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Top 13 Software Development Models — Which is best? | Scopic https://scopicsoftware.


Table of Contents

What are SDLC Models?

Our Four Favorite Software Development Met hodologies — Ideal for Growing Companies

Waterfall Model

Incremental and Iterative Model

Agile Model

Agile Scrum Model

Opening t he Door to Hybrid Solutions — Why You Should Consider Met hodology Migration

Spiral Model


Rational Unified Process (RUP Model

Prototype Model

Extreme Programming (XP

Lean Model

Dynamic Systems Model

Feature-driven Model

Recent ly Updated on December 28t h, 2022.

Software development life cycle (SDLC models define the flow of software
building projects.

SDLC methodologies give you a specific structure to follow while executing

each step of the process including planning, analysis, designing, developing,
coding, testing, deploying, and maintenance.

That’s why choosing the right SDLC type for your unique needs can make or
break your software project, affecting its quality, timeframe, and budget.

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But with so many various SDLC methods, you need to have a deeper
understanding of their characteristics and use cases.

To help you understand which models you can adopt to launch your projects to
success, we’ll cover 13 of the best software development models, their pros,
cons, and practical uses.

Table of Contents
• Waterfall Model
• Incremental and Iterative Model
• Agile Model
• Agile Scrum Model
• Spiral Model
• VModel
• RUP Model
• Prototype Model
• Extreme Programming
• Lean Model
• Dynamic Systems Model
• Feature-Driven Model
• Joint Application Development Model

Fail to structure your project right and you risk falling into the 52.7% of projects
that cost 189% of their original estimates. But developing your dream ideas into
reality doesn’t have to accrue unnecessary costs — or drag on into an abyss of
never-ending stress.

Thanks to masterminds like Dr. Winston W.Royce, or Jeff Sutherland and co;
software development models such as Waterfall and Agile have made the
development process much more efficient.

With numerous methodologies at your disposal, it is now much easier for

growing businesses to build upon innovative ideas.

Starting out on the road of innovation, however, requires a deeper

understanding of your options. This will help you weigh up your needs against

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Top 13 Software Development Models — Which is best? | Scopic

the pros and cons of the best SDLC methods.

To make an informed decision about the right software development model for
your unique project, you first need to know which methodologies are worth

Once you have a clearer idea of what each SDLC model is — as well as the
types of projects they are most suitable for — you can then evaluate what’s
most compatible with your vision and objectives.

Before jumping headfirst into the most commonly used software development
methods for growing companies though, let’s start by defining what this term

What are SDLC Models?

Software development life cycle models (or SDLC models for short) are
essentially methodologies that improve the workflow and outcomes of your
software project.

The ultimate goal: more effective processes to ensure higher project success

According to the academics Fitzgerald and Friedman, ‘’the move to the SDLC
approach represented a shift towards tighter control of the development

With tighter control, comes increased efficiency. With increased efficiency

comes higher-quality solutions delivered in less time. What does this ultimately
mean for your project? More bang for your buck! More success and more luck!

There are dozens of variations — from waterfall to agile, spiral to V model, and
everything in between. The one thing they all share in common? Each type of
SDLC model can generally be broken down into six phases:

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Each model in software engineering has its advantages and disadvantages.

The long list of options grows every year as ‘‘the faster metabolism of business
today’’ demands for more efficient processes and speedier turn-around times.
Project management experts and developers will analyze the scope, software
requirements, budget, and business goals before deciding upon the software
development model that’s right for you.

With plenty to choose from, let’s start by looking at the top software
development methodologies our experts recommend.

Our Four Favorite

Software Development
Methodologies — Ideal for
Growing Companies
At Scopic, our client projects range in size, budget, and requirements. Yet for

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90% of the projects, we work on, these four types of SDLC models shine
through as the best fit for our clients’ needs. .

Waterfall Model
Waterfall is the mother of all SDLC models. Established in the 70s, it was the
first methodology to transform the way systems are built. This model follows a
strict structure.

The Waterfall methodology is a classic model best suited to small and medium-sized projects.

Documentation plays a key role in the waterfall SDLC. At every stage of the
development process, there are deliverables. Work cannot begin on a new
stage until the previous phase is complete, so the process is linear and easy to
manage. Waterfall has been subject to heavy criticism in recent years for being
too rigid and outdated. However, there are still numerous benefits of adopting
this methodology when working on the first version of a product.

