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Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Facultad de Educación

Master’s degree in teaching English as a Foreign


Didactic Proposal Using Flashcards to

Strengthen Meaningful Learning of
Lexical Competence in English *

MD’s presented by:

Type of job: Intervention proposal
Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

(Maximum 150 words)

Keywords: (3 - 5 words)

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

Table of contents
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................9

1.1. Justification......................................................................................................9

1.2. Brief analysis of the state of the art................................................................13

1.3. Objectives of the study...................................................................................16

2. Literature review....................................................................................................17

2.1. Theories about meaningful learning..............................................................17

2.2. Active pedagogical.........................................................................................24

2.3. Linguistic Competences.................................................................................24

2.3.1. Universal Grammar Theory....................................................................24

2.3.2. Theory of teaching and learning lexical competence.............................25

2.3.3. Behavioral theory of Vocabulary learning by repetition........................26

2.3.4. Theory of visual learning vocabulary as reference framework to use


2.4. Conceptual framework...................................................................................27

2.5. Normative Framework :.................................................................................29

2.6. Contextual framework...................................................................................30

3. Intervention proposal.............................................................................................32

3.1. Aims of the proposal......................................................................................32

3.1.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................32

3.1.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................32

3.2. Educational context and/or Target group......................................................32

3.2.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................32

3.2.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................32

3.3. Timing............................................................................................................ 33

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

3.3.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................33

3.3.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................33

3.4. Methodology of the proposal........................................................................33

3.4.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................33

3.4.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................33

3.5. Sessions and activities....................................................................................33

3.5.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................33

3.5.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................33

3.6. Assessment....................................................................................................33

3.6.1. Learning assessment..............................................................................33

3.6.2. Assessment of the proposal...................................................................33

4. Discussion...............................................................................................................34

4.1. “Título 2” del menú de estilos........................................................................34

4.1.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................34

4.1.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................34

5. Conclusions.............................................................................................................35

5.1. “Título 2” del menú de estilos........................................................................35

5.1.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................35

5.1.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................35

6. Limitations and further research............................................................................36

6.1. “Título 2” del menú de estilos........................................................................36

6.1.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................36

6.1.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos................................................................36


Annexes......................................................................................................................... 43

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

....................................................................................................................................... 44

....................................................................................................................................... 45

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

List of figures
figura 1. Description of English proficiency assessed in Saber test 11...........................12

figura 2. Percentages of students located by performance levels in English at the

national level................................................................................................................. 13

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

List of tables
Table 1. “Tables” from the style menu .....................................................................................8

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

1. Introduction
This project was selected as an unimplemented intervention proposal based on the
line of work methodological resources for the teaching and learning of English as a
foreign language. It is an action research with a qualitative approach whose objective is
to strengthen communication skills, specifically lexical competence, with the design of
a didactic proposal mediated by the Use of Flashcards in the meaningful learning of
English vocabulary as an alternative solution to the shortcomings presented by
students of the primary and secondary level of the Educational Institutions of the
region and Colombia, in the development of English language skills as a second
language evidenced by the low levels of performance of the communicative
competences of this language shown in the results of the standardized tests Saber 3º,
4º, 5º and 9º,1 applied by the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher
Education ICFES2 and the Pisa tests3. (OCDE, 2018) Similarly, the results in English of
the Saber 11 Tests in recent years, at the national level, show a low performance with
an average score of 48.98, (Performance level A1), according to the classification by
performance levels in English based on the MCE, where the lowest performance level
corresponds to level A- and the highest performance is B+, for secondary education
institutions. Consequently, this research project raises the question : ¿ How to improve
learning in the acquisition of English vocabulary, through the use of flashcards in
students of sixth grade, of the basic secondary level ?

This is how this research arises, which is divided into six chapters. The first chapter
presents the introductory part with the introduction, statement of the problem, its
justification and objectives with a brief description of the contributions of the state of
Pruebas SABER 3.º, 5.º and 9.º. The main purpose of these, is to contribute to the improvement of the
quality of Colombian education through the periodic evaluation of the development of basic
competences in basic education students, as a follow-up to the quality of the education system.

