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if you hear the word "THANKS" for the good deed you have done -
it means that you have lived this day NOT WANTED!

Good day, dear students!

I thank you for your interest in my trading strategy. The money that you pay for this vehicle is
directed to help those in need - orphans and sick children.

I would like to wish you good luck in your study and strongly recommend you to be careful and
diligent - if you follow all the rules and laws of the TS, I can guarantee your success.

The results confirming the operation of this vehicle may be the video on my YouTube- channel and
multiple videos of my students.
author Nikolay
… Why does hide two ticks during a bet? Who will understand -
this material is not needed!




VIEW AND ANALYZE IT. To record video, use the program from the folder ... for RECORDS ...

THE MAIN THING - you need to understand the trend movement - LESSON 2.

After that, remember that the trend is analyzed from 3 to 5 ticks!

ELEMENTS OF ANALYSIS: (what remains to be learned and understood)

A) We are watching trend numbers. When the worm's head is between levels, we are waiting for the
appearance of Numbers of different characteristics, for example: odd / even or even / odd (this is a signal to
start the analysis). Now we must analyze the trend movement by odd and even numbers. We make a deal
on the difference between the numbers ( 1 unit difference).

B) On the breakout of the level we work on REGULARITIES.

TH - even digit / aPT - abnormally even digit

LFT - odd digit / ANCHT - abnormally odd digit


We look at the numbers in analyzer. Our task is to highlight two numbers that stand with each other and between
which there is a difference of 1 unit:

• Let's admit 1( it's an odd digit) and 2 ( this is an even number), etc.
• May be 2 ( even) and 1( odd), etc.

The numbers may be larger than these and different in color:

• Let's admit 6 (red) five (blue)
• Or five (blue) 6 (red) etc.

THE MAIN THING! To make an even and odd sequence one after another, because this is a PIVOT POINT,


1 2 - check yourself - where is the even digit and where is the odd digit? (To the end) 2 1

The target for the analysis is comparing two numbers with each other.
Start for Analysis - any two adjacent numbers of different characteristics - Th
and LFT.

! Even or Odd is specifications Numbers! ! The denomination of the

Digits (1 or 2, etc.) is meaning Numbers!

To read the graph, one must understand the Values, Characteristics and be able to distinguish them by Color (the color is responsible
for the ZONE of the location of the Numbers).
1 - characteristic numbers - odd ; value = 1; Colour - red ( RED ZONE )

2 - characteristic numbers - even ; value = 2; Colour - blue ( BLUE ZONE ) Etc.


A) A trend is a sequential move of numbers through a step. The step is distinguished by the
characteristic (even or odd sequence) of numbers: 0 2 4 6 8 0 - even characteristic (color
1 3 5 7 9 - odd characteristic (color strength)

0 8 6 4 2 0 - even characteristic (weak color) 9 7 5 3 1 - odd

characteristic (weak color)

B) Depending on the color of the numbers, we determine the GROWTH or DOWN of the trend.

... arbitrary starting points: (no need to memorize!)

Power we need a trend for comparisons ... If we single out two adjacent numbers (let's say 8 (even) and 7
(odd)), how can we compare them with each other, if we do not know which side Power sequences? BUT!
Everything has its time…

Draw a coordinate axis on a piece of paper.

The Y-axis is a vertical line (drawn in a straight line from bottom to top)
The X axis is a horizontal line (in our case, draw it with a straight line from the Y axis to the right).

At the point where X and Y meet, write 0.

Now draw the -Y axis from 0 (straight line from top to bottom).

Blue numbers are " Y "

Red numbers are " -Y "

X axis - along it to the right we draw successively falling numbers (along the axis Y or -Y ). This axis is responsible
for the location of each new digit along the Y-axis. The X-axis pitch is always one square to the right of the last digit
along the Y-axis. Draw examples to make it easier to represent the numbers in space.

Red numbers are numbers that will be found down below Coordinate axes. We know from the school
curriculum that the numbers with minus sign (Y = - 1 or Y = -2
etc.) on the Coordinate Axis are located Down below ...

Blue digits are positive digits (Y = 1 or Y = 2 etc.) and they are located Up Coordinate axes.

