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Egzamin pisemny Poziom rozszerzony Zestaw 3

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

Zadanie 1. (0–6)
Track 44 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. W zadaniach 1.1.–1.2. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
1.1. Which of the following is stated as a fact, not as an opinion?
A Tessa stopped sprinting because she wasn’t selected for the team.
B Tessa has had two injuries recently.
C Tessa has already won a medal at the games currently being held.

Tekst 2.
1.2. The text is addressed to
A people considering volunteering for scientific tests.
B people who want to know about a certain product.
C people who have a certain point of view about a new theory.

W zadaniach 1.3.–1.6. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.

Tekst 3.
1.3. What is the point that Bella makes about royal protocol?
A Some royals find it difficult to learn the rules.
B Following the protocol can be difficult for both royals and non-royals.
C Not obeying the protocol can have serious consequences.
D Addressing the royals inappropriately is the most common problem.

1.4. Which is true about royal protocol?

A There is a clear explanation for every rule.
B Royals who travel together need the Queen’s permission.
C There are some special rules that only affect women.
D Shaking hands with the Queen is a way of showing her respect.

1.5. The royal dress code

A is used for both official and private functions.
B is very similar to one that was used in the past.
C follows the latest fashions.
D often has a practical dimension.

1.6. At the end of the interview, Bella

A explains how the Queen communicates with her staff.
B informs the interviewer about the Queen’s next public engagement.
C describes the Queen’s favourite accessory.
D expresses her opinion about the Queen’s style.
___ / 6

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Zadanie 2. (0–4)
Track 45 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat mody. Do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.4.)
dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
This speaker suggests that
A fashion icons are not healthy role models.
B a person’s appearance is indicative of their personality.
C exclusive fashions are unrealistic for most of us.
D clothes inspire respect from others.
E the average person does not worry too much about clothes.

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.

___ / 4

Zadanie 3. (0–5)
Track 46 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z pielęgniarką nominowaną do nagrody za pomoc lokalnej
społeczności. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 3.1.–3.5. tak, aby
jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
3.1. The award which Kate has been nominated for is given to people who
3.2. Kate _______________________________________ because she believes others have done better things
than she has.
3.3. Kate claims that _______________________________________ are the ones who should have been
nominated for the award.
3.4. _______________________________________ were the reason why Kate had to retire two years ago.
3.5. Checking out patients’ medical needs is one of the duties of _____________________________________
who are working with her.
___ / 5


Zadanie 4. (0–4)
Przeczytaj trzy opinie na temat hotelu zamieszczone na stronie internetowej. Do każdego zdania (4.1.–
4.4.) dopasuj właściwy tekst (A–C). Wpisz rozwiązania w odpowiednie kratki. Uwaga: jedna część tekstu
pasuje do dwóch zdań.

The reviewer
4.1. had not intended to stay at a particular hotel.
4.2. found certain aspects of the hotel differed to what they had been expecting.
4.3. thought the old-fashioned appearance enhanced the appeal of the hotel.
4.4. was given compensation following a problem at the hotel.

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We visited the Hotel Belvedere last month on a two-week package holiday, organised by the travel company
Lost Horizons. We were supposed to have been given a five-star room with a sea view, but on arrival, we
discovered that the sea view was only possible if we stood on the (rather dangerous) balcony and looked round
the corner of the building. We were unimpressed by the standard of the room, but when we made our feelings
known to the manager, we were told that there were no other rooms available. At first, we wanted to leave
and find somewhere else to stay and complain to the travel company afterwards. But we decided we didn’t
want to make any further fuss, so we just made the best of our holiday. Not recommended.
When booking our holiday in Cornwall, we relied on the holiday reviews on a website that recommended the
Hotel Belvedere, and we were not disappointed. Apart from the fact that the lift was out of order during our
stay, we enjoyed a refreshing break there. The location is stunning, situated on a sheer cliff overlooking the sea
and not far away from all the most important tourist spots. The hotel manager was kind and helpful at all
times, even offering us a free meal because of the inconvenience of not having an operational lift. The hotel is
an old building, so it would benefit from some maintenance work, but we were told that they are planning to
start renovation work in the coming months. We would definitely recommend a short stay there.
I decided to write a review for the Hotel Belvedere in Cornwall because I had such a pleasant stay there last
month. We stumbled across the hotel by accident while we were searching for overnight accommodation
in the area, and our one-night stay turned into a week’s holiday. The rather faded grandeur of the hotel is
a hugely attractive feature as it makes staying rather like being transported back to a lost era. Understandably,
the rooms are not equipped with a large array of modern gadgetry, but the restaurant is the height of
elegance, and the chef performed some miracles with the local fish. The quality of food and the service in
the restaurant fully compensated for any (terribly insignificant!) inconveniences we found in our room.
Highly recommended.
___ / 4

