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Development of Fiber Optic Radiation Monitor

using Plastic Scintillation Fibers

Toru OKA , Hirotsugu FUJIWARA , Kazuo TAKASHIMA , Teruo USAMI &

Yoshikazu TSUTAKA

To cite this article: Toru OKA , Hirotsugu FUJIWARA , Kazuo TAKASHIMA , Teruo USAMI &
Yoshikazu TSUTAKA (1998) Development of Fiber Optic Radiation Monitor using Plastic
Scintillation Fibers, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 35:12, 857-864, DOI:

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Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 35, No. 12, p. 857-864 (December 1998)

Development of Fiber Optic Radiation Monitor

using Plastic Scintillation Fibers
Toru OKA*lt, Hirotsugu FUJIWARA', Kazuo TAKASHIMA*, Teruo USAMI*
and Yoshikazu TSUTAKA**

*Industrial Electronics & Systems Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

**Energy and Industrial Systems Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

(Received May 8, 1997)

We have developed a radiation monitor by using plastic scintillation fibers (PSF), which we call the fiber
optic radiation monitor. For wide-area radiation monitoring, the detection part needs to be longer, therefore
we have produced a prototype monitor by combining the PSF and the silica fiber for optical propagation.
In this paper we first explain the characteristics when silica fiber of 100m long is connected to the PSF.
We found that in this case, the position resolution would drop. In order to determine the cause, we observed
the aspects of optical pulse propagation. It was found that the light is transmitted through the silica fiber
and is detected at fiber end as single photons, and the resolution deteriorated due to the difference in the
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propagation path of each of photons.

We next explain the prototype fiber optic radiation monitor with a detection length of 20m and a total
length of 60 m, and its performance.

KEYWORDS: radiation monitors, scintillations, fibers, time-of-flight method, dose rates,

distribution, nuclear power plants, optical characteristics, mode dispersion, position reso-

diation exposure of workers and enhancing the exposure

I. Introduction control.
If it is possible t o continuously and extensively mea- We explain the principle and the set-up in Chap. 11,
sure the radiation dose-rate distribution in a radiation the performance when a PSF alone is used in Chap. 111,
controlled area, this will be useful in protecting workers and the performance when a PSF and a silica fiber are
engaged in radiation operations and reducing their risk connected in Chap. IV. Then we describe the perfor-
of radiation exposure. The radiation monitor currently mance and characteristics of a prototype fiber optic ra-
used, however, is only of the local monitoring type, and diation monitor, which has a detection length of 20m
hence a large number of monitors are required to cover and a total length of 60m, in Chap. V.
a wide area.
Radiation detectors using plastic scintillation fibers 11. Principle and Setup
(PSF) have been extensively studied(')( 2), because the The T O F method was used t o detect the radiation
PSF is fabricated to be flexible and long, thus being suit- incident position and the dose rate. The schematic di-
able for wide-area monitoring. Furthermore, the time- agram of the fiber optic radiation monitor is shown in
of-flight (TOF) method is effective in detecting the ra- Fig. 1. A photomultiplier tube (PMT), a preamplifier,
diation incident position in the PSF, as reported pre- and a constant fraction discriminator (CFD) are con-
v i o ~ s l y ( ~ ) (However,
~). few detectors aim at wide-area nected to each end of a PSF. The output signals are fed
monitoring, and the wide-area monitoring has not yet to a time amplitude converter (TAC) and analyzed with
been achieved. a multi-channel analyzer (MCA). This method measures
Therefore we are engaged in the development of a ra- the time difference of the signals to be fed to the two
diation monitor for wide-area monitoring, the fiber optic photomultipliers.
radiation monitor. The fiber optic radiation monitor is When a radiation enters and interacts with the PSF
a cable detector, which is made by combining PSFs and fluorescent light is generated. This fluorescent light prop-
silica fibers, and allows the distribution of radiation dose agates to the ends of the fiber and the time for the light
rate in a wide area to be measured. Thus the fiber optic to reach the PMT depends on the radiation incident posi-
radiation monitor is extremely useful for reducing the ra- tion. If a gamma ray crosses and interacts a t the position
of x from the PMT2, the time difference ( A t ) detected
* Tsukaguchi-honmachi, Amagasaki-shi 661-8661. by the TAC is given by
** Wadasakicho, Hyogo-ku, Kobe 652-8555.
'Corresponding author, Tel. +81-6-497-7692,
A t = (Z/u + T d ) - ( L - z ) / u = (2X - L)/V + T d , (1)
Fax. $81-6-497-7728, Email: so,

858 T. OKA et al.

Radiation Source


Scintillation Fiber

Fig. 1 Principles of the PSF radiation monitor

z = {v(At - Td) + L}/2,
2500 I I
where v: Speed of light in the optical fiber
L: Optical fiber’s length
Td:Delay time set by the delay circuit. ( T d must
be set so that At is more than 0.)
Therefore, the radiation incident position (z) may be
Downloaded by [CEA Saclay] at 08:28 23 February 2016

obtained by measuring this time difference ( A t ) .