DigitsMinus sequences are drawn mirrored Plus ... If in Plus ( blue ) zone digit 2 drawn above the figure 1 ,
then in Minusovaya ( red ) zone number " -2 "draws below" -1 ". The larger the number, the higher ( blue ), or
below ( red ) it is located from X axis ...

For the Y-axis display example, all numbers are taken randomly. Let's say 7 red
(we represent everything " red "signed numbers minus ) will become the lowest point,
6 red will be higher 7 red and will be shifted to the right by one cell along X axis from 7 red ...

0 1
1 X

-Y 7

7 blue (represent all " blue "signed numbers a plus ) located higher Y-axis, 1 blue - below, 6 blue - slightly
higher, etc. (in plus and minus ZONES)
! This Lesson is about VISUALIZING numbers in space!


Levels - this is blue and red points on WORM ( graph).

Green point is head WORM.

When we follow head WORM and behind the Numbers in analyzer, we should be guided by the rules
and patterns of this strategy.

A) REGULARITY # 1! * Head WORM is located between levels

(for descending sequence - mirrored):

Write these sequences down on a blank piece of paper and analyze.

B) REGULARITY # 2! ** Head WORM breaks through the level up (for
descending sequence - mirrored ):

* essence REGULARITIES # 1 - when COLOUR heads WORM not

repainted in color top, or lower levels - we work on
1) Select the even ( Thurs), or odd ( LFT) sequence;
2) We are waiting for the figures of the inverse characteristic (if there were Thurs, then we wait LFT);
3) Compare end sequences with a new characteristic digit - if a new digit more previous - trend continues. If
a smaller - the chart will change direction to the opposite and the rate in reverse side.

* * essence REGULARITIES # 2 - when HEAD COLOR repainted in the color of the top
or lower levels - working on LAW
PUNCHING: (the pattern can be canceled if the WORM head )
1) Select the sequence that went before the breakout ( Th or LFT);
2) Select the NUMBER that broke through the level - it should have a different characteristic (if you
went before breaking through Thurs, then she will LFT);
3) If the chart continues to move UP or DOWN (depending on the COLORS
heads WORM), we follow its movement along NUMBERS and as soon as we have identified a figure with a
new characteristic, we compare it with the previous figure and open according to patterns:

- new more previous - SCHEDULE will change direction to OPPOSITE.

- new smaller previous - trend will continue.


When we notice adjacent numbers of different characteristics, or when we follow the trend and highlight
a growing or falling sequence of numbers, we should visualize the numbers in space and separate

GENERAL the trend from the one that can be ignored for 7 ticks.

From Lesson 2, we realized that strength growing trend is ascending sequence blue The numbers, and
the strength falling trend - ascending sequentially red Digits - regardless of their characteristics ( Th or


When appears anomaly - this is


Anomaly blue or red digits is a descending


The figure on the right shows that blue Th and

LFT in decreasing
sequence, the trend does not grow, but falls, or by
red Th and LFT descending trend

not falling, but growing.

To separate unnecessary abnormal noises and

understand the exact movement of the trend, we will
use the visualization of Numbers in space,
superimposed on the upper and lower levels - VISUAL

Visual zero Is the resistance level and the

support level at the same time.

The levels are broken through ONLY by the numbers of the opposite characteristic:

Th make their way LFT, and LFT make their way THU.

Consider an example between levels and the rate: ( 7 6 5 )


We analyze it on paper like this:

1) Appeared 7 blue LFT - under and above 7 blue we draw a line - this is our visual trait for breaking
through the level with a new figure with an inverse characteristic (if LFT, means the line can only be broken Thurs,
otherwise, the trait simply moves towards a larger number of its characteristics and color)

2) 6 red Th - under and over 6 red Th draw a visual line.

We have formed two levels - Upper and Lower - different characteristics LFT and
Th - start of the analysis.

3) 5 red LFT - visual trait 6 red Th pierced UP LFT. Difference between 5 red LFT and 6 red TH = 1 unit ...

4) 5 red LFT less < 7 blue LFT - after 7 ticks (two ticks are lost on the rate) the chart will be HIGHER,
which means the rate is UP.