ICFES Exam. The purpose of the exam is to assess the aptitude of students in five subjects : critical
reading, mathematics, social studies, science, and English. Each question on the exam has four multiple-
choice answers, except for the English section, which offers between three and eight possible answers
for each question.

Pisa. The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) assesses the development of the skills
and knowledge of 15-year-old students through three main tests : reading, mathematics and science.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

the art. The second chapter refers to the theoretical framework on which the didactic
proposal is based with the postulates of Ausubel, Bruner, Vygotsky and Piaget with
their contributions of meaningful learning to language teaching, then in a second part
some of the research about the teaching and learning of lexical competence is
presented. The third chapter, shows the design and characteristics of the didactic
proposal, the central axis of this work to strengthen the meaningful learning of lexical
competence in the English language, implemented in six sessions of development of
creative-playful activities with the use of flashcards, taking into account that students
learn faster through images and sounds. Subsequently, in the fourth chapter, a
discussion is established on the achievements that can be achieved with the
implementation of the proposal and its impact on the contributions to the
strengthening of English vocabulary learning. Finally, in chapters five and six, the
conclusions are given with the difficulties and recommendations for future work.


About English learning, vocabulary acquisition, Olivera (2009), says that it is important
because it "promotes interculturality and in turn drives the development of skills,
creativity, self-esteem and security; allowing the student to communicate with each
other, and in turn, to learn about other cultures". On the other hand, teaching vocabulary
in English is important, because it is used in all everyday conversations and its learning
allows students to communicate fluently, facilitates the understanding of oral and
written discourse. In addition, it is one of the pillars to improve the development of
comprehension and production skills, established by the basic standards of English
language competencies. Olivera (2009).

So, the development of communicative skills in the acquisition of vocabulary in English

learning through flashcards enables students to communicate fluently, facilitates the
comprehension of oral and written discourse, being these, the pillars for improving the
development of comprehension and production skills established by the basic English
language competence standards (Komachali & Khodareza, 2012). This proposal
highlights the importance of vocabulary acquisition in English learning and proposes
the use of Flashcards as an innovative and playful didactic tool to strengthen the

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

development of communicative skills in students. This strategy is expected to contribute

to improving the quality of English language teaching and learning in formal education.

1.2. Brief analysis of the state of the art

This section présents a review of research on different innovative proposals and

methods used by English teachers in several educational institutions at the international
and national level. These researches, focus on promoting meaningful learning of
English as a second language for the development of communicative skills, with an
implicit focus on the teaching and learning of lexical competence, especially in primary
and secondary levels, and some, in higher education. (Annexe2)

In line with this, in the international field, Mejía & Villacrés (2021), in Ecuador, are
cited, who analyzed the influence of the Montessori method on the development of the
English language as a foreign language in primary school children. The authors expose
the need to develop in primary school students, their skills out of curiosity and interest
in discovering and through direct contact with elements of the environment. The
Montessori Method is presented as a teaching method that is at the forefront of foreign
language education. Similarly, Ccahual & Quispe (2019) developed a proposal to
characterize the lexical competence of English in primary and secondary school
students, whose results improved the teaching-learning processes of English vocabulary.
In this sense, Herrera & Adrade (2018), Ecuador, propose the Chunking Flaschcards
strategy to strengthen the Lexical competence of English in second-level students in a
language academy, with positive results in the motivation and participation of the
students. For their part, Sanhueza, Ferreira & Sáez (2018) in Chile, analyzed the impact
of different learning strategies on the development of lexical competence in
intermediate level students, achieving a positive impact on the participation of the
students. On the other hand, Alcaraz (2021) in Spain, studied the effect of the use of the
Technique Feature Analysis model (Nation and Webb, 2011), which divides English
lexical acquisition activities into three groups: one, through reading comprehension in
flashcards, another, reading comprehension and gap filling; and a third group, worked
on vocabulary through a crossword puzzle. This model was specifically created to
explain second language lexical processing in primary school students. In the same way,
making use of ICTs, López & Quispe (2020), in Peru, proposed to evaluate the impact
of the gamification technique by virtual applications, in secondary school students to
strengthen the meaningful learning of the English language, as a second language.,

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

promoting self-learning, self-reflection, and self-criticism by applying the gamification

technique due to the playful motivating nature of this technique.

