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Pangasinan, Division II
San Fabian, Pangasinan

A Proposal Presented to the Senior High School Department

Of San Fabian National High School

Clouded Classrooms: A Comprehensive Study on The

Pervasive Impact of Vaping and Smoking Among
Students in San Fabian National High School Class

Maiquez, Jaymuel G.
Bautista, Monhale
Villanueva, Lawrence Roy
Erfe, Chrishamel Julianne C.
Garcia, Febbie Gay D.
Galleta, Lira D.
Nabua, Mary Grace C.
Villanueva, Kimberly A.

Research Adviser:
Christina S. Formarejo



Smoking can cause a serious disease on every person who smoke and even more dangerous

for those who does not. This study is conducted to give solutions in reducing the cases of first and

second-hand smoking of San Fabian Nation High School (SFNHS) students. Smoking among the

students of SFNHS had been quite a loud topic recently. This study is not only for traditional

cigarettes or tobacco users but as well as for the e-cigarettes that is now more popular to young

generations, commonly known as vape. In fact, since the school year started, from few to many of

students are not afraid in smoking inside the school premises that teachers needed to confiscate it

in order to stop them from using it. However, this does not solve the problem that is why we, the

researchers, decided to conduct a study that is focus on cigarette usage among the student of

SFNHS and to find out why students keep on using this these things. Since the youth in this

generation has become more open-minded to things, they are more likely to experiment on things

that are originally, only adults can do. The National Institute of Health (2016), states that, since

2014, youth start to use vapes as an alternative for tobacco or traditional cigarettes because they

believed that it gives less harmful particles to the human body and is safer to try than the once with

cigarette buts. Though it is true that e-cigarettes contain fewer deadly chemicals than normal

cigarette, this does not mean that it’s safe to be use, more importantly by youth. E-cigarettes still

contains nicotine that are extracted from tobacco and other toxic chemicals to create the flavors

that users exhale. Up until now, it is the most used kind of cigarette by youths. In comparison, in

2022, 1 in every 30 middle school students (3.3%) are reported that they had used electronic

cigarettes. While 1 of every 7 high school students (14.1%) are reported that they had used the

same type of cigarettes. While on the normal or traditional cigarettes, only 1 on every 100 students

have experience in using one. This has a serious effect for those who used it but even more

dangerous for those who inhaled it by just passing by. In fact, an article from Center for Disease

Control and Prevention states that, “Adults who do not smoke and are exposed to secondhand

smoke increase their risk of developing coronary heart disease by 25–30%”. This research will not

only be a help to the present cases of smoking but more importantly, for the future connected cases

regarding the same topic. While it looks like smoking is being treated as a normal thing in the said

school. This is not true. Rules have been published and all of the students are oriented by the

concern. But it is the student’s discipline that's a barricade to achieve the system that all involved

students, teachers, and all of the school staffs wants.


The research is entitled “Clouded Classrooms: A Comprehensive Study on The Pervasive

Impact of Vaping and Smoking Among Students in San Fabian National High School Class 2023-

2024.” This study aims to determine the extent to which students' exposure to vaping and smoking

in classrooms affects air quality, student concentration, academic performance, and overall well-

being, as well as to investigate effective strategies for mitigating these issues and promoting a

healthier learning environment. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How often is the school (SFNHS) was informed about students who vape or smoke?

2. What strategies do students use to avoid smoking or vaping?

3. What strategies can be implemented to reduce smoking cases among the area?


The Gateway Theory of Substance Use posits that the use of certain substances—often

referred to as "gateway drugs"—might trigger the use of more harmful or addictive substances. In

the context of vaping and cigarette smoking among high school students, the idea is that trying

vaping might lead to an increased likelihood of subsequently trying and habitually using traditional

cigarettes. For example, a high school student who initially experiments with vaping as a

seemingly harmless alternative to smoking may find themselves gradually desensitized to the act

of inhaling substances and become more open to trying traditional cigarettes. Over time, this initial

gateway drug use can develop into a full-blown nicotine addiction and increase the health risks

associated with smoking cigarettes. However, the evidence supporting this theory regarding the

transition from vaping to cigarette smoking is not unequivocal. While the hypothesis suggests that