• Easier to stick within a predefined budget or timeline

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• Relatively straightforward for management

• Simple to measure and monitor progress with deliverables at every stage

• Very organized and transparent. Heavy documentation and initial planning
add clarity and reduce the risk of miscommunication
• Possible to identify and eliminate potential errors when planning. This can
save time during integration
• New developers can join the project at any time because technical
documentation is thorough

• A very rigid structure can be restrictive — each stage is dependent on the
previous one
• Not possible to revisit requirements after the first stage of the development
• The bigger the project, the more difficult it is to predict all software
requirements in the first stage
• Testing and deployment don’t take place until the final stages. The risk of
encountering unanticipated errors is, therefore, quite high.
• Mistakes are expensive to resolve and can negatively impact the predicted

Ideal Use Cases

• Small to medium-sized projects
• Products that have strict demands and clear rules to adhere to, for example
in the healthcare and aviation industries.
• Any project with a strict budget or tight deadline to meet
• Startups or small companies who are looking for high-quality simple
solutions on a budget
• Business owners who want to follow an organized structure without being
too heavily involved

Scopic Reflections

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At Scopic, we often use this methodology with small and mid-sized projects
that are not big enough to be split into sprints.

This software development model is also ideal when building a new product
from scratch. The strict structure makes it easier to meet expectations while
sticking within a set budget and time-frame. Planning is thorough and the
scope of work is laid out clearly from the get-go. Once the initial prototype has
been launched and more flexibility is required, we then often recommend
migrating to a more agile approach.

We wouldn’t suggest Waterfall for larger projects of more than 2,000 hours as
these are often subject to change along the way. This more traditional model is
too rigid to anticipate all the complexities of a big project. Any deviation from
the original plan would be costly and cause delays.

Incremental and Iterative Model

Inspired by Waterfall, the Iterative and Incremental software development
models allow more room for iterations and testing throughout the process.

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Incremental and iterative models are best suited to medium and large-sized projects.

Unlike Waterfall, in both the Iterative and Incremental software engineering

models, it is not necessary to plan the whole project management upfront.

Instead, you can split the process into four main stages.

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Each stage can be planned in full, then designed, developed, and delivered
before moving onto the planning for the next phase. Testing also plays a more
prominent role during the design and development stages. With the Iterative
and Incremental models, each iteration can be completed in parallel with one
another or sequentially. Software changes can be implemented at any time.
The main difference is that in Iterative, each iteration has a knock-on effect so
that the software design and development is constantly progressing and

• Provided they are small, modifications can be made at any stage throughout
the process

• Increased flexibility — not all requirements have to be established in the first

• Testing is performed at every stage so errors are easier to detect and fixes
easier to implement
• Very honest and transparent. You can negotiate pricing in phases and will
have concrete deliverables to review every step of the way
• Easy to gauge project progression without copious amounts of
documentation needed
• With less documentation, there is more time for design and development

• Less risk involved. You can fund the first phase and perform risk assessment
without having to commit to the whole project upfront
• Easy to control and reach set milestones within the timeframe and budget
• Possible to test and implement valuable user feedback before the end
product is finalized

• To avoid critical issues further down the line, all major requirements must still
be outlined in the initial stage of the project

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• Making substantial modifications is costly and time-consuming to implement

• Still not as flexible as an agile approach
• Requires heavier project management
• Constant repetition of software cycles can impact overall costs and project

Ideal Use Cases

• Medium-large projects
• Projects that have a controlled budget or timeline
• Business owners who either can’t or don’t want to be heavily involved in the
• Entrepreneurs who are seeking funding for their project and want to show
concrete deliverables at the end of each phase
• Applications that have a large user-base and where customer satisfaction
and feedback is vital

Scopic Reflections
Incremental and Iterative are our favorite types of software development
models for medium-sized, first-time projects.

They allow for more flexibility than the Waterfall methodology, while still
making it plausible to set and stick to a fixed budget.

If you’re looking for full transparency at every phase, this option is ideal. If a
project is overly complex you can gauge how much work is involved after the
first deliverable. This will give you a much clearer picture of the product
possibilities and overall budget for the entire project.

You then have time to seek further funding, pool user feedback, or make more
concrete decisions about the final product before moving forward. Due to the
nature of the workflow, these software development models are not suitable
for small projects that require less than 2,000 hours of work.

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Agile Model
In 2017, 71% of the almost 4,000 organizations who were interviewed, reported
using ‘‘agile approaches in their projects either sometimes or more frequently
than in the past’’.

In a more recent Statista survey, 88% of the 1,091 technology professionals

who were questioned, mentioned that they ‘‘had adopted an agile development
methodology at their organization’’.

It’s safe to say that for many, agile is becoming the go-to formula to reach their
software product goals! So what does agile mean in software development

Formally brought to life in 2001, this type of software life cycle model is based
on 4 core values and 12 principles. The ultimate goal: to better organize teams
and make development projects more efficient.

