Basic Reading 1200 Key Words 3 Student Book

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Table of Comients RCO ROCMI ER tole > « 7 wild backyard huge > Nonfiction / Animals ae angry attack Tees basement silver enter y ares spin future return >» TAKS meal invite tradition GRR thin thick fresh > Tee queen palace country ey Ra church leader bow > UT rest challenge match > Fiction / Helping Each Other win manage goal a aL A snap trap insect Roch paaws digest require dead bo» Wie rich gentleman journey > FT scs ORE coin knock oil ep TF steal jewelry police y visit weak bury ep Fiction / Funny Story SES eee > Cains) | Africa safe well IE iciag others | provide donate raise + | _ UT ae } gate bridge east Nonfiction / History fancy beneath special Ta puma approach __ lick Fiction / Being Wise loudly runaway trick Way | castle fortress protect Nonfiction / History | foreign guard danger ——— - ie TE learn threaten speak out Nonfiction / History brave peace prize Te necessary plankton _ tiny Nonfiction / Sea Animals j suit comfortable J Unit 15, | healthy kitten perfect Fiction / Making Friends prefer daughter wheelchair TET) } lonely bully idea Section / sacol LIS buddy simple upset ct) How to Use This Book Each unit in Basic Reading 1200 Key Words includes eight parts plus additional review and consolidation activities in the workbook. These parts work together to lead students from visualizing the meaning of target vocabulary and thinking about the unit's topic to reading the passage and checking comprehension. In the follow-up activities to the comprehension check, students practice basic grammar points related to the passages, learn the meaning of a highlighted expression, and review target vocabulary. A summary of each section is presented here. Range from original stories to informative Racers aie { f passages presented with either full-color provide visualdefnitions | illustrations or photographs. An audio for the words recording of each passage is provided on Tiger © ude + Includes a short explanation of the unit | | resents short texts related to the units topic, along with a key question to stimulate siving students exposure to new words and | student: interesting information rest in the passage Includes two comprehension activities. The first focuses on the main idea and details from the passage. A second activity summarizes the information from the passages through completion of a graphic organizer. Ortho emtte te, B= ++ Provides additional exposure to the target vocabulary of each unit in new contexts Allows students to study basic grammar rules through a variety of activity types Highlights an idiomatic expression or phrasal verb from ss the unit's passage ‘Tiger Trowle Practice . T Netenerenmtn ns Word Review u“ Provides additional reading fluency and vocabulary activities for each unit that can be completed as homework Tigers are a big kind of cat. Where do you think this tiger lives? io; Baby tigers are very cute. That is why some people want to own one. Today, there are about 5,000 pet tigers in the US. But there are only 3,200 tigers in the in Asia! People with pet tigers usually keep them in their This is a bad idea. Keep in mind that tigers are animals. They need big homes. They need a lot of room to run, play, and Tigers can also be dangerous. An tiger can jand hurt a person. People really need to think twice about keeping tigers as pets. Leyte TT Carded Dea ia) Tee re) Check It ©) Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? Tigers as pets b. Good pets for kids c. Tigers and cats 2. Today, there are more pet tigers in than wild tigers in a a. Asia / Africa b. Europe / China c. the US / Asia 3. Where do people usually keep their pet tigers? a om &@ a. In backyards b. In kitchens c. On farms © Put the words in the right places. ( attacks angry hunt } These huge'__ wild animals need big homes. These animals need room to run, play, and * These animals can be dangerous when they are * Problems with + Ifoneoftheseanimals*_ i, Pet Tigers it can kill a person. Learn lt Choose the best answers. 1. My grandmother grew vegetables in her a. factory backyard c. bank 2. Bats sleep during the day and for food at night. a. believe b. solve c. hunt 3. A mammoth is a(n) animal that looks like an elephant. a. huge b. harmful c. amazing Challenge lt Study. Then circle the correct words. The with Proper Nouns The Pyramids are on the west side of the Nile River. People can have a tiger as a pet in (the/ @) US. . There are only 3,200 tigers in the wild in (the / @) Asia. . Tigers are (the / @) huge animals. PWN . People usually keep pet tigers in their backyards in (the / a) US. < Find and circle the words from the reading. * keep in mind _ to remember; to consider _/ Ei f a —— New Word: aD as This looks like a picture of the | future. What do you see that we do not h Ww? In the GERSim=ay of a building, Jim found a strange GINEBdoor. A sign on the door said “Time Machine.” Jim opened it and fetes) a small room. The door closed behind him. Then everything started §siiiimie) Ground faster and faster! When the spinning stopped, Jim opened the door and looked around. He saw flying cars, talking machines, and