vaping could act as a gateway to cigarette smoking, studies examining the association between

vaping and subsequent cigarette use often have limitations. Many research studies typically track

smoking rates for the previous 30 days, which may not distinguish between experimental or

occasional smokers and habitual, daily smokers. Consequently, this method might overestimate

the prevalence of consistent or habitual smoking. Moreover, findings indicate that the majority of

students who experiment with vaping have already tried or are current cigarette smokers. This

suggests that in many cases, those who have attempted vaping might already be using or have

experimented with traditional cigarettes, weakening the argument that vaping directly leads to

cigarette smoking initiation. Research findings also indicate that, in many instances, smoking

occurs before vaping rather than the reverse. This implies that a considerable portion of students

who have tried vaping have already established a smoking habit or have experimented with

cigarettes, suggesting that for them, vaping might not be the primary cause of moving to cigarette

smoking. As a result, while the gateway theory suggests a progression from vaping to cigarette

use, the available evidence does not strongly support a direct causative link. Instead, it suggests

that factors such as prior smoking experiences, social influences, and individual predispositions

might play a more significant role in the transition from vaping to habitual cigarette smoking

among high school students. Furthermore, studies have shown that the majority of young people

who try vaping do not become regular users, let alone transition to smoking traditional cigarettes.

This suggests that there are other factors at play when it comes to cigarette smoking initiation,

such as peer influence or a predisposition to risk-taking behaviors. Therefore, it is essential to

consider these multiple variables and not solely attribute the increase in smoking rates to the rise

of vaping among youth.

Albert Bandura established Social Cognitive Theory, a psychological theory that

stresses the importance of observational learning, social impact, and cognitive variables in

determining individual actions. When applied to "A Comprehensive Study on the Pervasive Impact

of Vaping and Smoking on Teenagers", Social Cognitive Theory can provide valuable insights

into the factors influencing teenagers' decisions to engage in vaping or smoking. By examining

observational learning, it becomes clear that teenagers are more likely to engage in these behaviors

if they see their peers or role models doing so. Additionally, the theory emphasizes the role of

social impact, suggesting that teenagers are influenced by the attitudes and expectations of their

social groups. Lastly, cognitive variables such as self-efficacy and outcome expectations play a

crucial role in determining whether a teenager will choose to vape or smoke. Overall, Social

Cognitive Theory offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the pervasive impact of

vaping and smoking on teenagers. Among Students," Social Cognitive Theory can help us

understand how social circumstances, cognitive processes, and observational learning impact

student behaviors about vaping and smoking. Through the lens of social cognitive theory, the study

may look at how students' habits and views regarding vaping and smoking are influenced by their

social context. It might investigate how students' attitudes and decisions about tobacco usage are

influenced by their classmates, family members, and the media. It may, for example, examine how

students view their friends or family members vaping or smoking and how these observations

influence their own decisions. Furthermore, the study may investigate how cognitive processes

such as risk assessment and self-regulation influence students' decisions to engage in tobacco

usage. By exploring how students perceive the risks associated with smoking and vaping,

researchers can gain insights into their decision-making processes. Additionally, the study may

delve into the role of self-regulation in resisting peer pressure and making informed choices

regarding tobacco usage. Understanding these cognitive processes can help develop targeted

interventions and prevention strategies to reduce smoking rates among young people. Engage in

or refrain from certain activities. Researchers might look at how students evaluate the hazards and

advantages of vaping and smoking, as well as how their beliefs influence their decisions. The study

might evaluate the effect of educational interventions and public health initiatives on changing

students' attitudes and actions. According to social cognitive theory, students are more likely to

modify their habits if they witness and internalize messages supporting healthier behaviors and

providing knowledge about the hazards connected with vaping and smoking. This theory may be

used to develop methods to encourage healthier choices among students through targeted

interventions and education, as well as to provide a foundation for the development of anti-

smoking and anti-vaping campaigns. By creating an environment that promotes positive role

models and emphasizes the negative consequences of these behaviors, students can be motivated

to make healthier choices. Additionally, incorporating interactive and engaging educational

materials can further enhance the effectiveness of these interventions by facilitating knowledge

retention and behavior change. Ultimately, utilizing social cognitive theory can help foster a

generation of young individuals who prioritize their health and make informed decisions regarding

smoking and vaping. Framework for understanding the multiple factors that contribute to the

prevalence of vaping and smoking among students. In conclusion, social cognitive theory

illuminates the factors that contribute to the pervasive impact of these behaviors among students

and directs efforts to address and mitigate this problem by assisting us in understanding how

students' behaviors and attitudes regarding vaping and smoking are influenced by social, cognitive,

and observational factors.