The PSF used here had a diameter of l m m , a peak
emission wavelength of 440 nm, a refractive index of 1.59, 0 20 40 80 80 100

a cladding index of 1.49, a numerical aperture (NA) of Position (cm)

about 0.6, and a scintillation efficiency of 0.024. The Fig. 4 Result of position detection
numerical aperture is defined as sin Om,, in Fig. 2. This
Omax is a half of the acceptance angle, the light in the
optical fiber a t an angle exceeding the acceptance angle of the PSF used was 1m.
permeates in the cladding, and does not propagate in the A schematic drawing of the incident position measure-
fiber. ment is shbwn in Fig. 3. The collimated gamma (7)rays
from 6oCo were irradiated at the center of the PSF.
111. Preliminary Experiments of Position The result of the measurement is shown in Fig. 4.
The radiation irradiation position may be determined
Detection from the peak position. The full width at half maximum
In this chapter, we explain the measurement of the (FWHM) was about 25 cm, and this FWHM was defined
radiation incident position with a PSF alone. The length as the position resolution.

IV. Characteristics of the Monitor when a

Silica Fiber is Connected with a PSF
As the PSF’s propagation loss is as large as approxi-
mately 1.5dB/m, the optical pulse generated in a long
PSF would disappear halfway through the propagation.
Consequently, it is hard to make up a long radiation

monitor with a single PSF.
Therefore, we decided t o construct a long fiber optic
radiation monitor by combining a PSF with a silica fiber
Numerical Aperture ( NA ) :sin 6 featuring minimum propagation loss.
Fig. 2 Definition of NA
1. Position Detection by Using a PSF Connected
with a Silica Fiber
PSF First, position detection was carried out by using a
PSF connected with a silica fiber. A schematic drawing
of this experiment is shown in Fig. 5. The PSF used was

Topreamplifier I
/ 1m long, and the silica fibers used were of two lengths,
50 m and 100 m. The silica fibers’ diameter was 1mm,
7 radation To preamplifier
and the propagation loss was approximately 15dB/km
Fig. 3 Schema of position detection experiment (at 440 nm) .


Development of Fiber Optic Radiation Monitor using Plastic Scintillation Fibers 859

7 radiation

Fig. 5 Schema of position detection experiment using a PSF connected with a silica fiber


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-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

Position (cm) Position (cm)

(a) 50 m long silica fiber (b) 100 m long silica fiber

Fig. 6 Position detection using a PSF connected with a silica fiber

As described in Chap. 111, the ?-rays from 6oCowere propagating in the maximum mode (the path of light
irradiated at the center of the PSF. propagating by reflection at almost the critical angle in
The results when a 50 m long silica fiber was connected the optical fiber) becomes large. For this reason, when
and a 100 m long silica fiber was connected axe shown in the light is propagated over a long distance, the differ-
Figs. 6(a) and (b), respectively. ence in arrival time between the light to arrive first and
These position resolutions (FWHM) were about 92 cm the light to arrive at last may grow. The phenomenon
and 178 cm, respectively. These were somewhat larger of difference produced in the arrival time is called mode
than that of the PSF alone (25cm, see Fig. 4). dispersion (Fig. 7). The position resolution is thought
to drop due to this mode dispersion.
2. Optical Characteristics In order to analyze the mode dispersion status, we de-
As mentioned above, it was found that the position res- cided to first observe the optical fiber output when a
olution deteriorated when the silica fiber was connected. laser diode (LD) was used. A schematic drawing of the
This was due presumably to the mode dispersion of the experiment is shown in Fig. 8. A 50 m long silica fiber
light propagating through the optical fiber. is connected to one end of a PSF and the optical pulse
(1) Mode Dispersion from the LD is entered to the other end of the PSF. At
Since the quantity of the optical pulse generated by ra- this time, the optical pulse is branched by using a half
diation in the PSF is only a trace amount, it is necessary mirror in order to observe the incident pulse. The inci-
t o minimize the connection loss between the PFS and dent light and the output light are detected by PMTs,
the silica fiber. One method of reducing the connection whose outputs were observed by an oscilloscope. The
loss would be to reduce the difference in the numerical wavelength of the LD was 690nm, and the pulse width
aperture between the PSF and the silica fiber. Since the was about 8ns and the LD was repeatedly driven at a
numerical aperture of the PSF used was about 0.6, we cycle of 4 0 p . The light entering the PSF was then nar-
decided to use a silica fiber with the numerical aperture rowed down by a lens to less than the PSF’s acceptance
of 0.5, which was as close as possible to the above value. angle. An expanded view of the light’s entrance is shown
However, when the numerical aperture is as large as in Fig. 9.
0.5, the optical path difference between the light propa- The results of the measurements are shown in Fig. 10.
gating in the fundamental mode (the path of light prop- In this figure, the upper waveform is the input pulse,
agating straight along the optical fiber) and the light while the lower one is the output pulse from the 50m