robots doing homework. This was the ijt! Things looked great, but something was missing—his family. Jim missed his parents. He missed his dog. Jim realized there was no place like home, so he decided fo (Eitif) to his own time. Let TT Cred CMR R ts “time machin Gel ke eRe Rely Dente Check It ® Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. A boy's dream b. Going to the future c. Making a machine 2. The robots were and the machines were talking. a. driving cars b. doing homework c. making food 3. Who did Jim miss? we ge fF a. His parents b. His friends c. His teacher eo Match to put the story in order. . Jim saw flying cars in the future. b. Jim found a time machine. c. Everything started spinning around faster and faster. |. Jim opened the silver door and ' entered the machine. . Jim missed his family, so he decided to go back home. Learn lt Write the correct words. basement fehurn: spin future return : to go back to : a room of a building below the ground : the time after now Rens : fo turn around and around Challenge lt Study. Then circle the correct words. Language Point , Using ~ing to Describe He is looking for his missing dog. Sleeping Beauty hurt her finger on a spinning wheel. 1. Jim stepped out of the door and saw (talked / talking) machines. 2. He also saw robots (did / doing) homework. 3. In the future, people could travel faster through the sky with (flying / fly) cars! 4. Many people have (talking / talk) machines in their cars that tell them where to go. * look around to see things all around a place Find and circle the words from the reading. 13 Wats) s a ule BLL People like to eat while having att tea. Are the foods in this picture hot or cold? TNS tradition a ’ me iT) thick Dr AT Cred Es aN eco Re omens ia fresh Saree Ram Nolo] NY et ee eeeeday ae od tea than British people. co” In the 1600s, British people ate food just twice a day. Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, always became hungry between (iEelB. She began to drink tea and eat food during the day. Anna began toffiiiesher friends. Everyone began to enjoy teatime. This is how the ffftliien of teatime started. Today, there are two kinds of teatime: low tea and high tea. “Low tea” is also called “afternoon tea.” Usually (fii sandwiches, scones, and tea are served for low tea. “High tea” is later. A hot dish, files sandwiches, (fs scones, cakes, and tea are served for high tea. Check It © Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. Making sandwiches b. Choosing the best tea c. Having teatime 2. The Duchess of Bedford started this because she a. drank all kinds of tea b. wanted her friends to drink tea c. was hungry between meals 3. Which of the following would be served for high tea? & \ a. Ahot dish b. Coffee c. Athin sandwich © Put the information in the right places. @. It includes things to drink and eat. b. It includes a hot dish and thick sandwiches. c. Itis also called “afternoon tea.” d. It includes scones and tea. 1. Low Tea 3. High Tea Learn It Choose the best answers. 1. One winter in the US is to decorate houses with lights. a. meal b. scone c. tradition 2. The snake was enough to enter the small crack. a. high b. thick c. thin 3. In summer, my family enjoys having outside in the backyard. a. cups b. meals c. traditions Challenge It Study. Then write the correct words. Language Point r Infinitives Gerunds Emily began writing a letter. | Emily began to write a letter. \ Nick starts drawing a picture. Nick starts to draw a picture. 1. The Duchess began to ___drink___ tea during the day. (drink) 2. She started her friends to join her. (invite) 3. British people began foods like scones with tea. (serve) 4. Others started to the tradition with these meals. (enjoy) > Find and circle the words from the reading. * begin to to.start doing something O Look and Think She is the Queen of England. How many people do you think she meets every year? “Track (i Many people know of Elizabeth II. She became queen in 1952 after the death of her father. This means she has been queen for more than sixty years—a very long time! The Queen lives in Buckingham in London. She is the head of the She is also the head of the Each year, a lot of visitors and tourists from all around the world come to see the Queen. She asks world to visit and talk with her. If you ever get the chance to meet the Queen, and say “Your Majesty.” Did You Know? The Queen's favorite dog emcee Brel Rela aa Check It ©) Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. King Elizabeth b. Queen Elizabeth I c. Queen Elizabeth II 2. Elizabeth II has been queen for a. twenty b. forty 3. What is the Queen NOT the head of? a. Achurch b. The world oe Match the causes to the effects. 1. Elizabeth II's father died. 2. The Queen lives ina palace in London. 3. The Queen is head of the country and the church. years. c. sixty c. Acountry a. People bow and say “Your Majesty” to Elizabeth. . Elizabeth became queen. . Many world leaders come to London to see her. Learn lt Write the correct words. leaders palace bow ohare My parents go to _church__ every Sunday. - The people are going to to the King. . There are more than 150 rooms in this PR wn . Gandhi was one of the greatest in the world. Challenge lt Study. Then circle the errors and rewrite. Language Point _ . Proper Nouns Name Mike, Elizabeth City London, Beijing Country England, France Place Buckingham Palace, White House 1. Queerélizabeff)Il has four children. Queen Elizabeth 2. london is the capital city of england. 