Health Belief Theory an increase in the prevalence of e-cigarette uses among senior high

school students, there is growing concern about the potential health risks associated with vaping.

Studies have shown that e-cigarette use can lead to addiction, as the nicotine content in these

devices can be just as addictive as traditional cigarettes. Additionally, the long-term effects of

vaping are still unknown, leaving many experts worried about the potential damage it could cause

to the lungs and overall respiratory health. As the popularity of e-cigarettes continues to rise, it is

crucial for educational institutions and parents to educate students about the potential dangers of

vaping. A comprehensive approach that includes providing accurate information about the risks,

implementing stricter regulations on the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes, and offering support

for those wanting to quit can help mitigate the harmful effects. Furthermore, government agencies

should invest in further research to understand the long-term consequences of vaping, allowing for

evidence-based policies and interventions to be developed. By addressing these concerns, we can

work towards ensuring the health and well-being of our youth. As the popularity of e-cigarettes

continues to rise, it is crucial for educators and parents to educate students about the risks and help

them make informed decisions about their health. It is imperative to understand the allure of these

products for individuals. Several studies have investigated the factors associated with the initiation

of e-cigarette use. Multiple studies have reported that gender, friend use, perception of e-cigarettes,

advertisements, and previous cigarette use are associated with e-cigarette initiation. However, it

has yet to be seen if these factors are also associated with escalating e-cigarette use. Peer influence

is one of the key factors that can affect adolescent cigarette smoking. Our study also found that

having best friends use e-cigarettes was associated with higher odds of e-cigarette initiation and

susceptibility among senior high school students, consistent with what has been reported

previously using convenience samples. According to multiple health theories and

models, perceived peer approval and use of substances play key roles in influencing the early

stages of substance use during the adolescence of the students. Our findings indicate that these

theories and models are also applicable to e-cigarette use. It is also well established in the literature

that various socio-environmental and personal factors influence the uptake of vaping among senior

high school students, including enticing advertising tactics. Moreover, the accessibility and

affordability of e-cigarettes make them easily obtainable for adolescents. Additionally, peer

pressure and the desire to fit in with their social circle further contribute to the popularity of e-

cigarette use among high school students. Furthermore, the appeal of flavors and the

misconception that vaping is a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes play a significant role in

the decision-making process of these teenagers. Therefore, it is crucial for public health

interventions and educational campaigns to address these influential factors and debunk any false

beliefs surrounding e-cigarette use in order to effectively reduce its prevalence among senior high

school students and contribute to the initiation of vaping.


This study will use the Input-Process-Output approach that will be illustrated as a

conceptual framework of this study.

The input will allow the researchers to show the preparation of their school about vaping

and smoking to ensure the safety of the students, the challenges that the students are facing now

due to vaping and smoking addiction, and their strategies to avoid taking cigarettes or e-cigarettes.

The process of this study will use survey method in gathering data.

The output states the analysis of Clouded Classrooms: A Comprehensive Study on The

Pervasive Impact of Vaping and Smoking Among Students in San Fabian National High School

Class 2023-2024.


1. How often is the

▪Formulation of
School (SFNHS) informed survey
About students who vape
▪ Selection of
Or smoke? respondents ▪ This research
2. What strategies ▪ Distribution of will recommend
questionnaires to conduct
do students use to avoid
▪ Arrangement of seminars to
smoking or vaping? responses from inform students
3. What are the respondents about the bad
▪ Interpretation of the effects of
strategies can be data collected smoking or using
implemented to reduce vape
smoking cases among the area?