Another example:

Appears 4 red, next appears 3 blue (while the trend can go down, wait), the next one appears 7 blue (also still
undefined, since we could have missed (not see the figure before 4 red, it could be 2 red and the trend would
be THE FALLING ( 2 4 3 7 )), the next one appears 5 blue, now we know that through 7m ticks chart will be HIGHER,
since blue odd

sequence RISING, numbers are above VISUAL ZERO and there is difference of 1 unit between 4 and 5
==> open a bet UP *.
* provided that head WORM is between levels.


3 - odd VISUAL ZERO.

4 - even

Now an illustrative example with anomaly and the rate:

7 5 4 by blue does not grow odd, but falls ! And here is the pivot point 4 => DOWN


5 7 6 8 by red odd falls (MAIN TREND)! And here's a pivot point 6 but weak => DOWN - if I was the first 8
blue (instead 6 blue ) - this is pivot point (could go UP ).

Another example: if anomaly 7 5 6 - then UP !


This algorithm is a CRYSTAL. It's easy to use. For example, you can check it when head WORM located BETWEEN
Using this knowledge, try to draw these examples:

8 2 7 2 3 => rate up (UP)

7 2 five 4 1 => rate up (UP)
nine 1 0 3 9 => rate down (DOWN)
1 9 8 9 nine 8 => rate up (UP)
8 9 7 => rate up (UP)
2 3 4 3 4 => rate up (UP)
five nine 3 3 6 => rate down (DOWN)
five 4 6 8 => rate up (UP)
five 8 6 4 => rate down (DOWN)
5 7 9 1 1 2 => rate down (DOWN)
nine 4 9 4 0 0 6 => rate down (DOWN)
2 5 6 6 => rate down (DOWN)

Xxxxx.x strategy Z

We always analyze 3 ticks (+1 extra), since we always lose 2 ticks after the bet. Sometimes when FLET -
analysis takes longer.
We need to identify the trend movement! The trend consists of the selected number ".x Z ".

You need to be able to determine the characteristics of numbers ( Th - even or LFT is odd).

We select by what numbers the graph (worm) will rise or fall:

STEP 1: If in red format the trend goes down even numbers, so in red format by odd by the numbers it will
rise. We now turn to blue format. We see that in blue format the graph (worm) rises by odd numbers, then even
numbers it will be omitted. STEP 2: We must be able to see breakouts (on resistance lines). In case of

you need to work according to the law.

STEP 3: We now know the trend movement and can easily apply the "rule" from
difference of 1 unit.

EXAMPLE 1: ( Appendix No. 1)

( arbitrary set of numbers, select only AGING and DESCENT )
If the blue format is blue 3 - 5 - 7 - the trend is growing
If in blue format there are blue numbers 7 - 5 - 3 - the trend is falling

( arbitrary set of numbers, select only AGING and DESCENT )
If the red format is red 3 - 5 - 7 - the trend is falling
If in red format there are red numbers 7 - 5 - 3 - the trend is growing

I) Do not forget about the patterns when the level is broken!
II) When we do not know what to do, we are waiting for another suitable move!
III) Recording our own video for ourselves! We look through, analyze and find our mistakes! This is the only way to
learn to understand the strategy!
It all depends on the practice.

EXAMPLE 3: ( arbitrary set of numbers) We see that appeared 7, then fell out five, and drops out 6 blue (1
unit difference between 7 and 6, but at the same time we see that the trend is growing along the odd red
and 6 blue more 5 red with a difference of 1 unit + above VISUAL ZERO ). So the rate UP *.

* provided that head WORM is between levels.

6 - even VISUAL ZERO.

5 - odd

For the xxxxx.xZ strategy, you need to remember the criteria by which we work:

1. We work purely by trend, when we see that the trend is growing or falling clearly, for example, for even,
we wait for the odd, or for odd, wait for the even ones, compare them and place a bet:

2 1 13 => rate UP
2. We work by exceptions on level breakouts, when the upper or lower levels are broken, and
even or odd ones go in a row, for example:
1, 5, 3, - drops 4 => rate DOWN (an exception)
1, 5, 3, - drops 2 => rate UP (an exception)
3. We work according to the algorithm with a difference of 1 unit:

1, 3, 5, 7, - and only then after the breakdown went: for example 8, 6 => rate UP (since in blue format 7 more
than 6 )
The trend movement is a tick (step) from point "A" to point "B"
================================================== =============

EXAMPLE 4: ( arbitrary set of numbers)

five 2 4 3 (example between levels => rate UP. If 2 broke through the upper level, then after appeared 4 3 =>
bet DOWN) a) Tick (step) in even digits from 2 (point "A") to 4 (point "B") b) Tick (step) in odd digits from five (point
"A") to 3 (point "B")

Output: rate UP.