3. People call her “your majesty.” 4. Queen Elizabeth II lives in buckingham palace. rg * get the chance to find a time to do what you want Find and circle the words from the reading. 21 challenge Telco) win Duitelatole( goal The spiders and the ants are playing soccer against each other. Who do you think will win? Why? Dore BolT lel iied oa Tae ic neon Ae easel ena aoe Se neko eRe esol One summer day, a group of spiders met some ants. They all wanted to (&junder one tree. “We GRIEG you to a soccer fife,” said the spiders. “The winners get the tree.” The spiders were bigger than the ants. They also had some star players on their team. The spiders were sure to (ip. “We can win if we work together as a team. Join or die!” cried the ants. The spiders started fighting over the ball. But the ants iifelelee) to take the ball all the way to the Gf}! They ended up winning the game by working as a team. \] 23 Check lt ® Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. Aschool activity b. Asoccer match c. Atennis match 2. The winning team will get to a. have a special meal b. keep the soccer ball c. rest under the tree 3. Where did the ants manage to take the ball? = Seppe? a. To the goal b. To the tree c. To their home e Match to put the story in order. + a. The ants won the game. + b. The spiders challenged the ants to a ' soccer match. '« c. Both spiders and ants wanted to rest in the same place. + d. The ants took the ball all the way to ' the goal. |» e@. The spiders fought over the ball. ' Learn It Write the correct words. RwN managed rest challenge win After lunch, I will you to a game of tennis. If we the next game, our team will be the champion. . The kids to make $500 by selling cookies and cupcakes. . If you're tired, we'll stop and for a while. Challenge lt Study. Then write the correct words. Language Point _ Conditional RwWnN If she exercises, she can be healthy. If you need more information, you can call him. If we work together as a team, we - (win) . If the spiders win the game, they under the tree. (rest) . If the spiders fight, ants the ball to the goal. (take) . If two groups want to rest under one tree, they a soccer match. (have) [> 25 Find and circle the words from the reading. * end up tofinally become or do A Meat-Eating Plant Look and Think es) A Venus flytrap looks like a mouth. The hairs on it look like teeth! aT RM oelaE io] 2 AVLARIA SS -MANeIED (-]o ARCOM tan aSTe Cd They can trap flies, other {A88e98, and even small frogs! After it traps its meal, the plant takes ten days to digest it. Then it opens again to trap its next meal. People can grow these plants at home. Some people even feed them by hand. UM olelaied (<1 MAoRo MUA MIM ine Bold © - 01> atcereectetoaiaatetaniae But people shouldn't feed these plants meat from the store. That kind of meat can kill the plants. a. DRC LGrE nome R ua airelR ata) feces AAS P than the flytrap, it can kill the plant. le! tds 2 3 [x a] - cass Check It 6 Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. Dangerous insects b. An insect-eating plant c. How to grow a plant 2. The Venus flytrap needs to eat a few insects a. each day b. each week c. each month 3. Which is NOT something that this plant can eat? a ws a. Red meat b. A dead insect c. Asmall frog © Write the correct words. eat flies, other look like they have 1 __ insects 2 and small frogs. a few insects as food each month. to their take ten days 4 meals. Venus flytraps ... Learn lt Choose the best answers. 1. To become a good piano player lots of practice. a. returns b. bites c. requires 2. Some people cannot goat's milk well. a. digest b. practice c. solve 3. My favorite is the ladybug because it looks pretty. a. insect b. pepper c. secret Challenge lt Study. Then circle the correct words. Language Point _ "Can = Be able to Can't = Not be able to He can play the piano. = Hes able to play the piano. Pete can't ride a horse. = Pete is not able to ride a horse. 1. A Venus flytrap is (able to / not able to) trap flies, other insects, and even small frogs. 2. These plants are (able to / not able to) digest meat from the store. 3._A strong insect is (able to / not able to) kill a Venus flytrap when it is eating. 4. Some people are (able to / not able to) feed Venus flytraps by hand. [> * look like to have the appearance of; to remind you of Find and circle the words from the reading. 