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An experimental investigation on self-healing concrete using

“Bacillus subtilis”
P.V. Premalatha a, *, M. Geethanjali b, S. Sundararaman c, C.S. Murali d
Department of Civil Engineering, M.I.E.T. Engineering College, Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Surya College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry, India
Department of Civil Engineering, CARE College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli, India


Keywords: The current study attempts to measure the performance of concrete utilizing microbiologically generated bac­
Bacteria Concrete teria growth. This idea led to the creation of a highly unique concrete that employs bacteria to mend defects in
Bacillus Subtilis concrete. When cracks develop in concrete, they allow the ingress of water and various chemicals, thereby
Self-healing concrete
reducing its strength and durability and causing corrosion of the reinforcement. To solve this issue, bacterial
concrete is developed which has an independent self-healing mechanism that assists in fracture repair by pro­
Durability ducing calcium carbonate crystals that fill micro-fissures and pores. In the present investigation, the bacterium
“Bacillus subtilis” was employed based on the literature study. This bacterium was cultured and utilized as it can
withstand harsh environmental conditions. The Bacterium “Bacillus subtilis” was added in volume of 10 ml, 20
ml, 30 ml, 40 ml and 50 ml in M25 concrete. The compressive strength of concrete was monitored at 7 days, 14
days and 28 days. It was observed that 30 cc of “Bacillus Subtilis” when cultures and added to the concrete gives
optimum compressive strength for a M25 grade concrete. Also, the inclusion of microorganisms improved
compressive strength of concrete significantly. This bacterium introduced to the concrete has successfully self-
healed the cracks thereby improving its durability.

1. Introduction absorptivity on concrete cubes due to the mixing of bacteria in concrete.

The evaluated results indicate that concrete strength has increased
Most structures are built with concrete that cracks to allow significantly. The present research mainly focuses on the comparison of
embedded steel reinforcing to take up the tensile loads. Crack formation the strength of conventional and bio concrete cubes.
is mainly associated with the durability of concrete. Percolated fissures In Engineering, current material design is based on the concept of
can lead to leaks or the intrusion of toxic materials, causing the concrete damage prevention. Self-healing materials, as presented by Van der
matrix to deteriorate or the reinforcement to corrode. In order to Zwaag’s notion of damage management, are an alternative design
enhance such concrete’s durability, water and other pollutants must be principle. Damage does not always result in problems if it is healed
kept out of reach which is practically not possible. Hence, self-healing through a self-healing process. These self-healing materials must fulfill
concept plays a major role in such circumstances. Self-healing refers the expected number of functions and possess necessary self-healing
to its regaining ability on its own for a normal performance after heal­ characteristics. Under normal circumstances, damages are detected,
ing. Bacteria transform the mineral precursor chemical into calcium followed by the delivery of a healing agent to the damage site, which
carbonate, which is more commonly known as limestone [1–4]. When a will induce the repairing process. In an ideal world, self-healing mate­
crack occurs, ingress water activates this mechanism, and limestone rials would be inexpensive and have qualities that are on par with or
precipitation on the surface is observed. Bacteria-induced self-healing better than currently available repairing materials, including the ability
concrete is expected to show increased durability, leakage prevention, to fix faults of any size, several times, and totally autonomously. When it
and service life extension. Many other researchers studied the effect on comes to concrete, the durability of the material is mostly examined for
the compressive strength, flexural strength, and water absorption and the potential for damage.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.V. Premalatha).
Received 12 March 2023; Received in revised form 17 July 2023; Accepted 11 August 2023
2214-7853/Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2023 International
Conference on Advanced Technologies in Chemical, Construction and Mechanical Sciences.

