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Business Studies

Chapter (1)

What is business activity?

What is business and business activity
• A business is an organization that provides goods and services for consumers

• Business activity
1) produces an output – a good/ product or service
2) goods and services are consumed – customers buy the goods or services
3)resources are used- land , labour, capital and enterprise
4) number of business functions may be carried out – production, marketing,
human resources and financial control
5) external factors affect businesses- things that they cannot control have an
impact on businesses , such as government laws, changes in consumer tastes and
the actions of competitors
6) businesses aim to make a profit – most people setting up a business to do so as
they wish to make money for themselves
Consumer goods and producer goods
• Consumer goods – goods and services sold to ordinary people
( consumers) rather than businesses

• Examples of consumer goods

goods services
smartphone healthcare
magazine banking
computer game education
Consumer goods and producer goods
• Producer goods – goods and services produced by on business for
• Examples of producer goods

goods services
delivery van market research
office furniture insurance
tractor printing
satisfying needs and wants
• Needs : basic requirements for human survival ( such as water ,food
shelter and clothing)
• Wants: people’s desires for goods and services ( such as ,better
house, a bigger car, better education etc)
The purpose of business activity
• There are different types of organization

• Private sector business organizations owned by individuals or groups of


• Public sector business organizations owned by central or local

The purpose of business activity
• The different types of organization provide goods and services for
different reasons . Therefore, each type of organization has a different
• Private enterprise
- most businesses are owned privately by individual (or)groups of
-they are private sector businesses
- the objectives of private sector businesses are to make money-
profit for the owner(s)
The purpose of business activity

• Social enterprise
- some organizations in the private sector are non profit making
- organizations such as charities ( eg; UNICEF) , pressure groups and
clubs ( eg ; sports clubs, to provide opportunities and facilities for
people with common interests )
The purpose of business activity

• Public enterprise
- some goods and services are provided by organizations owned by
central or local government and these are public sector organizations
such as health care, education, mail delivery, police , fire service etc
stakeholders of businesses
• stakeholders: any individual or group that has an interest in the operation of a business
- In small businesses, individuals , families or small groups of people and they are
responsible for setting up and running the business
- large businesses, owned by shareholders
- shareholders invest money in a business and get a share of the profit from business
as a dividend
-these people are called entrepreneurs*
• Entrepreneur : person who take risks and sets up businesses ; individual who organises
the other factors of production and risks their own money in a business venture
(risk taking, decision maker, innovator)
stakeholders of businesses
• customers
- buy the goods and services that businesses sell
- most customers are consumers who use or consume goods and
- some may be businesses customers
- all customers want good quality products at a fair price
stakeholders of businesses
• Employees
- They work for businesses and get salaries from businesses
- they have other needs such as they want good working conditions, fair pay
and benefits, job security, and opportunities for promotion
stakeholders of businesses
• Managers
- help to run businesses
-they are employed to run the different departments in
businesses( such as marketing , production, finance and human
resources etc)
- they solve problems, make decisions, settle disputers and
motivate workers
- to help plan the direction of the business , control resources,
such as finance , equipment, time and people etc
- take responsibility if things go wrong and accountable to the
stakeholders of businesses
• Financiers
- they lend money to a business
- they may be banks, individuals ( family members, or private
investors: venture capitalist )
stakeholders of businesses
• suppliers
- they provide raw materials, parts, commercial services and
utilities, such as electricity and water.
- relations between businesses and their suppliers must be good
because they are rely on each other.
stakeholders of businesses
• Local community
- a business may employ a lot of people who live in the local
- business does well the local community may benefit
- there may be more jobs, more overtime and possibly higher pay
- in contrast, a business may be criticised by the local community
( eg, if the owner of a nosy factory , introduce night shifts, )
• The government
- the government has an interest in all businesses
- they provide employment generate wealth and pay taxes
- taxes from businesses and their employees are used to finance
government spending
Business environment
• external factors and change over time and may affect to businesses
• Factors include strength of competition, government regulations,
demand patterns, social affairs , technology etc
• Change environment can bring new opportunities and limitation
siness produces goods and service for consumers to get profit ( to meet/satisfy needs and want of consumers)

vate sector
blic sector Land , labour , cap and enterprise(resources)
(or) ( Management functions : production, marketing , HR etc)
blic ( external factors: regulations, customers taste, competitors, etc)
- consumer goods and services (stakeholders: )
- producer goods and services

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