29 FrompRags 2 TOMRIGhes The poor woman is giving the man some bread. Why do you think she is doing this? One day, a Gp GEaiSiel set out on fe] journey} He had lots of gold and silver Gs. He wanted to give them to a kind person. The gentleman dressed as a poor and hungry old man. Then he went from house to house (Mifeyeaine) on doors. People turned him away. Finally, he came to a poor young lady's door. She said, “I have just made bread with my last drop of @). Help yourself.” Surprised, the gentleman said, “No one else gave me anything. But you gave me everything you have.” y Gane All his gold and silver coins became hers. Check It ©) Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. Agenerous b. Ahungry boy c. Awild animal woman 2. The woman gave the gentleman to eat. a. pumpkin soup b. fresh bread c. a huge meal 3. What did the gentleman give to the woman in return? a. Money b. Some oil c. Anew house © Put the information in the right places. @. This person set out on a journey. b. This person made bread. \ c. This person gave everything she had. | d. This person was poor at first. ' e. This person was very rich at first. | f. This person looked poor and hungry. Gentleman) 1 a 2. Learn It Write the correct words. i journey coin rich knock 1 :a piece of metal used as money 2. : having a lot of money : to make a noise by hitting or tapping 4. : traveling from one place to another Challenge lt Study. Then write the verbs in the present perfect tense. Language Point | Past Present Present Perfect He made breakfast. He makes breakfast. _ He has made breakfast. You gave me an eraser, You give me aneraser, You have given me an eraser. 1. Arich gentleman out on a journey. (set) 2. She said, “I just bread with my last drop of oil.” (made) 3. He said, “You me everything you have.” (give) 4. The kind lady all of the gentleman's gold and silver coins. (receive) [> *turn away notallow someone to enter a place Find and circle the words from the reading. 33 Ah 0} 5 New Words ea Q BSI) ha Nola police as tela Vag IN (Gp Son The policemen are digging in the yard. What do you think they are looking for? Tf Leote BTT Callie People are becoming more aot a Rake ce Reed nord Bede ey Melt Rea lt are growing things they can eat in Reichs cur ed John Srel\somes--Iny. He went to prison, but the (/=)/==) couldn't find the jewelry. John's old mother (i-%)him in prison. She said, “It’s spring, and I wish I could plant my garden. I'm too old and (=/3to dig up the old plants.” The next day, John wrote a letter to his mom. It said, “Don’t dig in the garden because I ("i the jewelry there.” Of course, the police read the letter. They dug up the whole garden but found nothing. John was happy. Because of him, the police were a big help to his mom. Check lt ©) Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. How John helped his mom b. How John hid the jewelry c. How John helped the police 2. John bury the jewelry in the yard. a. did not really b. wanted to c. asked his mom to 3. What were the police looking for in the garden? a. Money b. A statue c. Jewelry e Match to put the story in order. ea. John stole jewelry and went to prison. _ +b. John's mom wanted to plant a garden "+c. John’s mom can plant her garden. +d. The police dug up John’s yard. / «© e. John said he hid the jewelry in the yard. Learn lt Choose the best answers. 1. Emma went to Seattle to her cousins. a. include b. visit c. receive 2. The thief thought of many ways to acar. a. steal b. agree c. dive 3. My sister is dressing up and wearing a pretty a. liquid b. puzzle c. jewelry Challenge It Study. Then circle the correct words. Language Point _ Because We can't go to the picnic because it is raining hard. Because of We can't go to the picnic because of the heavy rain. 1. Ican’t dig up the old plants (because / because of) I'm too old and weak. 2. Don't dig in the garden (because / because of) I buried the jewelry there. 3. John went to prison (because / because of) his bad action. 4. The police dug up the whole garden (because / because of) John’s letter. > * of course certainly; no question a Find and circle the words from the reading. Learn It © Write the missing letters. Bij c000* 2 )-0000 * a aQo0o00 “PRB co005 . aus Goode 8) 0000 oe Match the meanings to the correct words. 1. having a lot of money . «a. attack 2. made recently . « b. bury 3. rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. . * c. require 4. someone who controls a group and . « d. fresh makes decisions 5. to try to hurt someone or something . » @ goal 6. toneed something . ef. jewelry 7. the place where a point can be scored « « g. leader to hide something in the ground . eh. rich oe Look at the picture. Then match to complete sentences. 1 The huge tiger « ¢ easily . « so of course managed he is rich. s 2 snap of the tree. The heavy fruit +» .ownsanoil « « toclimbthe company, tree. © Read the information and write the answers. James knocked softly on the door before entering. He carried scones and tea on a silver tray. ~___ Bowing, James said, “Your Majesty, I have your breakfast.” King Charles was sitting at his desk looking at the ceiling. He looked around when he heard the voice behind him. “Take it away,” the King ordered. “I am not hungry. The problems of the nation weigh heavily on my mind this morning.” ~ Without another word, James left to return the morning meal to the kitchen. a SSS SS Se eS 1. What did James bring for the King? 2. Where was the King sitting? 