In Colombia, there has been a variety of research studies proposing pedagogical

strategies aimed at strengthening linguistic skills, especially lexical competence. The
implementation of these strategies has yielded positive results for the meaningful
learning of the English language.

Among the most relevant studies in the teaching of English vocabulary are (Ospina,
2019) , who proposed innovative didactic strategies that favor the development of
communicative skills in strengthening the teaching-learning processes of English
lexicon in primary and secondary school students. In addition, (Bolaños, 2021)
implementó una estrategia didáctica basada en el uso de las flashcards para fortalecer la
competencia léxica en estudiantes de primaria. In the same way,(Leguizamón, 2018),
studied the implementation of a didactic proposal based on CLIL, a teaching method
defined as "the set of moments and techniques, logically coordinated, to direct the
students learning towards specific objectives." And (Díaz, 2021) , promote the teaching
and learning of English in primary school children, in contextualized school
environments based on the VAK Model in three phases : deconstruction, reconstruction,
and evaluation of the effectiveness of the practice in the development of communicative
and linguistic compétences, through activities and resources oriented to the perception,
understanding, and application of knowledge, considered as their learning channels.

Also, some of Studies on the use of ICTs in learning English vocabulary were found, as
(Garcia, Severiche.Urda, Garay, & Mendez, 2019) and (Mora & Palacios, 2022) Who
analyzed the impact of innovative teaching strategies based on the use of digital
flashcards, ICTs, to strengthening of communicative-lexical competences with virtual
images in the meaningful learning of English in primary and secondary levels. In the
same way, (Chacón & Martinez, 2020), Implemented a didactic sequence for
vocabulary acquisition in intermediate-level students, mediated by the Duolingo virtual
platform with the gamification technique. In the same line, (Peña, 2019), analyzed the
influence of video games on the strengthening of lexical competence through
autonomous learning and (Suárez, Martínez, & Mosquera, 2022), Evaluated the impact
of using the didactic tools as virtual learning objects of the Canva platform on the
development of oral and written English language skills.
Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

The above research studies provide guidelines for the methodological design of this
intervention proposal. The méthodologies point to give a solution to the problem of the
shortcomings in English language learning, especially, in the development of
communicative skills, specifically in lexical competence, main objective of this search

1.3. Objectives of the study

* The general objective is To design a didactic proposal using flashcards to strengthen

English vocabulary learning in students.

These are the specific objectives :

 To carry out an initial diagnosis of the state of English vocabulary learning in

sixth grade students. *
 To analyze the impact that the implementation of the didactic proposal would
have on sixth grade students at the lower secondary level. *

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

2. Literature review.
From the perspective of communicative and lexical competence learning, some
theoretical aspects proposed by researchers such as Ausubel, Bruner, Vygotsky and
Piaget are first cited here. Their theories promote the development of communicative
competences through meaningful learning in a specific context. Then, some aspects
about the teaching and learning of lexical competences are proposed.

2.1.Theories about meaningful learning.

David Ausubel's Theory of Meaningful Learning is the appropriate theoretical

framework to support the development of educational work, in the design of learning
strategies that must be consistent with educational principles. According to the
postulates of Ausubel (1983), cited by (Rodriguez, 2011) , meaningful learning occurs
when new ideas, concepts and propositions are related to the ideas, concepts or
propositions previously known by the student who merges them in an active intersection
that generates meaningful knowledge.

Consequently, Ausubel's cognitive learning frames the design of meta-cognitive tools

that lead to a better orientation of the teaching task, since these tools are directed
according to the student's previous knowledge and experiences and their relationship
with the environment. Ausubel summarizes this theoretical principle in the epigraph of
his work, as follows :

"If I had to reduce all of educational psychology to a single principle, I would state this :
The most important factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Find
out this and teach accordingly." (Ausubel, 1983, pág. 18).