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The Agile methodology allows for much greater flexibility than alternative SDLC models

There are several software development models that fall under the bracket of
the agile approach.

All of which have three key things in common:

 Teams focus on short cycles, more commonly known as sprints. Each of

these sprints lasts around 24 weeks long. Within this time, a team takes a
fragment of the project and works on it from start through to completion. This
contrasts with the more traditional, phase-driven methodologies, such as
Waterfall and Incremental and Iterative.
 Each team is small, independent, and self-sufficient. These development
teams are made up of 59 individuals. As a unit, they have all the skills-sets
needed to get the work done without seeking help from other teams. The
project manager’s involvement is minimal as developers are trained and trusted
to do their best work.
 With agile, the focus is not on planning and documentation. Instead, the
approach allows for increased flexibility. It is also much more centered around
testing. Frequent product releases allow teams to gain valuable user feedback

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from early on in the project workflow.

The 2020 State of Agile Report outlines five main reasons why companies and
development teams are turning to agile methodologies.


Other benefits of using an agile approach include:

• Easy to improve software and fix issues as they occur
• Not necessary to know or heavily plan all the project requirements in the
very first phase — the product can be adapted to changing ideas and
• Development work can be completed quickly and efficiently
• Teams are self-organizing and independent
• User feedback early on can provide valuable insights

• Flexibility to adapt your technology solution, implement feedback, and

resolve issues at any stage

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• New features can be added with ease

• Easier to meet customer satisfaction and expectations because clients and
users are more involved

• Difficult to set a budget. The project is subject to change so much that it is
almost impossible to anticipate the overall costs

• Hard to predict the time and resources needed from day one
• Documentation and planning are still required but do not take precedence.
This means if your team is not diligent enough, key technique documentation
is often put on the back burner
• High risk of creating a fragmented final product
• With no concrete idea of what the end product will be like, the process can
end up being forever ongoing
• Difficult to set concrete KPIs at the beginning so measuring progress can be

Ideal Use Cases

• Large projects that are impossible to plan out to the very last detail
• Projects with no well-defined ideas or plans in mind
• Companies or individuals with a flexible budget
• Products that have a large user-base or are in a competitive industry
whereby listening to feedback can be make or break

Scopic Reflections
At Scopic, we recommend agile software engineering models when a project is
too large to be broken into phases.

Sprints are ideal in this scenario. We also often suggest migrating to agile once
the first idea has been developed. This helps keep costs down in the first
version when an idea is new and the results are still unknown. It then allows
room for more flexibility when developing the product further. That way, teams

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can visualize and unite the end business goals with the current variation.

By breaking down the scope of work on a more granular level, the team can
also speed up development time and work more efficiently. We don’t
recommend following an agile approach if you have a very tight budget or
timeline to adhere to.

Agile Scrum Model

One of the most popular agile techniques (and one of our personal favorites) is

Based on the foundations of agile software development models, this

framework is more defined than other agile methodologies. With daily meetings
and an experienced Scrum Master to oversee and report on the project
progress, this branch of agile is ideal if you want to take a more collaborative,
hands-on approach.

Each sprint lasts for a period of 24 weeks.

• Gives you the flexibility to change requirements as you go (much more so
than other frameworks)
• Easy to identify and overcome issues during the coding phase and other
stages as they arise
• Communication is at the heart of Scrum so expectations are much clearer

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and easier to reach

• Feedback-centric so final outcomes will be of high-quality

• Easy to prioritize key features and requirements

• Simple to adopt from the very start
• Frequent updates mean everyone involved stays on track of progress easily

• Numerous sprints can add significantly to project length

• Difficult for cost assessment from the start

• Only the most experienced software technology developers should be
placed on a Scrum-led project
• Daily meetings and reporting can be very time-consuming
• Not suitable for smaller project modeling with tight budgets

Ideal Use Cases

• Medium-sized projects
• Companies or business owners who have at least a basic understanding of
agile Scrum and have the time available to be heavily involved in coding,
delivery, and maintenance
• Individuals who are looking to take some degree of ownership in their

Scopic Reflections
Scrum is great if you already understand the framework to some degree. It is
also ideal if you only have a basic idea that you want to explore further.
However, this technique is heavily centered around communication and
collaboration rather than efficiency. This means you will need to be very
involved in the process at every stage of the project.

If you have a fixed budget to stick to, we wouldn’t recommend using Scrum.

