Bài tập chia động từ - PREP.VN sưu tầm

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ĐỀ 1

Question 1. (TN-11) We first ____ each other in London in 2006.

A. meet B. have met C. met D. had met

Question 2. (TN-11) She suggested ____ for a drink.

A. being gone B. go C. to go D. going

Question 3. (TN-12) My children ____ interested in kangaroos lately.

A. become B. have become C. will become D. were becoming

Question 4. (TN-12) Michael ___ water sports when he was younger.

A. is used to playing B. used to playing C. is used to play D. used to play

Question 5. (TN-13) As soon as I saw the advertisement, I ___ the house agent.

A. phone B. had phoned C. have phoned D. phoned

Question 6. (TN-13) At present, the new director ____ to foster a culture of open

communication within the company.

A. tried B. was trying C. tries D. is trying

Question 7. (TN-13) I decided ____ the book you told me about some days ago.

A. to buying B. buy C. to buy D. buying

Question 8. (TN-14) She wrote her essay carefully to avoid ____ mistakes.

A. make B. making C. being made D. to make

Question 9. (THPT-15) Although MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) spreads through
close contact with sick people, not through the air, many people still avoid________ to

crowded places.

A. to go B. having gone C. gone D. going

Question 13. (A1-12) Due to ever more spreading poaching, there ____ a dramatic decline in

the number of elephants over the last decade.

A. was B. is C. has been D. had been

Question 14. (A1-12) I ___ work last week, but I changed my mind.

A. have started B. was going to start C. had started D. would start

Question 15. (A1-12) The Principal usually has his pupils ____ waste paper for their


A. collected B. collect C. to collect D.having collected

Question 16.(A1-12) I ____ with my aunt when I am on holiday in Ho Chi Minh City next


A. will have been staying B. will have stayed C. stay D. will be staying

Question 17. (A1-14) We could have caught the last train, but we ____ five minutes late.

A. were B. would be C. have been D. are

Question 18. (A1-14) Do you remember ____ to help us when we were in difficulty?

A. you offer B. being offered C. once offering D. to offer

Question 19. (A1-14) The superstar, accompanied by the other members of the band, ____ to

visit our school next week.

A. are going B. is going C. are D. has had

Question 20. (A1-14) _____ always gives me real pleasure.

A. I arrange flowers B. The flowers are arranged C. Arranging flowers D. While arranging


Question 21. (D-10) Our industrial output ____ from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this year.

A. was rising B. rises C. rose D. has risen

Question 22. (D-10) The captain as well as all the passengers ____ very frightened by the
strange noise.

A. is B. were C. was D. have been

Question 23. (D-12) When Peter was a child, there ____ a cinema near his house.

A. used to be B. used to have C. used to be being D. used to have been

Question 24. (D-12) Working as a volunteer gives her a chance to develop her interpersonal

skills, promote friendship, and ____ her own talent.

A. discover B. discovered C. discovering D. to discover

Question 25. (D-12) It has been suggested that Mary ____ a computer course in preparation

for a steady job.

A. take B. have been taken C. would have taken D. was taken

Question 26. (D-12) The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it’s worth ____ a

packed lunch.

A. taken B. taking C. to take D. take

Question 27. (D-13) The boat was sailing north when a terrible storm____.

A. had broken B. broke C. would break D. was breaking

Question 28. (D-14) "Could you turn off the stove? The potatoes ____ for at least thirty


A. boiled B. were boiling C. are boiling D. have been boiling

Question 29. (TN-11) Two thieves ____ at a bus stop were arrested yesterday.

A. having waited B. were waiting C. wait D. waiting

Question 30. (D-13) He ____ us but he was short of money at the time.

A. could have helped B. can help C. might help D. would help

Question 31. (THPT -15) Although MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) spreads

through close contact with sick people, not through the air, many people still avoid ______ to

crowded places.

A. to go B. having gone C. gone D. going

Question 32. (THPT -15) Students will not be allowed into the exam room if they ______ their

student cards.
A. produced B. hadn’t produced C. didn’t produce D. don’t produce

Question 33. (THPT-16) It is raining heavily with rolls of thunder. We ____ such a terrible


A. would never see B. had never seen C. have never seen D. never see

Question 34. (THPT-16) Most teenagers enjoy ____ the Internet for information and


A. surfing B. surf C. surfed D. to surf

Question 35. (THPT-16) Without your help, I ____ the technical problem with my computer

the other day.

