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Svocneuunv $ nrnornc ffi cLosnl sKlLLs Swnrrrruc

Games and gaming An online art¡cle Online safety A newspaper report

Feelings adjectives
I lrsreuruc @ seennuc I vrsroru re o
q§,r cnnuunn A story about a bad Tetling a story Games café
Narrative tenses experience r.ttl'-::,::.., :.: : il:,.i;-, .::: P112-113
Used to and
belget used to P132-133

Th t's

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2 ',,,. r X§§§ Watch or listen. Answer the questions.

l" Who are the presenlers? \(hat is their reIationship?
2 What do the¡r decide lo do inste¿d of their usuaI f ree-lime
3 ,ffi Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. aclivities?
1 Do you [ike vlogs? Why? / Why not? 3 \,Vhy is [etr¡rs annoyed ,,vith Yasmin?
2 f you had a vLog, whal wou[d you tatk about?
3 Why do you think people find vlogs fun to watch? 3 1 ..-ffi3 Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true
(T) or false (F)?
4 Which ofthetopics beLow are popularatthe moment i They uratch fitms and pLay v deo games in tl¡eir free time.
with young peopte in your country?
1 [ew s doesn t like the card game thal Yasmin chooses.
anima[s beauty and make up comedy fashion 3 The first puzzle is abort a man r,vho finds a dog
filness food gaming producl reviews 4 Bolh Yasmin and [er,vis want to be the best at the game.
technotogy traveI tutorials unboxing § They don t grve the soIulion to the second puzzie.

8 Unit L

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