知れない。私 強いかを決め 人迎 心 肺
の師匠によれば気口人迎の脉診は中国、日本両国において る。例えばも 肝 脾
腎 心包
千年以上もの間鍼灸家の脉診法であった。この法は李時珍1) し右手の脉の 図ー1
の時代まで使われ、この時点で彼の二十八脉状診が両示指 方が強ければ
の法に取って代わった。李時珍の脉状診は中薬の診断によ K>とし、また同じようにもし左手の方が強ければ<Jと
く適合するようであるが、大変複雑な上に、鍼灸家には実 して表す。
際に役に立つ情報が少ないせいか、日本では鍼灸に応用す 第三段階
ることを踏まえて、八祖脉診が発展した。 中脉2)

過去においてある者は、経絡治療を批評して本治法の選 調べる。例えばもし患者の左手の脉が浮いているように感
穴が余りにも単純すぎるという点を指摘していた。様々な じれば、Kの下に棒線をひいてKとし、もし左手の人迎の

54 July 1995

部が沈んでいるように感じれば上に棒線をしてJとして表 深さ、または層を中脉という。従って中脉の深さは人によ
す。 ってそれぞれ違うものである。」首藤傳明著『Meridian
脉診所見は書いて記録することを勧める。というのは、 Therapy』より抜粋。
現す。 脉診は極めて困難なものであり、私も苦労している
人迎(左手の脉の診所)外邪による影響がこの部に投影 が、やる価値はあると思う。東洋医学の診断で得られる
される。例えばこの位置の脉が浮いているとすれば、上半 情報は極く限られたものであり、我々治療家としては、
身即ち陽の部が影響を受けていることになる。このように 診察から得る情報を総動員して何かをつかむことが必要
外邪の風、寒、暑、火、湿、燥、はこの部位で読まれる。 となる。私の脉に対するアプローチは、連続的に脉の解
さてこれから虚と遅の脉を例にとって見ていくことにす 釈を行い、その中で役に立ちそうな情報を使うことであ
る。これらの脉は患者全体の70%にみられる。 る。両側の手首の橈骨動脈で寸関尺、三部位の脉を取り
K<Jは陰気虚により外邪の風が上半身に侵入している (陰経の臓器に相当し、右の尺中は腎陽で左の尺中は腎
ことを示唆する。一般的な風邪の症状、即ち軽い頭痛、寒 陰としている)、また両手首の寸関尺の範囲の沈と浮で
気を感じ、微熱または咳が出るような症状は、たいていこ 六部位を診る(十二経脉に相当する)。または両手首の
の種の脉として見られる。 六部位は尺側から橈側へと配列する(指を垂直に圧す代
K<Jの場合は陽気虚のために外邪が侵入できたもで、 わりに水平にスライドして六部位を診る、これも十二経
肺気虚の病状にはたいていこの脉状がみられる。 脉に相当する)。そして各々の手首の寸関尺の部位で
K>Jの場合は陰気虚のために外邪の湿が侵入できたも は、右は気に左は血に応じている。この様にすれば、ま
ので、下半身に影響を及ぼしていて、肝や腎の経絡や機能 ずほとんどの患者に脉診が役に立つ。診断で役に立たな
に障害のあることがよくある。腰痛、膀胱炎、婦人科疾 くとも、治療効果を確認するのには少なくとも有用であ
患、湿症タイプの関節炎には臨床上よく遭遇する。 る。
K>Jの場合は陽気虚が湿を溜め込んだもので肥満の患 また私は帰納法的学習、すなわち未知のことを知るた
者によく見られる。 めに既知のことを使う。脉診で言えば、脉診なしに診断
陰虚か陽虚か、裏症か表症か、病状がつかめたら次の段 できた患者の脉に特別の注意を払う。例えばある患者の
階として六部常位の脉診を使ってどの経絡が一番影響を受 証が明らかに肝気鬱結であると診断できた場合には、ど
けているかを診ることができる。ここで、上記に述べた脉 の様な脉が弦脉であるのか学ぶことが出来る。
状は虚脉と遅脉のためのみであることを確認しておきた 先入観のない考え方もまた脈診で役に立つ。数年前、
い。これに加えて、全く異なる脉診所見を代表する他三組 私の患者の一人に左関上の脉が逆流しているように感じ
の脉状がある。それらは数と虚脉、実と遅脉、実と数脉で て驚いたことがある。即ち、近位部に脈を感じるよりよ
ある。これに滑と嗇の脉状を加えればさらに細分化するこ り先に、私の指の遠位部に脉の波を感じた。それはあた
とになる。 かも脉が心臓ではなく患者の手から起こっているようだ
新しいものを何でも、よく理解し活用するには、よく慣 った。帰納法的に考えて、この人には大変顕著な肝胃不
れるようにすることが必要である。特に脉診の場合はこれ 和があり、肝気が逆上していることが解っていたので、
を常に使うことが大切である。 そのときからこの種の脉は肝、胃またはその他の臓腑の
注 この逆気は、問題のある脉の部位のみに触知できるもの
1)聖人とまでされた伝説的治療家で中国民衆の英雄的 である。それ故この脉は逆脉と呼ばれる。このような一
存在であった。(1518年∼1593年) 連の方法は誰にでも役に立つもので、脉に対する見方を
2)「寸関尺の脉の診所で全部が一番はっきりと触れる もう一つ加えることになる。

July 1995 55

脉 診 の 価 値
私は治療する際には必ず脉診に注意している。脉診がどのよ 片側だけとし、このケースの場合は左の太淵と尺沢、左の束骨
うに治療とその結果に影響するかを明らかにする症例を上げる と至陰を使った。一つのコードで太淵は赤クリップ、尺沢は黒
ことは、非常に簡単なことだと思っていた。しかし、どの症例 クリップとし、他方のコードでは至陰は赤クリップ、束骨は黒
を選ぼうかと考えたとき、抜き出すことが実に難しいことだと クリップとした。2
認識した。つまり、私は常に脉診を私の診断の主要かつ本質的 しかし彼の症状についてまだ何か懸念があった。私は彼の肺
なもとして使用し、どのような治療をするか決定している。脉 の部分の診断で普段の彼の弱点が肺にあることと、肺経の時間
診なしの治療はどのようなものであるか?効果があるか無いか に彼が目を覚ますことの関係を理解したが、私が理解したかっ
どうして判定するか?このような質問に答えは出せないが、脉 たのは、彼の症状と膀胱がどのように関連しているのかという
診がどう働くか、私が知っていることを書いてみる。 ことだった。彼の膀胱の脉や、募穴、ふくらはぎの対応区等い
10年前に教訓を得た症例がある。慢性気管支炎の女性を、肺 ろいろなことがらがあって、何も重要なことがないはずはなか
経のツボを繰り返し使って治療していたのだが、私は壁に向か った。私は膀胱経に関するどんな小さなことでも聞き出そうと
って頭を(いや鍼かもしれない)うち続けているようなものだ した。そして彼の尿がこの2週間、褐色になっていることをつ
った。結局、脉診をしてはっきりと彼女の状態を表している肝 かみだした。このことは私にまだ診断されていない膀胱や腎臓
経の虚を治療をしたら、慢性気管支炎はすぐ緩解した。脉を無 の病気があるのではないかと思わせたので、私は彼に主治医に
視することなど、二度とできなくなった。 会うことの重要性を強調し、私に経過を知らせるように頼ん
それ以来、間中喜雄式や福島弘道・首藤伝明式の五行を使っ だ。結果的には鍼灸で、彼の睡眠と尿道の病気の両方が解決し
たやり方に傾倒している。五行式の経絡治療は完全に脉診に依 ていた。3日後、彼のドクターが診察しても、何の症状もなく尿
拠しているが、同様に私は間中式で脉診を使う。私の経験や私 の検査も正常であった。それは3カ月半前のことだったが、彼は
どもの勉強会で、適切な脉診がどんな違いを生み出すか、また また風邪の症状を治すために、私に会いに来ることだろう。
治療中いかに迅速にフィードバックをするかということをみて 今まで述べた症例は私が学んだ脉診の一部であるが、これら
きた。特別な研究会では、脉診で身体に何が起こっているのか の症例や私の診断を通して、脉が何を伝え、それが臨床でいか
を見つけることで、治療が正治か誤治かを判定するのに計り知 に有用であるかを読者の皆さんに理解していただくことが出来
れないほどの評価をしている。私は脉診で選穴されたただ一穴 れば幸せである。
が、患者の脉やその延長として患者の自覚にとんでもない違い 注:参考文献は英語版を参照。
特殊な症状にだけ鍼灸を選んでいた。普段は年に何度か風邪と 表紙説明