A. wouldn't solve B. couldn't have solved C. could solve D. can't solve

Question 36. (THPT -17) I ______ all of my homework last night.

A. finish B. will finish C. have finished D. finished

Question 37. (THPT -17) I ____ my old school teacher last week.

A. have visited B. visiting C. visited D. visit

Question 38. (THPT -17) Last week, we _ an interesting film about the animal


A. saw B. are seeing C. will see D. see

Question 39. (THPT -17) Lan ___learning English a few years ago.

A. will start B. started C. is starting D. starts

Question 40. (THPT -18) Only after she ______ from a severe illness did she realise the

importance of good health.

A. would recover B. has recovered

C. had recovered D. was recovering

Question 41. (THPT -18) If Martin were here now, he ______ us to solve this difficult problem.

A. would help B. helps C. will help D. has helped

Question 42. (THPT -18) If he didn't have to work today, he ______ his children to the zoo.
A. will take B. takes C. would take D. has taken

Question 43. (THPT -18) Only after the bus ______ for a few miles did Jane realise she was on

the wrong route.

A. was running B. had run C. has run D. runs

Question 44. (THPT -18) Maria decided ______ her education after a gap year. A. to continue

B. to continuing C. continue D. continuing

Question 45. (THPT -18) Only after he ______ the job as a computer programmer did he

realise how much he loved it.

A. has left B. had left C. was leaving D. would leave

Question 46. (THPT -18) If you didn't have to leave today, I ______ you around the city.

A. have shown B. showed C. will show D. would show

Question 47. (THPT -18) He promised ______ his daughter a new bicycle as a birthday


A. buy B. to buy C. to buying D. buying

Question 48. (THPT -18) Drastic measures should be taken to tackle the problems ______

child abuse.

A. involved B. to involve C. involving D. are involving

Question 49. (THPT -18) If our teacher were here now, he ______ us with this difficult


A. has helped B. helps C. will help D. would help

Question 50. (THPT -18) Only after the teacher ______ the procedure clearly were the

students allowed to go ahead with the experiment.

A. would explain B. had explained C. was explaining D. has explained

Question 51. (THPT -19) The teacher entered the room while the student ____ their plans for

the excursion.

A. were discussing B. discuss C. are discussing D. discussed

Question 52. (THPT -19) We ___ on a field trip if the weather is fine this weekend.

A. would go B. went C. could have gone D. will go

Question 53. (THPT -19) Linda took great photos of butterflies while she ____ in the


A. is hiking B. was hiking C. hiked D. had hiked

ĐỀ 2
Question 1. The restaurant ________ by the time we ___________.

A. had already closed – were arriving B. had alreadly closed – arrived

C. had already been closed – arrived D. will have closed – arrived

Question 2. “I __________ to get hold of you for ages! Where have you been?” A. had

been trying

B. am trying C. will be trying D. have been trying

Question 3. Five minutes after we arrived at the beach, it ______ to rain.

A. were starting B. starts C. started D. has started

Question 4. Justin was living in a small apartment until he ______ married.

A. got B. gets C. is getting D. was getting

Question 5. That has to be the worst film I ________.

A. will ever see B. had even seen C. ever saw D. have ever seen

Question 6. While Alan _______ home late last night, he ________ out of petrol.

A. were driving – ran B. had been driving – had run

C. drived – was running D. is driving – ran

Question 7. To tell the truth, I ________ Richard yet.

A. have not invite B. did not invite C. am not inviting D. haven’t invited Question 8.

They _______ dinner in an Italian restaurant before going to the cinema.

A. have had B. had had C. are having D. will have had

Question 9. Before I ________ to live in Spain, I thought it was a hot country.

A. goes B. am going C. went D. had gone

Question 10. “Sorry. What did you say? I _______ to Carol.”

A. was listening B. were listening C. listened D. had listened

Question 11. On the first of next month, he _______ in prison for five years.

A. has been B. will be C. had been D. will have been

Question 12. I'd rather you ________ absent from class yesterday.

A. weren’t B. won’ be C. haven’t been D. hadn’t been

Question 13. Students who stay up all night to cram for an exam _______ themselves

more harm than good.

A. are doing B. have done C. did D. were doing

Question 14. Recently, a deluge of universities ______ for conducting online courses

instead of traditional ones.

