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Using Microsoft Excel™ to create graphs

Use this guide to demonstrate to the children how a spreadsheet can be used with their

1. Open an Excel spreadsheet.

2. Click in cell A1 and type Eye Colour (or an appropriate title), then click in cell
B1 and type Number.

3. In column A type the eye colours (or...) - see example spreadsheet.

4. Now survey your class - take a tally of their eye colours and fill in column B.

Your spreadsheet should look like this:

Some versions of
Excel have fx here

Children to add
their data to the

Now SAVE your spreadsheet!

5. a. To check you have included everyone create a total cell like this or by
following point b. Click in cell B7 and then in the field beside the = or fx sign
at the top of the spreadsheet. Type in =Sum(B2:B6) and click on the green
b. Click in cell B7 and then on the sigma Σ icon. A partial formula will appear
=Sum(). Then click in cell B2 and drag to cell B6. The formula will now read

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2008, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
=Sum(B2:B6). Then click on the green tick or press Return.

sigma Σ icon

Green tick
Type =Sum(B2:B6) here

The total number will appear in cell B7. Type the word Total in cell A7. Save

6. To create your graph highlight the cells A1 to B6 and click on the Graph
symbol on the Standard Toolbar. A bar chart will appear as the default
option and you will be able to choose another graph type if you wish. Then
click on Next.

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2008, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Graph symbol

Click Next again on Step 2. Then change the title and names of axes at Step



7. You can also remove the legend and gridlines by clicking on the appropriate
tab on the page that allows you to change the title. On the final page save
the graph as new sheet, Chart1 or instead you can choose to save the graph
as an object on your spreadsheet document Sheet1. This object can be
moved by left clicking and dragging.

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2008, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2008, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
8. Look at the example spreadsheet. The colour, font style, alignment, etc of
the text can be changed by highlighting the relevant cells and clicking on
Format, Cells… and then on the appropriate tab. You can also change the
colours, font style and background of the chart by clicking on the
appropriate area of the chart and then on Format Plot Area…, Format Chart
Title… etc.

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2008, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users

Don’t forget to SAVE your spreadsheet again!

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2008, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users

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