56 July 1995


「治そうとするから治らない。治さなきゃ治る。」こ 要なだけの施術と言っても、これを掌握するのは容易では
の言葉は、私が福島弘道先生の下で修行しているとき ないでしょう。多分すべての治療家が日夜努力をしている
に、よく諭された言葉です。それから次のようにも言わ と思います。例えば、柳谷素霊氏の一本鍼伝等は、たった
れました。「鍼を刺すから治らない。刺さなきゃ治 一本の鍼で治してしまおうとという鍼灸師の希望が見えま
る。」どうでしょう?私は鍼灸師です。患者に鍼をする す。
ことによって、病気を治そうとします。そのために鍼灸 私たち東洋医学会では、特殊症状ではなくすべての患者
学校に入学し、どれほど時間を費やしたでしょう。それ の病症に対応できる「経絡治療」というシステムを開発し
が私の存在価値だったのです。それを「鍼を刺すな。治 てきています。その中心的開発ツールは、「小里方式」と
すな。」だからどうしようもありません。手も足もでな いう脉診によるフィードバック法です。これは施術中、第
いとは、まさにこのとおりです。 三者が患者の脉を診ながら、施術者の選穴.手技等の是非
しかし治療院には、毎日約100人の患者が詰めかけ、 を瞬時に施術者に報告.指導していくのです。その目的
寝台に次から次へと上がり苦しみを訴えてくるのです。 は、それぞれの患者に対し何が必要で何が余計か、研究し
私の担当は20人を越えていました。考え込んでいる間な ていくことです。この方法で、約35年1000余名の学会員
どありません。私はただただ師匠のまねをしていまし が研究を重ねてきました。結果としての現在の治療システ
た。師匠の指導法は「学ぶは、まねべ。」でしたから。 ムは、無駄をずいぶん取り除いたため、非常にわかり易く
普通、一人の治療時間は20∼30分以内だったからあま 施術の量も限りなく少なくなってきました。上記のノウハ
りあらが見えなかったようでしたが、忙しい中にもやは ウを駆使すれば、初心者でもかなり早く名人の域に上達し
り暇なときがあります。時間的に余裕があったときに問 ていくことになります。
題がおきたのです。そう、気が緩んでしまう、そして、 しかし、欠点もあるようです。あまりにも簡単、施術量が
つい欲が出てくるのです。そうすると肩とか指先に無駄 少ないために多くの入門者は疑いを持つようです。多分、ズ
な力が入りますし、俄然、鍼数も増えてくるのです。 ブズブ.ギャーギャーと私がそうだったように、鍼灸学校で
あの時、あの鍼が効いたからとかあれやこれやと。患 接した技術がすべてだと思っているのでしょうか。
者は、時間をかけ鍼をたくさんやってくれるから、有り 次に、古の教えをひもといて、最近の臨床の中から表題
難いと思っています。しかし、努力したつもりの割には に対し、印象に残ってる治療を上げてみます。鍼灸のバイ
少しも良くならないのです。疲れるばかりか、後でかえ ブルとして、よく引用される「素問の金匱真言論」の中
って悪くなるときがあります。そういう時患者の状態は に、鍼灸にたずさわる者の金科玉条として、次のような言
良くならず、脈だけが治療オーバーを示す浮、散、数を 葉があります。
表していました。 「信なければ授けることなかれ、人にあらざれば教える
この状態を師匠が見逃すはずはありません。そして次 ことなかれ。」また、「鍼をするときは無念無想、空の意
のように言われたのです。「きみの治療は親切のひきた 識になってしなさい。」
おしです。ローカの掃除だったら、やればやるほどきれ すでに私たちは、人として鍼灸を授かっています。これ
いになるが治療はそうじゃない。効かない鍼をいくら刺 は将来に向かって、本来の人としての道を歩く者として授
しても治らない。鍼を刺すから治らない。刺さなきゃ治 かったものと思います。今後とも鍼灸の奥義を極めるため
るんだ。治そうとするから治らない。治さなきゃ治 には、更に心の修養を続けていく必要があるようです。
治療をやってくれるのです. 症例1
それから、すでに10年以上の修行の日々が過ぎていま 患者 32歳、男性、鍼灸治療の経験なし、MDの紹
すが、この諭しに対して未だに上手に応えられそうにな 介
いようです。まだまだでしょうが、毎日の臨床を通して 問診 症状 3 day history of cough, wheezing low
少しずつ気づかさせ頂いています。確かにその患者に必 grade temp and blooded ears. He was diag
要なだけの施術をすれば、病は自然と治っていくとおし nosed with Acute otitis and (R)lower lobe
ゃっているのだと思います。ですがそれぞれの患者に必 broncho pneumonia by MD.

July 1995 57

特に左耳の聴力は50%ぐらいしか聞こえず耳 そうなどと思わず、一本一本の鍼を失敗しないよう、心し
鳴りがする。みみだれがひどく、医者からチ て治療したことが良かったのだと思う。証、方一致し専心
ュウブを挿入する手術も必要といわれる。 した結果がいかに治癒をもたらしてくれるかを。
望診 中肉、身長163センチ、栄養状態良、やや浅
黒い顔色、非常に不安そうな表情。 症例2
聞診 小声で少し細かく低く濁る。商音か羽音。 患者 47才、女性。
切診 皮膚は肌理が細かい。 問診 2年前より左50肩を患い、前腕が水平以上に
腹診 全体に軟弱、特に下腹部が虚。腎と脾の診所 挙がらず動作痛、また夜間痛があり、投薬を
虚。 受けている。
脉診 脈状やや沈にして虚、やや数、細、濡、中脉 望診 太っている、色は白いが少し煤けて見える。
に堅さあり。比較脉診で腎が最も虚、 つい 聞診 声はやや低く濁っている。商音と診る。
で脾虚、腎と小腸に虚勢の邪。 切診 脉状診は、やや浮にして弱、少し渋を帯び
診断 上記の診察を総合して、腎虚脾虚相剋、とも る。陽経全体に虚勢の邪を、また、中脉に堅
に補う証としました。 さを感じる。
治療 左翳風、左聴宮付近の皮下にキョロ(局所的 比較脉診は、腎が最も虚、次いで肺虚。肝に
な浮腫)を感じる所にステンレス寸 3、1 虚勢に邪実 (堅)。
号を約1∼2ミリ刺入。本治法治療中、約7分 切経 左肩三焦経、大腸経、肺経沿いに動作痛と筋
留置。 の堅さ、皮膚の枯燥をみる。
本治法は、右復溜、右尺沢、左太白に銀寸3、2号にて補 腹診 全体に虚満、皮膚表面が枯燥している。
法。補法の後、腎、肺、 脾の脉位の虚が改善されたこと 証決定 以上考察の結果、肺虚肝実、虚性75難型の証
を確認。脉状においても細脉が太く充実し、濡脉の重い感 (訳注参照)とする。
じが軽くなる。胃と小腸に虚勢の邪が強く触れるようにな 治療 本治法の前に腹部(中完、関元、天枢)に接
る。よってステンレス寸3、2号にて光明、支正に補中の瀉 触補鍼。
法(堅)にて施術し邪気をとる。上記の瀉法にて陰経、陽 本治法は、右復溜、尺沢に補法。左太衝に補中の瀉法、
経ともにバランスのとれた和緩のある脉となる。 堅テクニックを施す。脉診しなおし肝の邪気がとれ、陰経
標治法は、はじめに留置しておいた鍼を抜き俯せにす が調ったのを確認する。豊隆、左遍歴、左支正、外関に補
る。背部の虚している所に補的接触散鍼を加え終わる。左 中の瀉法(枯)。中脉の堅さがとれ陰陽調和の脉となる。
留置鍼の後にマグレインを貼付。 標治法は、左ナソ部(鎖骨上窩及び側頚部)、肩、上腕
2回目の治療ー5日後 部の虚している所に、補的接触散鍼を注意深く施術。施術
来院、開口一番が面白かった。「このあいだは、何をし 部位の皮膚に艶と張りが出たところで止める。この段階で
たんだ。」と聞かれたのです。私は一瞬不安になりました 患者に座ってもらい、症状を確かめてもらう。水平以上挙
が、「鍼をしました。どうしましたか?」と聞いたら、 がらなかった腕が、水平より45度痛みなしで挙がる。普通
「良くなった。」と言うのです。「どれくらい良くなっ はこの後、背部兪穴等の虚実の調整をするのだが、欲を出
た?」と聞くと、「酷かった耳だれが36時間後までに完全 さず治療終了とした。
に止まり、難聴も80%以上良くなり、耳鳴りも消えた。」 患者が帰るときに質問した。「私には、こんなに良くな
とのことである。話を聞いていると肺炎様の風邪も治って ったのは奇跡のようだ。この効果は一時的なのか、ずっと
いるようである。 続くのか?」。私は「勿論、イエス。奇跡でもマジックで
以後2回、前回同様な治療を加えて完治。 もなく、治るべくして治っているのだから当然効果は続き
考察 この患者は、鍼灸を信じていなかったようで ます。」と答えた。私自身、本当は自信がなかったのです
ある。また、初診の時は非常に忙しく、多分診察を含めて が、そう答えてしまったのです。
20分で治療を終わっている。刺鍼手技は、2本のごく浅い 2回目の治療ー2日後
留置鍼以外は接触鍼で、刺入鍼を含めほぼ無痛である。初 来院するなり腕を上げて、前回の治療後と同じ状態で痛
診の治療後、患者にとって脉以外に症状は改善されていな みなく挙がることを見せてくれる。夜間痛もなくなった
かったのであるから、当然、患者は何をされたのか分から と、とても喜んでいる。
ず、びっくりしたに違いない。 治療 前回と同様。治療後腕は、更に80度ぐらいま
私にとってとても勉強になった。時間がほとんどなく治 で挙がるようになった。頭を寄せると耳が少し腕につく。