3. Where did James return the morning meal? Say lt © Circle the correct words to complete the dialogs. Then practice them with a partner. Q: What did Jim see in the future? A: He saw flying cars and (talk / talking) machines. Q: What did Anna begin to do during the day? A: She began to (drinking / drink) tea and eat food. Q: Why couldn't John's mother dig up the old plants? A; She couldn't do it (because / because of) she was too weak. 6 Talk with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Which animal isn't a good pet, a dog or tiger? 2. Where does Queen Elizabeth II live, in London or Singapore? 3. What does a Venus flytrap eat, insects or chips? Write lt ® Complete the sentences. Use your own ideas. 1. He wanted to give coins to 2. She wanted to give bread to 3. [wanted to give to . Play the game in pairs or small groups. 1. Choose another player. Play “Rock, Scissors, Paper” three (3) times. How many times did you win? Move that many circles! 2. Is there a number on the circle? Then answer the question or move back to where you started! Is there a ladder on the circle? Follow it your next turn. Watch out for an X! You will lose your next turn. Is it good to keep tigers in backyards? Did Jim return to his own time? . What is also called “afternoon tea”? |. When did Elizabeth II become queen? . Where did the ants want to rest? What plant has hairs to tray - Who gave bread to a hungry old man? |. Where did the police dig? PNOMARWNHE In some places, people have trouble finding water. Where do you think this place is? 42 9 Ryan Hreljac studied He learned that some countries in Africa have water trouble. There isn't enough clean and water in these places. can safe water. But they're expensive to build. Ryan started to do chores at home to save money. At age 7, Ryan paid to set up his first well. But he wanted to money for more wells. So Ryan told his friends about the need for clean water. Since then, he and his friends have done a lot. They have a lot of money. They have built more than 900 wells! eB Ol Cred ied Mer aos RoR color ola Bette eT ormoMiS ol Rec mR a Smee Re Ou ce . Check lt © Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. A boy's idea to help b. Arich country c. Aschool in Africa 2. Wells can provide safe water, but they are a. expensive b. hard to set up c. made of metal 3. Who built more than 900 wells? ‘ite VUE a. Ryan b. Ryan and c. Ryan's neighbors his friends oe Match the causes to the effects. 1. They raised enough money to build more wells. Ryan learned about Africa. . Ryan did chores to . Ryan set up his first save money. well when he was 7. . Ryan told his friends . Ryan heard about about the need for some countries there clean water. with water trouble. Learn It Write the correct words. provided safe raise donate Coffee and biscuits are after dinner. . Our school will try to money by selling scones baked by students. . Always remember that the street is not for kids to play in. Bown . People can also time instead of money to help others. Challenge lt Study. Then circle the correct words. r Determiners He made enough money, so he can set up a well. He made some money, but he needs to make more money. 1. Ryan learned that (enough / some) countries in Africa have water trouble. 2. There is not (enough / some) clean and safe water in some places. 3. Ryan earned (enough / some) money, but he needed more. 4. Ryan and his friends raised (enough / some) money to build 900 wells. pv 45 Find and circle the words from the reading. * set UP to build; to make for the first time Bi ks 2 ae cer eB bridge I en ». ¥ 2 s om a” lily é beurre ha) at A oftoitol| Xn The Golden is located in San Francisco. It is on the side of the city. However, the bridge is not golden. It doesn't even have a gate! Then how come it has that name? ae It is named for Golden Gate Strait, the water the bridge. What color is this bridge? In fact, it is a certain color of orange called international orange. Most bridges are black or gray. The designer of the Golden Gate Bridge didn't like that idea. te said this bridge needed a special color. “So he made that special orange color. LotR TT Ctl Ed Berle ker reecae lel ed ry Tene Rem N clea ett s cal through big earthquakes and strong storms. Check It © Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. A bridge's history b. Acity's special joke c. Abridge’s problems 2. The name for the bridge comes from a(n) a. building in the city b. international law c. body of water 3. Which color is unusual for bridges? a. Black b. Gray c. Orange © Write the correct words. is located on the doesn't have a golden P side of | color or a* San Francisco. gate. . is a certain color of is named for the water_| The Golden Gate " : the bridge. Bridge ... orange called : orange. Learn lt Choose the best answers. 