GMD Blogs - Malta CEOs-Global Dexterity - The Key To Success in A Multicultural World (1500 Words)

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Global dexterity: the key to success in a

multicultural world

As more businesses expand their operations abroad transforming into multinationals, the need
to work effectively in a multicultural environment has become paramount. In these changing
times Andy Molinsky coined the term ‘global dexterity’, formally acknowledging the ability to
work effectively in a multicultural world.

Regardless of how much you know about acceptable behaviors for different cultures, translating
theory to actual practice is a whole different story. The challenge here is to effectively apply your
theoretical knowledge to your behaviors whether you work in a multicultural team, are studying
or living abroad. In Andy's own words, “It’s not only the differences that most people need to
understand to be effective in foreign cultural interactions: It’s global dexterity, the ability to
adapt or shift behavior in light of these cultural differences.”

Why is Global Dexterity Important?

When we think about shifting or adapting our behaviors based on cultural differences we often
undermine how difficult this shift actually is, and thus we underestimate both cultural shock and
reverse cultural shock. Although most people eventually recover from it, the psychological stress
associated with functioning in a different culture can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.

In a business environment the presence or absence of Global Dexterity could mean the
difference between winning and losing. Something as simple as the way of handing over a
business card could be done wrong depending on how it’s done. Integrating global dexterity into
daily behaviors allows people operating in difficult cultures to perform daily tasks in acceptable
manners depending on the context. Without Global Dexterity it’s likely you’ll not be able to
remember all the rules and your important deal might go south because a simple gesture was
culturally disrespectful. Even if you do remember all the rules it won’t come naturally, you’ll
probably think twice before doing something as simple as offering a business card. This can
result in people becoming overwhelmed and frustrated.

In his book Global Dexterity: How to Adapt Your Behavior across Cultures without Losing
Yourself in the Process, Andy Molinsky offers a way of stepping out of your cultural comfort
zone while avoiding the psychological distress that accompanies cultural shock.
Understanding Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock
Culture shock isn’t something that happens in an instant. In fact, in 1954 Kalervo Oberg was the
first one to theorize culture shock and its 4 stages, namely; honeymoon, frustration,
adaptation, and acceptance. Nowadays culture shock is even more well defined and
researchers have expanded the ‘Stage Theory of Culture Shock’. While acceptance does
eventually come, people who suffer from cultural shock often report going through an identity
crisis or the loss of self.

Surprisingly so, these feelings are also experienced by people who are returning home after
their time abroad. Suddenly, the streets back home are either too loud or too quiet and the
commercials somehow sound like fingernails scratching a chalkboard. At your workplace all
your coworkers are a lot more formal, or all of a sudden being on time is now early! Reverse
culture shock can be even more depressing because now you didn’t anticipate it. This
time off, you’re expected to adjust to your environment seamlessly since it’s your home after all.
In his fiction book ‘You Can’t Go Home Again’ Thomas Wolfe puts his own spin on reverse
culture shock and illustrates a relatable yet dramatic picture of what going back home feels like.

How to Achieve Global Dexterity

Now that we’ve set the stage for why possessing global dexterity is the key to success in the
multicultural world we live in, the next order of business is to establish how to foster it. Following
are a few pieces of advice individuals can take to achieve global dexterity.

Realistic Expectations
While we tend to paint colorful pictures of how exciting life or doing business abroad would look
like, we end up obsessing over unrealistically optimistic scenarios. The worst part is, that we
don’t even consider setting an expectation for how going home could look like. In both these
cases we unknowingly set ourselves up for failure.

The first step to achieving global dexterity is to seriously anticipate the cultural change you’re
going to go through whether you’re going abroad or going back home.