58 July 1995

痛みなし。 を思い出しました。開業鍼灸師として一生懸命限りなく努力
3回目の治療ー4日後 していても食えない時代を越え、今日には、日に100人もの
腕が耳につくまで挙がるようになり、夜間痛が全く消え 治療をしながら、学会を組織し、3000人ともいえる経絡治療
た。 家を育ててきた先生の名言なのだと思います。つくづく感謝
治療 前回と同様。肩に少し堅さはあるが、後は軽く のおもいに目頭が熱くなるとともに、自分の至らなさに奥歯
運動させることとして、全治とした。約1年後、レストラン を噛みしめずにはいられません。
で彼女が私を見つけ、まだ奇跡は続いていると挨拶した。 以上、師匠の言葉とともに、鍼灸臨床に際していつも注意
考察 非常にうまくいった症例だが、とにかく施術は していることと、目標と勉強になった症例を上げました。皆
軽い。すべての刺鍼技術は接触鍼法であり、取穴後も肩の接 さんのお役に立てば幸いです。また、皆さんとともに勉強、
触散鍼以外極めて少なく、施術時間も1穴につき10秒内外で 鍼灸の道を歩んでいけることを幸せに思っています。
まったという感じである。また治療中、不思議な感じであっ 注:刺鍼技術に関しては、北米東洋医学誌(Vol.2,No4 July,
たことを覚えている。普通はどうすれば治るだろうと少しは 1995) の中田光亮氏「東洋はり方式における基本刺鍼」を参
考えるが、このときは何も考えず、治っても治らなくてもい 照。
いという気持ちでいたことを覚えている。何となく、治療家 訳注:75難に記されている証は、普通実証とみなされてい
として冷たいような、治療したという実感があまりしない、 るが、東洋はり医学会の中ではこれに対応する虚証性のもの
いわゆる肩すかしを食らったような感じでした。それが良か が認められている。
「何もしないで患者を帰す勇気を持て」 最後にこの言葉



指圧とコンピューター 積みされたときの辛さは良く身にしみている。またストレ
ラップトップ・コンピューター、携帯電話、ペイジャ スが溜まったり、日課である気の体操をサボった時など
ー、またその他の電化器具があまりに急増し、それによっ は、コンピューターの仕事をすると変な反応が起こるのを
て起こるEMI(電磁場障害)が心臓ペースメイカーを混 経験した。画面が回ったり、光が消えたり、指先の下に有
乱させたり、電動車椅子をまるで幽霊が運転しているかの ったはずのキー消えてなくなったりするのだ。
様に勝手に動きださせたりするのも当然のこととなった。 私はまた禅指圧の治療家、教師としてコンピューターの
モントリオールに住む私の生徒が最近話してくれたことに 画面に向い座って仕事する人々の日々の困難さが解るよう
は、地下鉄線近くの家々で、奇妙にも独りでに機械化した になった。
ガレージの戸が開閉し、テレビのチャンネルが変わったり 米国ではコンピューターによる手や腕の傷害が労災保険
するとのことである。原因は何かって?今度新しく電車に 請求の全体の40%に及んでいる。ベルリンで開いている私
設置された超高感度のドア。 の指圧教室に参加した生徒で、健康保険業に携わる人の話
もしEMIが目に見えてそんな危害を及ぼすなら、我々 によれば、ドイツではコンピューターを使って仕事をする
の人体の経絡、気にはどんな影響があるのか? 人々の50%が何らかのコンピューターによる傷害を訴えて
コンピューターのスクリーンの前で何時間も釘付けにな いるとのことである。欧米で私が取材した眼科医は皆、コ
ったことのある人には私の言う意味がお解り頂けると思 ンピューターによる眼疲労の症例が増加していることを報
う。積み重なるストレスによる傷害にともない、腰痛、頭 告し、患者に出来るだけ頻繁に画面から目をそらすように
痛、頚部の緊張によって気が遠くなったり、ぼんやりとし 指導していると聞いた。ドイツの労働法ではコンピュータ
たり、偏頭痛の前兆のように視覚が歪んだり、吐き気がし ーを使う人は1時間毎に10分の休憩を取ることが求めら
たりといった気分になる。気に関する症候が皆おかしくな れ、日本でもこれと似た予防処置がとられている。
る。 自分の仕事の経験からコンピューターを使う人向けに一
私はプロの作家、記者としてコンピューターの仕事が山 組の体操を考案した。これはまた中国伝統医学、日本古典