1. Are you doing anything for your birthday? a. thick b. nervous c. special 2. The wooden looks weak, so I'm afraid to walk across it. a. glasses b. bridge c. needle 3. He puta trap the tree to catch a squirrel. a. beneath b. about c. of Challenge lt Study. Then write the sentences in the passive. Language Point _ Passive Iname my puppy Goldie. -» My puppy Goldie is named by me. He writes a letter. ~The letter is written by him. 1. I choose the special orange color. > 2. He designs the Golden Gate Bridge. * > 49 Find and circle the words from the reading. * how come why; for what reason The puma is licking his lips. What do you think he just ate? An old (ie) saw that a young wolf was @lefejretersalinrs)- The wolf looked like it might attack him. So the puma sat down, (EBhis lips, and said very GEL, “That was such a delicious wolf! I must find myself another one to eat!” The wolf quickly changed his mind, turned, tele} ran aways A red bird saw this happen. She knew the puma wasfffeiine) the wolf, so she flew after the wolf and told him the truth. They returned together. Seeing them, the puma said loudly, “Where is my bird friend? Oh, I forgot. She went to find me another wolf.” Check lt ® Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. Asmart puma b. Three friends c. Aday at the zoo 2. Because the puma was , the wolf wasn't able to attack him. a. wise b. handsome c. quiet 3. Which animal is easily tricked? a. The bird b. The wolf c. The puma © Match the causes to the effects. The puma said the wolf |. The puma tricked the he ate was delicious. wolf again. . The bird knew the puma . The wolf decided not tricked the wolf. to attack the puma. . The bird and the wolf . The bird went to tell came back together. the wolf. Learn lt Write the correct words. run away approach trick loudly ) : to move near : to leave a place very quickly : in a way that makes a lot of noise PY YN : to make someone believe something that is not true Challenge lt Study. Then write the verbs in past continuous tense. Language Point Singular Plural 1/He / She / It + was + ~ing We /You/ They + were + ~ing She was washing the dishes. My sister and I were washing the dishes. 1. Ayoung wolf an old puma. (approach) 2. The old puma of a good trick. (think) 3. The wolf didn't know that the puma him. (trick) 4. The wolf and bird together. (return) Find and circle the words from the reading. * change one’s mind to make a different choice a / This castle is in England, and people actually live in it. How many rooms do you think this castle has? 2s Windsor was built long ago. Some parts of the castle date back to 1100 CE. At that time, the castle was made of wood. At first, it was built as a It the city and its people from attacks. From the castle, could watch two important places for : the Thames River and Windsor Forest. Today, Windsor Castle is the largest and oldest castle with People still living in it. Windsor Castle has,000 rooms, and more than 500 people live and work in the castle. ne of those people is the Queen of England. Ald: Sg tt ea i LoTR ITE Carel Ed The Queen of Englan rege rete) CaM egee ni Check It © Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. Aking and queen b. Anice museum c. Avery big house 2. Windsor Castle was originally used a. as a bridge's gate b. asa fortress c. as aking’s house 3. How many people live in Windsor Castle today? ¢ +I a. None b. One person © Write the correct words. c. More than 100 people used asa! castle with people still living in it. Windsor Castle ... protected the city from * attacks. was in a place where bd could watch the Thames River. Learn lt Choose the best answers. 1. All prisoners of war are by international laws. a. protected b. dug c. avoided 2. Smoking is a serious to health. a. design b. danger c. journey 3. Tourists can visit the daily from May to September. a. autumn b. castle c. future Challenge lt Study. Then write the correct words. Language Point _ The whale is the biggest sea animal. . He is the wealthiest man in the world. Superlatives Where is the most famous spot in Paris? This is the most expensive area in the city. 1. The room in the castle is the main hall. (large) 2. Itis the castle with people still living in it. (old) 3. The Queen is the person in the country. (rich) 4. Only the most visitors are invited to the castle. (important) > * date back to tobe as old as; to come from the time of Find and circle the words from the reading. 57 lavas Alin: 7 New Words Say 4 Look and Think Imagine what this girl's life is like. Can you think of any similarities the two of you might have? —— ay . a2” What if someone said you couldn't go to school? Malala Yousafzai loved to go to school and But a group in Pakistan didn't want girls to study. Malala felt sad and-angry. She started writing about the lives of girls and women in her country. She spoke about why girls should be able to go to school. The group and attacked her. But Malala did not stop : She taught people around the world about the problem. In the end, more girls in Pakistan got the chance to study. No wonder this girl won the Nobel i! Check It ©) Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. Fighting for education b. Fighting for love c. Fighting for the country 2. For her brave work, Malala a. won a prize b. lived in a fortress c. became Pakistan's leader 3. Where did the group NOT want girls to go? a. Work b. School c. The palace oe Put the words in the right places. She felt angry because a group in Pakistan didn't want girls to 1 + She? about why girls should be able to go to school. The group * her, but she kept telling people about the problem. Malala 4 ne Yousateel For her work, more girls in Pakistan got the chance to go to school. Learn lt Write the correct words. { prize brave learn threatened It was of you to speak in front of all your classmates. The scary guy broke the girl's eyeglasses and her. My brother is going to how to drive. Reno She won the for the highest score. Challenge lt Study. Then circle the correct words. Language Point - r ~ About We need to think about the gift. Try to write about people you like. She is going to speak about me. __It can bring about good results. 