Please cite this article as: P.V. Premalatha et al., Materials Today: Proceedings,
P.V. Premalatha et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Healing by microbes is getting very popular as in this process; con­ (ii). Bacterial concrete is manufactured by inserting bacteria that can
crete already has a built-in healing mechanism due to its chemical, continuously precipitate calcite in concrete. Microbiologically gener­
physical, and mechanical reactions. Calcium carbonate precipitation is ated calcite precipitation is the scientific term for this process.
the most important in this kind of self-curing. A crack width of 0.2 mm is (iii). Bacillus subtilis, a bacterium that may effectively treat concrete
the average limit for which healing can still occur. Here the carbonation fractures. When the self-healing bacteria comes in contact with oxygen
reaction occurs in which dispersed carbon dioxide combines with the and water, they will convert nutrients to calcium carbonate. Bacillus
calcium hydroxide deformed through the hydration process, and this subtilis creates calcite, which precipitates on an appropriate medium
results in the formation of calcium carbonate. The precipitation of cal­ supplied with calcium [see Eqn (1)]. This byproduct fills up the cracks
cium carbonate is also a principle of microbial healing [3–5]. Dormant present in the concrete ensuring its durability.
bacteria are reactivated by the ingress of water through the cracks. The main focus of the research will be on how to create the correct
Bacterial conversion of an ‘integrated mineral precursor chemical’ conditions for the bacteria to not only survive in the concrete but also to
produces dense layers of calcium carbonate. When it comes in contact manufacture enough calcite to mend cracks.
with calcium lactate, bacteria merely serve as a catalyst.
Carbon dioxide is produced by the metabolic conversion of calcium Ca(C3H5O2)2 + 7O2 → CaCO3 + 5CO 2 + 5H 2O (1)
lactate, which combines with the calcium hydroxide in the concrete CO 2 + Ca(OH) 2 → CaCO3 + H2 O
matrix according to the chemical reaction in Equation (1) to form more
calcium carbonate. Massive creation of huge, over 100 m crystalline (Carbonation).
calcium carbonate precipitates seals and blocks fissures, limiting further
infiltration of water and other chemicals that could damage the concrete 2.1. Preparation of sample- (Nutrient broth)
matrix or embedded reinforcement. Carbonate synthesis driven by
bacteria follows a variety of metabolic routes. Several researchers chose In a conical flask, 13 g of nutrient broth was added to 250 ml of
urea hydrolysis as a viable bio cementation process [6,7]. distilled water. Cotton is used to plug the conical flask. The soup is then
The environment is alkalinized during ureolytic-driven carbonate autoclaved for 15 min at 121 degrees Celsius.
production, favoring the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the form
of calcite. One mole of urea is hydrolyzed into one mole of carbonate and • The flask was then removed and allowed to cool to room
two moles of ammonium ions in the total reaction. Jonkers [5] pur­ temperature.
posefully chose an organic calcium salts-based metabolic pathway over • To inoculate the broth without contaminating it, a laminar airflow
urea hydrolysis to avoid potentially harmful effects on the concrete chamber was used.
matrix or embedded reinforcement when generated ammonia is subse­ • The laminar airflow chamber is cleaned with ethanol before using it.
quently converted to nitric acid by bacteria. • One loop of culture was taken and combined with the broth after it
A healing agent is mostly made up of bacteria and a mineral pre­ had cooled.
cursor component. The first and most critical step is to select microor­ • Then, for 24 h, the conical flask is maintained in the incubator shaker
ganisms that were compatible with concrete. Bacteria should be able to at 37 degrees Celsius.
survive and thrive in such an alkaline environment. Because concrete
constructions are built to last at least 50 to 100 years, germs should be The pH study on the bacterial solution reveals that the culture of
able to survive for that long. As a result, a particular type of alkaliphilic Bacillus Subtilis is better in a solution of neutral to alkaline nature.
spore-forming bacteria was chosen. When life conditions grow less Hence care is taken that the pH of the solution is maintained at 7. The
favorable, bacteria create thick cell-walled spores. The use of appro­ above process is shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3.
priate bacteria in conjunction with calcium lactate as a mineral pre­
cursor compound resulted in the formation of calcium carbonate
2.2. Maintenance of stock culture
precipitates in concrete cracks.
When calcium lactate and bacterial spores were given to the concrete
Bacillus subtilis jc3 stock cultures were grown on nutrient agar
mixture in an unprotected state, mineral synthesis appeared to be
slants. The culture was streaked onto agar slants with an inoculating
limited in time, most likely due to the precursor compound’s full inte­
loop and incubated at 37 degrees Celsius. Slant cultures were stored
gration in the matrix, limiting its access to bacteria. Direct addition also
under refrigeration (4 degrees Celsius) after 2–3 days of growth for a
appears to decrease the viability of bacterial spores to 2–4 months. This
total of 27 uses. Every 90 days, sub culturing was performed. Other
is most likely due to further cement hydration reducing the pore size of
bacteria contamination was checked on nutrient agar plates on a regular
the cement paste. MIP (mercury intrusion porosimetry) indicates that
pore diameters decrease over time to less than 1 m, the average size of
Bacillus spores. When integrated bacterial spores are immobilized or
protected and the precursor molecule is kept available for bacterial
conversion, the possibility for long-term survival and activity increases.
Encapsulation of the two-compound healing agent in a protected
reservoir is the preferred solution.