July 1995 59

医学に携わる読者の皆さんが、コンピューターを使う患者 びをして身体を伸ばし、頚の後を圧迫し、両肩を寄せ、風
さんに教えることも出来るかと思う。 池、肩井、天柱に圧迫を加える。背骨の両側を拳で刺激
コンピューターを使う前後には、気功、太極拳などと並 し、手足、手足の指を曲げ伸ばしする。靴を脱いで膝の上
んで簡単な気のストレッチ法、体操法などをするとよい。 に片足を交互にのせ、拳で足の裏を押さえる。
自分の電磁場の均衡を保つために、自分自信が気の輪の 足三里を使って足にも気を入れる。手の三焦経に添って
中に居ることを想像し、コンピューターとプリンターを 指圧し、(もし増永の経絡をご存じであれば)足の三焦経
(私はこれらを各々テルマとルイーズと名付けた)別の気 にも指圧する。私は三焦経はとても有効だと思う。時差や
の輪で囲む。私が実行している日々の体操(ヨガ、気、ウ 気候や標高の変化に対処しやすくしてくれる。私の身体の
エイトトレーニング、ハイキング)の他には、風池、肩 免疫力も高め、旅行のストレスを緩和させてくれる。
井、天柱、瞳子りょう、睛明、攅竹を刺激するとよいこと トイレの順番を待っているときなども上手く活用し、手
が解った。腰痛予防には腎兪、会陽、太谿、昆侖を刺激す 足をよく伸ばす。旅行の時は身体から水分が蒸発しがちで
る。頻繁に肩を回し、上げ下げすることも大切である。 あるので水をよく飲み、手や顔にはモイスチャライザーを
手首の凝りを予防するには、指を曲げたり組んだり伸ば 塗るようにする。
したりし、または水車のように両手首を交互に上下させて ブリティッシュ・エアウエイズでは旅行者のためにリラ
回す。壁に移る自分の影を使ってダンスを創作するのもよ クセイションと瞑想のチャンネルを提供し、便利な体操の
い。ここで大切なことは体操を出来るだけ愉快に行うこと 本もある。もっと他の航空会社も同じものを用意できない
で、音楽に合わせてやってもよい。 ものかと思う。
私は自分の患者に、鉛筆をとって紙の上に自分の痛みを 到着したときは出来るだけ早く日に当たるようにし、体
描いてみることをすすめていることから、自分でもそれを 操もする。(仕事のミーティングの前などでも、ちょっと
実行し、長時間コンピューターを使った後、自分の目がど 近辺を軽く歩くだけでもよい。)日に当たることと体操は
のようになるかを漫画にして描いてみた。その漫画に添え 自分の生体時計を合わすのに役立つ。そして朝食時にでも
て目の体操と便利な経穴についても書き加えた。 到着した場合には一通りに普段と変わりなく朝食をする。
最後に、私は指圧以外の分野での自分の仕事や生活を最 (ちょっとしたフルーツとお茶だけでもよい)これもまた
大限に発展させるべく、指圧の知識をそれに応用し、合理 新しい時間圏に自分を合わすのに役立つ。
化させることを多く学んだといえる。自分で実際に体験 もし飛行機に乗れなかったり、乗り継ぎが出来なかった
し、解決したことを様々な国にいる私の生徒や患者に教え り、電気あらしなどで空港に缶詰になったようなときは、
ていけば、大いに意義あることと思っている。様々な国と 出来るだけ歩き身体を伸ばすようにする。思ったよりも身
いえば次に時差ボケについてお話しする。 体を活性化でき驚く事もあろう。
指圧と時差ボケ も飛行中でも)私が身体を伸ばしたり、セルフ指圧をした
私はよく旅行をし、自分の全人生は三大陸(北アメリ りしているのを見て興味を抱き、教えてくれと頼まれるこ
カ、ヨーロッパ、南アフリカ)に股がっていて、最近では とがよくある。私は一人の男が飛行中の恐怖感に悩まされ
クラスで教えるために街を点々として過ごしている。私も るのを内関と労宮を同時に押さえ助けたことがあり、彼に
指圧を習って飛行機の中で行うあるテクニックを試すまで はこれからも飛行機に乗るときにはどうすればよいかを教
は時差ボケに悩まされた。私の最長飛行時間はニューヨー えてあげた。内関と労宮は旅行中吐き気がするときにも役
クからケープタウンまでの24時間である。季節が逆になる に立つ。しかし本当に吐きそうになり吐いてはいけない時
ので真冬から真夏の国に到着し、夜の睡眠時間が無くなり には天枢を押さえる。すぐに効くだろう。
数時間先へ飛び越すことになる。最初に1時間毎に5分か もちろんコンピューター作業や時差ボケなどで目がおか
ら10分の瞑想をすることはとても良いことが解った。季節 しくなったとき、ただ自己指圧だけすればよいのではな
の移り変わりを思い浮かべ、自分の心を春から夏へ速送り い。患者や生徒にいつも言うように、私達の気が充実する
にしていく。そうすれば強い日差しの気候の中に入っても ためにいくつかのテクニックを我々の日常生活に取り入れ
良く備えが出来ているからである。同じようなテクニック て一つにするべきなのである。

60 July 1995

「Chasing the Dragon's Tail」 拍手喝采を送りたい。(JM記)
Paradigm Publications, 1995
らいで、有名な「X信号系」、「八分画対立性の理 パメラ・ファーガソン著 Perigee Books, 1995
法」はいうに及ばず「間中の腹診」また「平田帯」、 この最新の自己指圧のハンドブックは、だれの本棚に
「本田式のふくらはぎの診断法」や「O−リングテス 置いても良い本である。これは一般向けの本で、指圧の
ト」、「作用子」、「ホログラフィック・パラダイム」 概念と技術を分かりやすく書いてある。現代的な問題、
等、間中医学独特の興味ある内容を網羅している。 例えばテクノ・ストレスや時差ボケ(これについては本
また本誌でバーチ氏により紹介された「間中の陰陽バ 号の記事を参照)から家族や老人のためにする簡単な治
ランス療法」も、多くの図や表を用いて詳細に解説され 療を説明している。図や写真をふんだんに盛り込んであ
ているので、この部分だけでも必読の価値がある。また り、指圧や体操などのやり方が明確に書いてある。指圧
いろいろな症例が50頁にもわたり、詳しいデータと共に 以外に、健康や生活を改善する手助けとなるアドバイス
書かれていて臨床の参考になる。付録の部では、間中・ もたくさんある。そして一番魅力的なのは、これらは長
板谷組のリサーチが紹介されていて、ここでは易や数学 年世界中を駆け回って指圧を教えた著者の実体験の中か
までも用いて鍼灸の世界にアプローチしている。この本 ら書かれたことだ。患者に薦めていい本であり、また治
はただの鍼灸解説書ではなく、まさに天才間中博士の面 療家にとっても、一般の人向けにいかに生活改善など指
目躍如とした「金匱」であり、我々がどのようにこの本 導するかヒントを与えてくれる。
を使いこなすか、逆に使いこなせずねを上げるか、間中 数ある指圧の本の中でも、この本は分かりやすく、実
先生は霊界通信で常に見ておられるに違いない。 践しやすい。近頃多くの人は健康法などの本を買い、読
まさに「間中の魂、百までも」とでも言いたくなる本 まないで積んで置くことがあるが、この本は必ず読まれ
であるが、このような本を世に送り出された間中先生、 利用されるだろう。待合い室に一冊備えて、患者の健康
板谷先生、バーチ先生そしてボブ・フェルト氏に心より 増進に役立てるとよい。(SB記)

July 1995 61



今日、職場及び家庭におけるコンピューターの普及率 調和状態”としてとらえ、それに適した経穴を選択治療す
は毎年幾何数的に延びているようですが、それに伴って ることでしょう。具体的には私は上記の諸症状・疾患に対
コンピューター作業に起因する色々な症状・疾患が新た して大体次のようなツボをパターンとして常用します。
な社会医療問題としてクローズアップされています。統 (1)手首の腱鞘炎と頚肩腕症候群が主体の場合ー肩
計によると、アメリカではコンピューター作業が起因と 井、天りょう、天宗、巨骨、肩ぐう、前肩ぐう、臑兪、曲
される腕・手首の腱鞘炎等の筋肉・骨格系疾患に限って 池、手三里、四とく、外関、陽池、陽谿、合谷、げき門、
みても、過去10年で770%も増加、そしてそれによる労災 大陵。
保険請求額は年間20億ドルにも達するとのことです。実 (2)目の症状と頭痛が主体の場合ー百会、天柱、風
際、この状況を裏付けるように、我々鍼灸師を訪れる患 池、客主人、角孫、膏肓、膈兪、肝兪。これらに腎兪、気
者層にもコンピュターによる職業病を主訴とするものが 海兪、大腸兪、足三里あるいは三陰交を補足することも多
年々増えていることを皆様も既にお気づきのことと思い い。
ます。 一般に患者は(1)の症状を主訴として鍼灸師を訪れる
現在、コンピューター職業病として最も問題になって 場合がほとんどですが、多かれ少なかれ(2)の症状をも
いるのは、毎日長時間キーボードを打ち続けることが原 伴っているのが普通ですので、これらすべてのツボを同時
因の手指関節炎、手首の腱鞘炎、上腕及び前腕の疼痛・ 使用することになります。こうしてみるとかなりの多数穴
しびれ、そして頚や肩の強度の凝りであります。そして となりドーゼ過剰の心配がありますが、症状とその程度に
その予防対策として人間工学的観点から“作業時の姿勢 合わせて針と灸を適宜に使い分け、全体の治療は30分前後
をどう正しく保つか”を中心にキーボードタイピング時 で終了するようにしています。(針は寸3の二番、灸は半
の正確な腕と手首の位置に関して色々論じられているの 米粒大)
が現状でしょう。しかし、問題はこれら筋肉・骨格系の また、前腕と手首の腱鞘炎は正中神経及び橈骨神経の支
異常のみに限定されるわけではなく、ディスプレイスク 配区域を中心に発症するのが普通なので、それらの神経支
リーンを長時間凝視することによる眼精疲労、目の充 配区域の要穴である手三里、四とく、陽谿、陽池に皮内鍼
血、視力低下、眼球痛及び頭痛といった症状も決して無 を固定しておくと非常な効果があります。
視できないコンピューター職業病であります。 上記のような鍼灸治療の他に、患者自身が日頃のコンピ
コンピューター作業時の正しい姿勢が上記の症状・疾 ューター作業時に留意することとして、正しい姿勢と手の
患の予防にとって重要であることは言うまでもありませ 置き具合の工夫についての具体的アドヴァイスと、1∼2時
んが、問題は手首の腱鞘炎や頚肩腕症候群がいったん発 間おきに手を休めて行うべき簡単な体のストレッチング法
症すると抗炎症剤や鎮痛剤の服用、患部へのコーチゾン や目の周囲、こめかみ、そして頚、肩から腕にかけての自
注射あるいは手首固定用のストラップないしスプリント 己指圧法を実際に指導するようにしています。
利用といった現代医学的治療を行ってもなかなか治癒し コンピューターという便利な機械のおかげで世界はます
がたく、長期にわたって悩まされる患者が少なくないと ます情報化社会へ突入しつつあるわけですが、現在のキー
いうことです。ましてや頚・肩凝り、眼精疲労、目の充 ボードタイピングによるインプット方式とVDTスクリー
血、視力低下、眼球痛及び頭痛といった症状はコンピュ ンの凝視作業が続く限り、今後もコンピューター作業に起
ーター職業病としてはあまり重要視されておらず、治療 因する色々な症状・疾患が増え続けることはまず間違いな
も一時的な対症療法以外これといった有効な治療法もな いでしょう。鍼灸はそれらに対する非常に有力な予防及び
いのが実状だと思います。 治療手段として利用できることを、我々は一般にアピール
幸い鍼灸治療はこれらコンピューター作業に起因する する必要があると思います。