Zadanie 5. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 5.1.–5.4. litery, którymi oznaczono
brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
The greatest prize in medical research would most assuredly go to that lucky individual or group who managed
to find the secret to staying young. (5.1.) ____ What wouldn’t scientists give to develop a pill, cream or
medicine that would stop our skin from wrinkling and our organs from failing as we get older? It’s a dream
pursued by many, but few individuals can claim to have made such a discovery. Nevertheless, the day when we
finally learn what can help us retain our youth may be about to dawn.
Over the years, people have tried many different methods to prevent ageing. We have followed diets
containing foods that are said to have anti-ageing effects, while companies have made a fortune selling us
creams and tablets. Private hospitals even take out online adverts to promote surgical procedures that can
rejuvenate our faces and eliminate sagging skin. (5.2.) ____ And when they finally do, beauty companies all
over the world will be banging on their doors to buy the rights to sell it, hoping to earn a fortune as a result.
So, has any progress actually been made in this field? (5.3.) ____ It seems that scientists at Newcastle
University have discovered a new anti-oxidant that can protect cells from damage caused by the sun. It is called
Tiron. They have known for a long time that there are similar anti-oxidants in food and drink such as red wine
and curry which help protect our cells, but this new discovery is a major step forward. Whereas those naturally
occurring anti-oxidants provided 22% protection in tests, Tiron gave 100%. Not bad, is it? So far, tests using
Tiron have been carried out in such a way that it is not certain yet if it is safe for human use, but scientists are
confident that within a few years a useable form of Tiron could be available in chemists and pharmacies.
(5.4.) ____ Sadly, in an age where cash is king I rather think the latter opinion will prevail.

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A But it is really down to scientists to find that magic formula that will actually help.
B Then there will be all the moral debates about whether such a product should be added to food in order to
benefit everyone or sold to the few who can afford it.
C Eternal youth is, obviously, a fantasy, the favourite topic of story tellers throughout the ages, but slowing
down the process of ageing is quite possibly within our grasp.
D Is it true or just a myth that where we live has a great effect on how quickly we age?
E Actually, there is some good news. A recent exciting development has got the medical world talking.

___ / 4

Zadanie 6. (0–6)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty dotyczące napadów na bank. Wykonaj zadania 6.1.–6.6. zgodnie z poleceniami.
Tekst 1.
It was a lovely morning, one of those which usually mark the beginning of a very good day. There was a chill in
the air, but the brass name plate outside the bank gleamed in the spring sunshine. Arnold Brown frowned and
took a tissue from his pocket to wipe off a smudge from someone’s fingerprint. That’s better, he thought with
satisfaction. Everything clean and shiny, just as it should be. He had a smile on his face as he keyed in the code
and entered the bank.
His staff were already there, heads down, hard at work. There was filing to do, phone calls to be made,
contacts to be written to, and contracts to be prepared. As Arnold moved past the desks, no one lifted a face to
say good morning. Most people would consider this to be disrespectful, but not Arnold. He only nodded to
himself. Yes, just as it should be. No time in the busy banking world for niceties. A quick glance around the
room showed him that nothing was out of place and assured him that things were going fine. He appreciated
the routine, day-in-day-out. He headed for his office, opening the heavy oak door with the contentment that
twenty years of diligence and obedience had brought him. He put his briefcase on the floor beside the large
modern desk, noting happily that the desktop and computer were both gleaming brightly and that a faint
flowery perfume in the room indicated that the cleaner had done an efficient job.
His next job being to turn off the night security alarms, Arnold bustled his way through the big room again,
making sure everyone was still working as they should be, and descended the two flights of stairs into the
cellar, where the vaults and individual security safes were housed. He unlocked the heavy metal gates and
proceeded to the alarm inside the room that contained the bank’s most valued clients’ safety deposit boxes.
He keyed in the security code, known only to him and two others, and experienced a minor irritation when he
did not hear the familiar double bleep. His eyes were on the alarm box, but something was not right in his
peripheral vision. Something was not where it should be. Taking his eyes off the alarm, Arnold turned and
looked to see what was troubling him.
At first, Arnold could not take in what he saw. The room contained two long walls which were full of safety
deposit boxes. Here were the hundreds of the small, drawer-like containers where clients paid to store their
most valued possessions. Arnold knew from experience that these included money, jewellery and a lot of
papers. Among the papers were photographs and information that the owners for one reason or another – not
always in the strictest interpretation of the word ‘legal’ – wanted to keep hidden. Of course, the bank’s
discretion was one of its most important qualities, and Arnold would never, even if threatened with violence,
reveal what he knew about the contents of any of those boxes. This was why what he saw in that room on that
beautiful spring morning wrapped a tight cord round his heart and drained the blood from his face.
The safety deposit boxes were no longer neat little rows of drawers. The order had been destroyed by
a number of box fronts hanging open, dark against the pristine whiteness of those that remained closed.
The boxes whose fronts were ajar were empty. He didn’t need to check twice. After a moment of
incomprehension, Arnold’s brain started functioning normally and, within seconds, it had calculated that about
forty of the security boxes had been opened by force. And he realised, with a horrible sinking feeling, that they
were forty of the bank’s most privileged clients. The bank, his bank, had been robbed. It dawned on him that it
was going to turn into the worst day for the institution that he had devoted his entire life to.