These postulates pose that cognitive learning is based on the processes by which
interactions with reality are categorized, starting from the grouping of objects, events or
concepts. Ausubel 1976, cited by (Rodriguez, 2011, págs. 31-34). This is how the
student's previous cognitive structure provides meaning, allowing them to organize their

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

experiences to go beyond the information given. Ausubel gives four important aspects
to meaningful learning :

- Motivation : It must be according to the child's chronological age, as well as the

progress in the process.

- Education : The education that the child receives at home and also at school should
allow them to relate in an environment of motivation and affection.

- Discovery and exploration : The child's search to discover and explore the world and
their capacity to develop should not be limited.

- congratulation : The children should always be congratulated or praised for each

achievement them reaches in their process. Ausubel (1976), by (Rodriguez, 2011, págs.

In these processes, relevant importance is also given to the teacher, who must have very
specific characteristics in terms of knowledge, cognitive skills, pedagogical, personal
and attitudinal competence.

Jean Piaget's Theory of Learning Based on Cognitive Development is based on

cognitive development, which seeks to explain how individuals perceive, understand,
and learn. (Arias & Flórez, 2011) , who explain Jean Piaget's theory, question the
inability of traditional teaching to develop the experimental spirit in students. They
contrast this with teaching based on experimental strategies where experience is a main
factor in the explication of methods used to acquire knowledge. This due to the
complexity of mental processes that must be taken into account to adapt contents and
sequences at different school grade levels. Therefore, manipulation and direct contact
with objects are essential for obtaining meaningful learning.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

In this line, Piaget (1976) cited by (Arias & Flórez, 2011), developed the process of
construction of operational structures that is conceived as an internal event of the
organism that follows a universal course and is based on the mechanisms of
equilibrium, assimilation, and accommodation. Meanwhile, learning can be understood
as an external process of acquiring what is outside the organism. Piaget says that mental
development is a process independent of learning, and at the same time, a prerequisite
for learning. Furthermore.

Assimilation and accommodation are two processes that complement this theory.
Accommodation is the process through which the student internalizes knowledge from
the outside world. In the assimilation process, what is perceive in the outside world is
incorporated into the internal world, without changing the structure of that internal
world. In accommodation, the internal world is adjusted to the external evidence and it
is faced and must adapt by student. (Arias & Flórez, 2011).

Piaget's theory and Ausubel's theory propose that content or learning occurs in the
cognitive structure depending on the student's age in relation to their environment.
Among Piaget's main contributions to meaningful learning, is the paradigm of seeing
the students as active subjects who constructs their knowledge by means of the
continuous exploration of the environment that surrounds them. This is contrast with the
behaviorist paradigm that sees the student as a being who receives and accumulates
knowledge based on external boosts and reinforcements. Piaget (1976) cited by
(Rodríguez, 1999)

Brunner's Theory of Cognitive Learning says that cognitive learning is based on mental
processes that categorize interactions with reality by grouping objects, events, or
concepts. For example, a dog and a cat are Animals. In this way, the student builds
knowledge through propositions, hypothesis verification, and inference, according to
their own categories that are modified in their mind through their interaction with the
environment in the acquisition of knowledge. This theory is especially useful for
learning foreign languages, since students have a very active rôle in using techniques to
analyze language, deduce rules work, and learn from mistakes. Brunner (1997) cited by,
(Guilar, 2009, pág. 240).

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

In this same line, Bruner, explain how ways to represent realities are developed in
children to acquire their vocabulary. Thus, symbolic representation is possible around
the age of six or seven when children already have the ability to use abstract ideas,
linguistic and logical symbols to understand and represent a reality. Bruner 1984, p.
203, cited in (Guilar, 2009, pág. 234).