62 July 1995


ー間接灸ー 義であり、そのバリエーションは無数にあり、断熱材を使
私の灸療はほとんどが直接灸である。 う方法では、ショウガ、ニンニク、味噌、塩等を利用する
その理由は、直接灸があまりにも簡易で切れ味がよいの のがポピュラーである。こういう断熱材は昔からよく用い
で、手間と時間がかかる間接灸は特殊なケースにしか用い られるが、大体皆陽性の物質であり、ニンニクやショウガ
ないのである。 のエキスも少しは役に立つのであろうが、断熱材が何であ
それで余程の虚証又は寒証の患者か、どうしても肌を焼 れ艾の熱を十分に経穴に浸透させなければ灸としての意味
くのが嫌だという患者ぐらいにしか間接灸は施さないが、 をなさない。
直接灸の患者に比べてその数は少ないし私の間接灸の方法 最近断熱材として、メンソレータムや、紫雲膏を使うも
も限られている。 のが出てきた。
しかしながら現在の中国では、間接灸が主であるし、多 トロントの吉川光貴(きっかわみつき)は、1984年頃から
くの人達から間接灸で良い効果が出ているという話しを メンソレータムを断熱材として使用し、神谷一信(かみやか
多々聞くので、私なりに間接灸をまとめてみる。 ずのぶ)は1987年頃から紫雲膏を使っている。これは、クリ
1.間接灸と直接灸の違い 火する。これならば下地がクリームなので、どのような場所
図ー1 コストが高いことである。

July 1995 63

又、和紙で5cm角で縁が高さ1cmの箱のようなものを作 を自分で作る。艾は上等のものをがっちり詰め込むので煙
り、そこにスプーンで塩を積み上げるようにしてのせ、そ りもニオイも少なく二時間ぐらい施灸できる。
の上に温灸用のグリーン艾を直径1.5cmの大きさに丸めて 私の棒灸の使い方は、母校の福島先生から教わったもの
乗せ、点火する。これは塩が加熱されて相当熱くなる。あ で、「押し灸」と言われるものである。これは先ず皮膚の
つく感じたら、紙の箱ごと移動できるので便利である。 上に木綿の布を当て、その上に新聞紙を二枚重ねて乗せ
(図ー2) る。そしてその新聞紙の上から経穴の真上を火のついた棒

一ヶ月間の便秘 男 65歳ぐらい
図ー2 だけは旺盛で何でも食べる。この人が二週間、便通がない
治験例ー1 にも危篤になっても不思議ではないと思えたので、私の手
更年期障害に伴う肩凝り 50歳 1995年6∼7月 には負えないことを説明して、ドクターに相談するように
二年ほど前から、時々、首や肩が痛くなり腕の方まで痛 告げて帰宅した。
みが出る。色白で運動不足。神経質な性格で、いつも悩み その後二週間、忙しさにまぎれてこの人のことは忘れて
があるような話し方をする。体格はがっちりしている。 いたが、又友人から電話があり、ドクターが下剤や浣腸を
通常は、鍼で全身治療(腹部と肩背腰部は置鍼各10分、 かけても出ないままだと言う。そしてこのままだと本当に
手足は単刺)をし、肩の凝りのひどいところは灸(半米粒 死んでしまうので、何か方法がないかという。そして迎え
大5壮)をすえ、それでも楽にならなければ、肩甲間部よ に来て「とにかく鍼でも灸でも試してくれ」と懇願されて
り瀉血をすると、3∼4回ぐらいの治療で楽になり、半年く 再び診ることになってしまった。
らいもつ。今回も同様の治療をするが、2、3回目の治療後 えらいことになったと思ったが、診るとこの便秘はどう
も楽になってこない。そこで自宅で肩背部のカマヤミニに も長年の病床生活で新陳代謝が下がってしまい極端な寒証
よる灸を続けさせた。阿是穴で20点ぐらいを目安にして、 になり、寒が居座ったように思えたので寒証を「押し灸」
ご主人に肩、肩甲間部、腕をすえてもらう。加味逍遥散も で取り除くことにした。ちょとやそっとの温熱ではとても
服用する。2週間を過ぎる頃から、自覚症状が大幅に減 この寒証は動かないと思ったので、浪越の全身指圧のポイ
り、気分が良くなり、愚痴も少なくなった。 ントを皆押してみた。腹部から足、手、そして背部と押し
ー押し灸ー で熱を入れた。その時間はおよそ40分ぐらいであった。押
中国の本には棒灸がよくでている。これは輻射熱で皮膚 し灸の熱で全身がピンク色になって血液の流れが改善して
を温めているのであるが、棒灸からの熱は散光的で、経穴 いるのがわかった。
の一点から集中的に身体に浸透していくには難があると思 翌日、友人が「水みたいな便が少し出た」と言ってきた
える。それから棒灸のように常に燃えているのと、艾のよ ので、可能性ありと見て、再び前述の治療を繰り返したと
うに点火から燃焼、そして消火というプロセスのある熱源 ころ、次の日に一ヶ月ぶりに、便が大量に出たと知らせて
では身体の受け取り方が異なると思える。 きた。全身の押し灸が体液を動かし、冷え切った腸を温め
又、中国製の棒灸は艾の質が悪く、それに漢方薬が入っ て動くようにしたのである。押し灸が冷えを押しのけた例
ているのかニオイが強力で頭痛が出そうである。私は棒灸 であったが、この患者はその後三ヶ月間、週一回押し灸治