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Opening the Door to

Hybrid Solutions — Why
You Should Consider
Methodology Migration
As you can see, even the most popular software models and planning
techniques have their drawbacks.

Like anything worth fighting for, software product development is complex.

There is no such thing as the perfect custom software solution. Different
software projects come with different complexities. Every methodology with its
own restrictions.

The path towards success is often windy and there’s no one simple answer. Dr.
Kneuper predicted that firms need to develop hybrid SDLCs that adopt the
best practices of both plan-based and agile software development models. In
some cases, it may even be worth considering beginning with one
methodology and then switching to another later.

This is known as methodology migration. According to PMI’s global survey, one

in five projects use these hybrid or blended approaches to increase efficiency
and success rates.

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At Scopic, we find that for some projects it makes the most sense to begin with
the waterfall model for the first version of the software.

This gives our more budget-sensitive clients better control of the costs and
timeline. Once their product has been released, we can then start working on
version 2.0 by migrating to more flexible agile methods.

Working in sprints allows us to add new features and make improvements in a

much more dynamic way.

Before deciding which approach is right for your specific project, make sure
you’ve read up on your options well. There are a handful more types of
software development models for you to choose from. Here’s a quick look at
some other common alternatives:

Spiral Model
The spiral software design model pays special attention to risk assessment.
Inspired by the Incremental and Iterative software development life cycle

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models, it is repetitive by nature. Each spiral is made up of four key phases —

planning, risk assessment, development, and evaluation. When one full cycle is
complete, the spiral continues, building on from the previous outcomes.

This model is ideal for large, high-risk projects that are mission-critical.
However, it can be costly and time-consuming. Because of this, we wouldn’t
recommend this methodology for small and medium-sized projects.

Inspired by Waterfall, the V-model technique (otherwise known as the

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Verification and Validation model), is a linear methodology.

Sequential by nature, you need to know all requirements from the beginning.
Once a phase is complete, returning to it is very challenging and expensive.

This model is well-known for its thorough testing at every development stage.
Because of this, quality assurance is a major advantage. On the other hand, it
makes the sequential flow very time-consuming and costly, especially if any
errors are found.

The scrupulous development and testing process makes the V-model a popular
choice for products where downtime is not an option. Life-saving medical
software solutions, for example, are well-suited to the rigorous testing nature
of this development methodology. Only choose this option, however, if you
have a large budget available.

Rational Unified Process (RUP

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The RUP model takes inspiration from linear and iterative frameworks. This
model is primarily focused on producing high-quality, efficient solutions that
stay within the set budget and timeframe. The project is split into four stages:

Each of the project steps is present at every phase.

Depending on the project timeline, the degree of focus on a particular step will
vary. Within the elaboration, construction, and transition phases, it is common
to work on more than one iteration.

Although this software delivery model is both flexible and great at reducing
risk, it is also a very complex methodology to implement. You will need a team
of highly experienced developers who know how to manage this model with
confidence. Even then, you won’t get the same degree of flexibility as you
would with a more agile approach.

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Prototype Model
As the name indicates, the Prototyping model is all about researching, testing,
evaluating, and enhancing.

Prototyping is a hybrid of the Waterfall model that pays close attention to client
and user feedback. First, the requirements are set and developers will work on
a prototype. Users then test the samples and provide feedback. After revisiting
the initial requirements, developers will start programming the product.

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By heavily involving your users in the process, the end product is much more
likely to meet expectations. However, the Prototyping model is not without its
complications. It is extremely difficult to anticipate the iterations needed until
the prototype has been created. Therefore, costs can be unpredictable, and
progress slow.

Extreme Programming (XP

This agile framework is extremely flexible. Because of this, amendments can be
made at numerous stages. Iterations generally occur in 12 week stints. Your
involvement in the project is key to its success so that developers can
implement your feedback almost instantly.

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Like with most agile frameworks, extreme flexibility can be both a gift and a
curse! Although handy for larger projects with unclear requirements, it can also
complicate the sequential flow and prevent you from sticking to your initial

Lean Model
Lean is also an agile framework.

The methodology behind this approach is centered around feedback and

optimization. Otherwise known as the Minimum Viable Product, developers
analyze and plan the project thoroughly first to guarantee efficiency.

After discussing and optimizing the plan your team can create a very simple
version of the software to get the ball rolling. User feedback and client input
are of great importance in this model.

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This framework is best for projects with a time limit and a tight budget to
follow. Only choose this approach if you have the time needed to communicate
regularly and be highly involved in feedback and decision making.

Dynamic Systems Model

Originally a software development model in its own rights, Dynamic Systems is
now an agile framework.