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Paradigm

According to Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos (2010) smoking is a major risk factor for a plethora of

diseases, particularly respiratory illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

and lung cancer. The harmful chemicals present in cigarettes can severely damage the delicate

tissues in the lungs, leading to difficulty breathing and a higher susceptibility to infections.

Moreover, smoking has also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and various

types of cancer in different parts of the body. Quitting smoking is undoubtedly one of the best

decisions one can make to improve their overall health and reduce the likelihood of developing

these life-threatening conditions: cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and cancer of the

lungs and other organs. By quitting smoking, individuals can significantly decrease their chances

of developing these serious health conditions. Studies have shown that within just a few years of

quitting, the risk of heart disease and stroke can be reduced to that of a non-smoker. Additionally,

quitting smoking greatly improves lung function and reduces the risk of respiratory infections.

Overall, quitting smoking is a crucial step towards a healthier and longer life.


For Students: The outcomes of this study can explore the impact of vaping and smoking on

students' academic performance. Understanding how these habits affect cognitive abilities,

attention, and concentration is crucial for educators and policymakers.

For Teachers and Educators: The use of tobacco and e-cigarettes can lead to poor academic

performance due to health issues and disciplinary problems. Teachers need to be aware of these

impacts to better understand the reasons behind students' declining grades and attendance.

For Parents: Parents play a crucial role in their children's lives, and being aware of the prevalence

and consequences of vaping and smoking is essential. This study can serve as a wake-up call,

ensuring parents are informed about what their children might be exposed to in school.

For Future Researchers: This study provides future researchers with a foundation for

understanding the long-term health implications of vaping and smoking among students. By

examining the prevalence and patterns of use, as well as the associated health risks, future research

can build on this knowledge to develop targeted interventions and prevention strategies.


This study focuses on the problems and issues surrounding students of San Fabian National

High School. This research will be limited and conducted only at San Fabian National High School

during the school year 2023-2024. The respondents of this study are students from different classes

and sections of the school. The researchers will have three hundred seventy – one (371) respondent

in different grade levels for this study using the stratified sampling.


Clouded Classroom - a situation where a room or learning environment is filled with vapor or

smoke, typically from vaping.

Comprehensive - refers to something that is thorough, inclusive, or covering all aspects of a

particular subject or topic. It implies a broad and extensive scope, leaving no detail or important

element unaddressed.

Impact - refers to the effect, influence, or consequence that a particular action, event, or situation

has on something or someone.

Pervasive - refers to something that is widespread, prevalent, or existing in every part or aspect of

something. It suggests that a particular quality, influence, or phenomenon is present and noticeable

in all areas or throughout a whole system, often to the extent that it seems to be ever-present or

constantly encountered.

Smoking - act of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of burning substances, typically tobacco, in a

variety of forms such as cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.

Vaping - inhaling and exhaling aerosol, often referred to as vapor, produced by an electronic

cigarette or similar device.



This chapter describes the design and procedures used to identify the effects of vaping

and smoking of the students affecting their academic performance and obtain the study's primary

objectives. The methodology includes research design, context and respondents, instrumentation,

data gathering procedure, and data analysis.


This study will utilize a quantitative-descriptive design to investigate the effects of vaping and

smoking of the students’ academic performance. Earl Babbie (1975) emphasized the importance

and application of descriptive research in social sciences, contributing to its widespread

understanding and usage in research methodology.

Descriptive research is designed to provide an accurate portrayal of the characteristics of a

particular phenomenon. This study aims to comprehensively understand the impact of vaping and

smoking among students. Descriptive research objectively describes the prevalence, patterns, and

behaviors associated with vaping and smoking in the given population.

Many students secretly smoke and vape, often in their bathrooms. Some of them

experienced emotional and physical problems that they were afraid to express.



The researchers will ask three hundred seventy – one (371) students of any gender, in

different sections and grade levels, about what they think about or say about the negative

consequences of vaping and smoking on their academic performance through a survey using a

questionnaire. The sample was created using stratified sampling. This sampling method implies

that samples can be stratified or nested by selecting specific units or cases that differ along a key


This will help the researchers to know what are the other students' thoughts on the

researchers' topic.

The stratified sampling technique will be used. This is a method used in statistics to

improve the representativeness of a sample by dividing the population into subgroups, or strata,

based on specific characteristics and then taking a random sample from each subgroup.