64 July 1995

て、三年後に亡くなるまで大きな便秘はしなかった。 したお灸のやり方に私は賛同する。灸というのは「効くも
ー知熱灸ー 北米の読者の追試をお願いする。
しすけはる)という方がこれを主宰されている。 間接灸は私には少しまだるっこしく感じられないでもな
これは知熱灸で、直接灸と間接灸の中間といったもので いが、勿論効くもので、使い方によっては患者に苦痛を与
あろうが、小豆粒大の艾(先生は米粒大と言われるが多分 えず班痕も残さないので、直接灸が出来ない患者には大い
それより大きい)に点火して、患者が熱を感じた瞬間に合 に用いるべきであり、その用い方の要点は、「熱をいかに
図をしてもらい、間髪を入れずに取り除く方法である。患 浸透させるか」という点に尽きるといえる。
鉛筆のキャップのようなもので押して確認しながら決める 読者から一言
意しておき、*印の上 私はNAJOMには感謝しています。何故なら、これ
を水で湿らせ、そこに ほど良い「鍼灸誌」を今までに読んだことがなかった
艾を3カ所づつ立て * * * からです。私は鍼灸按摩を日本で開業して4年になり
次々と点火する。 + + ます。学生の頃は「古典」が理解できず、興味もな
3.母指と次指を水 * * * く、ただ自分なりの方法でのみ治療してきました。し
で湿らせておき、患者 + かしNAJOMを読んでやっと今興味がもてました。実
が熱を感じて合図をし 際、日本の夢分流の腹診については余り知りませんで
* * *
たら、湿った指で間髪 した。そして何よりも嬉しかったのは、江戸時代(後
を入れずに取り去る。 世派と古法派)と現代(東洋医学と西洋医学)の鍼灸
取り去るのは3カ所 事情の類似点に気がついたことです。英語という論理
次々とやらねばなら 図ー3 的な言語で日本鍼灸を紹介するNAJOMの試みは、私
ず、素早い動作をしな に新しい方向から鍼灸を研究するチャンスを与えてく
いと患者が火傷を起こす。 れました。 宮地 つかさ
5.これを2ラウンド繰り返し、次は中間の4点(図ー3の 私は特に鍼灸師という訳ではありませんが、貴誌の
+印)に同様に施灸する。 記事は私の指圧治療に役立つものだと思いました。ま
八分ぐらい燃えたところで艾を取り去るので、火傷を起 ので貴誌の日本語の部分は必要なく、もし頁数が少な
こさず班痕もつくらないが、効果が出ていれば圧痛が減少 くてもよいのなら、各読者の必要な言語でのみ雑誌を
し自発痛も軽くなる。その時まだ圧痛が残っていれば、そ 送った方が良いのではと思います。そうすれば
の圧痛点に再び同様の灸を繰り返し、それでもまだ圧痛の NAJOMとしても印刷、郵送にかかる費用を節約でき
ある場合は、少しずらせて翌日に同様に試みると、大概の るからです。
痛みは軽くなっているそうである。 ジョアン・レインハート

July 1995 65

指圧の状況 保険会社の中には指圧療法を受け入れるところもある
オンタリオ州では指圧を開拓した人々の並々ならぬ努力 が、これらの多くは registered massage thrapist(RMT) に
と、この地で素晴らしい教育が得られることなどにより、 よって施術されることを条件としている。またある保険会
指圧は他から羨望されるほどの評判を得ている。指圧師は 社ではCSTによって行われた指圧治療の場合、または特に
オンタリオではライセンス制にはなっていない。即ち誰も 事故などで医師の処方として患者が要求した場合に特例と
が開業できる。トロントに最初に指圧を紹介したのは日本 して保険の適応を認める場合もある。S.T.A.O.も学校も指
指圧学校の卒業生・斉藤哲朗(テッド・サイトウ)氏で 圧療法を保険適応の対象として認めるよう保険会社に陳情
1971年のことであった。他の指圧師も間もなくそれに続 している。
き、彼らの長時間にわたる努力、度重なる無償の治療、か 指圧は法によって規定されていないので誰でも開業でき
なりの量のPR(このころはちょうどニクソンが訪中した る状態である。2200時間以下の教育だけで治療家として
あと鍼が有名になったころである)によって指圧が成長し 働いている人も多くいる。政府は最低1100時間の教育を
た。指圧を教える人も出てきて浪越先生や増永先生による 受けた者のみを治療家と称すると規定している。50時間か
セミナーも催された。 ら350時間の指圧コースを教えている人も大勢いる。登録
1981年には吉川光貴氏によって、800時間の指圧の授業 したプログラムをもつ私立の職業学校は政府から厳格に規
数で修了書を授与する 私立の職業学校としてThe Kikkawa 定されている一方、その他の学校は全く放任されている。
Collegeが設立された。1986年までにはマッサージ療法の 従ってプロの指圧師には50時間の教育を受けたものから
教育時間の拡張に合わせて、2200時間の授業数になった。 2200時間のものまで様々である。この現状は混乱と問題
また同年には第二の私立職業学校として、2200時間で指圧 を引き起こし、政府もその論争に加わっている。しかしな
の修了書を授与する The Shiatsu School of Canada が神谷 がらオンタリオ州での指圧の水準の高さは他から羨望され
一信氏によって設立された。今日までに200人の指圧師が るものがある。一般に指圧は大変よい評判を得ていて価値
この2200時間のプログラムを修了した。他の私立職業学校 も効果もある療法で、ただの慰安マッサージではないこと
として、1990年には1100時間の修了書コースをもつ The は認められている。人と挨拶する場合に自分を指圧師と紹
Shiatsu Academy of Tokyo が斉藤健泉氏によって設立され 介したときは、いつも大きな興味をもって受けとられるも
た。これらのプログラムを終えた卒業生はカナダ、アメリ のである。
指圧師の協会は数々あるがThe Shiatsu Association of 指圧教科 95.10.4カリキュラム 2200時間修了課程
Ontario(S.T.A.O.)はこれらの2200時間を修了したものか、 (指圧師、2年)
またはそれと同等の基準を持つもの(大抵は日本で教育を 解剖学 200時間
受け免許された指圧師)を現役会員として受け入れてい 生理学 200時間
る。S.T.A.O.の目的の一つは指圧師免許を実現すること 病理学 250時間
で、このために同会には入会試験の制度、苦情処理と懲戒 指圧理論 150時間
制度、現役会員のための傷害保険があり、登録されたタイ 指圧実技 413時間
トル (CST) はカナダではS.T.A.O.現役会員のみに許された 指圧実習 220時間
タイトルである。職業としての指圧の水準を高め、免許制 臨床実習 272時間
にして保険請求が受け入れられるよう政府や保険会社との 東洋医学理論 150時間
つながりも深く保っている。 コミュニケイション 75時間
The Shiatsu School of Canada には卒業生の会があり、ニ 栄養学 20時間
ュース・レター、患者の紹介、セミナー、卒後教育、健康 経営知識 30時間
傷害保険などを設けている。The Shiatsu Academy of To- 公衆保健 25時間
kyo は The Shiatsu Diffusion Society を設立し、入会の基準 補助的療法 150時間
は指圧教育、面接、技術評価で決められる。ニュースレタ 倫理、法規 15時間
ー、講習会を設けたりして活動していて将来は傷害保険の セルフケア 30時間
獲得を目指している。 合計 2200時間

66 July 1995

指圧教科 1100時間修了課程のカリキュラム 行できない。
(指圧師2年) 指圧師や鍼灸師はその条例では規定されていない。かれ
解剖学 183時間 らも法定行為の全ての施行が許されていないが(政府は鍼
生理学 92時間 灸針の刺入を人体組織への刺入行為と考えていないようで
病理学、職業倫理、経営知識 183時間 ある)治病行為をしてもよい。しかし条例では、法律の規
指圧技術、指圧理論 275時間 定外の治療家にも患者に対しては責任を持つ義務がある。
指圧臨床実習、指圧実技、ストレス管理法 366時間
ヤ時間 彼らは事故の起きないよう施術する責任がある。また治療
合計 1100時間 による結果が身体に有害であるとき、又はそれを予期した
日本における指圧課程のカリキュラム(免許された療術師) る場合、患者に法定の医療機関で施療させることを怠った
(3ー4年) 場合にも責任をおわなければならない。しかし自分の家族
人文科学 60時間 の一員に治療する場合は、特にその条例では触れていない
社会科学 60時間 から、通常の法規は適応されない。
自然科学 60時間 指圧師は法律で規定されていないが、もし法定の医療者
保健体育 60時間 が勤務する施設を運営した場合、その医療者の中に性的犯
外国語 60時間 罪を起こした疑いがあれば、それを報告する事を法律で義
医療概論 45時間 務づけられている。
衛生学・公衆衛生学 90時間 鍼灸の状況
関係法規 45時間 オンタリオ州における鍼灸業務はある意味で似たところ
解剖学 210時間 があるが指圧ほどは整備されていない。鍼灸はライセンス
生理学 165時間 制になっておらず自由に業務できる。指圧のように政府公
病理学概論 75時間 認の包括的な教育プログラムはないが、治療家の中に鍼灸
臨床医学総論 90時間 コースを教えている人もあり、数多くの鍼灸師協会が業界
臨床医学各論 150時間 の水準を保っている。中国人、日本人社会も活発に行動し
リハビリテイション医学 75時間 ており、鍼灸をライセンス化すべく強力な陳情運動もなさ
東洋医学理論 90時間 れている。教育内容は100時間で選穴取穴法とその経穴の
あんま・指圧・マッサージ理論 60時間 主治症を教えるコースから、350時間かそれ以上の東洋医
東洋医学臨床理論 75時間 学理論、鍼灸、薬草学を教えるコースまで様々である。ナ
あんま・指圧・マッサージ実技 510時間 チュロパシック・カレッジではその4年間の修了課程の中の
随意科目 570時間 一部としてTCMと鍼灸を教えている。 The Shiatsu School
合計 2550時間 of Canada では卒後教育として350時間の鍼灸のコースを
オンタリオ州における保健業務における規定 数々の鍼灸協会があるが、その各々は同じ学校の卒業生
1994年オンタリオ州議会は10年間に渡る協議と再審理の に限ってその会員となるのが常である。医療界にも The
末、法定保健業務条例を可決した。 Acupuncture Foundation of Canada という鍼灸の協会があ
その条例は13の法定行為、そしてその行為を誰が業とす る。カイロプラクターや獣医も多く鍼灸の研究や施術にた
ることができるか、またどの行為が規定の対象と成るかを ずさわっている。保健会社のなかには鍼灸治療をカバーす
定義している。その13行為とは訓練を受けていない人が施 るところもあり、鍼灸師にも施術における傷害保険を取得
行すると危険であるという理由から選択された以下のもの している者もある。医師をはじめ他の医療者も鍼灸治療を
をさす:人体組織への刺入切開行為、骨折又は脱臼の整 指示するようになり、病院では鍼灸を使って中毒症状を治
復、脊柱への手技操作、注射の使用、孔口治療、放射線の 療するプログラムを持っているところもある。