VOL. 35, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1998

860 T. OKA et al.

light travels along different paths

I ztime
cladding optical fiber
- / \
output light
Fig. 7 Schematic view of mode dispersion

Light Pulse is expected to widen by the mode dispersion, when an

WfMinor / impulse-type pulse is input. The optical fiber’s numer-
ical aperture was set at 0.5. In order to simplify the
calculation, the pulse spread is calculated from the op-
tical path difference between the straight light and the
light propagated by reflection at a critical angle in the
boundary between the core and the cladding. The pulse
spread T,may be expressed as follows:
Fig. 8 Experiment observing mode dispersion
T,= L,(l/cos(90 - 8,) - l}/u (ns), (2)
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where L,: Silica fiber’s length

hm acceptance angle 8,: Critical angle of the optical fiber =70°
u: Speed of light in the optical fiber
=O.2 m/ns.
Therefore, the pulse spread when a 50m fiber and a
100m fiber were connected are found t o be 16ns and
32 ns, respectively.
Fig. 9 Enlargement of entrance part
(3) Observation of Output Pulse from Silica Fiber
We observed the effect caused by the mode dispersion
by connecting a PSF with a 100m long fiber. As shown
,. ... ... ...
.. .. - - - .. ..
I . . .
in Fig. 5 , y r a y s from 6oCo were irradiated at the center
. . . .
of the PSF. A PMT and a preamplifier were connected
at the fiber end in sequence and the preamplifier’s output
was observed with an oscilloscope.
The output from the PSF as a triggering signal and
that from the 100 m long fiber were observed.
Views of typical outputs from the PSF and silica fiber
are shown in Fig. 11. Figure ll(a) shows the wave-
form from the PSF, and the oscilloscope is triggered by
this signal. The outputs from 100m long silica fiber are
shown in Figs. Il(b), (c) and (d).
It can be seen from Figs. l l ( b ) , (c) and (d) that the
pulse arrival time fluctuates around 500 ns later from the
trigger point. There were single and multiple pulses, and
the FWHM of each single pulse was almost the same as
Vertical axis: 1 V/div the one of the signal from PSF in Fig. ll(a). It did not
Horizontal axis: 5 ns/div show the spread expected from Eq. (2).
The arrival time of the signal from the 100 m long sil-
Fig. 10 Output signals of input light and output light ica fiber after triggering was sampled. The oscilloscope
was triggered by a signal from the PSF which crossed
the discrimination level, -400mV, the same level used
long silica fiber. The output pulse waveform appeared by the CFD. The time when the signal from the silica
about 250ns later. The output pulse width is about 1.7 fiber crossed the discrimination level was recorded as the
times as wide as that of the input pulse, showing the arrival time. The sampling was done 100 times and the
effect of mode dispersion. result is shown in Fig. 12.
(2) Calculation of Light Pulse Spread by the Optical As shown in the figure, the arrival time is distributed
Path Difference around 510 ns, and the fluctuation width is about 40 ns,
We calculate the pulse spread a t the fiber end, which showing approximate agreement with the theoretical


Development of Fiber Optic Radiation Monitor using Plastic Scintillation Fibers 861

9 ACqS 9 AWS
+t I i I
I :T: I
[' ' j CtiZZoob i.OXVirt 1d.OXHbn j j j

.. .. .. .. .. ... .
.. ..
.._ .. .
. .... \.: ....................
.. .. .. .. .
2. r (
T" .. ' . ...
B " " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . .. .
.. .. .. ..
. . .
0 : ". .
_.. . . ... . . . . ...