We do an analysis between even and odd numbers.

1) Even and odd or odd and even drops out - this is start ( start of analysis).
2) Then we observe how the trend rises or falls. It can fall in both even and odd numbers (example: 4 1 2 3 ).

3) The even trend falls - 4 2 , but the trend rises along the odd - 1 3, and Here's how we saw the
difference of 1 unit between points A (even step) and B (odd step), we compare them along the
coordinate axis with each other. Trend by
ODD came out red zone and rose above the ending EVEN step ( 2 )
- then the trend will go UP => rate UP.

Do not forget about the rules and patterns for breakouts:

Everything that works on breakouts does not work between levels, and what works between levels does not
work on breakouts!

Record a video for yourself for 3 - 5 rates, then view and analyze! Only in this way will you understand the
strategy and learn to see your mistakes.


987654321 0123456789 - falling trend

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 abnormally falling goes into falling
9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 abnormally falling goes into falling
- - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - -

987654321 0123456789 - growing trend

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 abnormally growing goes into growing
9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 abnormally growing goes into growing


The positions of the vectors in the rules are taken arbitrarily. Vector A can be Th
numbers, vector B can be LFT numbers. Vector numbers can be of the same color.

RULE # 1:
Abnormally Growing, or Abnormally Falling, and Growing / Falling

A) VECTOR A (aNChT aNChT) abnormally growing / VECTOR B (Thu Thu) growing:

7 3 2 4 ==> rate UP!
B) VECTOR A (aLFT aLFT) abnormally falling / VECTOR B (aBT aBT) falling: 7 5 4 2 => rate
C) Special cases: VECTOR A (aLFT aLFT) abnormally decreasing / VECTOR B (aBhT aBhT) abnormally
decreasing one color (or all abnormally growing for reds) - all blue or red ... Example 9 5 4 2 ==> rate DOWN!

or example 0 0 8 4 five 3

I explain this: 8 4 - downtrend. five 3 - the trend was going down (but 5 blue broke the top of the ending EVEN
trend ( 4 red )). Conclusion: rate UP!

RULE # 2:
ANOMALOUS vs Dominant comparison:

When a rising or falling trend appears, LFT, either by TH ( 2 adjacent numbers of the same sequence and
step) are replaced abnormal, or
dominant sequence digits opposite characteristic ( LFT change Thurs, or vice versa).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 5 (growing odd) , Further 4 2 => rate UP! LF LF (aPT aPT)

( MAIN TREND 15 - power growth and by VISUAL ZERO
located higher (strive UP ) - ABNORMAL GROWTH RED , as 4 red didn't break the level 5 blue down,
because interrupted by a larger digit)

1 5 (growing odd) , Further 6 8 => rate DOWN!

( MAIN TREND 6 8 - power fall and by VISUAL ZERO
located down below (strive DOWN ) - Ignore the growth of the BLUE ones, since 6 red struck 5 blue down)
RULE # 3:

We combine into one vector one th and one low frequency numbers - we compare them with each other,
superimposing VISUAL ZERO. Each of the numbers intuitively tells what is happening with the trend.

For example: TH LF LF TH
2 3 9 8 : analysis as follows 2 3 increases (since the trend has moved into BLUE ZONE , 3 blue interrupted 2
red UP ), 9 8 increases (since 8 red
strives for BLUE AREA and interrupted UP 9 red - abnormal growth ).
Note: if this option is between levels => rate UP! If, with the same variation, the lower level is broken at 8 red =>
rate DOWN !

RULE # 4:
EXCLUSION FROM THE ALGORITHM - comparison of the top and bottom in amplitude 1.

This is an exception to the algorithm. But there is some logic. The difference in this part is very easy to confuse with rules
no. 1, 2 and 3. As I understand it, this algorithm compares top and
bottom by the amplitude of only the first digits of even or odd characteristics, but different colors.