This will be used in the study to collect data from a homogeneous sample of people who

can be administered simply. As a result, 371 people were chosen as respondents.

As a result, this is appropriate for the study because the population is divided into several

subgroups based on grade level. As a result, respondents will be chosen.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at San Fabian National High School (SFNHS) that is located

at Nibaliw East San Fabian, Pangasinan, Philippines. San Fabian National High School is a public

school that has a wide field of trees and near the river. It has a total of 3,188 students in the Junior

High School and 1,519 students in the Senior High School.

San Fabian National High School will be the location where the researchers will collect

and acquire data for this study.

Population Sampling

This study will use Stratified Sampling techniques where the participants are students that

come from different grade levels and are being asked about their experiences about vaping and

smoking. To attain the information needed, the researchers will use stratified random sampling.

The researchers will use randomization to gather information from the different views of the

selected participants. Stratified random sampling ensures that results obtained from the sample

should approximate what would have been obtained if the entire population had been measured.

The study uses stratified random sampling to avoid biases and inaccurate results. Through this, the

researchers can identify the participant’s points of view, opinions, feelings, and values.

Population Number of Students per Sample 369

= 4707 strata

Grade 7 635 50

Grade 8 791 62

Grade 9 853 67

Grade 10 909 72

Grade 11 760 60

Grade 12 759 60

Total 4707 371

Table 1: Table of Sample Population

Divide the total number of students per grade level by the total number of students in

school, then multiply by 369 to get the sample size per grade level. Stratified sampling is a

statistical method used to ensure that a representative sample is chosen from a heterogeneous

population by dividing the population into subgroups or strata and then taking random samples

from each stratum. This method is particularly useful when the population has distinct, identifiable

subgroups that may vary significantly within themselves but have similarities among their


The formula for calculating the stratified sample size is:

nh = Nh *n


▪ nh is the sample size for stratum ℎ

▪ Nh is the population size of stratum

▪ n is the total sample size desired.

▪ N is the total population size.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The instrument that will be used in this study is the survey questionnaire type, where the

students who vape and smoke are asked to answer certain questions regarding their personal

background academic performance and their influences.

To collect primary data, questionnaire surveys were distributed to San Fabian National

High School’s target respondents. The questionnaire uses a Likert scale. The researchers will

formulate pertinent and direct questions in order to meet the requirements for conducting the

floating of questionnaires.

Additionally, the surveys were distributed by the researchers. Forms for the questionnaire

will be distributed, and they will collect them after the respondents have responded.



Directions: Please fill out the given space that corresponds to your answer.

Name: ______________________________________________ (Optional)

Sex: Male Age: 13 to 16 years old Grade Level: 7-10

Female 17 to 20 years old 11-12

20 and above


Directions: Read the statements carefully. Put a check mark (/) on the box provided that

corresponds to your answer. Please answer it honestly.

Section 1: General Information

1.1 How long have you been a student at San Fabian National High School?

Less than 1 year

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 or more years

Section 2: Awareness of Vaping and Smoking Incidents

2.1. How often do you think the school (SFNHS) is informed about students who vape or







Section 3: Strategies to Avoid Smoking or Vaping

3.1. What strategies do you personally use to avoid smoking or vaping? (Select all that apply)

Avoiding peer pressure

Participating in extracurricular activities

Seeking support from friends or family

Engaging in alternative stress-relief activities

Educating others about the risks

Other (please specify): ________________

Section 4: Strategies to Reduce Smoking Cases

4.1. In your opinion, what strategies can be implemented to reduce smoking cases among the

area? (Select all that apply)

Increasing awareness through educational programs

Enforcing stricter penalties for smoking

Providing smoking cessation resources and support

Implementing designated smoking areas away from classrooms

Involving parents and guardians in anti-smoking campaigns

Other (please specify): ________________

Section 5: Impact on Air Quality, Concentration, Academic Performance, and Well-being

5.1. How do you think students' exposure to vaping and smoking in classrooms affects?

a) Air quality

Not at all




b) Student concentration

Not at all




c) Academic performance

Not at all




d) Overall well-being

Not at all





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