.. .. .. ..
z ; ..
_.. . .. . . . ..

.. .. ..
L. ................
. . . .
f ......... I
.. .
. . . ..

Time Time
(4 (b)
12 +cqs
Downloaded by [CEA Saclay] at 08:28 23 February 2016

j. C t i Z Z o o ~ : d.SXVert
. . . l
j j :.
. . . I . . . . . . .. .. .. .
.. ... .. .. .. .. . ... ... ... .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . t 4
. . . . . . . . .
.. .. .. .

. . .

. . . . . .

Time Time
(c) (4
Vertical axis: 1 V/div, Horizontal axis: 10 ns/div

Fig. 11 Output pulse from PSF (a), typical output pulses from 100m silica fiber (b)-(d)

W =z At1 - At2,
= ((221 - L)/v +T d } - ((222 - L)/v+ Td},
= 2(Sl - 22)/v, (3)
where Atl and At2 are the arrival times at the half max-
imum in Fig. 12, and (21 - 22) is the position resolution.
When the position resolution of 178 cm obtained in
Fig. 6(b) is substituted in Eq. (3), we obtain W=17.8 ns.
This value almost agrees with the FWHM of distribution
Arrival Time (ns) in Fig. 12.
From the results shown in Figs. 11 and 12, it was found
Fig. 12 Histogram Of arrival time Of the 'Om 'O0
that the output signal from the 100 m long fiber did not
long silica fiber after triggering
spread as in Fig. 10 and the arrival times of the signals
fluctuated. These cause the deterioration of the position
value (3211s). And the FWHM is presumed to be in We estimated the number of photoelectrons emitted
the range from 10 to 20ns. from the photocathode of the PMT to consider the cause
Letting W t o be this FWHM, I.V can be transformed of the fluctuatioll explained above.
to the position resolution by use of Eq. (1). as follows: When a 6oCo y-ray which has an average energy of
1.25 MeV interacts with the PSF and all of the energy is

VOL. 35, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1998

862 T. OKA et al.

deposited in the core, the number of photoelectrons(N) photoelectrons reduces depending on the wavelength of
emitted from the photocathode of the PMT is given by the emission light from the PSF, because the quantum ef-
ficiency of the photocathode depends on the wavelength
N = 1 . 2 5lo6
~ x Es/Pex E x~Lp x L,xL, x L, x Q , (4)
of the incident light.
where E, : Scintillation efficiency of the PSF=0.024 Also from Eq. (2), the arrival time of light from 100 m
P, : Average photon energy=3 eV silica fiber, in other words the generation time of each
Et : Trapping efficiency (efficiency of light trap of these photoelectrons, is considered t o fluctuate in the
by total reflection in the core of the range from 0 to 32 ns.
PSF)=0.03 These estimates allow us to determine that the results
L, : Propagation loss in the PSF in Figs. ll(b) t o (d) are the observations of single pho-
=1.5 (dB/m)x0.5 (m)=0.75 (dB)=0.84 toelectron events. On the other hand, if the quantity of
L,: Connection loss between the PSF and the light input into the photocathode is as large as the LD
silica fiber=l.7 (dB)=0.68 light used in Sec. IV-2(1), the number of photoelectrons
L, : Propagation loss in the silica fiber increases and they are superimposed on each other. As a
=15 (dB/km)xO.l (km)=1.5 (dB)=0.71 result, a pulse which has spread width is fed as in Fig. 10.
L,: Connection loss between the silica fiber and As mentioned above, the fluorescent light which is
the PMT=0.46 (dB)=0.90 emitted inside the PSF and propagated through the sil-
Q: Maximum quantum efficiency of the photo- ica fiber is detected as single photons. The arrival time
cathode of the PMT=0.23. of each photon fluctuates because of the optical path
Therefore, we obtain difference in the silica fiber. These cause a drop in the
Downloaded by [CEA Saclay] at 08:28 23 February 2016

N '+ 25. position resolution.

