Basic Reading 200 Key Words 3

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Table of Comants a *£ ES Going Places m pool park airport a a eS = Away We Go! train j ce lip @a =a Get Moving hike g den fi j backpack lantem sm We tw OE ws At the Garden Store i lily sunflower Let's Go Camping! ms ter tul COTY) s ane 20 40 100 30 How Much? enty forty hundr thirty 2a What's Wrong? WTC} It's Scary! runnynose headache cold _ toothache Unit/09) It's Your Birthday! Unit}10) Larger and Louder! zebra _ elephant — ee Art Class rayon ul How Often? lute piano a € & &, Different Tastes spic: sour Oy Wi id How Do I Get There? iin le TS What Time Is It? Unit 16 In the Kitchen How to Use This Book Each unit in Basic Reading 200 Key Words has eight parts, plus additional review after every eight units and consolidation activities in the workbook. These parts work together to lead students from reviewing phonics, visualizing the meaning of target vocabulary, and thinking about the unit's topic to reading a passage and checking comprehension. After reading the passage and completing a comprehension check, students practice writing, review target vocabulary, study the basic sentence patterns used in the passage, and practice listening comprehension and pronunciation. The audio recordings of the passages and the listening activities are provided on a CD. The function of each section is as follows. rag aU Lists key vocabulary along with word tracing and illustrations that provide visual definitions for the words Provides a chant to increase students’ interest Presents a quick interactive activity in which students look for two sight words in the passage Jocks going othe pool, Nancy i going to he pork © 008, where are you going? Blam going tothe airport Phonics Words Perit) Presents an interesting original story with color illustrations and a chant to improve listening and reading skills Uses a sticker activity to stimulate students’ interest in phonics Check It © 3H wanazensee © GQ censnscnee © § vascensees ae ‘a= To Vole: 3 Find and circle: going, am ®) Mom is going to the mall. == Jack is going to the pool. Nancy is going to the park. ll =— - @ lomgohgetosine a is oe ry Ycneckiin Check and write. @ Momis going tothe {! @ lamgoing to the ! Ouse Listen and circle. “S © ol © schol © mad Gd — pool dad Q Witte Match and write. ® pool © place © park @ ousiag, Listen, say, and put the stickers. “7” isightiWords ®& 7 Seal k-lteRelca(-4 Let's go! We take a train. Choo-choo! I take a jet. Whoosh! We take a car. Vroom! Vroom! I take a ship. Ahoy! Uh-oh! I feel sick. Oar Check and write. @ Itakea =—=——__. Whoosh! Listen and circle. ® Match and write. @ take @ train © ship Listen, say, and put the stickers. ‘i, Get Moving ee, EP Does she like to hike? Yes, she does. Sight§Words Find and circle: does, sleep (2 Does she like to garden? No, she doesn’t. Cy \ (a[-Does he like to jog? No, he likes to sleep! OGaxzp Check and write. @ Does she like to _? @ Does he like to Wear nly Listen and circle. “) @ jog © hike =O street dog ike Sleep QO Witw x Match and write. @ sleep ®@ garden © jog @ ousizag, Listen, say, and put the stickers. Sloe aries Find and circle: has, no ‘He has a as Wi q Check and write. © Ihavea : (| a & F ) a lantern Oump Listen and circle. 23) @ map © jog OP want gop dog — tent Q Witag Match and write. @ dog ® map © tent ck Listen, say, and put the stickers. %& What do they want? | Dad wants some tulips. Mom wants some lilies. , CS san Words What do they want? Find and circle: _ Leah wants a lot of roses. eal John wants a lot of sunflower seeds. Oh no! He eats them! ee O Gea Check and write. @ Dadwantssome ry | @ Leah wants a lot fo a roses Ousap Listen and circle. 53) © seed © tent © hose sleep == want) = rose Choose and write. some a lot of sunflowers. lilies @ uasitza yg, Listen, say, and put the stickers. ® How much is the net? es YW 2) It’s twenty dollars. é Phonics Words [nae Find and circle: @ How much are the pegs? ©) They are forty dollars. @ How much is the frame? ©) It’s one ed dollars. ©) And the can is thirty dollars. \ @ What can? Oh! Ha ha! OGexp Check and write. @ It'sone dollars. iis) @ Andthecanis —__ dollars. 30 |) Oump Listen and circle. 3) © shit © France © fon “thirty = frome can Choose and write. twenty forty dollars pegs Listen, say, and put the stickers. &) Bl Phonics Words cold Id. ©. toothache j [ne Wire Find and circle: (4] What's wrong, Mason? I have a toothache. Oasxzp Check and write. @ Ihavea Oump ’ Listen and circle. @ Q wnitieg Match and write. @ have @ runny nose ~— © toothache Listen, say, and put the stickers. 2% it?s Try the No. It’s scary. Try the sl , Jane. It’s fast! tr. It's scary. = ; Ci[ie alerre ks Find and circle: Sian Try the swing, Jane. It’s fun! No. It’s scary. —- No. It’s scary! OGekp Check and write. @ Trythe , Jane. Clee. \ fast’ z © Trythe , Mike. Listen and circle. @) Match and write. @ swing @ slide © iry Listen, say, and put the stickers. “© atau s-- traik op. maxe (3 Look and circle. © Read and check. o (—[thave erunny nose.) Ihave a toothache. 