Class Test (Data Analytics)

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Class Test( Objective Types Question)

Subject – Data Analytics (BCST-603)

Date – 05/04/2024
3rd Lecture
Descriptive Statistics:

What is the purpose of descriptive statistics?

a) To make inferences about populations
b) To summarize and describe data
c) To test hypotheses
d) To predict future outcomes

Which of the following measures of central tendency is influenced by extreme values?

a) Mean
b) Median
c) Mode
d) Range

What is the range of a dataset?

a) The average value
b) The difference between the maximum and minimum values
c) The most frequently occurring value
d) The spread of data around the mean

Probability Distributions:

Which distribution is used to describe the number of successes in a fixed number of independent
Bernoulli trials?
a) Normal distribution
b) Binomial distribution
c) Poisson distribution
d) Exponential distribution

In a standard normal distribution, what percentage of the data falls within one standard deviation
from the mean?
a) 68%
b) 95%
c) 99.7%
d) 50%

Inferential Statistics:

What is the purpose of inferential statistics?

a) To summarize data
b) To make predictions about future events
c) To make inferences about populations based on sample data
d) To describe the characteristics of a population

Which of the following is NOT a common inferential statistic?

a) T-test
b) Chi-square test
d) Mean

Regression & ANOVA:

What is the primary difference between regression and ANOVA?

a) Regression is used for predicting outcomes, while ANOVA is used for comparing means of multiple
b) ANOVA is used for predicting outcomes, while regression is used for comparing means of multiple
c) Regression and ANOVA are essentially the same and can be used interchangeably.
d) Regression is only used for categorical data, while ANOVA is only used for continuous data.

What does the p-value in regression analysis indicate?

a) The strength of the relationship between the variables
b) The probability of observing the data if the null hypothesis is true
c) The amount of variability explained by the model
d) The effect size of the independent variable

Introduction to Big Data:

What are the Four V’s of Big Data?

a) Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value
b) Volume, Velocity, Validation, Veracity
c) Variance, Velocity, Value, Variety
d) Volume, Variability, Velocity, Visualization

What are some drivers for Big Data adoption?

a) Decreasing data complexity
b) Decreasing computational power
c) Increasing data volumes and types
d) Decreasing storage costs

Big Data Technologies:

Which technology is commonly used for parallel processing in Hadoop?

a) MapReduce
b) SQL
c) Python
d) Java
What is the null hypothesis typically denoted by?
a) H0
b) H1
c) α
d) p-value

Regression & ANOVA:

What type of relationship does linear regression analyze?

a) Linear
b) Non-linear
c) Exponential
d) Logarithmic

In ANOVA, what does the F-statistic measure?

a) The variation within groups
b) The variation between groups
c) The overall mean of the data
d) The effect size

What are some drivers for Big Data adoption?

a) Cost reduction, Competitive advantage, Regulatory compliance
b) Traditional data analysis, Manual data processing, Small datasets
c) Slow processing speed, Limited storage capacity, Lack of skilled personnel
d) Static market conditions, Minimal data generation, Low business complexity

Big Data Technologies:

Which technology is commonly associated with distributed storage and processing of Big Data?
a) Hadoop
b) SQL
c) Excel
d) Python

What is the primary advantage of cloud-based Big Data solutions?

a) Increased hardware costs
b) Reduced scalability
c) Ease of deployment and management
d) Limited accessibility

Processing Big Data:

What is the purpose of data discovery in Big Data processing?

a) To hide data from unauthorized users
b) To find hidden patterns or trends in data
c) To encrypt sensitive information
d) To increase data redundancy
What is a key step in preparing data for Hadoop MapReduce?
a) Aggregating data
b) Normalizing data
c) Fragmenting data
d) Encrypting data

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