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This paper is worth 45 marks. Time allocated: 1hr 10 mins

Please place your answer in the spaces provided.

This exam consists of 4 mul�ple choice ques�ons and 11 structured ques�ons

Sec�on I- Circle the correct answer

1. In what order are cells arranged?
a. Cell –�ssues –organs –organ systems –organisms
b. Cell- organs- organ �ssues-organ systems- organisms
c. Cell- �ssues-organs-�ssues- organisms
d. Tissues- organisms- organ systems- �ssues

2. What is cell specializa�on?

a. Cells that have different �ssues
b. Cells that are different but have similar func�ons
c. Special types of that helps it perform a specific func�on.
d. Special Cells that have same func�ons

3. Which of the following statements are true about the Nitrogen Cycle?
a. Nitrogen is returned to the air by denitrifying bacteria which convert nitrates in the soil to
b. Nitrate ions in the soil are not removed from the soil by plants.
c. Bacteria is removed from the air and converted into ammonium compounds
d. Decomposi�on forms ammonium compounds which remain as nitrites

4. The major difference between a plant and animal cell is:

a. The vacuole in the animal cell is smaller
b. Plant cells have a cell wall, whereas animal cells do not
c. Animal Cells contain a membrane while a plant cell does not contain a membrane
d. Plant cells do not have a nucleolus
Sec�on II

2. Name THREE different types of cells found in the human body and give the func�on of EACH. (6)



3. Define each of the following terms: (3)

a. Herbivore-

b. Carnivore-

c. Omnivore-

4. Construct a food chain with Four trophic levels in the space below. (2)

6. (2)

7. List 4 Organ Systems, their organs and their func�ons. (8)

8. Dis�nguish between diffusion and osmosis (2)

9. Define the term ‘photosynthesis’ and give a word equa�on to summarize the process. (2)

10. Outline how carbon is recycled in nature. (4)

11. Construct an ecological pyramid using a cow as one of your consumers. (4)

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