For example: LF THW LF TH

7 2 3 8 : here we see a downtrend. We analyze 7 3 - this is the trend of decreasing the number of retail.
Thus, this is a strong bearish trend ( 7 3 8 strong downtrend - 8 red breaks the level 7 blue down ) => rate DOWN!
- imagine two bars - these are vectors. Which of them will overpower the other - in this direction the trend
will go. 7 blue up, 2 blue below, breaks up 3 blue and 8 red ( heavier ) punches bottom. Vectors 7 3 and 2 8 slam




If a appear 6 ( 7 3 6 , then the trend is reversed => rate UP! - as 7 blue more 6 red and it is
not broken).
If a appear 8 synonym for reversal => rate UP!
If a appears 6 synonym for reversal => rate UP!( as 6 blue DOES NOT PUNCH 7 blue, and pulls
up to her bottom (2 3) UP - springboard )
RULE # 5:
GOLD 1 UNIT DIFFERENCE real example:



The main trend of the chain is the trend Th and LFT:

If a \ TH - LF - TH - LF - LF \ trendy even the number is the main trend that we expect for the bet;

If a \ LF - TH - LF - TH \, then the trend was the main trend in retail. You need to understand the
underlying trend in the betting chain.
Remember! We always do analysis only in "vectors" or "steps". We analyze only the step between even and
odd numbers.
3 7 is a step by odd numbers! Here we see that the trend falls ! The trend fell as much as possible to red 7

8 2 is the second step in even numbers! Here we see that the trend is growing ! In this example 8 > 2

Conclusion: rate UP


All numbers are visually superimposed on the graph of the "X" and "Y" axes. We work according to
three criteria:
The analysis begins with an even / odd or odd / even dropout - this is a start (we also analyze it with
subsequent dropping out of numbers)
1.or we work with the trend ( 2 1 13 => rate UP )
2.or we work according to a pattern (for example: if the trend was going up in odd terms and upon breakout
of the upper level it breaks through even, but less at par => rate up (example: 5 7 6 => rate up). If it breaks
out with a large => bet down (example: 5 7 8 => rate DOWN)

3. either with a difference of 1 unit only between levels !!! (example: 5 7 6 => rate DOWN, example: 5 7 8 =>
bid UP! )

You must learn to independently explain to yourself, each dropped out number! This is the only
way you will learn to understand and see entry points!

9 4 - here we do not yet understand where the trend is going!

9 4 0 - here is the same until we understand. ... ...

9 4 0 2 - here appeared blue even, it means those previous even ones that were after
red odd nine , - were higher. Now we are in trend!
9 4 0 2 8 - here we see that the even trend fell into red zone and we understand that he did not fall
below nine and that means it still remains, as it were, higher! Flat now drops 8 - so the trend has also
remained at the same level!
9 4 0 2 8 8 nine - now, even on odd numbers, the trend has moved directly to blue zone ! AND 8 nine - it turns out the beginning


9 4 0 2 8 8 9 4 - now both steps in blue zone ! But here it also happens that we, as it were, again do not
understand what is shown to us 4 (higher or lower nine )
9 4 0 2 8 8 9 4 3 - here's the final figure 3 ... Here's a complete analysis of the two steps!
8 4 - step on even, where we see that he is from red zone moved to blue zone !
nine 3 - here is a step along the odd ones, where we see that from the maximum upper point nine , he kind of decided
to fall into red zone 3 ... But since the end of the step could not interrupt the end of the even step 4 , withdrawal => rate UP
It's simple, you just need to get used to being able to see and analyze on the go! I manage to enter the
trend, because I do not lose a single digit and do not fall out of the trend, so I see its movement. ... ...

I persistently say - do not lose the numbers, and you will not have to re-enter the trend and re-do the

1 6 2 8 4 2 2 3 => rate UP
sixteen is the start

1 6 2 - 2 even fell below and did not interrupt 1 blue (so even is still higher 1 blue ), now the even ones
have risen to 8 blue !
1 6 2 8 - now drops 4 red but she doesn't interrupt 6 blue -beginning of an even step!

1 6 2 8 4 2 - now dropped 2 red and it turns out that in red began grow !
1 6 2 8 4 2 2 - 2 blue returns even in blue zone !
1 6 2 8 4 2 2 3 - dropped 3 blue and she is already higher than the last 2 (final even step)

Conclusion: rate UP !

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I wish you all patience and success!
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Nikolay ( Nikolas )

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