Consequently, learning is an active process of association, construction, and

representation of ideas and concepts. Thus, the structure of previous knowledge that the
student possesses provides meaning associated with new structures that allow them to
organize their experiences that will lead them beyond the information given. At this
point, Bruner coincides with Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning. Bruner

Lev Vygotsky's Theory of Learning goes against behaviorist concepts of learning where
the focus is on the structure of content taught without considering a contextual around.
Vygotsky argues that the mind is not universal but it is situated and acquires knowledge
from a specific historical, cultural, and social context that determines the learning goals,
difficulties, and disabilities of people borns and grows in a particular sociocultural
context. Consequently, there has been a theorization of educational strategies that are
developed in social groups to facilitate and promote appropriate learning within these
groups Vygotsky (1977) cited by (Chaves, 2001). In this way, Vygotsky mentions the
use of symbolic or material tools, such as technologies, which influence thought
processes and ways of acting in the world, as communication skills in different areas of
knowledge. From this perspective, perception, thought, and memory are conceived as
processes that are deeply influenced by social environment, where the forms of
classification, description, and conceptualization are generated and classified according
to the culture in which the human being has developed. (Vigostky, 1978), cited by
(Chaves, 2001).

Characteristics :

• Importance of social interaction : Vygotsky considered social interaction is

fundamental for learning. Learning occurs through interaction with others, especially
with adults or more advanced people.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

• He proposes the ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) : The ZPD is the range
of tasks that the student can performs with the help of an adult or a more advanced
person. It is in this zone that the most significant learning takes place.

• There is a role for the mediator : The mediator is the person who helps the
student to perform the tasks that are in their ZDP. The mediator can be an adult, a
person, or even an object.

• He gives special importance to language : Language is a fundamental tool for

learning, since its development allows communication with others, thinking, and

Meaningful learning offers a number of advantages for language learning, making it an

essential approach for language teaching. It is characterize by providing :

• Greater retention of knowledge : It creates a network of meanings that facilitates

long-term retention of vocabulary, grammar, and linguistic rules.

• Better understanding of the content : It allows the student to understand the

relationships between the different parts of the language and how it is used in different

• Greater ability to Apply knowledge to new situations : meaningful learning is

not limited to memorizing rules and vocabulary, as the student who learns meaningfully
is able to use the language flexibly and creatively in different communicative situations.

• Increased motivation to learn : Meaningful learning is an active and participative

process that awakens in the student's curiosity and interest, promoting intrinsic
motivation to learn where the students are active protagonists of their own learning.

• Development of critical thinking skills : The students who learn meaningfully

are able to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information, as well as formulate their own
ideas and opinions.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

• Development of student autonomy : The students learn to be responsible for

their own learning and to seek strategies that improve their language understanding.

• It promotes interculturality : In addition to acquiring linguistic code, it also

involves understanding the culture and values of the speakers of that language. This
encourage tolerance, respect, and intercultural understanding.

Based on the above, here are some examples of didactic strategies based on the theories
of Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky, and Ausubel :

• Discovery learning : Children can conduct experiments, solve puzzles, or work

on projects with word games and sentence construction to discover knowledge for

• Educational games : Games can be an effective tool for learning, as they allow
children to explore, experiment, and discover the world around them, such as the use of
flashcards, both virtual and manual.

• Manipulative activities : Activities that allow children to manipulate objects are

especially beneficial for the development of concrete thinking.

• Open-ended questions : Open-ended questions encourage critical thinking and

creativity in children.

• Cooperative learning : Children can work together to complete tasks, which

allows them to learn from each other and develop their social skills.

In conclusion, these theories have had a great impact on the development of didactic
strategies since they are based on the natural way children learn, which have been very
effective in children's learning because that They offer a basis for the construction of
knowledge in the design and development of learning language strategies. These
postulates constitute the axis or foundation within the theoretical framework of this

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

research project, whose design will be able to observe the assimilation between new
information and the previous knowledge that the student's cognitive structure possesses,
as well as, the influence of the sociocultural environment on the acquisition of English

It is important to note that the paradigms of meaningful learning have become the
theoretical foundations for the inclusion of Technologies in education with the creation
of Digital Educational Resources, which have their origins or theoretical bases in
meaningful learning. The use of ICT can be a valuable tool for developing
communicative competence. By providing students with access to information,
promoting collaboration, and providing opportunities for practice, ICT can help students
to become more confident and effective communicators. (Luján & Salas, 2009)

Finally, these postulates also give relevant importance to the role of the teacher, who
must possess very specific characteristics in knowledge of the subject in cognitive,
technological, and attitudinal competencies. (OCDE, 2018).