July 1995 67

入江先生のワークショプが去る6月24日、約40人の講習生を集 をするためには、右手を使い経絡に沿って示指を北側に置き、
め Shiatsu School of Canada にて行われました。 拇指を南側に置きます。そしてO−リングテストかフィンガー
ここ数年入江先生と連絡を取り合っている指圧センターの斉 テストを行います。もし指がベタつくか、O−リングが簡単に開
藤哲郎氏が、先生が旅行中にトロントに立ち寄ることを知り、 くときは、気は北に向いて流れていることになります。テストされ
急拠、このワークショプを私たちのために準備してくれました。 ている経絡にもよりますが、これで気の虚実を示唆します。
入江先生は京都大学より数学の博士号を授与された後、しば 入江先生は聞診も使われます。先生は頚椎や腰椎には特殊な
らく教鞭をとる一方、家業である薬局を経営する奥様を手助け 音が付随すると主張されます。試験者が患者の特定の部分に触
しておられました。その後、鍼灸に興味を持ち、鍼灸学校に入 れると、患者は音声を発します。そしてO−リングテストかフ
り免許を取得されて、30年の治療経験を積んでおられました。 ィンガーテストをします。第一頚椎はJi音、第一腰椎派Pa
先生は長年の研究によりO−リングテストを応用した、入江 音、第二腰椎はSu音、第三腰椎はMeh音、第四腰椎はZo
フィンガーテストを開発されました。O−リングテストでは被験 音、第五腰椎はNa音、仙骨はKu音、尾骨はTzu音、仙腸
者(患者)は自分の拇指と示指の先端をつけOの形を作ります。 関節はBo音という具合です。
患者は自分の身体の一部分、あるいは他の対象物に触れてテスト 入江先生は三人の患者を相手にデモンストレーションをされ
をします。もし、その身体の一部分に異常がないか、あるいはそ ました。最初の患者ジェームスは、筋繊維症(Fibromyalgia)で
の物質が身体に適応するならば、試験者は患者の拇指と示指を引 した。それは足の上部と臀部の痛みと弱体化から始まり、腰背
き離すことが出来ません。もしその部位が虚であったり物質が身 部にいき、六カ月前からは首・肩・上腕部にでています。入江
体に合わない場合は試験者は簡単に拇指と示指を引き離すことが 先生は患者の上焦と下焦の右側に問題があると診断し、左の膀
出来ます。このテストは身体の弱っているところを探ったり、 胱経の流れが逆で、右側が実で左側が虚と診断しました。先生
個々にあった薬や食物を選択するときに使われます。 は上背部と腰部で二穴づつで治療され、補法は皮下に直接円皮
入江先生はこれを改良し、これらの動作を片手で行えるよう 針を刺入し、瀉法はあらかじめ皮膚に貼ったテープの上から円
にしました。つまり、被験者の身体の一部に触れながら自分の 皮針を刺入する事でした。数分後、ジェームスは彼の腕の動き
拇指と示指をこすり合わせます。もしその部分が調子がよいか 方が楽になったと感じられるが、左腕に新しい痛みを訴えまし
異常がなければ、その指の動きは滑らかになります。もしその た。入江先生は両手の手指を診断し、そして実している経絡を
部位に異常があれば、指の動きはベトついてきます。先生はこ 瀉し、虚している経絡を補しました。この治療では焼き鍼(我
のフィンガーテストを体調の診断や漢方薬の有効性を検査する 慢できる程度に熱された鉄製の細い棒)が使われました。それ
のに用いられています。 は補するためには経絡の流れの方向に、瀉の時は逆方向に、経
入江先生は経絡現象は生体にのみ存在すると説明されまし 絡に沿って軽く動かされました。ジェームスは大変気持ちよく
た。人が死ねば経絡も消えます。健康体では「気」は安定して なりました。
いて、過分な虚や実は現れません。人が病気になると、身体の 二番目の患者オマーは、主に胸痛と弱化を伴うやはり筋繊維
いろいろな部分に経絡が「炎症をおこす」ように、虚や実が現 症という診断ででした。
れます。 入江先生は手掌を使って、下焦の右側に問題ありと診断をし
入江先生は異常の有無を診るために、身体全体の診断からは ました。胸には問題なしとし背部の診断で腰椎の2番・3番と5
じめます。それから異常が身体の右か左か又は上・中・下焦の 番を主な治療エリアとし、胸椎の5番を次の治療エリアとしまし
何れかにあるか患者の手掌を使って診断します。左右の手掌を た。督脉と膀胱経は左が実としました。先生はただ腰部だけを
検査した後、異常のある手掌の手指の区域(上焦)、掌の中央 二組の円皮針と焼き鍼で治療しました。オマーは笑顔を浮かべ
(中焦)、掌の基部(下焦)を調べます。先生はまた腹部や背 ながら胸部は楽になっているが肩甲間部はまだ硬いと報告しま
部にフィンガーテストを使い、望診や問診も加えて経絡の診断 した。腰の痛みは訴えていなかったのです。
をします。最後に奇経、経筋を診断し聞診をします。そして一 最後にテッド・斉藤が特珠な診断をうけました。彼は白内障
経か二経を選択して、その中から一・二穴を治療穴とします。 が左目に出てきたということで、フィンガーテストでは右側の
この治療の目的は虚・実をバランスすることですが、これには 肝経に問題があると入江先生は診断しました。その治療は右足
いろいろな方法があるということです。 の肝経を瀉すことと、左足の肝経を補すことでした。またフィ
入江先生は拇指と示指を使うことによって、左右対称の経絡 ンガーテストを使って、どの漢方薬が適当か決定しました。先
のどちら側が虚か又は実か診断できると説明されました。これ 生は四つの漢方薬を一つ一つテッドの手に乗せて、フィンガー

