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CHILDREN PUBLIC SR. SEC, SCHOOL, FATEH! ANNUAL EXAMINATION (2023-24) SUBIEC TIME: 180 MIN INSTRUCTION Physics | Section A he area below vt graph iva Angular spec ») Displacement 4) Aceeeration |.) Angular aeseleration on cat be used Tor a ody Baving 4) non uniform ) uniform acceleration Sof different masses falling frely near the surface of the m resists any change a) Have different acceleratin whose weight is greater than the )20Hiz- 20Milz Assertion (A): An obje if actual weight oft Reason (R): During s 8) Both A and Rare b) Both A and R are ©) A is true but Ri G) Ais false but i Assertion (A): N | Reason (R): No 4 Both A and R are iu. |b) Both A and R are true but R isnot the com [yA is true but Ris fas ) A is false but R is wu Assertion (A): Work done Wisttieris independent ofthe actual path fl | forces are conservative fo J a) Both A and R are tre and R n of A 6) Both A and R are truc @)A is true but R is false AA is false but R is tr Section B ph of a stone thrown Venically upward and then coming down id Ris ‘onal force in moving w body from one point t@ wiaveen the two points, Reason (R): Gravitational 9 st explanation of A. jing the maximum height Reason. The sin of oto and neuron +-A_substance has no mass. Can weagen ase an We consi = Why doiguid take uptheshape rae What iy kee? How is omer ee Give the chemical fomula combining ken i 1- Ammen 2 Carbon monoxide 3 Hydrogen chore 4-alumintom ee 5. Manes Supe 1) What ee tee main pes of clenens Wa one propery ear ge es Calculate the molar mass fe es ’) Etone ci |) Sapharmotoue, il) Phosphos moles, (Aton aso phosphor 1) iv) Hydrochloric se et Nite aid, HNO, ar alway differen whi ay are Kept? nents in each one of them, [A Maltipiecoce questions ~ | Which organi response frie Sis of uae wna el? } Nucleus Mf tonnes ©) Endoplasmic reticulum 3) fllaconde| Which typeof tissue is response Tor pring Spr ad HRAiae To ns and composed of cll embeded nan exrcllaae” | BComectvedisue Mgt tissue 6) Nervous tissue 4) pai sue Which of he following san paises he elvaton of ops in such a was {that it maintain oil fel, prevents sc ero ad promotes biodiversity 4) Monocultre—_Wilidroponics eabquculre ed) Agroforestry | Assertion and reason questions a | Directions: In each ofthe following guests astaenenl of Aseion Ws Bven anda oni ie jibe i Of the sateen, given below, mark. | corresponding statement of R the correct answer a | ¥9) Both assertion and reason are tue, and reson isthe correct explanation of assertion | (b) Both assertion and reason are trv, but reson isnot the correct explanation of asse-tion (©) Assertion is true, but reason i false | (4) Assertion is false, but reason iste Bai: - 1m anal. T-Asscrlon: Vaccnatons are give rm al | Reason: Vaccinatons pret he frm anima numberof diseases caused duet vis | | an beclera | Reason: Layers are raised fore ‘Assertion ; A plant cell busts ifplaced in wa Name one method used (0 increase the ertili@soiLin agriculture, at isthe basic unit ofa tissue? Re ¢ responsible for provi T Why is the ——| Why is the ceil mer mbrane eee seneable membrane”? How do we increta we a einen oft — Draw a neat and clean diagram wih (@) plant eel (©) animal ect __|(o) meristematic issue ne ‘Bone is a slid, Rar porous sue fn ap al STK | Srezirs and als supports the boy. snares impregnated with Desa iy | prin The mam arnge nes uch ocala ans, one cel i {between the lameliue in Muk-iled spsees ell Cua. Bone cells are also called aa @> Lacume (b) Ostseyes _ | (@)Nerophits oon The mati inside te Bone ara (@) Cytoplasm (h) Oscoeyte | hracumae @Lameliae To form natural skeleton and'o give supporto the Body The han Tandon of (a) Cells (bo) Muscles exBones (@) Ligaments 1 The matrix of bone fs impregnated with (@)Carboa dionideandoxy gra |e) Carbon dioxide and water (6) Sulphates of sodium | ap Phosphates and carbonates of cal — [Lanz question Write the func |) Nucteas 1) Cytoplasm |p Meristemati issue 1V) Differentiation tissue sbalinge (atempt ony 1) sad gives the body is Basic Th ahosphates and carbonates |

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