2.2. Active pedagogical

Within this line of meaningful learning, it is necessary to talk about pedagogy,

specifically active pedagogy. This paradigm is the framework for the design of the
intervention proposal, which will be explained later in the methodology chapter.

In this sense, John Dewey, philosopher and pedagogue who defends active pedagogy,
says that education is a process of life, not a preparation for life. According to him, the
school should provide to students a very real and vital experience like as they live in
their daily context. (Dewey, 1995),

In this way, Dewey formulated a philosophical theory of education that responds to the
needs and demands of a modern democratic society. This theory seeks to restructure
educational institutions in their teaching practices in values and experiences for healthy
convivence and the development of educational processes in an equitable, responsible,

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

and inclusive way ; according to this postulate, learning is achieved through doing.
(Dewey, 1995).

2.3.Linguistic Competences.

Linguistic competence is defined as the implicit knowledge that a native speaker

possesses about their language to formulate messages, understand them, and discern
grammatically correct statement. From this, grammatical, semantic, and lexical
competence are derived.

2.3.1. Universal Grammar Theory.

Chomsky argues that all human beings are born with an innate capacity for language.
This capacity is based on Universal Grammar (UG), which is a set of grammatical
principles that are common to all languages. In his generative approach, Chomsky
proposes that language learning is a creative process in which students use UG to
generate new sentences. This theorist places special importance on grammar, arguing
that it is fundamental for language learning. Students need to understand the structure of
the language i to express themselves in correct an understandable way. So, Chomsky
proposes teaching language through the naturalistic approach, which is based on the
idea that students learn a language best when they are exposed to it naturally. This way,
Chomsky's ideas have made significant contributions to the study of language and
language teaching. They have had a significant impact on the way language is taught
and learned today. Some of these contributions are :

• Greater emphasis on grammar : Today, the importance of grammar in language

learning is recognized with different didactic methods to teach grammar effectively.

• Use of more natural methods : such as exposure to language through songs,

stories, movies, etc.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

• Emphasis on creativity : Students are encouraged to be creative in their use of

language and to generate their own sentences, where vocabulary knowledge is
fundamental. Chomsky (1975) cited in (Guadaño, 1989)

Returning to these theories as references, It is concluded that is very important

organizing and planning the English teaching curriculum according to the students age
of the students, their previous knowledge, and their social environment with their
interrelationships to generate meaningful learning.

2.3.2. Theory of teaching and learning lexical competence.

Lexical competence refers to the ability to understand and use the vocabulary of a
language effectively. It is not just about knowing a certain number of words, but
understanding them in depth and being able to use them appropriately according to the
context. Consequently, vocabulary teaching is a complex and dynamic field of

That is how there are several theorists who have made important contributions to the
study of teaching and learning of English vocabulary. Among them are : Lewis (1993)
and (2012), who has developed the lexical theory where he proposes that vocabulary is
learned gradually and through exposure to language in different contexts. Nation (1990)
and (1982), has studied the lexical approach as the main objective in foreign language
teaching. Boers (2013), (2017), says that vocabulary learning is incidental, that is,
without the explicit intention of learning it. Beck (2013), (2017), explains that
vocabulary development is a complex process that involves different cognitive skills.
Coxhead (2008). (2014), poses the model of lexical frequency of word use, which is an
important factor in vocabulary learning.

2.3.3. Behavioral theory of Vocabulary learning by repetition.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

This theory explains that memory is strengthened through spaced repetition. That is how
the pedagogical strategy of using flashcards is framed in this theory, since flashcards
allow students to practice and review vocabulary regularly, which facilitates
memorization. Among the theorists who propose this type of vocabulary learning in a
language are Hull (1943), Skinner (1948), (1957), and Melton (1964).

