Part 2

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Abusivems Accelerator

Aerrdi,ac (a'kard-iak) Without

Abut (e-but') v.f. _*'t!6
.!.,tFt +' ot; +
Have-a coinmon h€art. L,)'
bounOary. Extx tL'lt */ ( Acarpous 4i. Wit\out c4rpels.
tt0o b* ctV , L4f rn.p L t,f" ,t,.t
( +&tf cn otn Acatrlectlc adj. Complete verse.
Abutnrerd z. A laterai ffioi,
an arch or -bridge resa.
o,!oc)(/ t t nr(i;lf,l;
-,.f!a4tv{ Acatalepsy n. rncompitinsibility.
^.i A t,.fi7 E,,tv
Abysmal a4l. Yery deep; bottomfess. - ,(yb
,& t ,f,fYt
Abyss (a-bis) z. A bottomless grrlf; a {caulors adl. ApparentlvSlemless.
. de€p mass of water; bottomless pit 2-4'E +'nl+ f 'rf, :.tfutv
or chasm. (tr) tltt L
Acradan n. Ianguage of Accad in
Abyssal ndf. Ottg) L t.'r c/ Shimr.
{ ab'iQr ec)vg*
tU6rjttu,f7 4'U7 tlfc;t1t t- 6'b '€ JV
l--tl L):Lvt acason z. An
Abyssinirndj. An intrabiant of "y"tgir"q:;ld's#ii'
( ri)V)l't,
tfr 'u.t- 4
Abyssirria. ,;t 'rrfrr( ,f, ,-6 Accde (ak-sed) v.t. To enler upon
Acnda n. A plant with t[orns. (an office); to join (a party):. to
{: Jo comply. td cjt
agee; to assent; to
Acacy 6-ka-se) n. A ditBosifio; b/ 'v/ 6t,'b'/ Jr 1tP
which does not hold ill-will or Accdcrde v.i. & y.t To quicken.
melice. q! 4tt {t : e1r v,fytt)g'
AqdQFi,c oqi. A,ccderation (ak-seJera-shnf n. The
rcademy. g}t',|,
rate of increase of velocity.
Acadernical a4'. Accelerative adl.Tending to increase
speed; quic,kening. t0t' {te L/f

Acadendcally adv.

Acaderny !. ,,,
n. A college.
*)'.r( gtt'i5tfi
Acadian adi. Nova Scotian.
ot1(117rys'h t;
Acanthrs (a-kan-thus) n. Prickly
planJ. Aeeferator n. ) r , )i rt,: L.f F tiJ t .',
\ccolade n. Sign at bestowal of morrcy dealings. vv vv @A
knighttxlodg, ttj(t 6 ytLrLJr* report.
\ccomrnodate (a-kirmodat) .u.t. Tg *Accotnt cunent:
adjust. , grl'rr,, I. .flf no account. 2 ;p,'Lf =VV
[ccomodatlrg adi. Obliging: *On accowtt of e.l {,'i-7 L/,
ftiendly; kind; complying. *Onnoaccount. t/ -+t6
gt!,rr '.:Vst'r}Ltt/ 'il,tL-[ OVI *on oru's own acboutil
[ccommodatiniy adv 1d6+,'&.=y?,
let/'::lw':r4t * To l<cep open accout t.ul tV' 7v
Accommodator n. Ore who settles a )< To open an account . .A! aV_
thins. tlt' L/ (Vt. *To seale an account. U
jU vl
Accommodation (a-ko-mo{a-sbn) z. *'* rd urn to accottrrt. v6 t
Anadjusment. ,rf Z-V Mate no accotnt ol t/ * f I
Accompanlment n. That rryhich *CaUto account. b,[ Jb 7t*
accompanies. qW' iitt)' -,)t) Acconntable (a-kown-a-bl) 4i. "