1. The president will (speak about / bring about) doing business with foreign countries. 2. In her next book, the author will (think about / write about) her life. 3. The teacher asked us to (think about / bring about) things we can do for our town. 4. What are some ways we can (bring about / write about) change in this world? 61 Find and circle the words from the reading. *in the end. after everything was finished Le Pirack Have you ever had the chance to swim in the ocean? How was it? Was it cold or warm? Cold water is for many things living in the ocean. are sea animals and plants. Many bigger sea animals, like small tuna and whales, eat plankton. Cold water plankton fine. They die if the water temperature is too high. As the plankton , the bigger animals have less and less food. Maybe you are more in warm ocean water. But in cold ocean water, sea animals are better off. Then they have enough to eat. LoTR TT Gold eeu nea aoiTy ree mee nn ened aren ate co Check lt ® Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. A fast-swimming animal b. A sea plant that eats fish c. Something that likes cold seawater 2. In warm water, plankton a. may die b. need bigger fish to eat c. produce many babies 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? o Complete the chart. va O » a. Big sea animals b. Ice in the sea c. Plankton { plankton less temperature disappear + The! suits plankton. Inacoldsea =. Bigger animals have enough ” to eat. + Plankton * Ina warm sea . + Bigger animals have * food to eat. Learn lt Write the correct words. disappeared tiny necessary comfortable ) 1. You can find all the information on our website. 2. The airplane behind a cloud. 3. Sit down and make yourself 4. Itis fascinating how ants move heavy pieces of food. Challenge lt Study. Then write the correct words. a Comparatives Your bag is smaller than mine. Baseball is more interesting than soccer. Today is colder than yesterday. She is more beautiful than I remember. 1. Many sea animals, like small tuna and whales, eat plankton. (large) 2. As the plankton disappear, the animals have less and less food. (big) 3. Maybe you are more in warm ocean water. (comfortable) 4. But sea animals are more in the cold ocean water. (active) * be better off be ina more comfortable situation Find and circle the words from the reading. 65 Lote TE Ctl id Our cat, Lucy, had kittens, but one kitten wasn't(ieteliny. _ The animal doctor helped her, but the kitten had only three legs after that. We named the {jp with three legs Ginger. When we started giving the kittens away, ad man came and picked out Ginger. He said, “This kitten is so Sgr!” Lasked why he Gee) a cat with three legs. The man said, “It's for my GENelaey. She is by our car outside.” I followed the man outside. His daughter was in o (ESI. The man said, “My daughter will understand Ginger well. And Ginger will understand her, too.” 67 Check lt ® Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. The perfect kitten b. Acat named Lucy c. A family raising money 2. The man liked Ginger because Ginger a. licked his hand b. had three legs c. disappeared into the house 3. Why is Ginger a good cat for the man’s daughter? fA e a. Both have b. Both have leg c. Both like to long hair problems talk oe Match to put the story in order. .. They started giving away the kittens. . The doctor helped the kitten. . Their cat, Lucy, gave birth. |. The kitten with three legs was named Ginger. . Aman came and chose to take Ginger. Learn li Write the correct words. perfect wheelchair kitten prefer } : to like something more than something else :a chair with wheels for people who can’t walk : not having any mistakes PF YN : a young cat Challenge lt Study. Then write the verbs in the future tense. Language Point | ---- Will and Be going to t I think I will study harder. It is going to rain tonight. ' They will forget about it. They are going to play basketball. 1, The animal doctor the kitten. (help) 2. The man said, “My daughter Ginger well.” (understand) 3. We have already decided. We that car. (buy) 4. She hasn't seen Lucy yet. She her in the afternoon. (see) Find and circle the words from the reading. % ni : Pick out to choose; to select so) Christian Bucks wanted to help his classmates. Some of them were(@faeny, and some of them were (let) by other kids. Christian searched for a way to help them make friends. Then he heard of an{@Ef)used at a school in Germany. It was called “GREEN Benches.” The benches help students make friends. It's @iiyeye! Lonely or (JSSE¥ students sit on the benches. Others can see them, and then they can come and talk together. The students were excited about it. Do you think this idea could help kids at your school? Does it give you any ideas of your own? Check lt © Choose the best answers. 