Crack Your Cultural Code

Once you have a realistic picture of what your life might look like, the next step is to transition
smoothly to a new environment while avoiding any internal conflict. This is where your
knowledge of cultural differences will come in handy. This step is crucial regardless of whether
you’re traveling abroad for a short period of time or long. Even if you travel for a few days you
should know what to expect. For instance it’s a good idea to research how you’ll be greeted or
what will be an acceptable present keeping in mind both the culture and the nature of your
business trip.
While cultures are unique and oftentimes contrasting it’s still possible to put your own spin on
what acceptable behavior looks like. It’s even possible to develop distinct and segmented
cultural styles. Depending on what comes more naturally to you, you can choose any of these

“Culture Add” Mentality: Blended Culture

With using the blending culture technique the good news is there is no right or wrong way. The
idea is to simply blend elements of the host culture with your behaviors from before traveling
abroad. The blended culture method allows for individuals to create unique cultural blends
without compromising the feeling of authenticity. It’s also an excellent approach for
readjusting to life at home.

For example, let’s imagine Mark spent a semester at a reputable business school in Seoul. He
has successfully adapted to the cultural norms in Korea, however now that he has rejoined his
college in America he feels embarrassed receiving compliments. His international mobility
professor has complimented him on taking an additional Korean language course abroad but he
only responds with, “No, my Korean is not good”. This might leave an impression on his
American professor that he lacks confidence. Instead, a more appropriate response could have
been, “Thank you, I am still trying to learn but I am not very good at speaking Korean yet.” This
way he demonstrates confidence and pride in the efforts that he made and adds the element of
humility, a trademark of Asian cultures.

Segmented Cultural Styles

The second approach is to manifest different cultural personas. This is an especially useful
technique for people who don’t want to get caught up in applying the blended culture style in
situations where either it isn’t needed or is inappropriate. It’s a lot similar to how we prepare
outfits according to a specific occasion. For example, you’d put on your sportswear before
heading to the gym, and a tuxedo to an event gala.

Seek Help
The third and most important piece of advice is to ask for help. At this stage, the interventions
from a cross-cultural consultant or coach are most valuable.

For example, you’ve thought about how you are going to conduct yourself in a given situation.
Chances are theory might not translate into practice the way you’ve imagined it. Here’s where
you need someone with the needed competencies to tell you whether your approach will have
the desired outcome in a given situation, or will it backfire. Another key point here is to
understand the audience you have to interact with. The way you are expected to behave even in
China will be different for let’s say an investor who’s spent most of their professional life in the
US and for a local investor with a more traditional background. Consultancy services like Global
Mindset Development are ideal for this purpose, since they understand both the culture and the
content of the industry you operate in.
Self-Reflection: “A New Normal”
The whole point of nurturing global dexterity is to prevent the loss of self. While it’s important to
get out of your comfort zone, it’s equally as important to keep assessing internally whether these
changes are starting to seem uncomfortable or unnatural. If you’re experiencing distress
internally, it will ultimately show externally in your behaviors as well.

In order to not be overwhelmed by internal conflict it helps to appreciate your new behaviors.
Rather than focusing on how these new behaviors feel inauthentic, it's better to think of them as
an evolution of the self. Even when others might not understand the value of your experiences
abroad it’s crucial that you appreciate them and celebrate your growth as a person in the
process. You did change after all, and change isn’t bad! Own your new self, accept and
embrace it and you will be able to see the true value your experiences bring.

Forgiveness is Key

Finally, you also need to forgive yourself. The road to cultural adaptation isn’t an easy one. You
will make mistakes if you haven’t yet. Sometimes even embarrassing ones. But, it’s OK to make
mistakes, we all do!

Project the same sense of forgiveness to those around you as well. Express your respect for the
host culture, apologize for any cultural inappropriateness, but most importantly demonstrate that
you are making an effort. Communicate that you’re trying to adapt to the cultural rules and
traditions even if you make a few mistakes now and then. This will not only help you build
community relationships but also encourage your hosts to aid you with your adaptation.

Long story short, culture shock takes a toll on people’s confidence, their mental health, and
ultimately isn’t good for business. This is where cross-cultural training and global dexterity come
in hand!

By attaining global dexterity business owners and managers can establish fruitful long-term
business relationships as well as a good international reputation. With the right knowledge of
cultures and an ability to apply that knowledge, businesses can achieve incredible success and
respect internationally.

The author would like to thank Hafsa Shakil, GMD intern, for her support in research and
writing for the present article.

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