Accompany v.r. To go with. Responsible. ti'r1|i ,,lt

bn etf,bl BV Amuntabiltty n. LiabilitY
to give
Accompanlst n. LL( iU, L*/ accounfi resPonsibilitY !o futfil
tttt LV;V tJ.V obligations.r.4 )l\Jttt ti '1Js
Accomplice (a-kom-plis) n: $ Accoturt-Book n. A book .ot
parfirer in crime .'
account. i,{,1.
' (z -Q"g.t
(2&' Accoudancy (a-kovm-tan-si) n. T[e
Accomplish (a-kom-plish) v.t. To profession of an accountant.
compiete. tc,r (V)'b/,.t!
n. One
Accomplished adi. Elegant;
nolished: well educated. who is skilful in accounts.
Jt4oy' 'vbt! e ')i t t)ttL.lvVvV'*V
' '? r)
Accomplishnent n. An ac4uiremenl. Accountant-Generat ,f
oirV,',f, JV,$'iVt ,/t(-Vy;V
Accord (a-kawd)
' v.t. &' v.i. To Aconntantship n. rnY 6.V ' Jtt vl2
agree. tn&f (. n. A mgtual Accor*rp (akoo'ter) v.t. To dress or
agreement. Llt JEI',,yi ( equip Gspeci{ly a Vwnorrll5iJ1
E) zttr
Accordance n. Agreement; union. .bV 'bf{'(16?l
,*zity Accoutrements (ak-koo+rement) n.
AccordtngG$ $a\ adv. p/. ) equipment trappings.
,jl'2- Llt'1V gLv,Fa ( Lv',-,vJ
Accordion n. A keyed -wind Acroy (a-koy) v.t.-To soothe; to
instrument. Vl( 14 subside. t,l1;'t/Vt
Accost (a-kost) v.t .To speak first. Accnedit (ak-kred'it) v.i. To put tntst
,,1*v'vt in; to believe; to give authority or
Accourt (a-.kownt) v.r. To grve sanction to; to furnish with
account. EE +t n. OA statement credentials: to attdbutg. b,lv/
b.f :ttn. Apain.:',
Aclrlevable dj. Attanable.

Aclrleve (a+hev) v.-f. To *qoit".

c/,f v'tn
oS::,9 1' \fofopcn',nvvf,

rerose (a-ser-os) adi. Needlg-

fraped. ,f 6J;
nrvate adi. Growing in comPact
lusters. tt4 tttt tt ,J:,-P 6 U{-
| ' €''J
rcnvationn. Bunch heaP. lips.
,l'. . ,, . .tl;lri"S3 u'7)lLsF;4tleiVt
cescent (a-kes:sent) adi. Tqrning Ack Ack (ak-ak) adj. Antt air craft.
nur; tending to sourness. f ,'V!7itLttP"itt
zt { -
1j; 'uurotl Acllamvdeors adi. Without corolla.,
sesomoe n. Sourness. t Jf,ni"(f.-dcfJ?'
Ju/',j; 6; 11t
Adras n.iThe wild pear tree.
&ttr 0*,F
cetabulum n. Cup to ho!$ vinegaf,.
Lct" tJ 4,ll,f.'lk( ll
Aclnometic (akro-mat-ik) adj.
?f 6i 6ii"t(
cftarious adi. A,bou;t mose neros or
Colourless, transmitting lght
without decomposing .)t ,sn -Ft L
vesetables used lin UIZ O' ,-rf +t-fl it ti t t + 6 Lla
,iUi;pt & '.vLLt,
* rY L Aclrromatically adu. zzJ -[t *
er/iic adi.
(a-*-ttk\ ,f Lf Aclrromaticityn. 8t*
ceaous adi. Huing a sour taste; Actrromatize v.r. ,,/Jt +
sonr. , :. :,' Ji',,v{ Acicular (as-ki'-ular) z. A wild herb.
cetify v.r. ro oonveft'ffi:?iT;
Acicnlar (as-ik-ular) adi.
cetometer z. An instrument for pointed.
measuring the strength of acid-. Aciform (asiform) Aciculiform
ti(LlrP6V$-tP (asik'uli-form) ad7. Needle-SPt$.,
cefone n. An inflammable liquid.
: ' {ttJ" *' Acid (a-sid) adi. Sow. ttr';e_.n. ,4
cctose adj. Having a sour P-rgry{{. zubstance. ) j.'vrlc
w oJ, Acidic ,.t ,"t'6i !-tF
cetylene (ase-ti-len) n. An c2low ,i: QtF "tt/ Urt epp ltp
Actdity (a-sidi-ti) z. Sourness.
less gas.
Ji rX?j,.,. ro *r", p#J, 18- .: . . .e<,Pi'-i,f '.,1

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