2. Materials and methods

The selection of bacteria in self-healing concrete dramatically affects

the mechanical property of the concrete. The germination of bacteria is
not possible in every environment. Selection of wrong bacteria results in
premature death and failure to achieve the desired outcome. In this
paper, Bacillus Subtilis is chosen based on a thorough literature study.
(i). Bacillus Subtilis is a bacillus found in soil and the human
gastrointestinal tract. Bacillus subtilis is a rod-shaped Bacillus species
that produces a strong, productive endospore that allows it to withstand
harsh environmental conditions. Fig. 1. Weighted medium.

P.V. Premalatha et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Nutrient broth in 250 ml medium.

Fig. 5. Maintenance of stock culture.

Fig. 3. Cultured Bacterial Sample.

basis (Figs. 4 and 5).(See Fig. 6).

3. Methodology Fig. 6. Mixing of Concrete.

3.1. Specimen casting curing, the specimens were tested for compressive strength with a
calibrated compression testing machine. Control specimens were cast of
From the literature, guidance was obtained on casting specimens concrete grade M25.
with induced bacteria [8–13]. M25 grade concrete mix [14–17] was The slump test was done to check the workability of the concrete
prepared with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and cubes of dimension after adding the bacteria. The results are presented in Fig. 7 and showed
150 mm X 150 mm X 150 mm were cast. Specimens with bacillus subtilis a normal range.
added from the total volume of concrete at 0 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, 30 ml, 40
ml, and 50 ml have been cast. During the casting process, the cubes were
manually compacted into three layers. After 24 h, the specimens were
removed from the mould and water cured for 7, 14, and 28 days. After

Fig. 4. Petri-dish stock culture. Fig. 7. Slump test.

P.V. Premalatha et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

3.2. Specimen curing

Curing was done after the concrete has been placed in the mould and
hardened. Curing concrete properly results in increased strength and
lower permeability, as well as the avoidance of cracking where the
surface dries out prematurely. It is also important to avoid freezing or
overheating as a result of the exothermic setting of cement. Inadequate
curing can result in scaling, decreased strength, poor abrasion resis­
tance, and cracking. Fig. 8 shows the curing of Specimens.

3.3. Compressive strength test

The cubes were subjected to Compression test (Fig. 9) and the results
are presented in Fig. 10.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Compressive strength results

Fig. 10 shows the compressive strength of bacteria added cubes. It is

observed that M25 grade bacterial concrete is having higher compres­
sive strength than the normal M25 grade concrete. When 30 ml of ba­
cillus subtilis bacteria is added, it gives the compressive strength of
33.32 N/mm2, which is the maximum. Hence, we can replace normal
M25 concrete by our M25 bacterial concrete thereby reducing the cost of
construction. Fig. 9. Cube testing.

4.2. Self-healing analysis

Calcium carbonate precipitating microorganisms is used to heal

cracks. After being immobilized on diatomaceous earth, these organisms
become embedded in the concrete matrix and begin the precipitation of
CaCO3. 20% of the ultimate load is applied to the concrete cube with 30
ml added bacteria specimen to induce the crack in concrete cubes. Once
there is a crack formation, this cube is removed from the compression
testing machine and left over for self-healing. In order to escalate the
self-healing process, water is sprayed over the specimen for 7 days. The
cracks present in the concrete allow the ingress of water resulting in the
chemical reaction with the water. The bacterial cell will be coated with a
layer of calcium carbonate, resulting in the microorganism’s death, but
the crack faces bonds together in the meantime. Fig. 11 shows the before
and after healing of cracked concrete cube.
Comparison of compressive strength of M25 to M25 Bacterial Con­ Fig. 10. Compressive strength of bacteria added cubes.
crete is shown in Fig. 12. However, the compressive strength of concrete
achieved after self–healing needs to be investigated, which may be taken
as a future scope of work.
From the above figure, it is observed that M25 grade bacterial con­
crete has higher compressive strength than the normal M25 grade

Fig. 11. Before and after healing of concrete cube.

concrete, so we can replace normal M25 concrete with our M25 bacterial
concrete. Hence the cost of construction is reduced.
However, one should not forget the limitations that bacterial con­
Fig. 8. Curing of Specimen. crete has, as mentioned below:

P.V. Premalatha et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

CRediT authorship contribution statement

P.V. Premalatha: Formal analysis, Supervision, Writing - review &

editing. M. Geethanjali: Resources, Visualization, Writing – original
draft. S. Sundararaman: Formal analysis, Investigation. C.S. Murali:
Formal analysis, Investigation.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.

Data availability

No data was used for the research described in the article.

Fig. 12. Compressive strength of m25 to m25 bacterial concrete.
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