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W zadaniach 6.1.–6.4. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter:
A, B, C albo D.
6.1. When he arrived at the bank, Arnold was happy because
A the brass plate had been cleaned.
B he wasn’t greeted by any employees.
C it was a beautiful spring day.
D no one had been into his office during the night.

6.2. Which of the following happened first chronologically?

A Arnold’s office was carefully cleaned.
B Arnold put his briefcase next to his desk.
C Arnold went down the stairs to the cellar.
D Arnold noticed that something was wrong in the vaults.

6.3. What concerned Arnold most about the robbery was that
A the bank’s security had been breached.
B further crimes might follow.
C the bank had let down its clients.
D he would be held personally responsible.

6.4. From the text, we learn that Arnold is

A uncaring and unkind.
B organised and officious.
C frustrated and rebellious.
D sensitive and anxious.

Tekst 2.
One of the biggest and most well-organised bank robberies took place in Brazil in 2005. As many as ten
individuals broke into the central bank on the north-east coast of Brazil over a weekend and stole the
equivalent of £65 million from the vaults. There have been many big bank robberies over the years, but what
sets this one apart from the others is the ingenious planning and preparation that went into it. When the police
were called after the discovery of the robbery on the Monday morning, they found, to their surprise,
a 78-metre tunnel that had been constructed from a house in the centre of the city to a point below the bank.
The tunnel traversed two city blocks and was lined with wood and plastic. It also had its own lighting and air
circulation system. The gang must have included maths, engineering and excavation experts. It appears that the
robbers had rented the house three months previously and set up a fake gardening business so that neighbours
would not be concerned by the soil that was regularly taken from the building. It may seem unbelievable, but
the bank only found out about the robbery when it opened on the Monday morning. The police responded
immediately, but their successes were limited. Although many people have been arrested for the crime, none
of the masterminds have been caught, and only a small portion of the money has been recovered. The
remainder could well be out of the country, transferred to tax havens by gang members who are still enjoying
their freedom. In an ironic twist, it turned out that the bank had not insured the deposits as they had estimated
the risk of stealing the cash was very low given the fact the building was considered extremely secure.
Strangely enough, several of the suspects have been kidnapped since the robbery and held to ransom, and one
of them, Luis Ribeiro, was actually murdered. This led people to think that police officers may have been
involved in the kidnappings. It is also possible that they took part in the actual robbery, which might explain
why the investigation was only moderately successful.

Odpowiedz na pytania 6.5–6.6. Na pytania należy odpowiedzieć w języku angielskim.

6.5. Why is it believed that the gang included experts such as engineers?
6.6. What’s happened to the missing money?
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Zadanie 7. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij jego streszczenie. Uzupełnij luki 7.1.–7.4. zgodnie z treścią tekstu tak, aby jak
najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać jego sens. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. Uwaga: w każdą lukę
możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
A student like no other
The American teachers said David Rudinsky was not like other children. His mind worked like lightning.
Miss Ralston, David’s teacher in the sixth grade, once said of him that he never let go of a lesson till he had got
the soul of the matter. ‘I don’t think grammar is grammar to him,’ she said, ‘or fractions mere arithmetic. I’m
not satisfied with the way I teach these things since I’ve had David. I feel that if he were on the platform instead
of me, geography and grammar would start to make sense.’
David was extremely reserved. In conversations with him it was hard to get anything out of him except ‘yes,
ma’am’ and ‘no, ma’am,’ or, ‘I don’t understand, I’m afraid.’ In the classroom he did not seem to be aware of
the existence of anybody besides the teacher and himself. He did not seem to recognise the existence of other
class members, as if friendship was not among the things he was hungry for.
It was Miss Ralston who found a place in David’s heart. After the Christmas holidays, the children were
given as a subject for composition, ‘How I Spent the Vacation.’ David wrote enthusiastically about several days
spent in the public library. He covered twelve pages with an account of the books he had read. The list included
classics in American history and biography; and from his comments it was plain that the little boy worshipped
wartime heroes.
Once Miss Ralston had read David’s composition, she knew what to do. She asked David to stay after school
and she read to him. Neither of them ever forgot that hour. To David it seemed as if all the heroes he had
dreamt of came crowding around him. He heard the clash of swords and the flapping of banners in the wind. As
for Miss Ralston, she said afterwards that she was the first person who had ever seen the real David Rudinsky.
That was a curious statement to make, considering that his mother and father, and others inhabiting the two
hemispheres, had had some acquaintance with David prior to that day. After that memorable beginning,
however, there were many readings they did together out of school hours.