The numerical aperture of the propagation fiber is
This value is the number of photoelectrons when the known t o affect the fluctuation width of the arrival time
energy of 1.25MeV is completely deposited in the core of the photon, causing an influence on the position reso-
of the PSF. In practice, the interaction between a y- lution.
ray and the PSF is mainly Compton scattering, so the
deposited energy in the core is continuously distributed. V. Prototype of a Fiber Optic Radiation
The distribution of energy deposition in the core was
calculated by using the EGS4/PRESTA Monte Carlo Monitor
The calculation model and the result are We produced a prototype fiber optic radiation monitor
shown in Fig. 13. As shown in Fig. 13(a), collimated by combining PSFs and silica fibers after considering the
1.25 MeV y-rays were irradiated at the center of a 1m optical characteristics.
long PSF which consists of a polystyrene core and a In producing this prototype model, we aimed at ob-
PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) cladding. It can be taining a detection length of 20 m by taking into account
seen from Fig. 13(b) that the full energy peak and the the work areas in nuclear power plants, and the whole
Compton edge do not appear and the deposited energy is length was set at 60m so as to allow the measuring in-
continuously distributed from 0 to about 600keV. This strument to be placed outside the work area.
result is mainly due t o a small diameter of the PSF.
And we found that about 95% of the photons gave only 1. Prototype Monitor Schemes
300 keV or less. Consequently, the effective number of As explained earlier, since it is difficult t o make up a
photoelectrons is distributed from 0 to approximately 6. long monitor with a PSF alone, we decided to combine
Furthermore, there is a possibility that the number of PSFs with silica fibers, and t o vary the positions of the

Photon megy :1.25 MeV

Number of phctons : 10,000,000
ale material :polystyrene -
135MeV 7 ray
cladding 0 200 400 800 800 1000 1200
thidmes :30wm l00Cm
< > h e w0

(a) EGS4/PRESTA calculating model (b) Energy deposition spectra in the core of the PSF
Fig. 13 Energy deposition spectra calculated by the EGS4/PRESTA Monte Carlo code


Development of Fiber Optic Radiation Monitor using Plastic Scintillation Fibers 863



Fig. 14 Schematic view of prototype monitor

0 10 20
Position ( m )
Fig. 15 Position detection using the prototype monitor

30 5 I I I
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0 20 _........................................................................ .....................

10 _................................................................................................................
8 5
_............................................................................................................... -
Photo. 1 External view of the prototype monitor 0 5 10 15 20
(detection cable) Sensor Position ( m )

Fig. 16 Result when radiation with 240 pSv/h is irradiated

PSFs which are used for detection(7)as shown in Fig. 14. uniformly
The length of each PSF was set so that the sensitivity
per meter was lcps/(pSv/h)/m or more when 6oCo y-
rays are irradiated and the position resolution was about ............... ................................................................................. +......

100cm. It is worth noting that the sensitivity per me-

ter depends on the length of the PSF because of large
propagation loss in the PSF. ............................
By measuring the sensitivity, we found that it was pos- 0.35MeV
sible to achieve the target sensitivity (1cps/(pSv/h)/m) o,4 ......................................................................................................................... -
when a PSF of 2 m or less was connected to the silica _................................................................................................................................... -
fiber. The position resolution was estimated t o be about
0.0 +................................................................................................ +................4 ......
lOOcm from Fig. 6. Therefore, we decided to make up 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
the prototype monitor with ten PSFs of 2 m long. As Energy (MeV)
shown in Fig. 14, the optical pulses are accepted by one
PMT from ends of ten fibers. Fig. 17 Energy dependence of sensitivity
An external view of the prototype is shown in
Photo. 1. The optical fibers shown in Fig. 14 were as-
sembled into a bundle, with a cable diameter of 15 mm. better than f7%, thus we confirmed that measure-
ment was also possible for uniform irradiation.
2. Characteristics of Fiber Optic Radiation Mon- The energy dependence of sensitivity is shown in
itor Fig. 17. From this result, this monitor can be used
Position detection was carried out with this proto- for y-rays from 0.35 t o 1.25 MeV within f 2 0 % different
type fiber optic radiation monitor. The results obtained, sensitivities.
when 6oCo y-rays were irradiated every 2 m over a dis-
tance of 2 m t o 1 8 m from the end of the detection part, VI. Conclusion
are shown in Fig. 15. Each peak agrees with the irradi- In this paper we have explained the optical character-
ation position with a precision of 20 cm or better. istics of a radiation monitor combining a PSF and a silica
The result obtained when 6oCo y-rays were uniformly fiber, and also the basic characteristics of the prototype
irradiated with 240pSvlh over the detector is shown in fiber optic radiation monitor. The results obtained may
Fig. 16. The uniformity of the count at each position be summarized as follows:

VOL.35, NO. 12,DECEMBER 1998

T. OKA et al.

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