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M= Z;(S4U?61

27 A

t JtiY 1964

Opaaiflatton MIL-C-23233(SIU?2) ,

. 2.1,
●nd al

?Aoc 9
. mm. x, &l*sa d ●&*ti tuea t

. mm- x. List of cmboard repair wr22

nd.r of Inatalhd

Iw O “-t- _ ● Par*(*)
OIM PcoPulsieiI

Cowlinm par ship
3 4


1. mannss, cootb, lna=e (sl* and b@o D 1 2 3 3

lWOIOW - ●1* And typo &r ty$la 2V, sot

z. slnw, w“, - *in ad eyQ4, #*t o 1 2 3 3

3. Riy”. ;9 - sise md tyim, **t

D 1 2 3 3
4. *1*, on, azob ●isa Md typQ# s*t D 1 2 3 3

s. Wbobars, th 02 I*, d *i== Qnd tYP9, sat D 1 2 3 3

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MIL-C-23233 (SHIPS)

NOTS: The margins of this amendmmt are marked with an .mterimk (*) to indicate where
changes (additions, !mdi fications, corrections, deletions) fr.m the previous amenti”t were
U.lde. This was done &a a convenience only and the Go.eme”t assumes no liability whatm-
ever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are c.e..tio”edto
evaluate the requirements of thie doctune”t based o“ the entire co” irrespective of tbe
marginal notations and mlatiomhip to the last previous amendment.

Prepari”y activity:
Navy - SS
(PIUjeCt 201O-NO14I

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