1. What is the reading about? a. A bench to help kids b. Types of bullying c. Fighting with kids 2. Christian used a bench to help students who were a. tired b. afraid c. lonely 3. Where is the school that Christian got this idea from? i se = "iS a. Canada b. England c. Germany © Put the words in the right places. + Buddy benches help kids make ' 5 + Buddy benches help kids see when others are 2 Yes + Buddy benches are for those who * others. No + Buddy benches are for kids who want to sit 4 Learn It Choose the best answers. 1. Smartphones are not to use. a. wealthy b. simple c. delicious 2. My grandfather lives alone and often feels a. lonely b. generous c. serious 3. She was really about the way her classmates treated her. a. natural b. harmful c. upset Challenge lt Study. Then circle the words that the underlined words refer to. Language Point _ Pronouns pis classmates)Some of them were lonely. (his classmates = them) Christian Bucks wanted to hel; 1, He heard of an idea used at a school in Germany. It was for “Buddy Benches.” 2. Lonely or upset students sit on the benches. Others can see them. 3. The students can talk together on the benches. These become a safe place for all students. 4. Do you think this idea could help kids at your school? Does it give you any ideas of your own? * search for totry to find someone or something a Find and circle the words from the reading. Learn It © Write the missing letters. ‘Faeeoos0 * Roa Reco “PBooncy “By cenecne” Boo 6 Match the meanings to the correct words or phrase. 1. tocollect money . » a. gate 2. adoor ona wall . « b. protect 3. toleave a place very quickly . . c. raise 4. to keep something safe . « d. upset 5. to tell someone that you will . + e, threaten harm them 6. needed or required . « f. run away 7. not having any mistakes . « g. necessary feeling unhappy or worried . « h. perfect Se Look at the picture. Then match to complete sentences. ui Fae e + lovedtogo + — « forhis daughter. The man « * preferredacat « * to save some money. 3. Fi The girl « isdoing chores « « to school. © Read the information and write the answers. + has high stone walls + had both poor people and rich like a fortress; the walls people; the poor cooked outside are 250 meters long the walls and provided * and 10 meters tall. food for those living inside. + dates back to around 1100 CE, but people began living inthe area earlier than that. __+was left empty by 1500 CE; no one is sure why the people there disappeared. 1. What are the walls of the building like? 2. What did the poor outside do for those living inside Great Zimbabwe? When does this old place date back to? Say lt ® Circle the correct words to complete the dialogs. Then practice them with a partner. Q: How can you describe Windsor Castle? A: It's the largest and (older / oldest) castle with people still living in it. Q: What did Malala speak about? A; She (spoke about / brought about) the lives of women in her country. s79d0070077 Ate ee tere He ee A: The (big / bigger) animals have less and less food. eo Talk with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1. What kitten has three legs, Lucy or Ginger? 2. Who sit on Buddy Benches, lonely or happy students? 3. How many rooms does Windsor Castle have, 1,000 or 200? Write lt 6 Write the words in the correct order. 1. dochores at home / Ryan started to / to save money. 2. bridge needed / a special color. / He said this special 3. quickly changed his mind, / turned, and ran away. / The wolf TL Play the game in pairs or small groups. f 1. Choose another player. Play “Rock, Scissors, Paper” three (3) times. How many times did you win? Move that many squares! 2. Does the square say “Do it!"?f yes, act like you are doing that thing or move back to where you began. 3. Is there a number on the square? If yes, do one of the following for the picture with that number. Then move the given number of squares. Spell it = 1 square Say the meaning of it = 2 squares Make a sentence with it= 3 squares Vsquare. Pig? Aa eae Basic Reading Cena a Re ue he RRC te ae aR Cn learning-to-read stage to the reading-to-learn stage. Passages and activities in the series systematically reinforce high-frequency words and sentence structures while focusing learning sce ai eea WaC Mu ea cen RCC develop reading fluency as they broaden their understanding of various English word forms, structures, and sentence patterns. Alll of the captivating stories feature detailed illustrations MDE Ren ened ne ems academic material at higher levels. tT ORC ee eee te ce a ce Re ate ees ed * Color illustrations that aid in reading comprehension * Consistent and repeated use of prevalent sentence structures Oo ace ee Rat egret ROU eae UT tel Legos (Cel a aon CORD * Repetition of high-frequency vocabulary Oe UMA ea ia ete ae OV eRe ture ie ketene Ser eet ee earl ste ae Ra a Leog the first three books featuring original songs Basic ~ Beginner Repetition of high-frequency vocabulary through interesting passages Beginner ~ High Beginner Consolidates students’ understanding of grammar and word usage High Beginner ~ Intermediate Comprehension activities in both textual and graphic formats

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