2.3.4. Theory of visual learning vocabulary as reference framework to use


This theory complements learning by repetition. It explains that people learn better
when information is presented visually. It focusse on how people learn through images
and videos, because that, they can facilitate information processing and concept
understanding. The theory of visual learning has a solid research based and it is used in
a variety of educational contexts. They are the frame of reference for the use of
flashcards in the teaching and learning processes of the lexicon because flashcards use
images and colors to make learning more attractive and effective, either virtually or

Specifically, in the development of visual lexical competencies, some outstanding

theorists are cited here : Dale (1946), (1964), who developed the "Cone of Dale", a
graphic representation that shows information retention through different teaching
methods. The Cone of Dale places images and videos as the teaching methods with the
highest information retention. Gagné (1965), (1979), explains that learning is a process
of coding, storing, and retrieving information. Kolb (1984) (2014), who developed the
"Kolb Experiential Learning Model", which identifies four learning styles : active,
reflective, theoretical, and pragmatic. Visual learning is mainly associated with the
reflective learning style. Mayer (2001), (2005), has proposed an important research on
multimedia learning called "Multimedia Learning Theory", which says that learning is
more effective when words and images are combined. Clark (1977), (2006), American
educator, who has developed the "Learning by Design Theory". Where he proposes that
the design of learning materials should be based on the principles of visual learning.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

The different theorists have developed approaches and strategies for vocabulary
teaching, an choicing the most appropriate approach, dépends on the characteristics of
the students, the learning context, and the specific objectives of the teaching.


Didactic Activities : These are the different tasks or exercises that a person or group of
people carry out with the purpose of advancing the learning process.

Learning : Acquisition of knowledge of something through study, practice or

experience, especially of the knowledge necessary to learn an art or trade.

Cognitive Learning : Knowledge that is acquired throughout life, by means of study,

the senses, thoughts, personal experiences and the way in which information is
processed, involving mental and psychological processes.

Constructivist Learning : It is carried out from experience. It starts from the

characteristics of the subject and its capacity for adaptation, selection and sequencing
of contents both conceptual and of values, attitudes, skills and knowledge strategies.

Meaningful Learning : Ausubel argues that this learning depends on the connection of
new information with the cognitive structure.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

Communicative Competence : Communicative competence is a set of skills and

knowledge that speakers of a language possess, which allow them to communicate in
it, being able to use language in oral and written speechs, situations, events and.

Lexical Competence : Lexical competence is defined as the knowledge of the

vocabulary of a language and the ability to use it, and it is made up of lexical elements
and grammatical elements.

Linguistic Competence : It refers to the set of knowledge that allows understanding

and producing a potentially infinite number of grammatically correct sentences, with a
finite number of elements. In addition, certain approaches that are located in
functional grammar understand that the term should also include some knowledge
about the context of the situation in which it is produced.

Teaching : Knowledge, idea, experience, skills or set of them that a person learns from
another or from something.

Didactic Strategy : Plan of actions that a teacher executes to achieve learning.

Cognitive Structure : It is the set of concepts and ideas that the student possesses.

Vocabulary : It refers to the words that designate entities, concepts, qualities, actions
or circumstances. Lexical meaning is proper to nouns, qualifying adjectives, verbs and

Intervention Proposal : It is a planned strategy whose purpose is to improve teaching

and educational practice, based on the optimization of a specific situation.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

Vocabulary : It refers to the words that designate entities, concepts, qualities, actions
or circumstances. Lexical meaning is proper to nouns, qualifying adjectives, verbs and


The teaching and learning of languages is legally governed in Colombia by the Political
Constitution of Colombia, in article 67, which poses that "education is a right of the
person and a public service that has a social function" (Const., 1991). Likewise, Law 115
of 1994 (General Law of Education), in article 4, states the obligation that the State
must assume to provide quality education.

In this sense, article 5 emphasizes the purposes of education, among which numeral 9
refers to "the development of critical, reflective and analytical thinking that strengthen
national scientific and technological progress" (Ley 115, 1994, art. 5).