A. had opted B. have opted C. opt D. will opt

Question 15. Screaming at the top of your voice ______ a good way of venting pent-up


A. has been B. is C. was D. had been

Question 16. Some days ago, there ________ a video going viral on the Internet depicting

the tiff between 2 young girls.

A. were B. had been C. was D. will be

Question 17. This time next year, we ________ for the national college entrance

A. have graduated B. are graduating C. graduate D. will be sitting

Question 18. She’s alive! She _______ but that handsome young man dived in and saver her,

just in time.

A. was drowning B. drowned C. is drowning D. has drowned

Question 19. I ________ to the radio when you _______ the bell the first time, and that’s

why I didn’t hear you.

A. was listening – rang B. listened – rang

C. listened – were ringing D. had listened – rang

Question 20. Back to the 16th century, “War and Peace” _____ fascinating


A. were B. was C. is D. are

Question 21. When she _______ me for a year, she invited me to tea.

A. knew B. knows C. has known D. had known

Question 22. If they ________ the museum, we'd better go there today.

A. haven’t seen B. didn’t see C. hadn’t seen D. don’t see

Question 23. He looked as though he ________ a square meal, but in fact his wife feeds him

very well.

A. never got B. is never getting C. had never got D. has never got

Question 24. We are swamped with work and _______ overtime all week.

A. are working B. have been working C. had been working D. worked

Question 25. Huong Giang Idol _______ a picture showing her luxurious house on social

media a few hours ago.

A. had posted B. posted C. was posting D. was posted

ĐỀ 3
Question 1. Tim ___________in three movies already. I think he’ll be a star some day.

A. had appeared B. has appeared C. was appearing D. is appearing

Question 2. She was overjoyed because her article______.

A. has been published B. has published C. had been published D. had published

Question 3. The existence of many stars in the sky ________ us to suspect that there may be

life on another planet.

A. have led B. leads C. lead D. leading

Question 4. Her academic performance has greatly improved since she _______ study


A. changed B. will change C. would change D. was changing

Question 5. Recently, a gang of enterprising New Zealanders ___________ an incredible

scheme to raise awareness of depression and mental health issues.

A. has introduced B. had introduced C. introduced D. was introduced

Question 6. I can’t believe that you ___ all the three exercises! You just started five minutes


A. have finished B. have been finishing C. finished D. are finishing

Question 7. Don’t worry! We ___________for you at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

A. will wait B. will be waiting C. wait D. are waiting

Question 8. Jack __________ chess before so I showed him what to do.

A. wasn’t playing B. hadn’t been playing C. didn’t play D. hadn’t played

Question 9. By this time next year, my father __________ here for 25 years.

A. are going to work B. will be working C. will have been working D. will work

Question 10. I __________for my sunglasses since noon, but I can’t find them.
A. am looking B. looked

C. have looked D. have been looking

Question 11. When the children __________home, it was obvious that they had been

playing in mud.

A. arrived B. were arriving

C. had arrived D. had been arriving

Question 12. As time goes by, he ___________more and more


A. becomes B. is becoming

C. has become D. has been becoming

Question 13. Kathy can’t go shopping with me next Saturday morning. She _________a

French lesson.

A. has B. is going to have C. will have D. will be having

Question 14. It’s the coldest winter we ___________in Greece.

A. ever experience B. ever experienced

C. were ever experiencing D. have ever experienced

Question 15. As part of my job, I _________ abroad a lot, so I ________to improve my


A. travel/ need B. am travelling/ need C. am travelling/ am needing D. travel/ am needing

Question 16. Mary ___________the country by the time this letter reaches her.

A. is going to leave B. will leave C. is leaving D. will have left

Question 17. I __________ you should buy him a tie. He _________ to dress formally.

A. am thinking/ likes B. think/likes

C. think/ is liking D. am thinking/ has liked

Question 18. Mary has been financially independent since she _______ to work.
A. was going out B. went out C. would go out D.will go out

Question 19. He won't understand what the responsibilities of a father are ________ .

A. as soon as he had his first child B. once he had his first child

C. after he had had his first child D. until he has his first child

Question 20. Homestead High School’s football team _________a championship until

last season, when the new coach led them to take first place in their league.

A. has never won B. is never winning C. had never been winning D. had never won

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