8 Qay ( | It's forty dollars. ( | It’s one hundred dollars. (D) Number the words. —— a © show Listen to the song and sing along. gS What does she have? She has a garden. Does she have some sunflowers? No, she doesn't. What does he have? He has some pigs. Does he have many dogs? No, he doesn’t. What does she have? She has a backpack. Does she have a tent? No, she doesn't! 2 ® Roll adie and move. ® Say the word ag and use it in sentence. ts Your Siindagy When is bee ri : ‘ It’s in Mare When is your birthday? i ‘ It's in June. — Sight\Words Find and circle: Solem aT} When is your birthday? It’s in July. When is your birthday? It’s in December. My birthday is today! Let’s have a party! Check and write. © It'sin © It’sin Listen and circle. &) Q Witow Match and write. @ December @ July © party @ wuaiizag, Listen, say, and put the stickers. &3) iy a * +y se ~ ' |B A zebra is large. An elephant is larger. — | P | a ss S A bike is louder. [ne Wore Find and circle: my, big A lane is wide. « A road is wider. My ice cream is big. ; Your ice cream is bigger. ry Yeneckyn Check and write. is large. "fll 2) Oa is wider. Oump Listen and circle. Gi) © party © icecream @ road large read toad QO Witow Choose and write. lane larger elephant wider Listen, say, and put the stickers. @ New Words) © Whose crayon is this? @) It’s his crayon. ©) Whose ruler is this? @) It’s her ruler. « Laue Added ‘crayon ©: clay Sight\Words Find coLaTe] circle: ©) Whose clay is this? Perens ©) It’s his clay. 6) Whose eraser is this? @) Oh! That's my eraser! Thank you, teacher. OGxekp Check and write. — @ It'sher @ Whose Listen and circle. @ Q Witep Choose and write. her his crayon clay hlow Oran? r \ Jane always plays the : faig It sounds good. : Jane i Sight§Words Find and circle: always, our ry Yenecky7 Check and write. @ Ben always plays the _ ear, Ouump Listen and circle. @) @ tone = flag © sound Jone flute “mouse y Witla Match and write. @ always © cello ® piano Listen, say, and put the stickers. VWasies soe we! Td) How does the soup taste? It tastes y. How does the cake taste? It tastes s Sight\Words ) Find and circle: the, they ll) 1 | How do the peaches taste? They taste sweet. Yuck! This coffee is bitter. OGeaky Check and write. @ Ittastes Listen and circle. ®) QO Wihow Choose and write. sour sweet soup cake BRB SightiWords Find and circle: get, then a 2 l. ; - me . io ©) How do I get to the mall? €) Turn left here. Then go straight. Turn right there. Walk to the right. Then cross the street. €) How do I get home again? @,) Take the bus! ry Ycheckyin Check and write. @ Turn here. wid A le walk @ Then > the street. Oumep Listen and circle. &) © seep © ose © tun “street = home turtle @ vittow Choose and write. straight turn go right "(et ——= Listen, say, and put the stickers. &3 EWA Tyee It's three o'clock. It’s time for the toy store! Chl Welres Find and circle: Mm agi} It’s eight thirty. It’s ten o'clock. It’s time for school! It’s time for gym class! Dn It's seven o'clock. It’s time for the z No way! ry Yeneckyn Check and write. @ It’s time for class! © It’s time for the Oump Listen and circle. “&i) @ school © boy © three toothache toy store see Q Willow Choose and write. ten o'clock seven thirty lin the [itehen ae ©) Let’s cook dinner. @) Sure! | like cooking. ©) Let's fry the fish. ®) Sure! | like frying. f fish chop SightWords €,) Let's chop the vegetables. [Mier Werte ©) Sure! I like chopping. ©) Let's peel the potatoes. ®) Sure! I like peeling. &) OK, you do it. Oaexrp Check and write. @ let's —————__—sithe fish. Listen and circle. @) - Qwitog Match and write. @® cook © vegetable © chop 2 i @ ausiizag, Listen, say, and put the stickers. 93 3 Ousmp Q) Correct the wrong letter. eo Marth ° sebra a = ———— ee a a 8. oe! ° peal Ls cs 6 krayon c Number the words. o fimefor Te the toystoret e It’s eraser. his ° louder. An elephant ae (D) Read and check. How does the coffee taste? It tastes bitter. (| It sounds good. e How dol get to the mall? Let's fry the potatoes. C_| (| Turn right here. OsD Listen to the song and sing along. S When is your birthday? It’s in July! When is your birthday? It’s in March! Where are you going? I’m going to the mall! He wants an eraser, and she wants crayons! When is your birthday? It’s in June! When is your birthday? It is today! Where are you going? I’m going to the mall! He wants a cello, and she wants drums! 000 3|3|5[% Bl2(ele) 3[8 @ Roll adie and move. @ Say the word and use it in a sentence. © Take turns. ww ea _ LL _ - a) zs — TF Basic Reading is a twelve-level series designed to move young students of English from the Pntneee ner hue icnen nc aa een a systematically reinforce high-frequency words and sentence structures while focusing learning SOE era Cem rel Cm Cu ume OR RRC develop reading fluency as they broaden their understanding of various English word forms, structures, and sentence patterns. All of the captivating stories feature detailed illustrations Re nee eens uc uN Sora ee em Uo academic material at higher levels. Ley Prete Reeth eee te ee Us Me Ree Role sd * Color illustrations that aid in reading comprehension Rea eum k Ree ee eed Oise Rea Rue eRe CUE inn emu RLU Ohana Re eas mite Lg * Two review units per book, with reviews in the first two series featuring original songs OVC ate elu kere ers Orr et seol an lg erates Raia Con Basic Very simple passages for beginning readers. Basic~Beginner Repetition of high-frequency vocabulary through interesting passages Beginner~High Beginner Consolidates students’ understanding of grammar and word usa High Beginner ~ Intermediate Comprehension activities in both textual and graphic formats

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