68 July 1995

私たちは全員、入江先生のエネルギーと治療効果に魅了され 編集後記
ました。先生は東洋医学の理論には真実がある、それは虚実の スティーブン・ブラウン
強調されました。ワークショプの前に入江先生は指圧治療を受 この夏、再度日本に行く機会を与えられ、師匠の首藤
けられました。これは生まれて初めての体験だそうで、大変感 先生や多くの先生方、友人達に会うことが出来た。首藤
激されました。 先生の主宰する勉強会ー弦躋塾の10年目の集まりでは、
私たちは大変興味深いワークショプを準備されたテッド・斉 100人程の人々が、南日本の有名な温泉リゾート地、別府
藤氏に感謝しています。 に集い、首藤先生とその門下の10年間に渡る研究と治療
掲 示 板 の勉強会としてこじんまり始まったが、次第に知られる
この掲示板はNAJOMの会員の専用です。東洋医学に関 る者も少なくない。この会の友情と、鍼灸師としての知
する連絡事項をお寄せください。ただし字数は50字以内と 識と技術を更に向上させようという意欲には心を打たれ
します。 た。このような東洋医学にたずさわる者のコミュニティ
テッド・キャプチャックの1日セミナー 次第である。
「The Web That Has No WEaver」の著者テッド・キャ この集いで講師の一人であった池田政一氏(数多くの
プチャック氏によるセミナーが The shiatsu School of
Canada にて11月17日に開かれる。題名は「The Ladders
of The Soul 」。問い合わせは、The Shiatsu School of
Canada へ。547 College St., Toronto, Ontario,Canada M6G
1A9. TEL:(416)232-1818 FAX:(416)323-1681 点について論じられ、これが常に発展していることを指
21世紀の鍼灸 あること、今日使われている形が決して完全であるとは
小川たかよし氏による「診断と治療の新しい方向性」と 言えないこと、しかしこれらの方法によって、身体の病
題したワークショプ。小川氏は日本経絡治療協会の役員で 理と生理についてユニークで貴重な情報が得られること
東京衛生学園の講師を務める。The New England School of などについても触れられた。東洋医学のこの伝統は広い
Acupuncture にて。1996年4月13日14日。問い合わせは: 視野から検討され、現在の我々の知識と経験を通じて取
(617)926-1788内線114。 り込まれる必要があるだろう。
東洋はり医学会ワークショプ ものは英文では最初であろう)は、非常に有用な資料で
クショプ。The New England School of Acupuncture 主
1995年11月4、5日 刺絡
1996年1月27、28日 ナソとムノ治療 を掲載したが、特に注目に値するのは連載の「気との遭
1996年2月25日 経筋と燔針 遇」で、これは従来マーク・ドリュウ氏の日本での修行
1996年3月23日24日 奇経と子午流注 体験を綴ったものであるが、今回彼は新しい脉診法を紹
1996年4月28日 脈診の用い方 介している。私自身「じんけい脉診」というのは聞いた
申し込みと問い合わせは、Cathy Richmond まで(617) こともなく、「人迎脉診」と同じ様に聞こえるものの、
926-1788(NESA) 全く別のものである。ドリュウ氏の記事は、経絡治療を
ご寄付有難うございました。 ステムの更新と向上に励んでいることを示している。こ
首藤伝明氏(二回目) れはこの道に携わるものすべてが個人・団体にかかわら
NAJOM 次号の投稿締切は1996年1月10日です。会

July 1995 69

時代は移り行き、東洋医学の適用法は必然的に我々の文 療することに感心を示す方が、最近確実に増えているこに
化と環境によって塗り替えられる。その意味でNAJOMの 気付くことがある。たとえば日本経絡治療学会は海外への
会員が、現代的な問題に対して新しくクリエイティブな東 アピールを強めるために、米国における鍼灸業界の実態を
洋医学の適応法を模索しているのを観るのは心強く感じ 調査し出したという。このように海外で教えることに対し
る。『最先端技術時代の禅指圧』、『コンピューター作業 て彼らが積極的になってきているように思える。北米の人
に起因する諸疾患と針灸治療』などこれらの記事は、現代 がこれに感心があることは間違いないが、果たしてこのよ
の問題で今後さらに増加する傾向にあるものを扱ってい うな講習会を企画すべく努力と費用を費やしても、それに
る。これらの記事を通してこの問題を二つの方法から、つ 見合うほどの参加者があるかどうかが問題である。このよ
まり指圧と体操という自助的方法から、そして鍼灸という うな企画の成功は情報がタイムリーに伝わるかどうかにか
治療的方法から解決していくことは的を得たことである。 かっている。この意味においてNAJOMは一役買えるので
これは自助的療法と治療的介入が同一線上にある東洋医学 はないかと思う。この雑誌のネットワークに参加するとい
の伝統にのっとている。このようなホリスティックな療法 うことは、単に得がたい情報が入ってくるというだけでな
が、職業病や「テクノ・ストレス」といった問題に対して く、情報を自分からも送れるという点でも重要である。読
従来の現代医学的療法にまさるのは、我々には当然のこと 者諸氏の地域で日本鍼灸に関するイベントがあれば、自分
であるが、一般大衆の東洋医学の利点に対する理解はまだ が関与しなくても当方にお知らせ頂きたい。これから起き
まだと言ったところで、個人としても業界としてもこれを るイベントは「掲示板」に載せてすべての読者に知らさ
アピールすることが必要である。 れ、それによって皆が最新の情報を把握することになる。
今回は松本岐子女史、島幹昌氏に寄稿頂いたが、二人と 会員諸氏の論文や意見の投稿に加えて、講習会の後のリポ
も北米における日本鍼灸の発展と、それを通じて北米東洋 ートなども頂きたい。この情報ネットワークをフルに活用
医学に多様性を持たせることに尽力してこられた方々であ できるかどうかは会員諸氏の参加が鍵となる。
Canada USA その他
一冊 $8.50(CND) $7.00 $9.00
三冊 $21.00(CND) $18.00 $24.00
て鍼灸を勉強する人が比較的少ないのは、物価が高いのが OrientalMedicine
原因でもあるが、依然として先生方をこちらに招くほうが 896WestKingEdwardAvenue,
Vancouver, B.C.Canada
とが可能かどうかは、タイミングと組織力の問題である。 V5Z2E1
JAMSFの機動力となっているエドワード・オベイディ氏 Phone:(604)874-8537
とこの問題やその他のことについて話し合う機会があっ Fax:(604)874-8635

70 July 1995

west Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine と

新 入 会 員 紹 介 New England School of acupuncture にて各二年間勉強す
ジョエル・バーンステイン(チェスナットヒル、マ 漢方・鍼灸・指圧を開業。
メアリー・ボールディング(ロバーツクリーク、B.C. ) Japanese-American Acupuncture Foundation の会長およ
1990年、Shiatsu School of Canada を卒業。太平洋とブ びInsutitute for Traditional Acupuncture and Herbology の
リティッシュ・コロンビアの山々に挟まれた小さな町に住 校長を務める。これらの教育機関を通じて広く興味深い内
み、指圧を開業する。 容を教えている。その内容は薬草学、栄養学の試験法、Oー
キャサリーン・バーンズ(東京) 診断法などである。現代の日本鍼灸の先覚者的教師の一人で
早稲田医療専門学校卒業後、国家試験に合格し鍼灸免許 あり、ユニークな日本鍼灸・薬草治療を展開している。
ビワの葉療法も治療に用いる。 マーティン・スレーター(ウエストシカゴ・イリノイ)
Midwest Center 及び中国の Nanjing にて鍼灸を学ぶ。10
ローレル・コルピッツ(ミズーラ、モンタナ) 年間の治療経験を持つ。
New England School of Acupuncture を卒業後、松本岐

The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine にて東洋医学修
士課程を履修している。 北米東洋医学誌
ダグラス・C・キール(カーリスレ、ペンシルバニア) 第2巻5号(1995年11月)
韓国の Dongeui Oriental Medical School とカリフォルニ
アの Okazaki School にて東洋医学を学ぶ。1969年より鍼 発行責任者 水谷潤治
灸、手技療法、漢方を開業する。 編集長 スティーブン・ブラウン
翻訳担当 高橋英生、柴田大道
松本弘巳(横浜) ローリー・メイン
1963年、東京教育大学理療科教員養成部卒業。日本鍼灸 志風直美、中野佐智子
理療専門学校にて教鞭をとった後、1969年横浜市にて開 校正 シャーリー&べティ・チャン、
業。1989年から1992年にわたり、(社)日本鍼灸師会学 新納基久
術部長を歴任し、1994年から筑波技術短期大学鍼灸学科 総務部長 市橋宏樹
非常勤講師を務める。 題字 首藤伝明
レイアウト 和文タイプサービス
宮地つかさ(所沢市) 発行所 869 West King Edward Avenue
日本鍼灸理療専門学校卒業。鍼灸・指圧・按摩を開業。 Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 2E1
NAJOM のメンバー渡瀬氏と同級生。駒澤大学より医療人 Phone: (604) 874-8537
類学の修士の学位を取得。現在も大正大学大学院聴講生と Fax:: (604) 874-8635

July 1995 71

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