David was a foreign student in an American school. His teacher, Miss Ralston, thought he was so bright that,
since he had joined her class, she started to have a negative opinion about (7.1.)
__________________________. However, David was quite reserved. In the classroom, for example, he only
seemed aware of himself and his teacher and he didn’t want to (7.2.) ___________________________
with anyone.
After Christmas, Miss Ralston asked her students to write a composition about their holiday. David wrote a text
about the books he had read. From the composition, the teacher concluded the boy was particularly interested
in (7.3.) ___________________________. This inspired Miss Ralston to read to him after school. The meeting
made the teacher feel that nobody (7.4.) ___________________________ David before that moment. They
enjoyed the reading so much that they started doing it regularly.

___ / 4

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Zadanie 8. (0–6)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.
Students at Southampton University have had problems using their mobile phones recently (8.1.) ____
of a problem with a transmitter mast. Unfortunately for the students, the problem turned out to be much more
complicated than it may have seemed at first glance. When an engineer arrived to (8.2.) ____ the problem,
he found that a peregrine falcon (a protected bird of prey) had chosen to nest on the transmitter mast. The law
does not allow the nest of a breeding falcon (8.3.) ____ until the fledglings have all left the nest. That could be
another three months. Bird enthusiasts are extremely happy that the falcon (8.4.) ____ to nest there as they
usually nest at the top of cliffs, and there are only 1,400 pairs in the UK. They have praised the phone company
for (8.5.) ____ conservation first. However, those who cannot get a phone signal without driving quite a long
distance are, perhaps understandably, not as enthusiastic. Fortunately, possible (8.6.) ____ to the problem are
now being discussed by other telecommunications companies operating in the area.

8.1. A resulting B due C because D thanks

8.2. A repair B mend C fix D set
8.3. A being disturbed B to be disturbed C disturbing D to have been disturbed
8.4. A has chosen B will choose C chooses D had chosen
8.5. A making B doing C taking D putting
8.6. A solutions B remedies C arrangements D compromises

___ / 6
Zadanie 9. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (9.1.–9.4.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny
tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wypisywanych wyrazów.
‘Children are growing up too fast these days.’ This has become quite a common complaint nowadays and,
in a (9.1.) _______, it is true. Children are learning faster and using computers from an early age. The age limits
for learning to drive or voting in an election are also being lowered in many countries. (9.2.) _______, it is
an entirely different phenomenon that makes a lot of people see red. It is the huge popularity of beauty
competitions for young children. There has always been controversy over beauty competitions, but the
decision of an adult (9.3.) _______ or not to enter such a competition is up to that individual. What concerns
many people today is that parents are encouraging their very young children to dress up, wear high heels, and
put on make-up. The child often has no say in this. Is this right? Let us know (9.4.) _______ you think by leaving
a comment below.
___ / 4
Zadanie 10. (0–4)
Uzupełnij zdania tak, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (10.1.–10.4.). Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
10.1. People think that climate change caused the extreme weather conditions we had last month.
Climate change _____________________________ the extreme weather conditions we had last month.
10.2. The results of the survey were only published two days ago.
It _____________________________ that the results of the survey were published.
10.3. I’m very tired today because I’ve been working all through the night on this essay.
If I hadn’t worked all through the night on this essay, I _____________________________ this morning.
10.4. My phone call to Maria about the party was unnecessary as Diana had already phoned her.
I _____________________________ about the party because Diana had already phoned her.

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Zadanie 11. (0–13)
Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów
i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz temat, który
wybrałeś/wybrałaś, zakreślając jego numer.
1. W Internecie pojawia się coraz więcej nieprawdziwych informacji dotyczących różnych zjawisk czy
wydarzeń, tzw. fake newsów, które często podawane są dalej jako prawdziwe. Napisz rozprawkę,
w której wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat tego zagadnienia.
2. Niedawno obejrzałeś/obejrzałaś program dokumentalny o najpoważniejszych zagrożeniach dla
środowiska naturalnego w obecnym świecie. Napisz artykuł na szkolną stronę internetową, w którym
opiszesz problemy przedstawione w programie oraz wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat tego, w jaki
sposób każdy z nas może zaangażować się w ochronę przyrody.


___ / 13

TOTAL: ___ / 60

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