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Scenario description: 3pts each Mutualis Commensalism Parasitic Predator/Prey Interspecific Intraspecific

 Cleaner wrasses live in “cleaning

stations” in a reef. They remove and eat
parasites, dead tissue and mucous
from reef fish, which helps reef fish stay

 Jackals and small animals share the

same water supply. If the jackals take
over a watering hole and restrict other
animals from accessing it, the other
animals will either die or move to a new
location, taking the jackals' food supply
with them.

 Tapeworms live in the small intestines

of animals. They eat the animal’s partially
digested food, which deprives the host of
some food and nourishment.

 The cattle egret, a short bird found

foraging in cattle herds, eats insects that
have been disturbed when
the cattle forage. It doesn’t affect the
cattle, but the cattle egret depends on
this food source.
 A lion stalks and kills a gazelle, which
makes the herd smaller. The herd now has
fewer animals with which to share
resources, and each surviving gazelle is
stronger as a result

 Humans have a mutualistic relationship

with microorganisms, primarily bacteria,
in their digestive tract. Bacteria aid in
digestion and regulate the intestinal
environment, and in return, they feed off of
the food humans eat.

 Parasitoid wasps begin their lives as eggs

that are laid in or other living insects.
When they hatch, the larvae feed on the
body of the other insect until the host
insect dies.

 When a fruit bat eats the fruit from a fig

tree, it eats the seeds as well. These
seeds are dispersed through the bat’s

 Sea otters eat a variety of sea creatures,

including sea stars, clams and octopuses.
Each of these animals becomes stronger
as a result of predation, which protects
them from other animals.
Points total 27: __________________________

Name:___________________________________________________ Date:________________________ Class: __________________________

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