Efficiency and cost are the driving forces of motivation for this method. In
DSDM Dynamic Systems Development Method), developers study the
business requirements and level of flexibility in depth.

This makes for easier delivery of high-quality software, while still respecting
the timeframe and budget set.

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User feedback and regular communication are also key in this method. Present
at every stage, expectations can be met to the highest standards and within a
short timeframe. Having said this, it is a very costly software development
process model to implement. We wouldn’t recommend the DSMD method for
small and medium-sized software development projects.

Feature-driven Model
Feature-driven development (FDD for short) is also considered agile in its
approach. Building upon the principles of successful development, FDD is
feature and user-centric. Breaking the project up into features helps simplify
complex processes, making it ideal for big teams and projects.

Although a great choice for larger companies, working to a set deadline can be
a challenge. It is also not a good fit for smaller development teams and

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Joint Application Development

Joint application development (otherwise known as JAD is an SDLC
methodology that shares similar principles to the agile model.

In this software development process, clients and developers interact

frequently to ensure the end results exceed expectations. One of the
characteristic traits of JAD is collaborative sessions.

In these workshops stakeholders, users, and experts meet to discuss the

software development project in detail.

The collaborative nature of this model can help identify errors early on and
resolve them before the mistakes become too costly to fix.

However, so much interaction and communication come at a high price.

Only the most experienced developers can work on this kind of project. This

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makes it more expensive than alternative methods. The process can also be
very time-consuming.

Only turn to this type of software development methodology if you have the
time and energy to be heavily involved in the project.

Cracking the Code — Finding the

Right Software Development Life
Cycle Models for you
There are many misconceptions surrounding the SDLC models.

Uncovering the truth and making informed decisions will be crucial to your
success. You need to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each software
development model from within the context of your specific business

The average cost of developing software is around $36,000 but ranges

anywhere from $3000 to $120,000.

you’re willing to invest in your ideas, make sure you know what’s best for you.
Consult a reliable expert who can advise you on the different life cycle
methodologies most suited to your project.

Turning your ideas into concrete deliverables that inspire, takes knowledge,
time, and money. Understanding the truth about each model will help you to
make the right choices.

Common Misconceptions

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Some of the most common misconceptions to keep in mind before making your
final decision, include:

• A g i l e s o f t w a re e n g i n e e r i n g m o d e l s d o n ’ t re q u i re a ny u p f ro n t p l a n n i n g !
This simply isn’t true. You still need to do some planning upfront to clarify
details that you will be working on 10 sprints from now. If you don’t, you run
the risk of making architectural decisions that lead to disjointed software. So
if you want to go agile because it means jumping into the action from day

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one, you’ll be disappointed. A certain degree of planning will still be

necessary if your project is to be successful.
• Agile is t he only way for ward Agile is extremely popular, but it is not without
its drawbacks. For one, it is often more expensive than alternative methods.
So before diving into the latest agile trend, make sure you analyze your
budget and business needs against the advantages and disadvantages of
this model.
• There is no documentation in Agile Again, this is not true. Often, writing
documents is part of each sprint. A project without any documentation would
lead to great complications further down the line.
• Water fall is outdated There are certainly downsides to waterfall, but it is
often the best choice for smaller projects with tight budgets. So don’t rule it
out as being old-fashioned until you have a clearer idea of what can and
can’t be done using this software development process model.
• Water fall is budget predictable The bigger the project, the harder it is to
estimate. Waterfall is the easiest model to predict and set fixed budgets, but
that doesn’t mean it is perfect. It is almost impossible to anticipate the bugs
you might find at the end of the process. For larger projects, these bugs can
be expensive to fix. So if your software idea is big, Waterfall is unlikely to be
your best choice.

• You have to pick just one met hodology This isn’t true. Depending on your
project needs, hybrid solutions are often the way to go. They can give you
the flexibility to create a killer combination. For example, you could have a
Waterfall methodology overall and then use agile frameworks to include two-
month sprints of work. Doing this could help you reach internal milestones.
This is just one hybrid example — there are many others too. If you work with
the right professionals, the software world is your oyster!

Final Thoughts

Making an informed decision before getting started cannot be underestimated.

The Standish Group found that the average time for “failed” projects” was
222% of the original estimate. But failure should not be an option.

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Your ideas deserve your attention.

They are ready and waiting to transform into reality.

The question is, do you have the support you need to see your project through
to success?

If you would like to star t a

project, feel free to contact us

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Have more questions?

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36 of 37 2/6/2024, 10:28 AM
Top 13 Software Development Models — Which is best? | Scopic


37 of 37 2/6/2024, 10:28 AM

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