Present Simple

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Write each verb with the correct -s, -es, or -ies ending.

1. study
2. help
3. fish
4. miss
5. pass
6. fly
7. worry
8. fix
9. explore
10. watch
11 bite
12. like
13. buy
14. pay

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. thinks / about / He / Linda / every day He thinks about Linda every day.
2. sometimes / Mr. and Mrs. Lee / visit / We
3. my parents / don’t call / I / every day
4. her sister / Kate / loves
5. Fiona and Ken / He / sees / at work
6. music / doesn’t / listen to / He / every night
7. my bike / I / ride / weekends / on
8. like / doesn’t / his job / He

-Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

Manuel and Lila Vega

Manuel and Lila Vega (1) __________(have) a busy lifestyle. Manuel is a doctor at a
hospital. He works at night, so he (2) ___________(go) to work at 7:00 p.m. and comes
home at 7:00 a.m. His wife Lila works at a bank. She (3)_____________ (go) to work at 8:00
a.m. and comes home at 6:00 p.m. They don’t see each other a lot during the week. Manuel
and Lila also (4)________________ (have) two children, Luis and Carla. Every morning they
all (5) ________________(have) breakfast together at 7:30. Then, Luis and Carla
(6)_______________ (go) to school, and Lila (7)____________ (go) to work. Manuel
(8)_____________ (do) the dishes, and then (9) _____________(go) to bed. Carla usually
(10)____________________ (do) her homework at a friend’s house in the afternoon, and
Luis (11) _________________(have) soccer practice. Manuel gets up at 4:00 p.m. At 6:00
p.m., he (12)_________________ (have) dinner with Lila, Luis, and Carla. After dinner, he
(13)__________________ (go) to work. Manuel and Lila (14) (have) a busy schedule during
the week, but on weekends they relax
- Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

1) I (be) _______ sixteen years old.

2) Tommy (live) _______ at 107 Pine Lane.
3) Juana (cook) _______ dinner for her family.
4) They (eat) _______ lunch at 12:00.
5) Nina (take) _______ medicine when she is sick.
6) I (like) _______ chocolate.
7) He (drive) _______ a nice car.
8) We (want) _______ to see a movie tonight.
9) Mr. Anderson (teach) _______ chemistry at Hill High School.
10) They (study) _______ English at school.
11) I (want) _______ to go home now.
12) Bill and Calicia (drive) _______ to the mountains every year. every year.
13) We (eat) _______ pasta once a week.
14) It (snow) _______ here in December.
15) When Dax (take) _______ a shower, he (wash) _______ his hair with shampoo.

-Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1. Doctor Moffett love / loves his job.

2. He study / studies ants.
3. A salesperson sell / sells products for a company.
4. You and Anita work / works on weekends.
5. Nurses help / helps people.
6. We write / writes science books.
7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m.
8. She take / takes classes at the business school.
9. You walk / walks to work every day.
10. I start / starts work at 8:00 a.m. every morning

- Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. A zookeeper ________________ (feed) animals.

2. Computer programmers _____________ (write) software.
3. Photographers ___________________(take) photos.
4. A chef ____________________(cook) food.
5. A firefighter __________________(fight) fires.
6. Musicians ________________________ (play) instruments.
7. A farmer ______________________(work) on a farm.
8. A dancer _______________________(dance).

- Circle doesn’t or don’t to complete each sentence.

1. An astronaut on the International Space Station doesn’t / don’t have a lot of free time.
2. Astronauts doesn’t / don’t work all day on Saturday.
3. An astronaut doesn’t / don’t have the same schedule every day.
4. We doesn’t / don’t work on weekends.
5. I doesn’t / don’t work in an office.
6. My office doesn’t / don’t have a window.
7. She doesn’t / don’t travel for her job.
8. You doesn’t / don’t have a busy schedule.

-Change each affirmative statement to a negative statement. (cambiar las oraciones en

afirmativo a negativo)

1. My brother has a job.

2. I drive to work.
3. Pilots fix planes.
4. Our teacher does homework.
5. I go to the gym in the morning.
6. We have class on Sunday.
7. You teach biology.
8. We have an exam on Saturday night.

- Read the paragraph. Find and correct six more errors with negatives. (encontrar 6

Iris is a reporter. She works for a newspaper. She asks questions and writes articles. She
don’t drive to work. She walks. She don’t work in the morning. She works from 2:00 p.m. in
11:00 p.m. She doesn’t goes to bed early. She goes to bed on 1:00 a.m. She doesn’t work
at Saturday and Sunday. She relaxes in weekends.

- Write questions as in the example.

1. You / speak English.

2. She / work hard.
3. They / have dinner at eight
4. Jill and Tom / study at university
5. You / do your homework every day
6. John / watch TV after dinner.
7. He / wash the car at the weekend.
8. Her friends / live in London.
9. You / have any brothers or sisters.
10. Your friends / go to the cinema very often.

- Complete the questions with do or does.

1. ...... she take her gog for a walk in the morning?

2. ...... your friend Paul work in the shop over there?
3. ...... they know the answers to the exam?
4. ...... your parents know that you smoke?
5. ...... Bill teach maths?
6. Where ....... your sister live?
7. What time ...... the lessons finish?
8. ...... you go to the coast in summer?
9. ...... it rain very often in Ireland?
10. Why ...... they ask so many questions in class?

- Write short answers to these questions

1. Do you speak French? ................

2. Does your father work? .............
3. Does your mother like chocolate? ............
4. Do you go to the cinema? ............
5. Do you study a lot? ..............
6. Does your best friend study? .......
7. Do you usually watch TV at night? ............
8. Does it rain a lot in Africa? ...........
9. Do you play a musical instrument? ...........
10. Do you live in a flat? ...........

- Put the words in order to make sentences using the present simple

1- sometimes / we / on / work / Saturdays

2- you / ? / they / not / every / toilet / day / clean
3- ? / where / your / do / live / cousins
4- do / get / ? / you / how / school / to
5- usually / up / seven / I / at / get / o’clock

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