The Ministry of National Education, MEN, in its projection proposes to achieve the
literacy and improvement of students' communicative skills in English. The government
has directed different programs to promote the development of communicative skills
in English, such as the National Bilingualism Program (PNB) 2004-2019. Foreign
Language Strengthening Program (PFDCLE) 2010-2014 and the National English
Program (PNI) 2015-2025 "Colombia Very Well". In this line, Ley 1651 of 2013
(Bilingualism Law), in article 2, promotes communicative skills with the purpose that
the students expresses theirselves adequately in a second language.

Finally, the Ministry of National Education, MEN (2006), in guide 22, Basic Standards of
Competences in Foreign Languages, English, based the structure of these standards on
the scale of performance levels of the MCERL standards, explained in the problem
statement, in its educational system to define the skills and abilities that a student

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

must acquire in learning a second language. This framework specifies six levels of
domain, in which the students must progress according to their progress in Linguistic
Competence. In this regard, this competence "refers to the knowledge of the formal
resources of the language as system and the ability to use them in the formulation of
well-formed and meaningful messages" (MEN, 2006, p. 11).


Institución Educativa Antonio Lenis is located in Sincelejo, department of Cesar. En

general, la economía de Sincelejo y sus alrededores es diversa y dinámica. La ciudad
tiene un fuerte sector comercial, una importante industria ganadera y agrícola, un
creciente sector de servicios y una incipiente industria. Algunos de los principales
desafíos que enfrenta la economía de Sincelejo son: La informalidad: Un alto
porcentaje de la población trabaja en el sector informal, lo que limita el crecimiento
económico y la generación de ingresos. La pobreza: Un porcentaje significativo de la
población vive en la pobreza, lo que limita el consumo y la demanda interna. La falta
de infraestructura: La ciudad necesita mejorar su infraestructura vial, energética y de
telecomunicaciones para atraer nuevas inversiones y promover el desarrollo
económico. A pesar de estos desafíos, la economía de Sincelejo tiene un gran potencial
de crecimiento. La ciudad tiene una ubicación estratégica, una población joven y en
crecimiento, y una serie de recursos naturales y humanos que pueden ser
aprovechados para el desarrollo económico.

Institución Educativa Antonio Lenis It has three headquarters in the city, two bélong to
the primary school and the main headquarters belongs to the secondary school, at
Plaza Majagual. The main headquarter count with a platform for cultural activities, a
court for physical activities, a placé to make copies, two bathrooms (one for girls and
one for boys) large, a cafeteria to purchase snacks, teachers' room, room for the
administrative part, this is the rector of the institution, academic coordinator,
coordinator of discipline and secretary.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

The participants of this study are a group of 29 high school students, 13 girls and 16

From sixth grade. The majority of them come from middle/lower class families who
live in neighborhoods around the school.

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

3. Intervention proposal
3.1.Aims of the proposal

3.1.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

3.1.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos "Título 4" del menú de estilos "Título 4" del menú de estilos

3.2.Educational context and/or Target group

3.2.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

3.2.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos


3.3.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

3.3.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

3.4.Methodology of the proposal

3.4.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

3.4.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

3.5.Sessions and activities

3.5.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

3.5.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English


3.6.1. Learning assessment

3.6.2. Assessment of the proposal

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

4. Discussion
4.1.“Título 2” del menú de estilos

4.1.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

4.1.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos "Título 4" del menú de estilos "Título 4" del menú de estilos

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

5. Conclusions
5.1.“Título 2” del menú de estilos

5.1.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

5.1.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos "Título 4" del menú de estilos "Título 4" del menú de estilos

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

6. Limitations and further research

6.1.“Título 2” del menú de estilos

6.1.1. “Título 3” del menú de estilos

6.1.2. “Título 3” del menú de estilos "Título 4" del menú de estilos "Título 4" del menú de estilos

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Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

Anexos 1- Deberes básicos de aprendizaje. Inglés- grado sexto

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English

Michel Osorio
Teaching proposal using flash cards to strengthen meaningful learning of Lexical Competence in English


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